Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 202 Farewell to Peach Blossom Island

Chapter 202 Farewell to Peach Blossom Island

Compared with the original effect, the property of increasing strength and agility has been improved, and what is added is that the damage is increased by 500%, which is equivalent to directly becoming six times the damage, which is not powerful.

The most important thing is that a new special effect has been added. As long as the seven-stroke sword style of a season is continuously used in sequence, the "Sword Intent of the Four Seasons of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter" can burst out once. This sword intention can continuously cause damage to the enemy. Seconds reduces the enemy's health or shield value by 20%, and after 5 seconds, it must destroy the enemy's current defense or harvest his life.

Even if the seven-stroke sword style doesn't kill the enemy, it doesn't matter, there are three more opportunities like this, which can completely wear down the enemy's four layers of defense.When you use all 28 sword moves at one time, a more powerful effect comes. The name is domineering, "spring, summer, autumn and winter, life and death, life cycle" sword intent, directly penetrates the enemy's two layers of defense, and once again The latter layer undergoes a 100% reduction.

That is to say, as long as you use 28 moves in sequence, even if the enemy has seven layers of defense, they can become streaking in front of you.

This far exceeds the effect of "Xia Ke Xing Tie" that causes 100% damage to talents ignoring a layer of defense.

As for the attribute of the last sword qi, the consumption has become lower, the random summon has become a free summon, and the few common sword qi attributes have also changed from a probability to a fixed one. This is a great enhancement, even Wang Qi's current The total amount of spiritual power can use this sword energy as a machine gun.

It can be said that "24 solar term swordsmanship · pole" is not inferior to any mythical spirit card attributes except for the fact that it is still at the legendary level.

Only when facing a mythical spirit card, maybe he would not erupt such a powerful effect, and would be weakened or directly exempted.But if you are facing a legendary spirit card and below, then it is really a god blocking and killing a god, a Buddha blocking and killing a Buddha.

After reading the attributes of this spirit card, Wang Qi's mind turned to these in an instant, and then quickly searched back, wanting to see if the peach branch turned into a spirit card.

But after searching for a long time, he didn't find it either. After thinking about it for a while, and tentatively searching, Wang Qi looked at the property page.

[Peach Blossom Branch in Peach Blossom Temple: Any weapon in your hand can be used as a sword to activate related abilities and effects.If it is a sword or a branch, the damage done is +100%]

Cowhide is another powerful attribute!This is equivalent to having an extra fixed spirit card ability, so don't make too much money!

Imagine that Wang Qi can use the 24 solar terms swordsmanship with a knife, or a gun, or even a brick, or a mop, and the enemy will be stunned.

Uh, is a mop a weapon?

After Wang Qi read these quickly, his heart was already surging, but on the surface he still had to hold back the smirk that was about to burst out.

Seeing Wang Qi like this, Deng Xiaolian probably understood that Wang Qi had gained a huge benefit.He didn't rush, and waited for Wang Qi to speak.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, I just checked the benefits I got, and I was a little excited for a while." Only then did Wang Qi react, and Deng Xiaolian waited beside him for a while.

"It's okay, many people are like this. When I came out of it, I just giggled all day long."

Deng Xiaolian didn't care at all, and patted Wang Qi.

"Come on, follow me to my house for dinner."

He casually closed the door of Taohuawu, then pulled Wang Qi and walked back.No one else came today, so it was up to him to go home early.

Wang Qi got this benefit, so naturally he wanted to thank him specially, so he followed him back to Deng's house respectfully rather than obediently.

It was already afternoon, and although it was still a while before dinner, Mr. Deng and his wife were already preparing dishes, all of which were made by themselves with local materials. The seafood feast looked very rich.

Deng Xiaolian sat in the living room with Wang Qi and drank tea. Wang Qi was a little uneasy seeing the two old men busy, so he signaled Wang Qi not to be so nervous.

"That's my parents' hobby, so let them do it."

The two of them sat in the living room and chatted nonchalantly, letting Wang Qi know about the history of the Deng family.

There are three sons in the Deng family. The old man loves ancient swords but has no chance to collect them, so he named six of them Hanguang, Chengying and Xiaolian.But the eldest son and the second son are now in the Jiangyong City Spirit Card Association, and come back once in a while, only the youngest son stays with them at home while maintaining the family business of Taohuawu.

Little Cherry is the eldest son's daughter. She came here to play during the holidays recently, and the second elder helped her with her.

However, regardless of the fact that the Deng family is small, it can become a well-known family in the country. It is because the Deng family can produce masters from generation to generation, and the family is very united, so there is always a spirit card key to pass on to future generations.

And don't look at these few people in the house now, there are actually several people in each generation of his family, just the generation of Grandpa Deng Xiaolian, it is said that there are two grandpas who are wandering outside, but they don't know where they went.

