Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 209 Becoming a Thief Again

Chapter 209 Becoming a Thief Again
Void Butterfly has been staying at the top of the list at the last moment, so it is clear that Wang Qi's final score is more than 24 points ahead of No. [-].

And the original top few have been biting very tightly, but they don't know how they feel when they have fought back and forth like this, and finally let someone else take the top spot.

After Ming Jin withdrew his troops, some battles on the battlefield stopped.Wang Qi suddenly thought of something, quickly switched back to the clone, and then quickly flew towards the opposite monster's camp.

Since the corpses of these monsters can be put into the gourd, why not try to put the live ones in as well?The day's battle is over, and the monsters will stop fighting temporarily. This is the best chance to collect them!

The gourd of the avatar has been emptied just now, and it is still empty at the moment, why not collect some and see if it can be taken out, if it can be taken out, in case you encounter an unsure opponent in the future, just throw a monster out Wouldn't it be beautiful to attract firepower and escape by yourself!
The avatar used his fastest speed, regardless of the centurion level, the data lord used the vision of the void butterfly to quickly draw a map of the battlefield in his mind, set a route, and the flying dragon directly fought With all his strength, he rushed towards the monsters with his avatar.


A wolf head monster at the level of a thousand commander was taken away by the gourd without any resistance.

It can be done!

Wang Qi was very excited and continued to fly forward.

Immediately, all the high-level monsters on this route were kidnapped. The commander of the thousand was taken dozens of them, the commander of the ten thousand was also taken seven, and one general was also on this route. In the end, he resisted a little. Was taken into the gourd.

Only the mighty bull-headed giant monster, Wang Qi took a few glances from a distance, suppressed the greed in his heart, turned around and flew back towards the giant's camp.

On the way back, there were still some gaps in the gourd. Based on the principle of not wasting money, Wang Qi collected dozens of centurion-level monsters, and then returned to the camp contentedly.

When approaching, Wang Qi changed back to the main body, collected some centurions and ordinary monsters again, and then returned to the camp.

At this moment, most of the people have already returned, looking at the list, talking about it.

"Who is this? It's tens of thousands of points ahead of No.2. It's too fierce."

"Yeah, it was exceeded on the last day, it was really too fierce."

"I just don't know who it is. With this kind of strength, it should be conservatively estimated to be 200 or higher."

Everyone discussed it one after another, and Wang Qi also approached him nonchalantly, pretending to watch.

Chen Yuesheng and the others were also watching, but they should be clear about their own strength, they should be in the middle, so there is nothing dissatisfied, they just talked and guessed who the top few are.

"Brother Chen, you came back early." Wang Qi greeted.

"Brother Wang, you're back too. It's just right, let's take a look at the list and see where you are."

Chen Yuesheng told Wang Qi to take a quick look.

"Hey, you don't need to read too much, it doesn't matter." Wang Qi didn't say anything about his situation. If there is something special about the first three in a while, he still has to figure out how to explain it. It's better to be a little more vague.

When everyone returned to the camp, probably because the conditions were triggered, a tall giant commander walked over and stood beside the list.

"The battle is over and the leaderboard has been released. Everyone can go to their room to receive the reward. After receiving it, they can leave directly through the door."

As soon as the commander made the announcement, many people rushed towards the tents where they stayed. It was probably not the first time for them to come here, so they were very familiar with the process.

Wang Qi and the others also followed the crowd and returned to the camp.

"Brother Wang, we will go back after we go out. If you have a chance to come to our place, remember to contact us!"

Chen Yuesheng and the others shook hands with Wang Qi and bid him farewell.

Everyone pushed open their own doors and entered the room.

After Wang Qi came to the simple room he had been living in for the past few days, he closed the door and saw a ball of light floating in the middle of the room.

I guess this is his reward this time.

Putting his hand on the light sphere, Wang Qi suddenly felt the spiritual power surge in his body, and then became full at an extremely fast speed.

The reward for No.1 is to increase the level by 10. Although Wang Qi has not been cultivating with all his strength recently, his level has also reached level 103. At this moment, this huge spiritual power appeared in his body, which immediately brought Wang Qi's level to level 113. .

After crossing a new tenth level, Wang Qi felt that his physical fitness had improved a lot, and his strength had also improved a lot.

After receiving the first reward, the light ball did not disappear.Wang Qi grabbed it with his hand, and a voice echoed in his mind.

"You are the first in this list, you can choose a first-class divine weapon and a first-class divine armor."

After the voice finished speaking, many weapons and armor lights and shadows appeared in front of Wang Qi's eyes, each of which had a special name, and it could be rotated and zoomed in by clicking on it.

After thinking for a while, Wang Qi tried to ask about the voice.

"Can I exchange the divine armor for a first-class divine weapon?"

