Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 182 Searching for the Natural Spirit Card

Chapter 182 Searching for the Natural Spirit Card
"That's fine. Since you don't want to stay here anymore, my brothers won't see you off. Next time you come again, remember to say hello. As long as I'm here, I'll make arrangements for you. One-stop, you know." As Shi Fang said that, he suddenly laughed.

"..." You are not doing well, are you?

After chatting a few words and saying goodbye to Shifang, after thinking about it, he sent messages to the three girls of Yan Zhiyun respectively. Wang Qi returned to the hotel and packed his luggage.

Since I was planning to go back all the way, I just thought about it on the way, so I simply bought another car and took a self-driving tour to wherever I wanted to go.

In this way, it is not only a tourist, but also a free treasure hunter. It is quite interesting to think about it.

It's a pity that the spirit card that can summon vehicles is basically monopolized by the spirit card association, and there is no one to buy on the trading platform, otherwise it would be much more convenient than ordinary cars.

Wait, that's not right. If I drive a summoned car in broad daylight, ordinary people will think that I am floating in the air in the eyes of ordinary people. I guess they will think they have seen a ghost.

Shaking his head and not thinking about these random things, Wang Qi checked out the room directly after packing up his things.

Yan Zhiyun replied that she and Shui Di were together, wishing Wang Qi a safe journey, and made an appointment to steal together next time, making Wang Qi dumbfounded.And Xiaoxia invited Wang Qi to visit her tea room next time, and exchanged appreciation of calligraphy and painting with her by the way.

After finding a place to buy a car, he spent a lot of money to buy a high-end off-road vehicle, and within an hour the license plate was completed, and he went to the supermarket to buy a large number of food and drink supplies. Wang Qi officially left the imperial capital.

The straight-line distance of Huishui'an, the imperial capital, is more than 2000 kilometers. If you take the ground route, it will be even farther.Moreover, Wang Qi didn't intend to go in a straight line. He directly planned a route that passed many large cities, crossed [-] or [-] famous scenic spots, and even passed the coastal areas, trying to make this trip more colorful.

Soon, after driving for about two hours, he finally left the city circle of the imperial capital. Wang Qi turned the steering wheel, got off the highway, and walked onto a small road.

The avatar has been wandering around the domain in the imperial capital, and the main body doesn't care about it. When needed, it just rides a flying dragon and rushes over.

Finding an empty roadside and stopping the car, Wang Qi summoned the "Miracle Compass".

The last time this item met Abai, a spirit world businessman, it played a big role, but he easily completed the conditions and obtained a powerful spirit card.

But don't forget, this spirit card has another effect, which Wang Qi has never tried to use.

"It can be used to find natural spirit cards, with no time limit."

Returning to the ordinary nature spirit card, no one knows what it is, it may be a stone, a handful of sand, a feather, or an old object.It may be floating in the sky, buried deep in the ground, or drifting with the currents.It may be anything around you, unless the spirit card master touches it with his hands, no one will know that it is a natural spirit card.

After Wang Qi took out the miracle compass, he said to himself, "Look for the nearest undiscovered natural spirit card."

Immediately, the pointer in the center of the compass spun wildly for a while, and then firmly pointed in a fixed direction.That was the side of the road. Wang Qi looked across the vast field, and there was a modern village that is very common nearby.

Of course, it's just that the direction is there, and you need to keep searching and approaching to determine the exact location of this natural spirit card.

After taking out a paper map and confirming his exact location by comparing it with the satellite map, Wang Qi drew a straight line on the paper. This straight line must contain the point where the target found by Miracle Compass is located.

After restarting the car, Wang Qi continued to drive the car along the road.

There is no need to go directly by riding a flying dragon. This kind of little bit of searching is also a kind of fun.

After driving for a while, Wang Qi glanced at the compass and drew a line on the map again.There is an intersection between this line and the one just now.

It's a very simple method, isn't it? Just like this, the location of the natural spirit card you're looking for is determined.

Of course, Wang Qi continued to drive the car forward, selected a few more points for confirmation, and finally determined the exact location.

After looking at it, the location of the intersection point is a place that is not marked on the map. It is not in the mountains, but on the plains.Switch to the satellite map with your mobile phone, and you can see that there are buildings there.

After studying the road, he turned the steering wheel and accelerated to the target location.

Fortunately, Wang Qi bought an off-road vehicle. When he gradually moved away from the city and arrived at a place with few people, the superiority of the off-road vehicle was fully revealed.

Stumbling along the country roads in the car, occasionally seeing one or two locals would only look at him curiously, and no one came to watch.

When the car finally reached the location on the map, an abandoned battlefield, Wang Qicai stopped the car and jumped off.

The quarry seems to have been abandoned for many years, the walls have collapsed a lot, and weeds are growing around the equipment.

