Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 194 Yue Jingxian Thank You Here

Chapter 194 Yue Jingxian Thank You Here

After thinking for a long time, Wang Qi couldn't help but want to experiment to see what the space in the gourd looks like.

So let the avatar directly consume 100 million spiritual power to activate this spirit card, and directly summon it here.

A gourd that was completely different from the previous Wenwan gourd before becoming a spirit card appeared in front of Wang Qi.

The whole gourd turned blue-black, and the mouth of the gourd was still plugged with the same belt, and a small Tai Chi picture was engraved on the gourd.

Unable to bear the idea of ​​experimenting, Wang Qi directly unplugged the gourd's mouth, then picked up the gourd, and silently thought about going in.

With a whoosh, the gourd fell on the bed, and then Wang Qi disappeared.

In the next moment, Wang Qi reappeared, panting heavily.

"Mistake, there is no air in it..."

After Wang Qi entered, what he saw instantly was a vast expanse of whiteness, as if there were clouds and mist everywhere, but he couldn't touch anything.

As the owner of the gourd, he can clearly sense how much range he can control.

With such a large space, it is like plasticine. He can round it at will, flatten it, pat it into a square, or make it into the shape of an Armstrong cyclotron jet Armstrong cannon.

However, the only thing is that there is nothing inside now, not even air.

So Wang Qi, who had difficulty breathing, just stayed for a while, and couldn't help but come back first.

"I have to get the air in first... But now I really think that there are no creatures that need to be put in except for myself. I don't worry about this. It can also be used to lock the enemy at a critical moment. If there is no air in it, let's see if he dies or not."

Thinking of this, Wang Qi was relieved a lot, and then happily started experimenting with the gourd for storing things.

The things in the hotel room suddenly became Wang Qi's experimental products. They were put into a bed for a while, a desk lamp for a while, and a cabinet for a while. It was a joy to play with.

"That's right, I can use this to bring a lot of supplies, and I can even bring a villa with me, so I can live wherever I go, wouldn't it be great?"

Combining experience from numerous novels and games, Wang Qi instantly came up with a lot of ways to use gourds.

After playing for a while, it was considered enough, Wang Qi finally put away the gourd temporarily with satisfaction.

Then he moved on to another matter.

That is the mysterious man in black who left in the morning, has arrived in the imperial capital, and finally joined his companions.

The other side had already changed into a body to follow, and at this moment Wang Qi directly shifted his attention to it.

What Wang Qi didn't expect at all was that there were some old acquaintances among the people gathered by this shadow—it was the few fools and weaklings whom Yan Zhiyun had bullied before to exchange newcomers.

However, because they are too weak, their status is obviously not high. At this moment, in front of a group of people gathered in their country's consulate, they are just a small edge standing against the bottom of the wall.

The few people sitting in the middle were listening to the guys on the opposite side talking about their achievements, including the guy who returned to the imperial capital from Jiangyong.

This guy has just finished his report and is currently listening to reports from several other people.

"...Leader, that's it. I didn't complete the task this time. The Zhao family is too strict. I can't enter that secret realm of theirs."

The person who is speaking has also finished speaking.

There were a total of eight people who reported. Wang Qi's avatar listened carefully and found that there were only three people who succeeded.

After listening to the reports of these people, the leader thought for a moment and began to speak.

"I didn't expect that the families of Huabang were so powerful. Twenty people were sent out, and only eight came back, and only three of them successfully obtained some unimportant information."

He looked around, and everyone was a little ashamed.

"It's not your fault. It's because I underestimated the situation here and collected insufficient information. I apologize to you."

The leader didn't blame anyone, but said a word of apology, which immediately surprised everyone.

"I don't think there may be much useful information in the materials we got back. It seems that we still have to make a deal with the Salvation Society. We really can't get the real half-spirit card master manufacturing technology on our own. "

The leader pondered for a while and began to make arrangements.

"I'm here to contact the person from the Salvation Society and try to complete the deal tonight. After that, all of you will retreat from Winbond, except for the ordinary staff of the consulate, leaving no one behind."

"Yes!" Everyone responded one after another.

After the leader finished speaking, he thought for a while and picked up a phone directly in person.

After clicking a few times, he dialed a phone number.Wang Qi's avatar walked to the side, and only saw the words "Salvation Society" on it, and there was no specific name.

After the bell rang a few times, the other side answered the phone.

At this moment, Wang Qi discovered a strange coincidence.

The one who had been monitoring Lin Zhongchen, the vice president of the Spirit Card Association, was sitting in his study reading a book at the moment.Suddenly, Void Butterfly saw that he stood up, walked to the desk, took out a mobile phone from a drawer, looked at it, and connected the call.

The time he picked up the phone was exactly the same as the time he dialed here.

"Mr. Seven of the Salvation Society, hello."


Wang Qi saw the vice president move his mouth, and finally confirmed.

You are the one.

Unexpectedly, one of the members of the Salvation Society, the guy named No. 7, turned out to be the vice president of the Winbond Association of the Spirit Card Association.

If this kind of information is revealed, Wang Qi believes that it will definitely cause an uproar.

It can be said that Void Butterfly has no way to record and record his evidence.But even so, Wang Qi was going to reveal him to the Spirit Card Association.

