Chapter 184
After dealing with this matter, Wang Qi stopped thinking about him, turned around and drove the car, and continued on his journey.

Those who pass by in one's own life, help them when they are able, and don't belittle themselves when they are not, it's fate in the first place.

The Miracle Compass once again located the location of the nearest natural spirit card. After Wang Qi replenished a batch of supplies in the city, he continued his happy life of treasure hunting.

After staying away from the city, the refresh rate of the domain really dropped like a cliff, which made Wang Qi feel the touch of life in the ordinary world for a long time. Of course, this has to ignore the avatar who has been staying in the Liceng domain of the imperial capital.

Occasionally passing by some places, a new area suddenly appears, Wang Qi will also check the situation, if no one is in charge, he will go in and check it out, and solve these areas in time.

However, the natural spirit cards obtained later are not very useful, so I won't list them all here.

One day, when Wang Qi came to a small town, he parked his car near a restaurant, and Wang Qi walked casually on the street.

Suddenly he found himself entering a small field again.

However, the scope of this domain is really small. It can be said that it is the smallest domain Wang Qi has seen since he became a Spirit Card Master. It is only as big as a house. If he summons the Diamond Dragon, it may not even be able to fully spread its wings.

The monsters in the field are also very weak, and there is nothing abnormal.

But Wang Qi had a whim, what if he didn't use this domain, watched it disappear by itself, and then waited for the natural spirit card to swallow the domain?
Thinking of this, he directly withdrew from the domain, and then let a few Void Butterflies look around, turned around and wandered elsewhere for the time being.

Some special snacks in this town are quite famous, so you can just take the opportunity to taste them.

After two hours, the time limit for the domain was up. Wang Qi patted his stomach and was satisfied with the food, so he returned to the domain.

The avatar was not around, so Wang Qi chose to return to the car, and then the main body directly exchanged with the avatar, allowing the avatar to come here.

With a thought, the two bodies separated by thousands of mountains and rivers automatically completed the exchange. The main body came to an ordinary street that the clone had just chosen to hide, and the clone had already arrived in the car.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, the avatar opened the car door, got out of the car, and then took out the miracle compass, and went to the place where the domain disappeared just now. Sure enough, it was very easy to find the item of the Natural Spirit Card that appeared this time.

But it seems that this thing is also a commonly used tool in this family, so the avatar had to say sorry, then quietly took it away, returned to the car, and returned with a new body.

After taking out this spirit card, Wang Qi asked Void Butterfly to bring some cash to the family's home, and then fell into thinking.

Since I can think of this method to obtain the Natural Spirit Card, then will there be many other people who use the same method to obtain the Natural Spirit Card?

Although the natural spirit card is not necessarily easy to use most of the time, or has some wonderful attributes.But occasionally a high-quality product appears, such as the "Brush of Misfortune" I got before, or the "Rusty Iron Hammer" I got just now, or the "Picture of the Four Monkeys in a Mixed World" that Zhang Yuxiang got before, all of which are very powerful spirit cards. , which makes this kind of operation very meaningful.

However, in such a small township, there were no Spirit Card Masters to operate in this way.Putting it in a city, the cleaning company will not always allow a field to exist out of thin air. Even if they don't care, there will still be a large number of wild spirit card masters who will take the opportunity to wipe it out.Instead of looking forward to the unknown low-probability natural spirit card, it is better to firmly hold ten fixed drops in your hands.

Thinking of this, Wang Qi felt relieved.There is no need for me to use this troublesome method. When encountering areas that occasionally appear, just brush them out.

Soon Wang Qi left this small town and headed towards a goal that he had positioned before and was far away.This is just an episode on the road, maybe it will be forgotten later.

The next target point is within a famous scenic spot, and the geographical location at this time has reached a second-tier city close to a coastal city.

Wang Qi drove on the expressway, and followed the satellite navigation all the way to this scenic spot.

As a result, I was driving when I found that the cars in front of me had stopped.

"It can't be so unlucky, is there another car accident?"

This is the case on the expressway. Occasionally, if there is a car accident, the road will be blocked and cause traffic jams, and no one can leave.

After gradually approaching, the car stopped for a while, Wang Qi saw that there were people getting off from the car in front of him, and he couldn't see the end in the distance, so he simply got out of the car to inquire about the news.

After getting out of the car, he walked two steps along the side of the road, and saw a man also get out of the car, greeted him casually, and they walked forward together.

