Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 195 The Association Takes Action

Chapter 195 The Association Takes Action

Wang Qi is not a fool, let alone an idealist.

There is no motivation or need to do it alone. It is the best choice to entrust the right person to handle the matter.

It is the best contribution to provide some information and help at critical moments.

After handing over the information to Yue Jingxian, he watched him enter the room, and within 2 minutes, he and the Ice Queen came out together, and then they both turned into two streamers and flew away separately.

Yue Jingxian flew directly outside the fairyland, and the Ice Queen flew to other villas in the same fairyland.

Anyway, he couldn't keep up with their speed, so Wang Qi felt relieved when he saw that they had indeed started to move.You don't need to worry about the next thing.

The avatar left the Taixu Wonderland directly, not mentioning going to brush the domain.

"President, I just received a message from a mysterious person. Both Xiaoxue and I think the content is very real. Please take a look."

Yue Jingxian came out of Taixu Wonderland, Yujian's speed was super fast, and he suddenly arrived at the home of Wu Xingyuan, the president of the Huabang General Association of the Spirit Card Association.

When the old man opened the door and saw Yue Jingxian, his expression was very surprised.Yue Jingxian did not explain, and directly handed over the piece of paper written by Wang Qi.

While taking the note, he let Yue Jingxian into the room.

After reading it three or two times, Wu Xingyuan asked Yue Jingxian, "Have you confirmed the authenticity?"

"Xiaoxue went to the fortune teller to confirm, I think it should be true." Yue Jingxian replied.

"Well, it can't be completely fake, let's start to arrange it now. But you can't startle the snake." President Wu sighed, "Oh, it's a pity, Zhongchen, why did you believe in the evil of the Salvation Society?"

"Okay, then I'll make the arrangements." Yue Jingxian didn't say much, and said goodbye directly.

After President Wu opened the door to see him off, he thought for a long time, and finally put on his coat himself, then told his wife, turned around and went out.

He was still not at ease, and decided to arrange it himself.

After Yue Jingxian left, he was flying with his sword light while thinking, vice president Lin Zhongchen actually said that he was sure to hold down the master of the Spirit Card Association, what arrangement did he make?
For some reason, he suddenly remembered the man in black who broke into the Great Void Wonderland that day and was inexplicably sent to death.

"Not good! I was in a hurry to cook that day, maybe I was negligent!"

Thinking of this, the speed of Yue Jingxian's sword light became a little faster.

"Fortune teller, how is it? Is what is written on this paper true?" The Snow Queen asked a man dressed in a green shirt, with a goatee and dressed as a quack fortune teller.

Behind him unexpectedly appeared a phantom of Tai Chi, Eight Trigrams, Six Rens and Nine Palaces, which was slowly turning non-stop, setting off his inscrutability, and his temperament became more and more mysterious.

"Don't worry, I'm still counting, you can't be in a hurry." The fortune teller kept counting with one hand, and stroked his beard with the other, persuading the Snow Queen to stay calm.

"Cough, every time I see your unhurried appearance, I want to chill you, really." The Snow Queen was full of anger, but she couldn't disturb him, so she had to sit by herself and drank tea.

After waiting for a while, the fortune teller finally stopped, stroked his beard, and laughed.

"How is it?" The Snow Queen hastily put down her teacup.

"Everything written on this paper is true. I also deduced it by the way, and even deduced the pawns ambush by Zhongchen." He said proudly, while writing on the blank space on the paper. Three names were listed.

"This is indeed your real Honglu's name. By the way, did you figure out who sent the letter?"

"This is the strange point. The person who sent the letter seems to have colleagues to help him cover up the secret. I can only deduce that this person has no malice towards us, and even relies on us. From this, it may be inferred that he may be a member of the association."

"Forget it. As long as you have good intentions, you don't want to show your face if you don't want to. But you are really capable of hiding your body in front of Lao Yue."

The Ice Queen didn't care about this either. She picked up the paper and her face changed a few times. It was obvious that there were people she knew among the names on it.

Just when she was about to leave, Yue Jingxian's sword light had landed on the door and knocked on the door.

The three of them met at one place, Yue Jingxian conveyed President Wu's meaning, and then looked at the Snow Queen.

"Xiaoxue, I think of one thing. Do you remember the idiot who came in and was killed by you that day? When he was fighting, did you think he was a little too weak? Is it possible that he actually put himself Your body was hidden in this Great Void Wonderland, and it was to deliberately conceal people's eyes and ears, and at the same time determine your and my whereabouts?"

The Snow Queen recalled for a moment, then nodded, "It's really possible."

She turned to look at Honglu, "Fortune teller, you heard it too, do the math quickly, whether this guy has set up an ambush. Don't forget, he came here in the name of looking for you that day."

When Master Honglu heard this, he was a little frowning, but he still nodded.