"Mr. No. 7, we have already thought it through. We are willing to buy that document."

"Very good. Then you agreed to our conditions?"

"Yes. We agreed to that condition."

"In this case, let's make an appointment to trade. I will prepare the contract."

"You guys have a saying, it's better to hit the sun than to choose the day. How about at 3 o'clock in the morning tonight, on the top of Hongye Mountain outside the city?"

"Coincidentally, I thought so too. See you at 3 o'clock."

When the leader heard this, he immediately hung up the phone.

"Boss, isn't that condition a bit difficult... We have lost so many good players, if we send someone to do this again, if we go against Huabang's Spirit Card Association, the loss will be huge!"

The person sitting next to him suddenly persuaded him about it.

"It's hard to do. It's just to cooperate with the Salvation Society to kill people. If you want to gain something, you have to give something. Our 'outside' is also a not weak killer organization, so there is no need to be so afraid."


"It's nothing to worry about. The Salvation Society said that they will be responsible for leading away all the masters, and there will be someone who will act as our internal support. If you dare not do this, what shame is there to say that we are killers!"

After scolding, the leader stood up and looked around again at the people around him.

"Do as I said, all the people below level 100 will go back to me. Contact the headquarters and send me some experts. By the way, call me Hughes too."

After speaking, he turned and left here.

Wang Qi was a little confused, but he still remembered a few key points in what they said.

"Outside" is the organization of this group of people, and it is inseparable from the country to which the consulate belongs.Moreover, this is a killer organization. I don’t know why now, but they need to transform the information of half-spirit card masters, but after they failed to steal from the laboratories of various families, they contacted the undercover vice president of the Salvation Society, and used a A killing operation that requires at least 30 people and a master named Hughes to participate in, in exchange for this information from him.

That's all the information for now.

Thinking of this, I left a few Void Butterflies, followed the leader and several important personnel respectively, mixed in with the people who left the room, and left here directly

As for the vice president of the association, Lin Zhongchen, after putting down the phone, he took out a file bag from another drawer of the desk.

"I hope you can keep your promise."

He looked at the file bag and said to himself.

Void Butterfly stared at the file bag, but couldn't see what was inside, so she could only hide there helplessly, staring at Lin Zhongchen closely.

After the clone came out of the consulate, it directly summoned the flying dragon and rushed to the Spirit Card Association.

Since you want to expose it, you should simply report it to the president.

He casually borrowed a pen and a notebook from a passing store, quickly wrote down all the information he got, and then rode a flying dragon to the headquarters of the Spirit Card Association.

It is also brightly lit at night, and it is still open to the public, but there are not so many staff.

Following the sect, Wang Qi's avatar found the president's office. Seeing no one around, he knocked lightly on the door.

After waiting for a while, there was no sound inside, and it seemed that he was not there.

Now Wang Qi is also a little bit blind.After thinking for a long time, he decided to go directly to the two masters in the secret realm.A house husband with a flying sword, and an ice and snow queen with unparalleled aura.

That day, I watched them kill the troublemaker through the Void Butterfly, and I also saw clearly which villa they came out of.

Soon, after arriving in Taixu Wonderland again, Wang Qi quickly found the villa, and saw that the lights were on inside, he was slightly relieved.

After Feilong fell sadly, he went to the window and saw that the house cook was sitting on the sofa watching a drama. Wang Qi folded the things he had just written, and knocked on the door.

"Who is it!"

The man named Yue Jingxian yelled, but didn't move.

Wang Qi increased his strength and knocked a few more times.

Yue Jingxian had no choice but to stand up muttering, keeping his eyes on the TV while walking towards the door.

After he opened the door, they saw a figure.All I saw was a folded piece of paper, floating down out of thin air.

Wang Qi's avatar threw down the paper and ran away. He didn't want to be caught by this master, so he couldn't tell, he might as well send the news and leave.

Yue Jingxian looked around suspiciously, thought for a while, and bent down to pick up the paper.

After opening it for a few glances, his expression gradually became serious, and then he looked at the sky in front of him again.

"No matter what kind of friend it is, Yue Jingxian is here to thank you!"

After speaking, he turned and walked towards the house.

 Regarding the fact that the protagonist found the natural spirit card in advance in the previous chapter, I think it is better to explain it specifically, because someone has already asked about it. The commonly used spirit card detection device is just a very low-level spirit card. The condition is that the search can only be started after defeating the boss, because that is also a mass-produced Spirit Card issued by the Spirit Card Association to various cleaning companies.And the Miracle Compass used by the protagonist is not only high-level, but also a special spirit card with a suffix at the end of the attribute. This is a setting I mentioned earlier, and no one may have noticed it... with the suffix Spirit cards are a kind of rarity that appear independently without level restrictions. The characteristic of this type of spirit card is that there is a suffix at the end of the attribute description, and the miracle compass means "——nothing can escape the Goddess of Miracle." The card itself is already very special, and it is not surprising that the natural spirit card can be found before the boss is settled.I have written quite a few similar spirit cards with suffixes. The protagonist has obtained many such spirit cards because of the aura blessed by the author. Higher-level spirit cards have a higher chance of appearing.

(End of this chapter)

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