Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 211 Aoki Research Institute

Chapter 211 Aoki Research Institute
After chatting with each other about some interesting things they experienced recently, Wang Qi and Xiao Bai both put down their phones, not knowing when the next contact will be.

However, Wang Qi felt that what Xiaobai said was good, he should be more careful, and it would not be beautiful to join in the fun and not to overwhelm himself.

So he was going to transfer his avatar to Lechang as well.

Speaking of avatars, Wang Qi has also been thinking in the past few days. Among the means of avatars, self-explosion is unusable.

Although the self-explosion effect is quite good, but after the avatar has no time limit after being promoted to the mythical level, it is inconvenient to self-destruct after a disagreement. The void butterflies of the avatar are also scattered everywhere by Wang Qi. Butterfly is gone.

So, excluding this method, what ability is most suitable for clones?
After thinking about it, there is only that kind, which is powerful, but it takes a long time to read the article, or it requires various preparation abilities.

For example, the exile from the spirit world is like this. It needs to be read. If the enemy is prepared first, the exile from the spirit world can be easily blocked by something, just like Wang Qi used the shield wall to block it before.

But when this trick falls into the hands of the avatar, as long as the avatar does not attack the opponent first, the opponent will not notice any danger at all. The avatar can easily read the article, and then directly take away the opponent, just like the previous few times.

Since this is the case, you can find some similar abilities to make the avatar more selective.After all, sending the other party to the spirit world every time is still a bit of a problem. What if the luck of the meeting is as good as Zhang Yuxiang's, and what good place does it end up in? Isn't it a hidden danger for himself to make a comeback in the future?
Thinking of this, Wang Qi took a look. He still had ten extra mythical-level spirit cards, so he might as well take out another one and hang it on the trading platform.This time, I won't sell points for money, but use them to limit the exchange.

So before leaving the imperial capital, the avatar went to the headquarters of the Spirit Card Association.

It was still the same familiar room, after the avatar entered quietly, it was replaced by Wang Qi's main body, and without anyone seeing it, he posted the new mythical-level spirit card on the Internet.

This time it was in the same series as the previous spirit card, with the same powerful effect but strange appearance, Wang Qi chose one at random and hung it on it.

So, the platform exploded again.

In the past two days, everyone has been refreshing the forum to see if there is any new news.As a result, everyone in the Spirit Card Association suddenly discovered that another Spirit Card similar to the Mythical Spirit Card appeared on the internal trading platform.

But the auction conditions this time are not points and money.On the conditions of the auction, it was clearly written, "This time only exchange is accepted, only the exchange of powerful spirit cards above the legendary level, or the transfer of spirit cards, the exchange quantity is subject to my own judgment."

"What does this mean? Why does he want to exchange such an easy-to-use spirit card for another one? Can he still accept the exchange of a legendary spirit card?" Countless people are guessing the reason.

However, probably only the dialogue between Yue Jingxian and the Ice Queen revealed the truth.

"Honey, do you want this spirit card?" Yue Jingxian asked flatteringly. "I think that Lin Zhongchen is pretty strong with this ability."

"Get out, don't compare me with Lin Zhongchen, I don't know how to use such an ugly spirit card." The Snow Queen gave him a white look.

Yes, because it's too ugly.And each one is ugly and has a distinct personality.

Wang Qi really didn't want to use these spirit cards by himself, as being so ugly would make him highly recognizable.Even if I put it in distracted hands, I don't feel comfortable looking at it.

Anyway, I still have ten sheets in my hand, and they are all reserved as materials, so why not keep them for now, and merge them all when I have good materials later.

The shadow snake-tailed wolf is actually the card that Wang Qi most wants to fuse and strengthen. After all, this card has followed him from the beginning, and he has made a lot of achievements through hard work.But recently, none of the spirit cards in my hand are suitable for its fusion, so I have been using it like this.

We can only wait until we get a good card.

Set the auction time on the trading platform to three days. I believe that I will definitely receive a lot of news during these three days, so I can take a good look at it then.

After the avatar completed the task, it drove the sun chariot to Lechang city overnight to meet the main body.

In fact, this time I came to Lechang City to join in the fun, but most people didn't know how to join in the fun.The same is true for Wang Qi, who just thinks that people come first, and then play it by ear.

However, there are also many spirit card masters, especially some foreign organizations, after they came to Lechang City, they went straight to the research institute in the suburbs where the "Qingmu Research Association" was located.

Many people think that they can be one step ahead of others and use their own special means to get the results of Aoki's research into their hands.Therefore, they didn't care about the things on the surface at all, and when they got there, they used various means to sneak into the building.

