Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 183 Shit, 2 Dogs, 3 Donkeys

Chapter 183 Shit, Two Dogs, Three Donkeys
"Ah!!! Bad guy! You are a bad guy!! You killed Brother Ergou and Brother Three Donkey! You are a villain!!"

The little guy was held down by his shoulders and couldn't move at all. His face was full of panic, and then his emotions collapsed. He started screaming, trying to scratch Wang Qi's face with his teeth and claws.

"Hey, they just fainted and woke up after a short sleep." Wang Qi grabbed his hands dissatisfied, and then said to him.

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it! You killed them all! You let the dog eat me! You are a bad person...!"

It is really difficult to deal with a child who is emotionally broken. Wang Qi deeply realized this today.

After thinking for a long time, there was no good solution, so Wang Qi had no choice but to hold his hands and let him cry and make a fuss for a while before he gradually calmed down.

"Don't cry? If you don't cry, just listen to me honestly. From now on, I will ask you and answer, or I will let this pregnant dog eat you!"

It's useless to coax, so it's natural to scare.

The shadow snake-tailed wolf bared its teeth quite cooperatively, and the little guy shivered as he looked over.He nodded quickly, trying not to cry anymore, but he was still twitching for the time being, and kept twitching there.

"You can see this big dog, can't you?"

Wang Qi asked with a cold face.

The little guy nodded.

"what's your name?"

"Shit... Shit."

Pfft, Wang Qi almost spit out the name.

Holding back his smile, Wang Qi continued to ask.

"how old are you!"

"Seven, six, six years old."

It turned out to be such a small child, no wonder it was so noisy.

"How many people are there?"

"I, I alone..."

"Where are your parents?"

"Dad died... Mom ran away..."

Looking into his eyes, Wang Qi suddenly felt a little sad.

Wiping the corners of his eyes with his hand, Wang Qi softened his tone.

"Those two guys over there, who are you?"

"Brother Two Dog and Brother Three Donkey... Take me to find something to eat... None of us want..."

When Wang Qi heard this, he was taken aback.Unexpectedly, the two guys on the ground looked like gangsters, but they were also considered good people.

At least, they also know that with such a small guy, they came out to find a stutter.

After thinking for a while, Wang Qi didn't ask any more questions, stood up, pulled the little guy called shit, and walked towards the two people beside the car.

The sand factory was originally built by the river, and there is water next to it.Under Shidan's curious eyes, Wang Qi summoned some Xuanming True Water, then took out a large ball of clear water from the river, and splashed it directly on the faces of the two of them.

"Puff...cough cough...cough."

The two of them quickly came to their senses, stood up, their eyes were dazed at first, then they looked around, at each other, then at Wang Qi and Shi Dan, and wanted to shout out together.

"Don't call!"

As soon as Wang Qi drank, the two of them immediately held back their mouths, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"I ask, you answer honestly. Otherwise, I will knock you out, understand?"

The two of them could only nod their heads, with helpless expressions on their faces.

It looks like gangsters, but in fact there is no one in the village to be bullied by them. The young people are all outside, and the rest of the old, weak, sick and disabled are at home. The two of them dare not bully anyone. Eating a mouthful of food is just sternness.

"Why aren't you looking for work?"

"I've looked for it, I can't do it well, no one wants it, so I'm back..." Ergou, who was shorter, replied, and Sanlu could only nod in agreement.

"Don't you know how to study hard?"

"There are always people bullying us. We are uneducated, and they all look down on us. So we ran back." Ergou continued.

"No one in the village cares about you?"

For a village so close to the imperial capital, Wang Qi couldn't believe that no one took care of them.

"It's taken care of, but after a while, no one cares about it."

Er Gou and San Donkey were a little frustrated.

"Okay, talk about the shit. What's up with him."

"After we came back, Shidan was alone at home and no one cared about it, and the neighbors didn't care about it, so we took him to find some food together."

"How long has it been like this?"

"More than a year."

Wang Qi felt a little sad again.

"Okay, everyone get up."

Wang Qi watched them stand up, then turned and walked towards his car.He has a lot of food in his car.

A pot was pulled out from the car, and three people moved three stones to set up a simple stove. They poured a ball of clean water into it in front of them, and then asked them to pick up some firewood and burn it. The three people squatted aside to watch. Then, Wang Qi took out a large bag of instant noodles from the car, and made a few boxes of luncheon meat.

As soon as the water boiled, he threw a few packs of noodles into it together, and cooked a bunch of miscellaneous things in it, and suddenly a tangy fragrance burst out, making the surrounding three people big and small, eyes He stared at the pot without blinking, swallowing his saliva there.

Soon, feeling that the noodles in the pot were almost cooked, Wang Qi picked up the pot and put it aside, then opened a bottle of sesame oil and dripped some into it.Now the taste of instant noodles is even more fragrant.

There were not many pots and bowls in the car, and they were not enough for three people. Wang Qi directly found three larger stones, summoned the Xingbo Sword, cut out three stone bowls, and picked up thick branches. I cut three pairs of chopsticks, washed them with a ball of water, and handed them to them.


The three of them took the bowls and chopsticks and looked at each other. Shit Dan couldn't help it at first, so he scooped it up with his chopsticks. Then Er Gou and San Donkey were not far behind, and they buried their heads together in front of the pot to grab the noodles.

Seeing how delicious their food was, Wang Qi shook his head and began to think about what to do.

The shit must be taken away, and the best way is to take it to the nearest conservation home around here.At least when he got there, with the protection of the Spirit Card Association, he could grow up healthy like a normal child.

But the second dog and the third donkey are not easy to solve.These two guys can't take them away by themselves, and they can't control them if they take them away, so they can only stay here.

