Chapter 210
The content of this video is very simple, that is, he is in a field, normal spawning monsters.

But when he came to the boss, he saw that the spirit card organization identified in the post, a group of people, was fighting the boss.

Because there were quite a lot of people on the other side, he used his special ability to hide on the side, and didn't want to make a move anymore, just thinking about making a settlement.

Out of boredom, he took out a natural spirit card he got recently, a dv machine.

This spirit card item has no other ability, except that it can record images in the spirit card field and upload them to ordinary computers.

Relying on this spirit card, he has recently filmed a lot of battles in the field. After a little editing, he added a piece of igniting music, and put it on a well-known domestic video website as a CG animation, which made him famous. He earned the attention of millions of fans and became a topical figure for a while.

Picking up the dv, I recorded a video of this group of people, and just happened to completely record their process of fighting the boss.

But when he was recording, he suddenly discovered that one of them was very strange.

The man was not fighting like the others, but was holding a clay pot in his hand and kept hiding.

At first he thought it was some special spirit card item, but later found that it was really not like that person had been avoiding, and did not take any action to participate in the battle at all.

So he aimed the dv player at this person, and zoomed in to see what that clay pot was.

Then by coincidence, the boss was killed and the settlement came out.

After casually clicking on the settlement, this person was about to get up, but found that the dv camera captured a scene that surprised him, the clay pot started to glow, and then directly turned into a spirit card, and fell into the hands of that person.

Then, in the camera, the surrounding spirit card domains began to disappear, and the group of people excitedly clapped each other, and passed on the natural spirit card one after another.

This person suddenly felt that he might have bumped into a big secret, so he quickly hid his figure and kept filming until the few people said something to each other and drove away.

There is only so much content on the video screen, but it is very complete.And this person also posted the attributes of his dv spirit card below, which is very convincing.

Suddenly, there was a sensation on the forum.

This time there is real evidence to prove that everyone is fried.Countless organizations and individuals, including the Link Card Association, tried to contact the person who posted the post and the organization that did the research.

However, soon the power of the Spirit Card Association began to interfere.They deleted the posts of this person and that organization, and deleted the video.

However, this can't stop everyone's mouths, and someone has already backed up the video, and the news is still spreading.

At this time, countless organizations and individuals in the world wanted to contact this organization and the person who posted it, but they couldn't find it.

So, they couldn't sit still, and immediately made the same decision——

"Go to Lechang City!"

When Wang Qi heard about this incident, he actually watched it as a show.

He has had the experience of finding the Natural Spirit Card before everyone else before fighting the boss, nothing else, just the Qiankun Gourd, so he has reservations about this matter.

But, I can't help it, most people don't think so.

So many people believe, and many people come.

It just so happened that Wang Qi was going to pass through the city of Lechang on the planned route.Well, it's not bad to watch a show.

So, the car drove steadily, heading towards Lechang City.

Lechang City is a mountain city. The characteristic of the city is that all the buildings are built against the mountain. Below the mountain is a rolling river, which flows continuously day and night.

After Wang Qi came here, he didn't really think about it. Since he was watching the excitement, he naturally couldn't move forward, just wait and see from a distance.

——— Encyclopedia: Link Card Association is a worldwide organization, every country has one, and it is always located in a mysterious place. ————

At this time, several leaders of the spirit card organization called "Aoki Research Society" were in a very hidden underground space, holding a meeting with indifference on their faces.

"Has the person who took the photo been found yet?" A middle-aged man with glasses sitting on one side of the table asked.

"No, that kid is too slippery. It's not sure if he's still in Lechang City or not. Maybe he's already left."

"Damn it... the experiment just made some progress, and it was exposed by such a coincidence."

He patted the table hard.

"The top priority is how to deal with this matter. Everyone knows that the whole world is watching us now."

"Hmph, but no one knows, we also have people behind us."

"The guys from the Spirit Card Association, how is Dr. Pi coping?"

"He is still following our instructions, going around in circles with the Spirit Card Association, introducing some useless things."

Everyone, you and I started talking.

"Let him go. Since these people want a piece of the pie, let's just play a big one."

Finally, the man slapped the table.

"Prepare to launch the zero plan! Code name, worship god!"


——— Wikipedia: The drop rate of building cards is far lower than any other type, but building cards have powerful functions, the most famous of which are various secret realms——

Meanwhile, the few remaining members of the Salvation Society are still on that hilltop.

"Number 7, you haven't been caught by the Spirit Card Association, have you?"

