Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 212 Exploring the Building, Weird Building Card

Chapter 212 Exploring the Building, Weird Building Card

The level of this card is not high, and the effect is very single, but it is very useful.

Compared with the main body, no matter who the plug is plugged into, the other party will definitely find it, and it is not easy to succeed at all.

But the avatar is different. If you choose a target at will, you can place this plug on it, and then reduce your spiritual power consumption by one tenth.If that person is an opponent, he can also weaken the enemy's strength in a disguised form, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Put away this spirit card, the avatar is not going to continue to swipe the domain anymore, the flying dragon flapped its wings and went straight to the Aoki Research Institute.

It was already daytime, and more spirit card masters had already gathered near the Qingmu Research Institute building.

Similarly, after some people went in without any response, some stopped cautiously, while some couldn't sit still.

Some people used their own unique summoned creatures and figured out a way to use summoned creatures to find their way.

However, after these summoned creatures entered, they also disappeared.If you're not dead, you just can't get out.

Wang Qi was bored, so he summoned a Void Butterfly and sent them to the gate of the building.

When the sight came to Void Butterfly, Wang Qi saw it immediately, an ordinary hall and an ordinary building.

The door into the lobby was open, which looked normal from the outside.But after the Void Butterfly went in, she turned her head and looked back, but found something strange.

Outside the door, the world is gone.

A pitch-black void, nothing exists, just as quiet as in the silent universe.The difference is that at least stars can be seen in the universe, but nothing can be seen here.

Trying to let the Void Butterfly fly out, the moment he left the gate, Wang Qi found that the Void Butterfly was out of control and started to move away from the building.

In the field of vision, the building became farther and farther away, smaller and smaller until it disappeared.No matter what method you use, you can't fly back and take a step closer.

"It's interesting." After canceling the summon of this Void Butterfly, Wang Qi sent a new one in again.

This time, Void Butterfly didn't care about the building, but went directly up the stairs and began to explore upstairs.

However, when Wang Qi flew the Void Butterfly from the first floor to the top floor, he didn't see any living creatures.

Everything is as if there were people here just now, but they disappeared in the next second.

Flying all corners of the building, and even knocking down several walls with attacks, the Void Butterfly didn't find any clues.

And inside the building, I didn't find any useful information. On the desk, on the bookshelf, and in the file cabinet, everything was filled with blank paper, without a single word on it.

"It's really weird. This should also be a building card, right?" Wang Qi couldn't help guessing.

He tried to let the Void Butterfly fly to a window facing him, and then blasted the outer wall and window with his attack, but in his eyes, there was nothing.

It's really weird now, I can't find a clue, so I'm just wasting my time like this?
While Wang Qi was testing the building, there were also many people testing the building in different ways.

The result obtained by Wang Qi is the same, there is no one person who can get useful information after entering the building.

"Don't try, you all get out of the way!"

Suddenly, a guy was impatient and rushed out by himself.

"I don't believe that you can play tricks like this after demolishing this building!"

Some people hold the same idea as him and wait and see what happens.There are also some people who have the mentality of watching a drama, with mocking faces.

"How many times is it? Why can't these people be a little creative."

At the temporary office of the Lingka Association, someone said to the colleagues beside him.

"They don't know that someone has tried it before, so they naturally think that they are the best. Such an obvious building card is still showing off." Another person shook his head.

"Fortunately, we have shielded the senses of ordinary people, otherwise they would make such a fuss, and I don't know how much trouble they would have caused."

The person who rushed up, with his forward steps, his body gradually became larger.After a few short steps, he has become as tall as a building.

"Hey! This ability is not bad!"

Many people around were amazed.

"Why, you were moved when you saw that it could become bigger?" Another person joked.

"Hey, bro, be steady."

After the man's body became as tall as the building, he didn't see him use any other abilities, so he directly summoned a huge war hammer and smashed it towards the building.

If it was an ordinary building, if he went up and down a few times like him, a building could be demolished easily, and it would not be easy to grab the demolition company's job.

However, when this sledgehammer hit, the building didn't change at all. If you look carefully, such a big hammer didn't even shatter the glass on the upper floor.

This man didn't believe in evil, he used the wind hammer method with one hand, and hit DuangDuang with eighteen hammers in a row, and he was very happy.

However, it's useless.

After trying for a long time, I finally realized that my behavior seemed to make people around me laugh. This person finally took back the hammer, resentfully changed back to the normal form, and then exited the yard.

