Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 205 Huge Battlefield

Chapter 205 Huge Battlefield

As expected of a battlefield.

As soon as he stepped inside, Wang Qi heard boundless shouts, explosions and the collision of various weapons.

Before he could react, he observed the surrounding situation carefully, and felt that he was covered by a black shadow.

When he looked up, he saw a huge monster with a pig's head and a human body, holding two gourd hammers in its hands, and it was smashing down on his head.

"Tsk, it seems that there is no need to choose a camp."

Wang Qi didn't show any weakness, he turned around deftly, and got around to the side of the pig-headed man. He swung his long sword back, and directly used the first stance of the [-] solar term swordsmanship, Lichun.

The blood of the pig-headed man was quite thick, Wang Qi moved quickly, spinning around it non-stop, while using the following sword moves one after another, all the seven spring swords were used up in the blink of an eye, and a "Sword Intent of the Four Seasons of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter" directly It broke out on the pig man.

The pig-headed man let out a scream, and then fell down on his back, dead beyond death.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wang Qi also saw the situation on the field clearly.

Although it was a chaotic battle, the two warring parties could still be easily identified by their appearance.One side is a giant with a height of several meters, dressed in five-color battle armor, with long knives and shields in his hands, or long spears. Occasionally, there is a special weapon, which must be more prominent than the others, presumably the leader among them .

The other side is more messy, but the characteristics are also unified, that is, all kinds of animal heads, and the figures are also extremely tall. Apart from the pig head that was killed just now, there are other dog heads, wolf heads, tiger heads, monkey heads, bird heads, etc. Turtle, that, etc., you can find everything you can think of here if you search carefully, which is an eye-opener.

Not only are their heads more complicated, but their weapons and fighting methods are also more complicated. Eighteen classes of weapons all appear, and occasionally there are changed beast gods that open their mouths and bite.

The two warring parties are fighting very fiercely, and they don't know when it will start, let alone when it will end.When Wang Qi picked it up, he saw that the battlefield was boundless. From the ground to the sky, he didn't know how vast it was. He was in the center of the battle, but he knew it clearly.

Killing the pig-headed monster with a shot, it was automatically assigned a camp. Before Wang Qi could rest for a while, a new enemy rushed up, and Wang Qi had no choice but to raise his sword to meet him.

However, when he saw the fallen pig-headed man and some other dead sides, the corpses were not as disappearing as they were in the Spirit Card Domain. Several monster corpses were taken in.

It just so happened that the shark that was taken in from the sea had also been hungry for a few days, so I gave it some food.

"Thank goodness! You do remember me!"

The giant shark, which has been soaking in the water in the Qiankun gourd, is already so hungry that it wants to cry, and it can't be fierce no matter what.He tried all kinds of methods, but he couldn't break the space barrier around him. He could only be kept in a pool where he couldn't even turn his body. Can't stop.

It's just that its cultivation method just happens to need to eat constantly, especially creatures with spiritual power, so he likes to sneak up on the lonely spirit card masters.This time it fell into Wang Qi's hands, and he really lost his temper.

At this moment, I saw a fat pig with a strange appearance thrown down. Although it was dead, but the body fat could make it smell the spiritual power from it, it burst into tears of joy, and swallowed while shedding shark's tears, I was afraid that Wang Qi would change his mind in the next second and make this fat pig disappear.

Regardless of what the giant shark in the gourd thinks, Wang Qi has just tried the sharpness of his swordsmanship, and at this moment, he is not afraid, and directly takes the initiative to face the new enemy in front of him, and pounces on him.

The footwork of stepping on the lotus pond precious mirror under the feet, the 24 solar terms sword posture is unfolded in the hands one after another, the "gathering stars and changing the spirit art" is constantly marked on the top of the enemy's head, the spiritual power is not afraid of consumption at all, and the "split" makes every attack quite Yu Qungong, Wang Qi fought more and more bravely, and the more brave he fought, the more he fought.

And every time he killed the enemy, the corpse was put away directly, making the space around him bigger and bigger, and even his comrades, those giants in five-color armor, rushed forward a long way after him.

This dozen, is a whole half a day.

Although Wang Qi started to fight vigorously, he had never experienced such a high-intensity continuous battle. Although his spiritual power was kept at its fullest by the "Star Gathering for Spirit Art", the mental fatigue was irresistible. of.

There is still spiritual power, but the spirit has already been exhausted, and the master of data dare not use it with all his strength.I just feel very tired in my head, and I need to sit down and have a good rest, meditate and perform the exercises with all my strength, and have a good rest.

Wang Qi tried to communicate with the clone, and sure enough, this secret realm can't block the connection between the main body and the clone.With a thought, Wang Qi directly exchanged with the clone, and the clone came over.

