Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 204 Shangxiang or the copy

Chapter 204 Shangxiang or the copy

imperial capital.

Wang Qi's avatar has almost finished the matter here, but the avatar has no good goals for the time being, so it stays here and continues to clear the field.

After all, there are many spirit card masters in the imperial capital, and there are many domains generated every 4 hours. The avatar can grab a lot of spirit card domains, which is much more convenient than other places.

Leaving aside the avatar for now, the scene turned to a person he knew.

This person is Yan Zhiyun.

After Wang Qi bid farewell to her, the chick played with Shui Di for a few more days, and felt that her playfulness was greatly reduced, and she was ready to leave here.

There are many masters in the imperial capital, Yan Zhiyun doesn't dare to play tricks here, it will be bad if he is caught.

When she was about to leave, she suddenly received a call. The person on the phone was her master.

"Hello? What's the matter with you, old guy? I'm busy. Tell me quickly. I'll hang up if I have nothing to do."

Yan Zhiyun showed no mercy to the person on the other end of the phone.

"What old guy, I am a young man from Yushu Linfeng, but because you accepted you as a traitor, you called me an old guy, I am unlucky!"

The voice was desperate, and it really was the voice of a young man.

"Oh, okay, okay, tell me quickly, what's the matter."

Yan Zhiyun looked impatient.

"A few days ago, did you have a good time in Nipa? Don't tell me, my master, share some benefits?"

"What! I didn't steal anything! Go read the news yourself, a group of bright robbers are faster than me, and I didn't have time to make a move."

Yan Zhiyun quickly denied it.

"All right, just pretend you didn't steal it. Anyway, if it's good, don't forget about me, your master. At worst, you can come to me to sell the stolen goods."

"That's all? I'll hang up if there's nothing else."

"Don't hang up, don't hang up, I'm talking about business. You help me run some errands and go to Shangning City to pick up someone."

"Picking up people? Why would you arrange this kind of work for me? Could it be your illegitimate child?"

Yan Zhiyun was a little curious.

"Bullshit! I've taken a fancy to a good seedling, and I'm going to receive it under my sect, and I'll be your junior!"

An exasperated voice came from over there.

"Tsk, it turned out to be Junior Brother. Have you changed your liking for men now? It's so scary!"

"I like your size! Hurry up and go! The Spirit Card Association in Shangning City is called Lu Jingye! Report my name when you get there!"

Probably couldn't bear it anymore, there were a few growls from over there, and then hung up the phone.

"Just go, it's so loud." Yan Zhiyun muttered a few words and hung up the phone.

The master arranged things, and the apprentice had to do it, so she had to bid farewell to Shuidi that afternoon, and ran all the way to Shangning City, and then met this prospective junior named Lu Jingye in the Lingka Association.

Since Lu Jingye was arrested at the meeting of the Squirrel Club with his cousin last time, his cousin was taken away alone, and his life and death are unknown. Because he was an accomplice, after someone interrogated him, he was arranged for a labor reform job. .

At this time, when Yan Zhiyun saw him, this guy was mopping the floor vigorously.

Yan Zhiyun looked at the guy in front of him who was dressed as a cleaner and had a small shaved head, and he didn't think that he could be his junior.

"This is Lu Jingye. He has performed well recently. The superior said to give your master some face, and you can take him away. But remember, don't make trouble in the country next time, otherwise he can be regarded as a person with a dark history. If you come in again, you will be severely punished." A staff member stood by, he just brought Yan Zhiyun here, and now he gave him a brief introduction of the situation.

"Okay, then go ahead, I'll tell him myself." Yan Zhiyun nodded, and then looked at Lu Jingye who didn't look too smart.

"Okay, stop mopping the floor, go and put your things away, tidy up and follow me." Seeing that this guy was still mopping vigorously, Yan Zhiyun was a little speechless, and when the two of them talked just now, he didn't even think about it. did not hear it.

"Ah? Who are you?" Lu Jingye was a little puzzled.

"Didn't anyone tell you? You have been spotted by my master. Now go with me to see the master. If he nods, you will be my junior brother."

Just like that, Lu Jingye followed Yan Zhiyun away in a daze.

Wang Qi didn't know that the two people who were slightly related to him were connected in such a wonderful way, it was really fate.

Back to Wang Qi's side, after he planned the big route, he continued to use the miracle compass to open the way, while looking for wild natural spirit cards, while driving to the mountain top of the God and Demon Grotto.

Although this change of route made him run in the opposite direction from the way home now, there is nothing to worry about anyway. Zhang Yuxiang himself can't be in a hurry. The fate has not come, and he can't get a new spirit card related to the spirit world. According to what Master Muying said, as long as you keep going, you will naturally achieve your goal, so that's not the case now, just go wherever you think of.

Finally, after driving for three days without stopping, Wang Qi got a few unremarkable natural spirit cards on the road again, and Wang Qi arrived at the foot of the mountain where the Gods and Demons Grotto is located.

As I didn't say before, the sect that controls the Gods and Demons Grotto is a branch of Taoism. It occupied this mountain very early. It was named after the mountain.

