Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 208 The Battlefield Is Finally Over

Chapter 208 The Battlefield Is Finally Over

Wang Qi, who turned into a porter, became extremely cunning on the battlefield.

When he noticed that there might be a spirit card master nearby, Wang Qi would pretend to slash and kill monsters while gradually moving away.

When there were no traces of other people in the vicinity, he would take the opportunity to pick up the Qiankun gourd, and keep taking away corpses one after another from the feet of all the soldiers and monsters who didn't even look at them.

In particular, this time Wang Qi was looking for the centurion to wander around. If he had the opportunity, he would join forces with the giant centurion on his side to quickly kill the opponent. After getting the head, he even took its body away.

This is a corpse worth 500 points!
Forget about commanders, Wang Qi hasn't seen a commander-level who died in battle today, probably this level is hard to kill in the first place.Maybe the guys at the top of the leaderboard can handle it, but it's just that no one above the level of a commander has fallen down yet.

After a long time of moving, Wang Qi quickly pushed his points ranking to the fourth place, and then stopped his movements.

This position is almost enough. You can stay here first, accumulate some high-level monster corpses, and then use the accumulated corpses to overtake them on the last day.

Going back to rest for a while at noon, many people would go back to the camp for lunch, Wang Qi didn’t act too special, he ate something in the camp with the crowd, talked with Zhang Yuesheng and the others who came back, and then rested for a while before entering the camp again. out of the battlefield.

This time, it was time to really hone the fighting skills.With so many spirit cards on his body, Wang Qi also hopes to be able to use them more proficiently.

Soon, it has been five days since Wang Qi came in, and the count of this war has reached the eighth day.

He's been consistently in the top ten these days.However, Wang Qi really admired those people in front. They were able to score such high points just by killing monsters. They were really masters.

There are a few more newcomers on the list, but the total number of people still does not exceed 100, which is not worthy of attention.

This morning, after Wang Qi came out of the room, he saw that everyone was not in a hurry to leave, but seemed to be waiting for something.

Seeing that Chen Yuesheng and his gang had gathered together to chat there, Wang Qi walked over directly.

Although they don't fight together these days, Wang Qi is also used to eating and chatting with them, so he can be regarded as half acquainted.

"What's the matter, why don't you go out today?"

After Wang Qi greeted him, he started asking directly.

"Oh, this is because the war has entered the final stage, and there will be some new changes on the battlefield in the last three days. Everyone is waiting."

Among them, the one named Wang Xiaomu took the initiative to explain Wang Qi's doubts.

"Hey, what will change?" Wang Qi was very curious after hearing this.

It is indeed a bit boring to cut down monsters for seven days in a row.Wang Qi is alright, occasionally exchanging with avatars, going to the field, or wandering among ordinary people, is quite chic.But I believe others may find it boring.

"Don't worry, it will change in a while. In the middle of the battlefield, the terrain will change. There will be rivers, forests, deserts, mountains and other terrains on the battlefield, so there will also be new sailors. Then there will be some new types of ground troops. As a result, there will be some strategic changes in the war between the two sides. In the words we all know, the AI ​​​​of NPCs has been improved. Furthermore, all fighters on both sides will have the ability to upgrade. As long as these giant fighters Kill the enemy, you can increase the corresponding level, and accumulate to a certain level, you will increase the level."

Wang Xiaomu explained in detail.

"Hey, this is really going to escalate the battle in the last three days." Wang Qi made a surprised voice.

Originally there was only one kind of plain terrain, and although each of the arms has air force and army, they all have a single style of play, all of which are melee combat, and even the two biggest bosses are fighting tirelessly at close range, all battles are completely useless The strategy is that you cut me and I cut you.

But after such a change today, the battlefield will become a complex battlefield, and the battle will no longer be so simple, and it will become more dangerous and challenging.

Soon, more and more people gathered in the camp, and everyone was waiting for the sound of the drum.

Finally, "Boom!" There was a loud noise, which meant that the battlefield had been upgraded.

Everyone immediately stood up and walked outside.

Wang Qi followed the crowd to the outside, and sure enough, he found that the surrounding giant warriors had changed slightly.

Not only have the weapons they hold changed, but there are also various long-range weapons. Today, these fighters are also classified according to the main colors of the five-color armor, and each is led by the corresponding general and walks outside.

And outside the camp, it was no longer a simple plain.The Void Butterfly's eyes clearly brought the entire battlefield into Wang Qi's eyes.

In the middle of the battlefield, there is a huge lake, and two rivers extend to the two sides, splitting the entire battlefield in half.

With the lake as the center, various topography and landforms unfold in turn, enriching the entire land.