Inquiry on the 12th.

"No. But I won't be able to use my identity as a bright face in the future, so I can only hide in the dark."

"That's okay, we have a lot of things to do in the dark, thank you for your hard work. Next, you can just go to the secret place to the west, and you need to verify some things."

Arrangements were made for him on the 12th.

"Okay." No. 7, Lin Zhongchen, nodded his head without saying a word.

"Should we participate in the matter of Lechang?" Another person brought up the matter when they saw that they had finished speaking.

"We must participate. Man-made natural spirit cards, whether they are real or not, are accelerating the collapse of the world. We must stop this matter and not allow them to continue."

"That's fine, I happen to be the closest, so let me go." The man in black nodded.

"Thank you for your hard work, No. 9. You can decide for yourself if you want to deal with this matter, but you must ensure that any information cannot fall into the hands of other organizations, especially the Spirit Card Association."

Number 12 gave a warning.

"No problem, I will destroy all the data, and those key people will not be able to escape."

———Small Encyclopedia: How long can a spirit card master live?It depends on his level, spirit card ability and race, there is no doubt that Lingzhi is the longest-lived——

"Apprentice, this event in Lechang City is very interesting, let's join in the fun."

A young man with disheveled hair and a big shirt said to Yan Zhiyun and Lu Jingye.

"Huh? Master, when did you like to join in the fun?" Yan Zhiyun couldn't help but wanted to go up and touch his head to see if it was hot.

"Fuck off, as an elder of the Thief Society, why don't I like to join in the fun! You have to know that the more lively you are, the easier it is to strike!"

The young man blocked Yan Zhiyun's hand, a little annoyed.

"But didn't you promise to the Spirit Card Association not to make a move in the country?"

"I promised not to attack the Spirit Card Masters from my own country! Lechang City is so lively this time, there will definitely be many foreigners here, so it's fine if you can't play with them!"

The young man shook his head with an expression that you really don't know how to change.

"Besides, as we are talking, as far as I know, 80% of the masters of the Thief Club in Huabang have already passed. Are you really sure you don't want to go?"

"All right, all right, let's go."

——— Wikipedia: The author is still single, I hope to get out of singles soon———

It was not too early for Wang Qi to arrive in Lechang, and it was almost night when he entered the city center.

However, it took Wang Qi more than two hours to find a hotel.Because of the satellite navigation map, after taking him to an overpass, he was asked to keep turning in circles, but the overpass in front of him was more than a dozen stories high, with countless entrances and exits. less than mind.

Reluctantly, he had no choice but to sacrifice the Void Butterfly Dafa in the end, and then quickly analyzed the overall structure of the overpass with the ability of the master of data. After the modeling was completed in his mind, he finally successfully got off the bridge and walked on the right path.

When they arrived at the biggest hotel in the city, Wang Qi reported his name, but fortunately he had already made a reservation.After getting his room card, he turned and went upstairs to rest.

At the front desk of the lobby, there was a group of foreigners yelling, "Why do you have no rooms in such a big hotel?", "We are foreign tourists, you should have a better attitude" and other things.

Wang Qi just glanced at it just now, and he knew that this group of guys must also be Spirit Card Masters, and they all came from abroad to join in the fun.

As the best hotel in Lechang City, card masters who are not short of money will definitely choose this hotel as their first choice.

After entering his room, Wang Qi opened his laptop and started today's data collection homework on the trading platform.He has always insisted on doing this, so that when a new spirit card appears, he can quickly analyze whether it is beneficial to him and then buy it.

Habitually sent another message to Tang Yibai, unexpectedly, this time Tang Yibai finally replied.

"Hey, Xiaobai, you finally came out!" Wang Qi asked curiously.

"No, I ran all over one of the four great secret realms, but I still couldn't catch that guy, and my master was so mad. By the way, where are you now? I see that you have traveled a lot recently." Tang Yibai flipped through his phone, seeing Wang Qi sending him messages of concern every day, he felt sweet in his heart.

"I'm in Lechang now, and there's something exciting to see here. I'm going to stay here for a few days. Do you still have to keep chasing that person?" Wang Qi typed a bunch of words with his mobile phone.I'm really curious about the person Mu Ying and his disciples have been chasing.

"That's right, the master caught the clue with great difficulty, so he won't give up. You should also pay attention to safety, don't join in the fun, and if the situation is not right, just slip away." Xiaobai reminded again.

"Well, don't be too tired."

(End of this chapter)

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