The Patriarch of the Qinshan Sect was also a Spirit Card Master, and he was also a master in his era. He blessed the peace of thousands of miles below the mountain, so if any of the nearby residents had a Dao Seed, that is, a Spirit Card Master, they would all be brought up the mountain by him. to teach.In modern times, because of the emergence of the Spirit Card Association, a large number of Spirit Card Masters who are unwilling to fight have entered the Protection Institute, and some who like to fight are also free to choose, either wandering around, or joining the Spirit Card Association or cleaning companies, only a few Some of them are willing to go up the mountain to follow the Qinshan School to practice and learn Taoism.

But to say that the Qinshan faction is not strong, that's not true.After all, it has been handed down from ancient times, even a family can have some accumulation, not to mention this kind of sect that was doing the same thing as cleaning up the company in ancient times, so as long as it is a spiritual card master practicing in the Qinshan sect, it can be inherited by the sect. , They are all very capable.

This is also the reason why the Lingka Association formed a friendly cooperation unit with them.

In the world of ordinary people, Qinshan Mountain is not a famous mountain or scenic spot, but it also has a quiet environment, so it is named as a 3A scenic spot.However, because the road up the mountain needs to be broken all the way, it is not very easy to walk, so not many people go to the mountain to travel, only residents of nearby towns occasionally go up, and go to the Taoist temple to burn incense and pray for blessings.

Most of the people who really came here were spirit card masters.

After Wang Qi stopped the car in a place where no one was around, he put it away with a gourd, and then began to walk up the mountain leisurely.

Walking on the mountain road paved with stone slabs, the weather is a bit cloudy today, but there is no sign of rain, which is not bad.The woods are very quiet, a small stream coming down from the mountain is not strong, and the sound of rushing sounds very comfortable.

The card master's physical fitness is not something to brag about. When Wang Qi was in school, he would have to rest two or three times in the middle of climbing this kind of mountain, and the speed would not be too fast.But now, Wang Qi has endless energy all over his body, and he didn't stop at all. It took less than half an hour to arrive at the highest point of Qinshan Mountain, where the Taoist temple of Qinshan School is located.

I didn't meet anyone along the way, but after arriving here, Wang Qi saw a little Taoist boy dozing off with a broom at the door.

Although the little boy dozed off here, he was not defenseless.Beside him, Wang Qi could see a big tortoise lying on its stomach, sticking out its small head, staring at Wang Qi with eyes as big as mung beans.

It turned out that Xiao Daotong was also a Spirit Card Master, and he should have summoned this turtle.

After thinking for a while, Wang Qi stepped forward and spoke.

"Little guy, wake up, wake up quickly."

The tortoise stared at Wang Qi covetously. Naturally, Wang Qi would not stretch out his hand, but just called softly, and finally woke up the little guy after a long time.

Yawning and rubbing his eyes, Xiao Daotong looked at Wang Qi in front of him.

"Which one are you? Is it Shangxiang or the dungeon? There is a place to invite incense in Shangxiang, go in by yourself. In the lower dungeon, enter the courtyard, turn right and go out from the small gate. Walk 300 meters along the mountain road, and someone is watching over there."

Before Wang Qi could ask anything, the little guy finished the introduction straight away.

copy?Yes, this Taoist priest is also very fashionable, keeping up with the trend and using new words.

"Okay, I'm here to download the dungeon, then you can go on sleeping, I'll go in by myself." Wang Qi didn't talk nonsense, he took out a pack of snacks from the gourd and stuffed it into his hand, and then went straight into the mountain gate.

"Hey, this guy is pretty good. Little turtle, don't you think so?" The little guy took the snack, saw that no one was paying attention, and happily tore open the package, and started to eat.

Following the path he pointed out, Wang Qi walked more than 300 meters on a winding mountain road after leaving the small gate, and came to the entrance of a cave.

It has been opened up as a dojo for cultivation, and it is decorated with some stone carvings. Next to it, an instructor is sitting cross-legged on a stone bench, meditating with his eyes closed.

This Taoist leader should have much sharper ears than the little guy just now, and Wang Qi opened his glasses before he got close.

"A copy? Scan the QR code here."

Yes, the QR codes are all up, advanced enough.

Without even opening his mouth, Wang Qi took out his mobile phone and scanned the QR code to pay.Looking at the price, it's not expensive. It only costs [-] yuan to go in once. For a Spirit Card Master, it's a waste of time.

After paying the money, the Taoist pointed to the inside of the cave and signaled Wang Qi to go in by himself.Wang Qi nodded his thanks, then turned and entered the cave.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is not a deep cave. The five elements and eight trigrams are engraved on the ground, and some pictures are depicted on the stone wall next to it. It can be used to take a few photos and use it as a conversation piece when you go back.

But in the eyes of the Spirit Card Master, at the end of this cave is a slowly rotating, non-stop huge portal. The inside of the gate is chaotic, with only five colors of light shining through, and nothing can be seen.

Since he already knew that it was a battlefield, Wang Qi naturally summoned all his equipment.

This time, he put the greatly improved "24 solar term swordsmanship · pole" in the "body" slot, ready to use this set of swordsmanship to kill all directions.

Holding the "Steam Breaking Wind Sword" in his hand, Wang Qi stepped into the portal and started to "download the instance".

 I wish female readers (if any) a happy March [-]!
(End of this chapter)

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