After the soldiers from the two sides rushed out of the camp, they were broken into pieces and filled in these different terrain areas, ready to fight.

The most powerful generals of both sides went straight to the sky above the lake to continue the battle that they could not finish every day.

"Okay, those guys, I'll go first, today is a bit interesting, I'll take a look around." Wang Qi said hello, then he chose a direction and jumped out.

Not long after leaving the camp, Wang Qi flew into the sky on a flying dragon.He followed a group of warriors who were also riding a giant bird with great interest, wanting to see how their battle would be different today.

The biggest difference between this group of fighters is that they will line up today.

In the past, their fights were like gangsters fighting each other. They seemed to fight fiercely, but they were all fighting for their own strength.

This is different today, everyone with the IQ knows they have to line up, the progress is not small.

And the weapons in their hands have all changed. Before, they were all swords and guns. Today, this air force has seven short javelins stuck in their backs, a pair of big bows in their hands, and several pots of arrows hanging from their waists. arrow.

When they came to the center of the battlefield, the air force on the opposite side had almost arrived.

On the opposite side is an air force composed of a group of birds. In terms of flexibility, it is much stronger than this side. After all, those wings are all their own.

Wang Qi took a closer look and saw that the weapons over there were replaced by bows and arrows today. Many bird monsters still carried a long staff in their hands, and they seemed to be planning to play spells?

When the two sides met in the air, there was naturally no nonsense, and they began to fight directly.

This confrontation gave Wang Qi the illusion that he was watching an ace air battle. These air forces in the sky each turned into the top pilots, and the arrows shot by the longbow in their hands were stronger than that of the machine gun, biubiubiu shot non-stop From time to time, fighters on both sides were hit too much and caused the plane to crash.

Then, the wonderful places don't stop there.Wang Qigang didn't pay attention, and found out that the ground battle below and the naval forces fighting through the river also have long-range firepower. When they fight each other, they don't forget to support the friendly army occasionally to put some pressure on the other side. .

"This really knows how to cooperate!"

Hiding far behind, Wang Qi is quite safe, but if he wants to rush up now, he really has to think carefully.Otherwise, it would be really dangerous if he was suddenly set on fire.

I don't know how the others did it. Wang Qi thought about it, but he decided to forget it. If he doesn't do anything, he should go back and rest.Anyway, I just need to pick up the corpses when Mingjin retreats.

After Wang Qi went back, he simply hid in the room and couldn't finish it, and directly switched his consciousness to the clone to change his mood.

The avatar was wandering on the streets of the Imperial Capital at the moment. Wang Qi directly let the avatar fly to an area far from the center of the Imperial Capital. He found a place to change the main body, and then started to wander around, eating snacks and watching a movie. It was quite comfortable.

It's just a pity that Xiaobai has been unable to be contacted recently. She, her master, and Xuanxuan have never come out of the secret place she mentioned, and they don't know what's going on.

But it's normal to think about it. How many people can have this kind of avatar that is super convenient to switch back and forth like myself.

The changes in the last three days on the battlefield did not have any impact on Wang Qi.He has been quietly picking up corpses for points in a way that no one else can think of, and his progress is no slower than anyone else.

When it came to the afternoon of the last day, Void Butterfly, who had been watching the list, found that the competition for the top few became very fierce, and they were desperately trying to refresh their points, wanting to surpass the previous people and enter the top three , get first.

Wang Qi pinched his hand to see that the time was almost up, then turned around and walked towards the altar tent.

The corpses of the monsters in the gourd were poured directly on the altar, and some centurion-level corpses specially accumulated these days were immediately turned into points, which made Wang Qi's total points increase by tens of thousands.

It wasn't over yet, Wang Qi switched to the avatar in an instant, and the gourd of the avatar was also filled with countless corpses, and it was dumped out at this moment, which once again made Wang Qi's points skyrocket.

Void Butterfly looked at the top of the list. Wang Qi's points soared twice from around the top ten. The first time he was directly promoted to No.1, and the second time he was directly ahead of No.2 by more than 5 points.

"It should be safer now."

Counting the time, it was only a few minutes before the end. It can be inferred from the list these days that there is no such kind of master who keeps pressing the audience. It is absolutely impossible to overtake in these few minutes.

Playing a full set, the avatar came to the battlefield on a flying dragon, and then returned with a different body, pretending to be fighting.


A loud sound came from the battlefield, and the ten-day war ended.

 Thank you for the elimination of Axe these days, Lan Jia, zli, Ai Luoli, Shuo Ye's reward, thank you very much!
(End of this chapter)

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