In the empty field, there are only some broken walls and ruins where it can be seen that someone has stayed here.

Holding the miracle compass, Wang Qi walked casually, and quickly found his goal according to the pointer of the compass.

It was a very common rusty hammer, with a handle made of welded iron pipes, and a dual-purpose iron head on it, which had already been rusted and was thrown there casually.

Wang Qi used the compass to move left and right a few times, and after confirming that it was something like this, he lightly tapped it with his fingertips.

Then, a burst of light flashed, and the iron hammer directly turned into a spirit card, floating there quietly.

Pick up the spirit card, put it into the book of spirit cards, and click on its properties to view it.

"Rusty Iron Hammer +10: Special Card, Transcendence Level. It can only be used once, consumes 99% of your spiritual power, and summons a rusty hammer, which can ignore any restrictions and obstacles (including the level limit of the Spirit Card) , smash the selected target. After that, this card disappears."

Fuck, it's a little strong.Wang Qi was shocked immediately.

It is indeed a natural spirit card that absorbs all of it after forming a domain. Although absorbing all the spiritual power of the domain does not push his level to a higher level, it is all piled up on the enhancement level, directly reaching +10 full enhancement.

But none of this can conceal its powerful attribute light.Even if it can only be used once, it is a one-time consumable just like the "Colorful Heaven-replenishing Stone (fragment)" that Wang Qi had seen back then, but it has undoubtedly become Wang Qi's trump card, a book-killing card.

He never thought that his first harvest as a wilderness card master would be so powerful.

Putting away this spirit card carefully, Wang Qi turned around and walked towards his car in satisfaction.

As a result, unexpectedly, two guys who looked a little foolish were standing next to their car, looking into the car.The car door was just locked by Wang Qi, so they couldn't open it.

"Why, what are you looking for?"

Wang Qi stepped forward and looked at the two of them.

"Outsider. Your car is not bad." The slightly shorter one sized Wang Qi up and then patted his car.

"We just want to ask you, what are you looking for in this haunted sand factory?"

"I didn't find anything, so I just looked around and I'm about to leave. Please let me go." Wang Qi didn't bother to talk to these two bastards, his expression was cold.

"Don't worry, don't worry, is it good for everyone to earn? Did you find something valuable from here?"

The tall one leaned against the front of the car cooperatively, and had no intention of getting out of the way at all.As for the short one, he seemed to want to see if Wang Qi had found something inside, and looked Wang Qi's whole body up and down repeatedly.

Helplessly, Wang Qi got out of the car and didn't take anything, and they couldn't see the only Spirit Card Book floating beside them, so naturally they got nothing.

Oh, what a hassle.Wang Qi sighed.

After thinking about it, don't waste time with them, Wang Qi suddenly turned into a shadow, slapped twice on the necks of the two of them, and the two of them collapsed to the ground.

The Master of Data's ability allowed him to exert force precisely, ensuring that he would not cut off the necks of two people because of too much force, otherwise he would become a murderer.After all, this is an ordinary person, not a spirit card master who has a grudge against Wang Qi.

Seeing the two people limp on the ground, unconscious, Wang Qi didn't bother to care about them. The shadow snaketail wolf appeared, picked up the two people and threw them aside, then Wang Qi opened the car door, ready to get in the car and leave.

As a result, when he turned his head, he saw a little guy lying on his stomach in the grass next to him, looking at him with terrified eyes.

"Huh?" Wang Qi was a little curious, and instead of closing the car door in a hurry, he signaled the shadow snake-tailed wolf to come over and grab the little guy.

"No! You pregnant dog, don't come here!"

The child suddenly rolled and crawled in horror, backed away quickly, then turned around and ran out.

"Bad dog?"

Wang Qi looked at the shadow snaketail wolf, then at the back of the little guy, and suddenly understood.

This turned out to be a wild spirit card master that no one had discovered, and he didn't even know about!

And he should have appeared in the world announcement and was hit by the key, otherwise after the announcement, there would not be such a spirit card master.

After such a long time, there was not a domain here for him to come across. The hammer he harvested just now must have absorbed the domain before he became a spirit card master.

Ummmm, after thinking about it, Wang Qi decided that this matter should be taken care of.

No matter what, since I saw it, leaving him here, it is very likely that he will enter the realm that suddenly appeared in the future, and then die in vain.

Thinking of this, Wang Qi closed the car door, then exerted a little force with his feet, and shot out, immediately catching up with the little guy who ran not far away.

How could an ordinary person, still a child, compare to Wang Qi's speed.

Suddenly appearing in front of the little guy, Wang Qi pressed his figure, then grinned and asked kindly.

"Little friend, can you see this big dog?"

(End of this chapter)

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