Chapter 206
Since the Dragonfly Death Squad couldn't achieve results, Wang Qi simply jumped on it by himself.

Seeing that Wang Qi dared to join the battle group with such a weak body, the dog-headed monster's eyes flashed. The four flags stuck on its back suddenly flew up and turned into javelins towards Wang Qi.

"Shield Wall!"

Seeing this kind of attack, Wang Qi unhurriedly threw out several "Indestructible Barriers" in succession, easily blocking these javelins.

Seeing that the enemy was distracted, the giant with the big ax immediately seized the opportunity. The big ax danced like a cluster of flowers, and chopped down the dog's head.

After Wang Qi's shield wall resisted the attack, there were still a few sides that did not disappear, which prevented the kobold from seeing it immediately. Wang Qi, who was hiding behind, only left an afterimage on the spot. Unfolded, it came directly to its side.

Because the giant's ax was so sharp, the kobold had to use all his energy to resist it, so he couldn't be distracted to find Wang Qi.This also opened up the empty doors on both sides, giving Wang Qi the best chance to output.

Seizing the opportunity, Wang Qi launched his "24 solar term swordsmanship" without hesitation.

Fighting continuously today, he is already very familiar with swordsmanship. With the strongest support of the Master of Data, if there is really a proficiency slot, Wang Qi believes that the proficiency of swordsmanship must have reached close to the full level.

So now the speed of Wang Qi's swordsmanship is incomparable. The Pofeng Sword turned into an afterimage in his hand, and he used all 28 sword moves like flowing water. It only took a few breaths to finish all of them.

Boom boom boom boom!
Four sword intents of "Four Seasons of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter" and one sword intent of "Life and Death Dry and Prosper, Life Rotation", five consecutive sword intents exploded on the kobold immediately.

How could this kobold think that the giant in front of him was the enemy of life and death, but he didn't expect that the little man who didn't pay attention just now took the opportunity to make trouble and directly hit the kill.

Now the kobold couldn't stand it any longer, and his sword intent erupted one after another. He could only let out a scream in time, and then he was covered in blood, and lay down on the ground, so dead that he couldn't die anymore.

The giant with the big ax glanced at Wang Qi, nodded slightly, and rushed directly to another giant of the same size standing in the enemy's battle line not far ahead.

Following his footsteps, other giant warriors rushed forward one after another, pushing the battle line forward a lot.

Wang Qi directly put away the kobold's body and weapons, and instead of chasing the giant ax boss in front, he flew towards another boss who was coming behind the battle limit.

Let's try it out this time.

The one who was coming was actually a monster with three snake heads.

The three snake heads are also very different in color, one is black, one is purple, and the other is red.Surrounded by three-color mist and holding a pair of spikes in its hands, it looks very difficult to deal with.

Wang Qi stepped on the flying dragon and fell directly in front of it, and then a huge shield wall blocked its way.

Immediately, the snake-headed monster was not happy, and the three snake heads opened their mouths at the same time, spraying out black water, poisonous mist, and flames respectively, which caused the shield wall to flash three times before disappearing. It turned out to be a direct triple attack. The "Unbreakable Will" of three absolute defenses was exhausted at the same time.

After trying to understand the attack method of the snake-headed monster, Wang Qi was a little confused.However, it is still the customary Dragonfly Death Squad to try to touch porcelain first, and it will be very rewarding if you get something.

This time, the Dragonfly Death Squad didn't burp all the farts like they did with the dog-headed monster. They bumped into the body of the snake-headed monster one after another, completed the feat of self-destruct, and turned into five red lotus fires.

Karmic fire ignited, the snake-headed monster hissed in pain, a burst of light burst out of his body, and then his whole body trembled, it turned out that a layer of skin fell off on the spot.

The karmic fire burned the sloughed snake skin clean, but it failed to stick to the snake-headed monster at all, leaving Wang Qi stunned.

In this case, only oneself can go up.

Wang Qi had tried out its attack and defense methods, so he straightened out his long sword and rushed to its side.

The snake-headed monster was naturally dissatisfied with this little man who harassed him. Seeing Wang Qi approaching, the double thorns in his hands immediately turned into afterimages, stabbing directly at Wang Qi, vowing to pierce him through.

But Wang Qi's body skills were not given in vain. With such a twist out of thin air, an afterimage was left in place, avoiding the huge double thorns, and came to the side armpit of the snake-headed monster again.

Stamping on his feet, Wang Qi once again burst out with the unparalleled hand speed he practiced today. He greeted him with a set of swordsmanship, and then finished the work.

There were five loud bangs again.

The snake-headed monster didn't even have time to reach the boundary of the battlefield, so it was directly beheaded by Wang Qi, and the dead couldn't die any more.

After casually putting away the snake-headed monster's body again, Wang Qi didn't even look at the ordinary monsters around him, and he was ready to continue looking for the next target.


