Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 203 Calling You, Do You Dare to Promise

Chapter 203 Calling You Do You Dare to Agree
Wang Qi was lying on the boat, looking at the blue sky, blowing the sea breeze, but he did not feel the slightest shaking of the boat, and the quietness made him drowsy.

The spiritual energy that runs automatically, in this environment, has a bonus.But Wang Qi doesn't care much about the level for the time being, and doesn't care about the exercises.

Anyway, it is already a mature technique, and it has learned to operate by itself, so there is no need for people to worry about it.

When he was so drowsy, what Wang Qi didn't realize was that a huge black shadow suddenly swam past in the vast sea below him.

The black shadow had already swam past Wang Qi's boat in the water, but it seemed to sense something suddenly, then turned back, maintained the same speed as the boat, and after turning around it a few times, it suddenly rushed from the bottom of the water. out.

A huge shark, more than ten times larger than the ones that can be seen normally, is almost as big as a whale in the eyes of ordinary people. It opened its bloody mouth, wanting to bite the king odd swallow.

Wang Qi was always followed by the Void Butterfly in the air. Although he was drowsy just now, when the huge shark jumped out of the water, Wang Qi was still shocked and jumped out.

When the person was in the air, Wang Qi had a thought, and he held the Xingbo sword in his hand, then flipped it over, and landed lightly on the nearby sea.

But the boat is gone.

The shark bit down with its bloody mouth, and the treasure ship didn't have any indestructible special attributes, so it was naturally bitten into pieces and disappeared without a trace.

"What the hell is this!"

Not to mention angry, Wang Qi was only a little surprised.

In broad daylight, I really didn't expect to meet such a giant shark in this vast sea.From this look, you can tell that he is not ordinary.

Sure enough, when the giant shark saw Wang Qi avoiding it, and saw the long sword that suddenly appeared in his hand, its eyes suddenly showed fierceness, and the sharp teeth in its mouth and the dorsal fin on its back suddenly burned with blue flames, I don't know what ability it is.

"Oh, it turned out to be a spirit beast."

Seeing this, Wang Qi knew its origin.

The number of creatures in the sea is also innumerable compared to that on the land.It is perfectly normal for a creature in the sea to obtain the spirit card key and become a spirit beast.

Although this giant shark didn't know why it appeared here, or why it suddenly attacked Wang Qi, but since it had already attacked, Wang Qi would not let it go.

"Human! Give me the sword in your hand!"

Originally, this giant shark just suddenly saw a human spirit card master on the surface of the sea, and wanted to fight the tooth sacrifice.Sharks are not gentle creatures, and the relationship with human card masters is even worse. He has been cruising in this area for a long time, often attacking ordinary people and lonely card masters. He wanted to get rid of him, but this shark was really slippery, and he ran away when he saw something wrong.

Just now he was used to speaking out, and wanted to swallow Wang Qi without paying attention, but he didn't succeed.It turned out that Wang Qi took out a treasure that he cared about very much in his hand, so he immediately spoke out.

But today, he didn't know that he was unlucky to meet Wang Qi.

Seeing that it was interested in the long sword in his hand, Wang Qi quickly crossed the attributes of the Xingbo sword in his mind, and then he understood it.

This shark must know what these "Ten Spirits of the East China Sea" are.

"You actually recognize the sword in my hand? It's interesting, since you know my identity, you still dare to make a move?"

Wang Qi cheated it casually.

"Hmph, the status of the Ten Spirits of the East China Sea is something that a mere human like you can bear! This is a title that only creatures in the sea can have. You must have been tricked and abducted by some unlucky ghost! Why don't you hurry up?" Give it to me!"

The giant shark was very disdainful and retorted.

"I see."

It seems that the identity of the ten spirits of the East China Sea is really incredible in the sea.

But it's not right, this sword was still obtained from the hand of the little goldfish, and it could have belonged to the head of the big fish.That big fish head is a monster in the domain, or a creature in the spirit world, it can't be, this monster also lives in this vast sea?
From this point of view, the world in the sea may have some close relationship with the spirit world.

However, it is estimated that there is nothing to be learned from this shark's mouth.Forget it, there is no rush to explore the secrets in the sea right now.It's better to take it down first and try to figure it out later.

Wang Qi summoned his army of summoned beasts, and the dragonfly team led the way. Taking advantage of the giant shark's inattention, they pounced on it. Five red lotus fires bloomed, immediately burning the giant shark with a smell of barbecue.

The giant shark was attacked and suffered from pain, and suddenly became fierce. The water flow beside it changed into a group of transparent water sharks that were much smaller than it, and then rushed towards Wang Qi overwhelmingly.

But Wang Qi is naturally not a vegetarian, he switched to his avatar instantly, disappeared in front of the giant shark, and avoided the attack.Then the avatar used a new set of 24 solar term swordsmanship on the sea to the air, and went directly to the last stance, leaving the most powerful sword qi to the shark.

The huge "life and death withering, life reincarnation" sword intent transformed into a sharp sword erupted from the giant shark's body inexplicably, knocking it into a state of confusion in an instant.

The Dragonfly Death Squad cut its HP just now, although its spirit card ability allowed it to quickly recover in the water, but this sword made up for it, and its HP fell into a trough again.

Wang Qi wasn't going to kill it. He just thought that it would be better to capture this shark and put it in the Qiankun gourd, and interrogate what happened to the ten spirits of the East China Sea later.

Therefore, the avatar commanded the two diamond flying dragons, one light and one dark, and jointly used the skill of diamond imprisonment.

