Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 207 The porter is so happy

Chapter 207 The porter is so happy
Wang Qi acted secretly just now, and he didn't reveal that he took something from the gourd. It wasn't that he was worried about the people in front of him, but the people next to him.

While eating, Wang Qi asked some questions about this place.Chen Yuesheng took the initiative to start talking to him.

It turned out that in this secret realm, the camps on both sides are very simple, they are giants and monsters.And the most important thing is that both sides are not real beings, but combat weapons made by unknown gods and demons. They are put here to fight each other, and they don't know why.

This is equivalent to the background of the story.

After the Spirit Card Masters came in, ten days would be a cycle. After ten days, all the Spirit Card Masters would be counted for battle, and rewards would be distributed, and then everyone would be sent out.Wang Qi came in fairly well, it was only the third day.

Battle exploits are simple to say, just kill the enemy.Of course, there are other ways to obtain it, which requires exploring the camp.But killing the enemy is the easiest, and everyone is quite tired after a day, so basically no one uses other methods.

When the ten-day cycle is over, the "Gods and Demons Military Merit List" hanging outside will still be used to rank the points.There is also a list on the opposite side of this list, which is exactly the same, the data is synchronized, and it counts all the spirit card masters in the two camps.

For the top ten points ranked, everyone's Spirit Card Master level can be raised by 3 levels, and the points can be exchanged for some better things.After ten, the level will be upgraded by one level, and they can only exchange some ordinary things.

As for the top three in points, No.3 can be promoted by 4 levels, No.2 can be promoted by 5 levels, and No.1 is the most powerful, directly promoted by 10 levels.The items that can be exchanged for the top three points are also different. They are all some special magic weapons and armors. Although they cannot be turned into spirit cards, they are very valuable to take outside.

Because of this, everyone is very concerned about this points ranking, and they all want to compete for the top few.

However, although everyone has competition, there has always been an unwritten unspoken rule in this gods and demons grotto, that is, both parties must avoid fighting with spirit card masters, and can only attack the warriors and monsters here.Killing the opponent's spirit card master does not get any special points bonus, everyone is here to mix levels, there is no need for enmity.

There is also a fixed time to go out to fight on the battlefield every day. Once in the morning and evening, drums and gold are played to represent the beginning and the end.Of course, you can also come back to rest in the middle, this freedom, no one cares about you.

"So that's the case, thank you Brother Chen for clarifying the confusion." Wang Qi said gratefully.

Although it is all basic information, it is still very troublesome to collect information by yourself if no one specifically tells you.The information obtained from Lin Zhongchen was not so detailed at all, it was just a brief introduction.

"It's nothing. By the way, I have to remind you. I guess you have seen it. The battlefield is divided into several different levels according to the size of the head. Some people have figured out the rules long ago. An ordinary fighter is equivalent to 100 people in the outer field." Level monsters, points are 50 points, a higher level centurion is equivalent to level 150, with 500 points, and a higher level of centurion is equivalent to level 200, points are 5000, ten thousand level is 250, points are 50000, partial generals are 300 Level, 500000 points. They are all rough estimates, with slight fluctuations. If the points have a fraction, it is because there may be many people contributing to that monster, and they are distributed according to the contribution ratio."

Chen Yuesheng paused.

"As for the two monsters in the middle of the battlefield, no one dares to go up and test them, but some people speculate that the level they represent is at least level 400 or higher."

Wang Qi was startled, but luckily he didn't go up to deliver it hastily, otherwise there would be no ashes left.

"Thank you Brother Chen for the reminder!" Wang Qi thanked again.

Everyone chatted for a while, and Wang Qi also got a general understanding of their origins. They are all members of a branch of the Spirit Card Association, and they come here once a year to steadily improve their level.Wang Qi also briefly talked about his own background, but the conversation was pleasant.

After eating and drinking, Chen Yuesheng persuaded Wang Qi to go back early to recharge his energy so that he can cope with the whole day of fighting tomorrow, and then several people left one after another and returned to their rooms.

After thinking about it, Wang Qi decided not to worry about finding a room, so he decided to walk around the camp first.

Chen Yuesheng said just now that spoils of war can be obtained here.

On this huge battlefield, the trophies are naturally the enemy's corpses and weapons and armor.Wang Qi decided to look for this place to exchange merits, and then try to exchange them.

After coming out of the camp gate, the camp has become quiet at this moment.The endless and innumerable giant warriors are all scattered in the tents of this huge camp at this moment, silently.Only the flames burning everywhere, and the bright light that never disappears in the sky without sun or moon, make everything in the camp clear and clear.