After wasting a lot of effort, Honglu frowned.

"The guy you're talking about is really not dead. He's on the verge of starting a prairie fire. It's hard to tell where he is. If that woman's apprentice is here, it can help. I heard that her apprentice is the best at finding people." .”

"Clone!" Yue Jingxian and Bingxue looked at each other and said in unison.

After thinking for a while, Yue Jingxian looked at the two of them. "In this way, Xiaoxue, you and the fortune-teller stay in the fairyland. Xiaoxue, your ability is suitable to deal with him. To protect the fortune-teller, start acting now, find out this guy and pull him out. Try not to disturb Senior Ji and Senior Xia. The forest outside Leave Zhongchen to me, you don’t have to worry about it.”

"That's fine, pay attention to yourself. Don't forget, Lin Zhongchen can become the vice president, and his ability on the surface is not weaker than you and me, and he doesn't know what is hidden behind the scenes." The Snow Queen nodded. , "It's a pity that Dazui and the others are all outside and can't come back for the time being, otherwise they wouldn't be so tight."

"It is estimated that Lin Zhongchen tipped them off, seeing that we are currently lacking in experts, so we started to do things now. Fortunately, he didn't know that he was exposed, so we caught him by surprise."

After the three agreed, Yue Jingxian turned into Jianguang again and left directly, while Bingxue simply took Daoist Honglu together, looking for traces of that person in Taixu Wonderland.

After Yue Jingxian left the fairyland without looking back, he directly summoned several sword lights, which turned into streamers and disappeared from his hands.

These flying swords were automatically found in the hands of several people scattered in different corners of the huge city of the imperial capital at a speed invisible to ordinary people's eyes.

"It's Master's flying sword!"

Seeing the flying sword in front of him, a video voice of Yue Jingxian automatically played in his mind. Regardless of what they were doing, the young people immediately put down what they were doing, and quickly set off to gather at the headquarters. Come.

These five people are exactly Yue Jingxian's apprentices.

One of them was Wang Qi also knew, the leader of one of the association's action teams, a young man nicknamed the boss.

Using various means, several people finally arrived in front of Yue Jingxian within 10 minutes.

"There is a special task for five of you tonight. From now on, you are not allowed to contact anyone else. The boss is in a team and the others are in a team of two. Go and give me all the people on this list. Catch it back and imprison it in the fairyland cell!"

Yue Jingxian directly threw out the list he had just written, and threw it into the hands of the big apprentice standing in the middle.

It was just calculated by Master Honglu that Lin Zhongchen was ambushing some pawns inside the association.

"Don't ask why, start acting now!"

"Yes! Master!" Several people bowed to accept the order, and then the boss briefly divided them up, and the three groups quickly turned around and started to search for the traces of these people.

Wang Qi's Void Butterfly has always been in the headquarters of the Spirit Card Association, but after seeing this scene, Wang Qi is still very satisfied with Yue Jingxian and the others' quick action, and it is worth reminding himself.

Of course, Wang Qi was also very surprised that the boss turned out to be the apprentice of Yue Jingxian, a great master. No wonder he was so strong at such a young age.

Yue Jingxian was about to leave when he saw President Wu's figure suddenly appearing in front of him.It turned out that he also came to the association.

"Jingxian, what's the matter, have you made arrangements?" President Wu asked.

"It's being arranged. President, do you want to go out in person?"

"Hey, think about it, I pulled Zhongchen up with my own hand, and I also have the responsibility. I'll go with you and see what he has to say when the time comes."

President Wu shook his head with heartache, his face full of helplessness.

Finally, the time came to three o'clock in the morning.

Yue Jingxian's five apprentices had already arrested all those who should be arrested, and handed them over to the Ice Queen for personal custody.

Under the guidance of Honglu, the Ice Queen insisted on finding more than 1000 avatars that were exactly the same as the man covered in black flames that Wang Qi had seen before, all of which were found from various places in Taixu Wonderland.

This man is really capable of hiding. If it weren't for Honglu following, the Ice Queen really wouldn't dare to say that she could find all these clones.

Heiyan man hates it too. He used this method to sneak in without attracting attention. He had already arranged part of the means, but they were noticed by them.

However, he can have so many clones in this Great Void Wonderland, so naturally he will not leave clones outside, and he will not die anyway, it's just that losing so many clones at once will seriously hurt his vitality.

As for Yue Jingxian, President Wu Xingyuan, and a person he did not know where to find, the three of them stood quietly near the top of Hongye Mountain, waiting for Lin Zhongchen and the people from outside to arrive.

The whole body of this man was wrapped in gray cloth, even his face was covered tightly, only two eyes were exposed, and he was holding a solid knife in his hand. It is unknown where Yue Jingxian found it.

(End of this chapter)

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