No matter how powerful the giant shark is, he has already fallen into a weak state. When these two moves with the same effect are used together, he is still firmly restrained in place.

Seeing the opportunity, Wang Qi switched to the main body, and then held the Qiankun Gourd in his hand.

"I'll call you, do you dare to promise!"

just kidding.It's not that family, it's not that strong, it's just Wang Qi's bad taste.

The Qiankun Gourd can only receive things if the other party has no resistance, so Wang Qicai used all his strength to beat the other party to a near-death state in an instant, which is much more troublesome than the gourd from his own family.

"Whoosh!" With a sound, the giant shark, together with the sea water near its body, was directly taken in by the gourd.

Inside the gourd, Wang Qi made a space the size of a swimming pool, which was separated from the place where he put his things, so that the two sides would not interfere with each other.

After pouring a lot of sea water and air into it, to ensure that this guy will not die for a while, Wang Qi patted the gourd with satisfaction, and then hung it on his waist again.

The giant shark got into the gourd and was dumbfounded, but even though it tossed the water inside, it couldn't break through the water polo provided for him. The surrounding was completely white and he couldn't see anything. It could only roar powerlessly inside.

The treasure ship was bitten into pieces by the shark just now, there was no way, Wang Qi simply stopped swaying so slowly, and simply rode on the diamond flying dragon, soaring directly into the sky.

Then, the few people waiting for him on the shore were dumbfounded.

The flying dragon is much faster than the treasure ship.Xiao Dianer, who had seen Wang Qi, suddenly stopped in the middle of the sea, and these people were still worried that he would change his course, but they suddenly saw that this guy's speed increased a lot, approaching the coastline on the map at a speed visible to the naked eye.

One of them kept staring at the sea, blinked his eyes, and saw a small dot appearing in the distance.Blinking again, I found that it was a black spot high in the sky.He thought it might be an airplane, but when he took a closer look, it was the flying dragon that the four of them coveted!

But the speed of the flying dragon was too fast, and it flew high, passing over their heads with a swish.


This guy didn't even finish his sentence when he saw that the flying dragon had disappeared.

That's right, Wang Qi was planning to ride the flying dragon directly through the city from a high altitude, find a suburb and then land, and then drive on the road instead.He didn't bother to continue driving on the road by the sea.

He and the man looking at the map glanced at each other and were speechless for a moment.

"Yeah, wait a day for nothing, let's go back."

The four of them looked at each other a few times, and had no choice but to go back home.

The person holding the map was a bit reconciled, but seeing that the dot representing Wang Qi was already in the city center at this moment, he had no choice but to take the map back and not miss it anymore.

Wang Qi also didn't know that there was such a disturbance from the giant shark that he avoided an interception.Of course, it's hard to say whether it's Wang Qi's luck or these four guys' luck.

After passing through the bustling area of ​​the city, he found a deserted place and quickly landed. Wang Qi released his car and continued driving on the road.

Of course, he drove to the nearest large supermarket first, and added a lot of supplies to his belt.Especially alcohol and meat, he found that these things might be really useful sometimes.

After leaving Jiangyong City, Wang Qi's next goal was a secret realm that was also open all year round and could be entered by paying a fee, the Gods and Demons Grotto.

This secret realm is in the hands of a sect cultivating in the mountains, but they do not hide from the world, and often communicate with people from the mountain. They are regarded as friendly cooperative units of the Spirit Card Association. The two sides often communicate with each other. To a certain extent, they are affiliated with the Spirit Card Association. The banner also said the past.

The Gods and Demons Grotto is different from the three secret realms that Wang Qi has heard and seen so far, and it is not a chance-like spirit card secret realm.

This grotto is also a mythical architectural spirit card. It is recorded in the data that it first appeared nearly 5000 years ago. After this kind of chance, it was in the hands of this sect, and it has been passed down all the way without being cut off by any spirit card master.

The biggest feature of the Shenmo Grotto is that it will rely on the mountain wall to form a cave, and enter a cave world similar to Taixu Wonderland.There are always countless gods and demons fighting non-stop inside, and everyone can choose one of them to join when entering for the first time, and then fight side by side with them.

Whenever a battle is won, as long as you participate in the battle and kill the enemy spirit card master, you will be rewarded. The reward is to increase the level, or some very sophisticated weapons and armors that cannot be turned into spirit cards, and the most basic way to leave. Battlefield rights.

Any spirit card master can only enter one of them once a year, counting from the time he comes out, and can only enter again after another year.

This sect controls this secret realm, similar to the idea of ​​Taohua Deng's family, and also wants to use it to earn some incense money.Moreover, this spirit card is in their hands, and people have known it hundreds of years ago. If it is not opened, people will always come to harass it.

Although the rewards are not particularly good, some spirit card masters who don't like to practice blindly will come here once a year. After paying for the tickets, they will go in and fight a battle, that is, they will hone their fighting skills. You can also get a level upgrade.Even if the promotion is not much, it is acceptable, not to mention the higher the level, the more difficult it is to upgrade, this is a good choice.

But of course the Spirit Card Association also has loving reminders for this secret realm, people below level 100 should not enter.

Wang Qi happened to meet the conditions, so he re-planned his route and turned to drive here.

 Ah, I forgot to thank you yesterday, thank you for the flying paper rewards, and the rewards from the high-speed bosses on the retrograde!thank you all!Thank you all for your encouragement!Maybe I really didn't control the plug-in for the protagonist and the context of the story. I wrote it a bit as I wanted, but I will stick to it!
(End of this chapter)

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