There were no more Spirit Card Masters around. Wang Qi observed through the Void Butterfly, then chose a direction and walked over.

There was a huge tent there that was a bit different. Soldiers carrying corpses kept coming in and out. He was going to have a look.

Arriving at the entrance of this special tent, Wang Qi walked in directly, and then saw a huge altar.

A giant warrior walked by Wang Qi. He carried a huge monster corpse and threw it directly into the center of the altar.

The light of the array on the ground of the altar flashed, and the corpse disappeared immediately. After a while, a light spot gradually appeared from it, and this light spot gradually outlined the line of a giant warrior in the air.The lines became clearer and clearer, and finally turned into a solid body, and then a giant warrior walked down directly from above, with armor and weapons.

"It turns out that this is how the giant warriors were created! No wonder the war seems endless, but the warriors are endless. As long as corpses are thrown in, new warriors can be generated all the time. There will be no end to this battle!"

Wang Qi understood the function of this altar, and his mind was suddenly moved.

He didn't wait for the next soldier to come in, he walked to the altar first, and then threw a monster's corpse from the gourd.

Immediately, the transformation also began.

Wang Qi saw that the corpse he threw up also turned into a new warrior and came down, so he moved his vision directly to a Void Butterfly in front of the "God and Demon Combat Achievement List".

Sure enough, the points went up.

"No.80 13557th Place: Hidden (Wang Qi), [-] points."

It actually gained the same points as beheading it, a full 50 points!
Now Wang Qi was very excited.If I throw all the corpses in my gourd to transform, wouldn't it mean that I will get a lot of points again?
You know, my universe gourd can fill this monster's corpse to the brim!
Although there is no specific calculation, Wang Qi believes that with the space as big as his gourd, although the monster corpses are also relatively large, all monster corpses add up to no less than a thousand!
There are also many corpses of centurions and thousand commanders that I picked up by myself!

"Get rich, get rich!"

But with so many corpses, it was too slow to put them one by one. Wang Qi simply ignored the one that was being converted, and piled up several corpses at once.

Sure enough, all the corpses were swallowed by the altar at once, leaving no trace.

"Wait! It can't be exchanged for the time being!" Wang Qi suddenly thought of something.

Today, many people know that they have storage items, and many people know that they are newcomers, and the points must be the one at the end.

If his points suddenly jumped to the top, wouldn't everyone know that he has a huge storage space and can hold so many corpses?
At that time, money is not allowed to touch people's hearts, and if someone wants to grab his own gourd, it will really be a disaster for no reason.

Wang Qi thought of this in time, and confirmed that Void Butterfly saw that his points had not increased too much, only a few hundred points change, and the ranking had not changed, so it should not attract attention.

He decided to come back and redeem it tomorrow during the day when the battle starts, when everyone is killing monsters and the points change drastically.

Thinking of this, Wang Qi turned and left the tent, and returned to his room.

Early the next morning, after Wang Qi heard the sound of drumming, he opened the door and walked out. Sure enough, people around him also came out one after another, ready to go to the battlefield.

When Chen Yuesheng saw Wang Qi, he greeted him and invited Wang Qi to act with them.But Wang Qi said that he wanted to go around first today, and he was not in a hurry to go out, so he politely declined.

After everyone left, Wang Qi also pretended to go out and walk around.

He cut down a few ordinary monsters casually, and he didn't think about it, but looked at the list through the void butterfly.

Sure enough, the above points began to be refreshed, every 30 seconds, and it was impossible to tell who had become how much, but the points behind most of the names were increasing.

"It's done, let's start."

Wang Qi turned around and returned to the camp, and then quietly came to the tent with the altar, and began to exchange the corpses of monsters.

A large number of monster corpses were directly dumped on the altar by Wang Qi. The Void Butterfly kept staring at the list, and Wang Qi saw that his ranking was quietly rising among the 84 people in total.

However, the climbing speed was not as fast as Wang Qi expected. Many of these 83 people came two days earlier than Wang Qi, and No.1 even scored 13 points. That guy must be super strong.Although Wang Qi received quite a few corpses, they were only at the centurion level, with a maximum of 50 corpses, and only [-] points for ordinary ones.

After clearing the inventory of the Qiankun Gourd, Wang Qi saw that his points had only increased by less than [-], and it seemed that he had been promoted by [-] or [-] places, which was not conspicuous.

But that's okay, now that you've discovered the get-rich-quick way, now's the start!
So Wang Qi happily became a corpse picker + porter on the battlefield.

He couldn't help but think of a commercial line:
We do not produce soldiers, we are just porters on the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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