However, those who entered disappeared.

It was as if the building itself was a black hole, swallowing everyone who entered.

Some guys who were watching outside the building were surprised to find that since the post appeared on the Internet a few days ago, no one had come out of this building. It's like throwing a stone into a pool of water, without even making a sound.

The largest group of people is from a small country with chicken feet. The people in that country are very arrogant, thinking that their country is incomparable to anyone in the world.

More than 20 people came, and they didn't even cover up, just walked in like that. Everyone used various means to watch them enter the lobby on the first floor of the building, and then the door closed automatically and never opened again.

This weird feeling suddenly made the atmosphere a little subtle.

"Aoki Research Institute, it's not easy. Have you checked it out? Who is their background?"

The local person in charge of the Lingka Association asked the secretary beside him.

"This is the strangest place. In the world of ordinary people on the surface, this building has been built and stood here more than ten years ago, but the local people don't know what institution is inside this building. I only know that there are many people working inside, because at night, you can see the lights on the upstairs and some people's shadows moving around."

The beautiful female secretary in business attire pushed her glasses. She supported the tablet with one hand and rested it on her chest. .

"In the records of our Spirit Card Association, this place has never belonged to any Spirit Card Master or organization. If it wasn't for the post this time that exposed this research association, we wouldn't even know that there is a group of Spirit Cards here." The teacher is doing research."

"Oh, this is my negligence." The person in charge shook his head, stood by the window, and looked at the tall building outside the window.

"Minister, hasn't the superior already issued an instruction, let us wait and see what happens." The secretary thought for a while before asking.

"That's right. But if too many Spirit Card Masters have accidents here, compared to many foreign organizations, they will not let it go. At that time, the Spirit Card Association must give everyone an explanation, and then I will be miserable .” The person in charge revealed helplessness in his tone.

"Now I can only hope, Lord Gunner, come quickly." He no longer looked out the window, but turned and returned to the desk in this temporary office.

Wang Qi was sleeping soundly. He didn't know that this building of Qingmu Research Institute had swallowed nearly 100 people in just a few days, and none of them came out.

Early the next morning, after Wang Qi got up, he went downstairs to eat a local special breakfast, and then decided to go out for a stroll.

He was originally here for leisure and adventure, just leave it to the avatar, the main body does not need to take risks.

The avatar had already arrived in Lechang City early in the morning, and had worked hard to scan two waves of fields, and now it is scanning several new fields that were refreshed during the eight o'clock trip.Fortunately, the area did not cover the hotel, but it allowed Wang Qi to sleep peacefully.

The Void Butterfly has already faithfully covered all of Lechang City, and Wang Qi has changed from the state of fog of war to a fully open map, and his field of vision has been greatly improved.So now he is more local than any local in Lechang, and no streets or alleys can hide from his eyes.

The address of the Aoki Research Institute can be found on the forum, and the Void Butterfly was sent here immediately, so I also saw that several waves of people went in overnight without making a sound, and I also found out that there was a sneaky look outside. More people in the situation.

The main body doesn't care about these things, since I went to travel and eat snacks, the focus of consciousness came to the avatar.

At this moment, the avatar is riding a diamond flying dragon and landing on the top of a tall building in a field.

This is a medium-sized field, and the monsters are of the type distributed in high-rise floors.

Because there are so many spirit card masters coming from all over the country and the world in Lechang now, in this small area at the moment, there are actually voices everywhere.

Not wanting to join in the fun, Wang Qi's avatar found the elite monsters in each building and the boss hidden in one of the buildings early on, and beat them to half-mutilation with attacks. The spirit card is already in his hands, waiting for work at ease.

Finally, when these people desperately found the boss and elites, they were delighted to find that these monsters were all injured.Although some people couldn't help but doubt, they still killed all the monsters very smoothly.

Immediately, the settlement popped up, Wang Qi's avatar chose the spirit card for settlement, and the broken old plug in his hand became a natural spirit card.

"Huh? It's kind of interesting. Are you lucky again?"

Looking at the spirit card in his hand, Wang Qi suddenly felt that the Zhang Ling card was not very rubbish.

"Broken plug: Item card, rare level. No need for spiritual power, summon a broken plug, which can be inserted into any target with spiritual power. When the user consumes spiritual power, ten percent of the spiritual power is consumed. One-third, provided by the plugged target. Only one plug can be placed at a time, and when a new plug is summoned, the old plug fails."

(End of this chapter)

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