"Dude, do you know what's going on? I didn't see the road conditions saying there was an accident."

That person asked Wang Qi.

"Yeah, I didn't see it either, or I wouldn't have taken this road."

Wang Qi nodded, and the two walked slowly forward together.

"I hope it won't be too long. I promised to go home for dinner on time today." The man looked at his watch with a helpless expression on his face.

The two continued to walk forward, and after passing some vehicles, they finally saw a group of people gathered together.

"It's over, everyone, don't wait, find a way to turn around." A person shouted there, "The people in front said that the bridge is broken, and the middle part of such a big bridge is gone. People from the army have come over. , is still under investigation."

"Can't you? What happened? I haven't heard anything!" The other person didn't quite believe it.

"It's strange because there is no movement. The middle part of such a large bridge, at least tens of thousands of tons of concrete, is gone. According to the people in front, the fractures are neat, just like a knife."

This person talked and gestured, obviously because he walked forward a lot just now, and he heard it from the people in front.

Immediately, the people around were discussing together. Some people guessed that it was a bean curd dregs project, but luckily the car didn’t drive up there; I don't know if it's because I watched too many movies, but I insisted that aliens attacked the earth, otherwise it would be impossible to have such a neat break.

Wang Qi listened for a long time, but felt that there was no useful information.He turned around and prepared to go back to the car before talking.But as he waved his hand lightly, several void butterflies flew straight up and flew forward.

Instead of listening to what others say, it is better to see for yourself what is going on.

The speed of the Void Butterflies was very fast. Before Wang Qi returned to the car, they had already arrived at the front, beside the broken bridge that the population mentioned.

Wang Qi frowned when he saw this scene through the Void Butterfly's vision.

This is a highway bridge across the river. Below it is a river that flows into the sea across the local area. The waves are rolling, the waters are wide, and the flow is very fast.

On both sides of the bridge, near the river bank, from top to bottom, it is indeed as the person said just now, the breaks are very neat, and Wang Qi is also used to swords and weapons, so it can be seen that the marks are indeed almost severed by sharp blades.But it's not entirely true, because Wang Qi is very sensitive to data with the ability to be a master of data. He can see a slight arc in this fracture, almost none, so it's hard to judge.

At the moment, at the places where the two ends were broken, there were many car owners parked very close, and soldiers who arrived by helicopter, lying there to check and research, and the scene was chaotic.

The strangest thing is that the broken part of the bridge did not fall into the river. If such a large bridge were to fall, it would definitely block the river.Now the river below is still flowing, and there is no trace of the bridge body at all.

What's even more weird is that under this kind of bridge, there should be a tall pier every tens of meters to support the weight of the bridge, and it also disappeared completely at this moment.

"What's going on here? Someone... stole the bridge body?"

After thinking for a long time, with Wang Qi's ability, it is naturally impossible to do this kind of thing.And he couldn't think of a reason for doing such a thing.

Even if it is the ability of "domain exchange", it must be exchanged, not directly taken away.Well, unless it is "exile from the spirit world", the bridge can be sent directly to the spirit world, which was the case in the small hotel in Nipa last time.

However, the scope of exile from the spirit world will not be so large, not to mention that the bridge itself is a whole. Although Wang Qi has never tried it, he probably knows it in his heart. The two-story building sent away is basically the limit.

In this way, it is really difficult to guess what kind of ability it is to make this bridge disappear out of thin air.

After thinking for a while, Wang Qi made a few void butterflies scatter to see if there were any clues nearby.

But after the Void Butterfly expanded its detection range, it didn't find any suspicious targets around.Seeing that the search was fruitless, Wang Qi could only give up, leaving one to watch the situation, and canceling the summoning of the rest.

Wang Qi can think of such a thing, and the local Spirit Card Association will definitely send people here quickly.Just leave things to professionals, and you don't need to worry too much.

Just as he thought, the nearest city, the Spirit Card Association of Jiangyong City, had already photographed three people.

Riding a flying dragon summoned creature that was very similar to Wang Qi's diamond flying dragon, the three of them arrived near the bridge and quickly handed over to the military personnel.

The military began to evacuate the onlookers and conduct traffic control.And the three Spirit Card Masters stood by the bridge's break and began to look at it.

"Any ideas?"

One of them asked beside him.

"It's the same as the tiankeng a few days ago. It was made by the same "person"."

"Report to the branch president, everyone must be vigilant."

(End of this chapter)

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