The voice probably had been prepared for this situation, and replied directly with one word, "Yes."

So among the lights and shadows in front of Wang Qi's eyes, all the armor that belonged to the first-class gods disappeared, and only the weapons remained.

This time Wang Qi didn't have any hesitation, so he just watched it.

His goal is also very clear, that is the sword.I don't have any other external skills cards, and swordsmanship is the most common and smoothest to use now, so it doesn't make sense not to choose swords.

The meaning of first-class magic weapon, looking at the introduction next to these lights and shadows, Wang Qi probably guessed that in addition to the inherent attributes of the weapon, such as toughness, sharpness, durability, etc., the weapon also has some special supernatural powers.

For example, some sword introductions say that they are made of Wannian black iron, with powerful ice attribute attacks; some swords are made of earth core flame crystals, with good fire attribute damage.

Apart from being unable to transform into spirit cards, Wang Qi guessed that these first-class magic weapons should not be weaker than transcendent-level weapons.It's hard to say about the legendary level. Although I have one, I can't sacrifice one to try it out, so I can only guess.

After choosing and choosing, finally, Wang Qi locked on two of the long swords, one was Jinghong and the other was Zhishui.

Jinghong is a very slender long sword. It is slightly longer than other swords. According to the introduction, it is made of a special material called Feihong Gold. The overall color is light blue, and the blade is very light. It is especially suitable for those Use light and agile sword moves.

And Zhishui is a common sword that you can fall in love with at a glance. Even if this long sword is placed there quietly, it seems that there is a faint light of water lingering beside it, which makes people very comfortable.The sword body is bright and reflective silver, just like a mirror, clear and clean.

After Wang Qi chose the two long swords, the two long swords appeared in his hands immediately, and the scabbards were thoughtfully prepared.Before he could play with it, he felt a flash in front of his eyes, just like when he came in, he only had time to put the two handles into the gourd before he realized that he had come outside.

It was still the cave, the Taoist priest sitting cross-legged on the stone bench.

There were a few guys who had just come out beside them, and everyone had nothing to say hello to. After looking around, they turned and left.

Wang Qi checked whether he saw Chen Yuesheng or those guys, and thought he should have already left, so he simply left by himself.

Soon, he returned to the mountain gate of Qinshan School along the mountain road.But I didn't see the little Taoist priest dozing off today, otherwise Wang Qi would like to leave some snacks for him.

Coming down the mountain to the deserted road, Wang Qi released the car from the gourd, then got into the car, and began to check the manual work.

What he cared most about were not the two long swords, but the monsters in the gourd.

"Great! It's all there!"

Whether it's the avatar side or the gourd on the main body side, there are quite a few monsters in it, and all of them are brought out!

"Well, am I being a thief again, poaching the corner of this secret realm? Or the corner of the gods and demons in the background story? But, do gods and demons really exist?"

Wang Qi thought for a while, this is not something he should worry about.Anyway, I stole it, what else can I do, now I don’t even want to go back.

In the future, it will be regarded as an extra big killer. In case of any emergency, these monsters are the best meat shields to attract firepower.

Filled with satisfaction, Wang Qi happily drove to a nearby city.

I stayed in the secret realm for nearly eight days. Although I slipped out in the middle of nothing, I was still a little tired.So his next goal is to relax and watch the excitement.

In fact, this relaxing place has already been thought of.

When the main body came out to breathe in the past two days, it was okay to browse the forum of the Spirit Card Association, and then saw the watering area, and there was another new news, and everyone was discussing the same thing.

The thing is, in a big city called Lechang City, there is an unofficial Spirit Card Master research organization, which is a non-governmental organization similar to the Squirrel Club.Then there was a person on the forum who announced the news that he identified this organization as having mastered the method of converting ordinary items into natural spirit cards.

Of course, everyone will not believe this casually. Natural Spirit Cards are all generated naturally. If you casually say that you can create Natural Spirit Cards, isn't that nonsense?If this is true, what a subversive discovery it would be for the spirit card world!
Especially the organization identified by this person immediately came out to refute the rumors, saying that such a thing is impossible to achieve.

However, this person did not say a word, but one day after everyone gradually forgot it and treated it as a joke, he posted a new post and posted a video.

As we all know, everything that a spirit card master can see cannot be recorded and preserved with the equipment of the ordinary world.This point has always made many spirit card masters who love photography quite regrettable.

But now this person has obviously subverted everyone's cognition.

But think about it, maybe he has a spirit card ability that can take pictures of what a spirit card master sees, which can explain the past.After all, the abilities of spirit cards in this world are all kinds of strange. Countless spirit cards are being born all over the world every day, and no one knows what new spirit cards will appear.

(End of this chapter)

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