It seems that there is only a sum of money left.

Thinking of this, Wang Qi looked at the three who were devouring.

"Shit, you are different from other people, do you know that?" Wang Qi asked.

Shidan, who was eating a piece of luncheon meat, looked up at Wang Qi.He still doesn't quite understand.

"You can see big dogs, but they can't. If you continue to stay here, you will be in danger. So, I will take you away, take you to a place where you will never be hungry again, and someone will take care of you. Would you like ?"

Wang Qi said patiently.


Shidan immediately looked at the big dog, and then at the two people next to him.

The second dog and the third donkey had noodles in their mouths, they didn't understand Wang Qi's words, what kind of big dog is that?

"Ergou and the others, I will arrange them properly. If you don't want to die, you must come with me."

This time they understood.If the shit doesn't follow this guy, he'll die.

"Did Shidan have some kind of disease?" Er Gou asked cautiously.

"You can also say that. If he stays here, he will die. It is his fate to live to this day." Wang Qi thought about it, and this explanation is fine.

"Shit," Er Gou put down the stone bowl in his hand, "you go with him."

Shidan was stunned for a moment, at a loss.

"Don't worry, as long as you follow me, he will be fine." Wang Qi felt that he was abducting children now.

Shidan looked at Wang Qi, then at Ergou and the two, finally lowered his head, and didn't say whether he agreed or disagreed, but just ate the noodles in mouthfuls.

Wang Qi sighed and said nothing more.

After the three of them finished eating, they cleaned up briefly, and Wang Qi asked them to wash up by the river, and then let them sit in the car and drove them back to the village.

When they came to Shidan's house, it was actually an old house that didn't fit in with the neighbor's house next door. Wang Qi and the others got out of the car and entered the yard.

"Shit, pack up the things you want to take away, and follow me." Wang Qi said to Shidan.

Shi Dan stared blankly at Ergou and Sanlu, he was a little at a loss.

"What are you doing in a daze? You can bring whatever you want. Otherwise, what will you do if you die." Er Gou said, and wanted to help him clean up, although there was really nothing to clean up in this room.

After much deliberation, Shidan finally moved.

He walked to the messy bed in the dark room, and slid right under it.

After groping inside for a while, he got out, holding a small bag in his hand.

Without asking what was in it, Wang Qi handed him a backpack, asked him to put this small package in, and then indicated that he could put something else in it.

The poop looked left and right, and picked up two dirty and old comic books, a wooden pencil that was not too long, and the only good rice bowl in his family, stuffed into the bag together. inside.

"Is it gone?" Wang Qi asked.

"It's gone. There's nothing valuable at home." Shit nodded.

After stroking his head, Wang Qi looked at Ergou.

"I'll give you two an arrangement now. I'll give you 10 yuan. You will live here, clean up the shit's house, and use the 10 yuan to do something. When the shit comes back when he grows up, you two must Take good care of his home. Otherwise, I won't let you go, understand?"

Wang Qi just showed the magic of manipulating the water mass in front of the two of them, which made the two of them very panicked, so they nodded desperately at this moment.

As for giving money, it's not that I don't want to give more, but that if I give too much, I'm afraid that these two people won't be able to keep it, and they might run away if they don't care. 10 yuan, for this kind of new countryside close to the city, is the amount to build a house or open a small shop.

With this 10 yuan as capital, as long as these two people are not particularly stupid and lazy, they can always make life better.

Moreover, Wang Qi only brought so much cash. He originally brought some spare cash, but he didn't expect to actually use it.

Seeing that the three people had made an agreement, Wang Qi handed over the money he had just prepared to the two of them directly, then pulled the little guy, turned around and got into the car.

"Shit, take another look, this is your home. When you grow up, come back by yourself."

With shit, Wang Qi checked the internal platform of the Lingka Association with his mobile phone, and directly found the protection home in another city closest to here.

It didn't take long to drive there, and we arrived at the place after more than three hours.

The protection home does not hang a very obvious sign. After Wang Qi found the place, he also directly contacted the staff inside before he was able to enter.

Wang Qi, who had already contacted on the way and briefly explained the purpose of coming, led the shit into here.

"Mr. Wang Qi, you are really a good person."

Several staff members gathered around, and one of the middle-aged women felt distressed and touched the child's head.

Shidan stared at the others shyly, and couldn't help but grab the corner of Wang Qi, the only one he was familiar with.

"Then I'll leave the shit to you." Wang Qi nodded, then turned to look at the shit.

"Shit, you will be here from now on, living with these uncles and aunts. They will protect you, remember?"

Shidan grabbed his backpack, looked at Wang Qi and nodded.

Patting the little guy on the head, Wang Qi stood up, ready to leave.

He also left a sum of money for Shidan here, which can be regarded as Shidan's growth funds.These people didn't try to keep Wang Qi, but they took the shit and prepared to leave.

Suddenly, Shidan broke free from the aunt's hand, turned around and ran over, hugging Wang Qi's leg.

"You are not a bad person, you are a good person!"

Wang Qi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, was this a little guy who gave him a good card?

He suddenly remembered something and looked at the woman.

"I didn't ask what his last name was. He didn't know it himself, and neither did others, so you guys should give him a name. Don't call him a shit."

"Okay. Since you brought it here, Mr. Wang, I think it's better to take your surname as Wang. As for the name... why don't you choose a homonym and call it Wang Shidan?"

"It's not bad. But it seems that Shidan's nickname will be with him for the rest of his life, haha." Wang Qi smiled, patted Shidan's head again, then turned and left.

Shidan hugged his bag, watched Wang Qi leave, and just disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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