"Phew, I can finally rest for a while." Wang Qi didn't care which field the avatar was in to watch the battle, he sat down cross-legged and began to recover his mental power with all his strength.

After the avatar took over the battle, it was a bit weird.

Neither side can see the avatar, so the avatar is more comfortable to fight than the main body at the moment, and there is no need to consider defense issues at all. All attributes and abilities are doubled by the main body, and all summoned beasts are directly recruited, and the swordsmanship is unscrupulous Throw it out, kill and kill, it's simply not too cool, the body is simply incomparable.

Soon, the main body finished meditating, and the mythical internal strength recovered very quickly, so it didn't even take a quarter of an hour to return to the most perfect state.

With a thought, Wang Qi exchanged with the clone again and returned to the battlefield.

The surrounding area has been cleared by the clone's big kill, but the corpses have not been collected, making it difficult for the surrounding enemies to come over.

Wang Qi slapped the gourd and collected all the monster corpses. This time, he was not the only one who charged, and all the summoned beasts were also summoned.

The strength of the shadow snaketail wolf is not enough. The only ones that can play a greater role here are the diamond dragon and the dragonfly death squad.

Especially in this environment of the Dragonfly Expendables, Wang Qi's spiritual power and money-like style kept summoning crazily, and the endless stream of Dragonfly Expendables crashed around, causing a large amount of residual blood to come out, making it easier for Wang Qi to reap.

While relaxing, Wang Qi began to distract himself, paying attention to the overall situation on the battlefield.

Although the Void Butterfly looked at the battlefield from the sky, the battlefield was boundless, as if it was infinitely large, but a clear battle line still clearly divided the two sides from the ground to the sky.

And behind the battle formations of both sides, there are two huge camps. Countless soldiers rushed out of them to replenish the huge meat grinder.

The most eye-catching ones on the battlefield are the leaders who are obviously taller than ordinary fighters. They often find opponents of the same status on the opposite side, and fight in the center of the battlefield, dividing up small battle circles.

This large boss is not the top level yet.Avoiding the fighting air force in the air, the Void Butterfly flew to the distance, and found that there was a giant with even taller and more means, who also made a big move. Thinking about it, this is the more senior general of both sides.

The Void Butterfly continued to fly forward, and finally saw the scene Wang Qi guessed.

A giant who was as tall as a mountain, able to stand hundreds of times taller than ordinary warriors, was wearing a golden armor and holding a golden spear in his hand. Wearing a black armor mixed with gold and holding a nine-ringed machete, the monster fought in one place.

Around them, no warrior could approach them.Because every time the two fight against each other, the aftermath is enough to shatter anything close to it.

"Sure enough, there are still generals on this battlefield."

Wang Qi watched this shocking giant battle through the Void Butterfly, and felt his blood boil a bit.

The giant in golden armor was not slow at all with the long spear in his hand. The spear shot out like a dragon, and the sky was full of spear shadows, tightly blocking his front.But the giant bull-headed monster is not inferior, the long knife can always block the long spear in a short time, the golden ring on the knife makes a whining sound, and black demon images fly out one after another, rushing towards the giant.

The giant jumped up suddenly, and the spear smashed towards the bull-headed monster in a posture of smashing from top to bottom. A huge phantom of the palace appeared behind him. The outer walls smashed to pieces.

The giant bull-headed monster suddenly roared upwards, blocked the gun with its right hand, and grasped in the air with its left hand. A huge black ball was directly formed in its palm, and then headed towards the phantom of the palace.

The attacks of the two immediately collided with each other, erupting with a loud noise and irresistible energy, which affected an unknown number of fighting fighters around, blowing them far away.

"So strong!"

Wang Qi felt that if he went up, let alone attacking, with such a small body, if he blocked it, he would probably turn into scum, and he could not be more ashamed.

Since the center of the battlefield can't participate by itself, but those who are a few levels behind can still give it a try.

Thinking of this, Wang Qi set his sights on the nearest battlefield of the lowest-level little boss.

It was a dog-headed monster who was fighting with his own side. He was holding a mace and a stabbed shield in his hand, and he was fighting a boss with a big axe.

After stepping on the giant dragon and hacking to death some opposing air forces blocking the way, Wang Qi directly joined the battle group.

The Dragonfly Death Squad turned into a phantom, and rushed forward, smashing into pieces one after another, and knocking out five red lotuses.

However, this giant dog-headed monster seems to have a means of protecting himself. As soon as the special pattern on his armor shines, most of the karmic fire that ignited these red lotuses was immediately extinguished, leaving only a small piece, which was easily destroyed by the fire on it. Qi Jin offset.

Wang Qi tried it just now. The monsters here do not have the hostile attributes of the four karmic fire red lotuses of darkness, Styx, undead, and abyss, so the karmic fire has no bonus, and the level is probably suppressed. It is also very difficult to offset it. normal.

(End of this chapter)

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