Wang Qi also briefly talked about his own experience, which made Deng Xiaolian very interested.When he was a child, he practiced late, and his two elder brothers rushed out of the house first. Except for the time when he went to school, he had to stay on the island in Taohuawu, and he didn't go out much.

If his second brother hadn't promised to replace him next year and let him go out for a while, he would have quit.

The two chatted, but they also had a good chat.

When it was time for dinner, the two old men came over and called them to the restaurant, and then their family of four and five of them, Wang Qi, sat at the dining table together.

"Old man, I'm too sorry for making you spend so much effort."

Wang Qi looked at the rich dishes on the table, he was really a little embarrassed.

"What's the matter here? It's all caught here. It's not worth the money. Seafood is easy to make. You're welcome, eat it!"

Little Cherry didn't show any face, so she moved her hands directly, grabbed a lobster and ate it directly.

This meal was really enjoyable, and Wang Qi also took out all the good wine he bought when he set off today from the gourd, so that the eyes of the old man and Deng Xiaolian were shining, and finally with the tacit consent of the old lady , The two of them drank a lot, and it was a good time for the host and guest.

After dinner, Wang Qi took the initiative to help clean up, and they didn't object. The old lady took Xiao Cherry to watch TV, and the old man and Deng Xiaolian sat with him on a balcony facing the sea and continued to chat.

"Old man, I really troubled you today, I'm really sorry."

"Hey, what's the matter. In the vast sea, we can meet together, isn't that fate. Besides, it's nothing to have a meal. Why don't you invite me to barbecue?"

Mr. Deng waved his hand, telling Wang Qi not to be so polite.

"It's not the same. And I did benefit from being in Taohuawu today. I haven't had time to thank you and Xiao Lian yet."

"That's your own destiny. We are just gatekeepers. To be honest, one person can only enter this Taohuawu once, and keeping it in our family's hands is just an inherited way of making money. The future generations will be cut off." Deng Xiaolian didn't care about this at all.

"That's true. If Taohuawu can be made more powerful, it will be great if your family can live in it." Wang Qi also felt very regretful.

"Don't. If that's the case, we won't be able to see this spirit card anymore. Maybe all the ghosts and goblins will come to snatch it. I'm not guilty, but I'm pregnant. It's just right now."

This family can take it easy.

The three of them took advantage of the moon and the sea breeze, talking about some anecdotes, and taking the opportunity to sneak a couple of drinks. It was really relaxing.

In the evening, Wang Qi didn't refuse their kindness, and stayed directly in the guest room.Early the next morning, he was ready to say goodbye and leave.

Mr. Deng went out to buy vegetables early in the morning, which is his biggest hobby every day.Little Cherry hadn't woken up yet, so when Wang Qi was about to leave, he only bid farewell to the old lady and Deng Xiaolian.

"Come and play next time when you have time! Our house is spacious enough, so come and stay if you have nothing to do." The old lady was very enthusiastic.

"No problem, I will definitely come next time, and I will bring my parents and the others to play together, so I have to disturb you!" Wang Qi agreed with a smile.

Deng Xiaolian sent him to the small port again, and Wang Qi's boat was still moored.

"Okay, don't give it away, I really trouble you." Wang Qi cupped his hands. "By the way, Brother Deng, I put something on the table in my room, remember to put it away when the time comes."

"Eh? What are you doing with these?" Deng Xiaolian waved his hands again and again, signaling not to do that, and then he was going to go back and get them for him.

"You're welcome, I really benefited too much yesterday, and you guys treated me to a good meal again, so let's take it as a joy." Wang Qi hurriedly pulled him back.

Jumping onto the boat and waving his hands, Wang Qi let the boat sail away from the small port with a thought.

He exchanged contact information with the old man and Deng Xiaolian, and he became good friends with this family.

Originally, he entered Taohuawu without paying, and with such hospitality, Wang Qi felt that he couldn't just leave empty-handed.People treat me with sincerity, and I will treat others with sincerity.So he specially left ten legendary spirit cards on the table. Ten legendary spirit cards may not mean anything to them and Wang Qi, but isn't that just a wish.

Seeing the small island behind him getting farther and farther away and gradually disappearing, Wang Qi lay on his back on the boat with the sea breeze blowing, feeling very comfortable and at ease.

"Tsk, this kid finally left Peach Blossom Island. He actually stayed there for one night."

The person holding the map had been spreading the map on a table, so as soon as Wang Qi left Peach Blossom Island, the little red dot representing him appeared.

"Okay, brothers, let's go."

The other lazily stood up from a deck chair.

They found a nearby farmhouse and stayed for one night casually. They also drank a lot last night, so they were a little listless.

Wang Qi's traveling route is very clear. From the map, it can be clearly seen that he returned the same way.So these people drove directly towards the uninhabited beach where he went into the sea yesterday, intending to intercept Wang Qi there.

(End of this chapter)

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