A loud sound suddenly came from nowhere, and it clearly spread throughout the battlefield.

Immediately, the surrounding soldiers and the endless monsters stopped fighting and retreated to the rear.

When retreating, both sides did not forget to take away the spoils on the ground. At this moment, it is a matter of hand speed to see who can snatch the fastest.

In this regard, Wang Qi is not to be outdone.Riding a flying dragon, holding a gourd of heaven and earth in his hands, Wang Qi directly turned it into a beautiful landscape in the battlefield, and received a large number of corpses that the opponent had no time to take away, all of them were first received in the gourd, and he left in a blink of an eye without stopping at all. name.

Finally, the battlefields of the two sides were completely separated, and the corpses were almost collected. Even Wang Qi's gourd was full, and he did not know how many enemy corpses he had collected.

The gourd was full, Wang Qi didn't hesitate, and went straight to the direction where all the soldiers retreated, and the huge camp retreated.

Riding a flying dragon, he rushed into the gate of the camp, but no one stopped him. Wang Qi didn't know where he was going. From the air, he saw a huge flagpole in the middle of the camp with a huge list hanging on it, so he simply flew towards it. past.

When he got closer, he realized that he finally saw other people.

Not the giant warriors here, but real people, spirit card masters.

There are a total of twenty spirit card masters standing here, all looking up at the list and chatting with each other.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, Wang Qi put away his flying dragon, moved closer to them, and looked at the list together.

"God and Demon Military Merit List, third day, No.1: Hidden, 13204 points. No.2, Hidden, 12089 points. No.3:... No. 80 Fourth place: Hidden (Wang Qi) 1350 points."

This turned out to be a leaderboard, which ranked the military achievements of all the Spirit Card Masters who came here.But from the beginning to the end, everyone's names are hidden. Wang Qi can only see the bracket next to the last name, which says his name, probably only he can see it.

"There is one more person. It seems that there is another new person here today. I hope it is from our side."

One of them said to his companion beside him.

"Who knows. There are still seven days left in this battle, so maybe how many more people will come in." His companion stared at the list and answered casually.

"Hello, both of you, I am the newcomer who came in today." Wang Qi thought for a while, and took the initiative to go up and say hello.

"Huh?" Hearing what Wang Qi said, the people around immediately looked over.

After sizing up Wang Qi, some people suddenly looked up at the list again, obviously not intending to communicate with him again.However, a few people obviously wanted to chat with Wang Qi, so they walked over.

"Welcome, you chose our side, that's really good news, we have another companion in our camp."

One of them smiled and stretched out his hand to Wang Qi, who shook his hand.

"Hi, my name is Chen Yuesheng, from the Spirit Card Association. This is my companion. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me."

This person was very friendly and introduced himself to Wang Qi first.

"Hi, my name is Wang Qi. I am also from the Spirit Card Association, so we are considered colleagues. It happens that I also have some problems."

"That's a coincidence," Chen Yuesheng's eyes lit up immediately, "Let's go over there and talk."

Chen Yuesheng and his four companions led Wang Qi to a huge tent.

However, this camp is quite different from other camps, the appearance is the same, but no giant warrior came in

As soon as he entered the gate of the camp, Wang Qi immediately felt that all the noisy sounds outside had disappeared.

There is a huge two-story space inside, with a patio in the middle, many tables and chairs, surrounded by countless doors, all tightly closed.

Some people were already sitting on the chairs, took out some food and drinks and rested there while eating.

"This is a space of its own, a place for us to rest. There are many rooms in it, you just need to choose one at random and you can move in."

Chen Yuesheng pointed to this huge tent and began to briefly introduce it to Wang Qi.

"Oh? This treatment is good!" Wang Qi was very surprised.

The six people found a table and sat down. One of them walked to a room not far away, took out a bag after a while, and then took out some food and water for everyone.

"Let me introduce first, this is Wang Xiaomu, from your family; this is Dong Sanri, and that is his younger brother Dong Yuwen, they are twins. And the one who holds the bag is Qiao Cang."

Wang Qi shook hands with several people respectively, which means they knew each other.After thinking for a while, he wrote down the food and water that Qiao Cang handed over, put them on the table, then touched directly from behind, and took out a bunch of things to eat and drink from the gourd.

"I prepared a lot, you are welcome, eat mine, count me as a treat."

Several people's eyes lit up, and they immediately praised it, and they were not polite, and they took the food by themselves and started to eat.

"You're not bad, there are space-type spirit card props, which is a lot more convenient. We can only come in with dry food." Chen Yuesheng praised Wang Qi while eating, and even the people on the table next to him, They all looked sideways.

"Besides, if you have this item, you can try to pick up some loot and turn it in when you come back. You can also gain some combat merit."

(End of this chapter)

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