At this time, there were sporadic applause from around, accompanied by whistles and applause.

"another one!"

"Don't go!"

"In the port!"

After reuniting with his companion, he looked around and glared around, but he couldn't see who was shouting at all, so he could only curse a few words in a low voice, and then went to the side to rest.

The avatar felt a little bored, thought for a while, walked to the front of the building, then took the Qiankun gourd on the back, pointed the spout at the gate, and threw a warrior-level monster caught in the God and Demon Grotto with a puff. went in.At the same time, in order to see its behavior, a new Void Butterfly got in along with it, ensuring that it could reach one place.

But it's a pity that although the monster was put in, the Void Butterfly followed suit, but the vision returned by the Void Butterfly still only existed by itself, and there was no figure of the monster warrior at all.

"It will automatically separate the people who go in? This building card is a bit powerful."

Wang Qi was also a little surprised. After much deliberation, he finally decided not to try it.

Why do you have to come out on your own, just wait, there are so many people who have a way.

As a result, more and more spirit card masters gathered near the building. Many of them came here a few days ago, and some arrived yesterday and today. They rushed over in broad daylight.

Finally, the accident happened.

With so many spirit card masters gathered in one place, in this environment, the probability of domains appearing will become extremely high.

So, at 12:[-] noon, everyone was directly covered by a newly generated domain.

The domain is not big, only a medium-sized domain, and the monsters are not strong. After a few breaths, they were all killed by all the spirit card masters.

However, everyone found that this building in the domain, as seen from the outside, has not turned into ruins one by one.

"Sure enough, it's a building card!" Everyone whispered in secret.

None of the bosses and elites were interested in fighting. Wang Qi's avatar took the opportunity to touch two shots, and then found the natural spirit card.

"Since I happen to have a domain, I can also make a move without any scruples."

Suddenly, a voice came from nowhere.

The voice is gentle and the speaking speed is very slow, but it is clear for everyone to hear clearly.


Everyone hurriedly looked around, and when someone noticed it, he pointed to the air and shouted.

In the sky directly in front of the building, an old woman who did not know when she appeared there was quietly floating there.

She didn't intend to attract anyone's attention. After saying this, she raised her hands behind her back to her chest, and then began to prepare an unknown attack.

"Although this building card is good, it's just a space ability. Let's see if I break it, will you continue to hide!"

After finishing speaking, she suddenly moved her hands from the middle to the sides, as if she was tearing something, and she pulled it all of a sudden!
Everyone's ears seemed to hear a "tearing" sound.

In front of the old woman floating in mid-air, it seemed that there was a static two-dimensional picture, but it was directly torn into two by a pair of hands at this moment.This torn crack runs through the heavens and the earth, extending up and down for an unknown distance.

From the huge crack that was torn open, everyone can clearly see that there is a building that is exactly the same as the Aoki Research Institute in front of it, standing there quietly.

The only difference is that the building in the crack can be clearly seen through the glass windows, and there are many people standing by the windows, staring at the old woman dumbfounded.

"Nice job."

A voice passed by the old woman and went directly into the crack.

As soon as everyone blinked, they saw a young man rushing in with a long knife in his hand.

The long knife in his hand did not know when it would be unsheathed.With just one blow, the building suddenly turned into countless cracks, and then began to slide downward.


The people in the building began to scream, but only a few people were directly hacked to death by the knife just now, and those who survived were also panicked at this moment, using various abilities to run away.

Suddenly everyone outside came to their senses, and a swarm of bees rushed towards the crack.

"That was, Yu Dao just now?" The person in charge of the Spirit Card Association frowned.

"That's right, it's Yu Dao. Why is he here too, and why is he so anxious to make a move? Judging by his appearance, it doesn't look like he wants to grab information."

The beautiful secretary beside her pushed her glasses.

"Could it be that he... actually wants to destroy the research institute and the information?" The person in charge guessed at random.

"It's a pity that this accident happened. I don't know if we can make it in time." He looked at the suddenly appearing field again, and suddenly felt a little annoyed.

"Minister, shall we take action?" the secretary asked.

"Wait and see, let these people go, I don't believe that the Aoki Institute is so simple."

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, the building that had collapsed in the crack suddenly returned to its intact state like a video rewinding.

If it weren't for the fact that a few people died just now, everyone would think that the collapse of this building just now was simply an illusion.

"Hehehe, I didn't expect the famous Yudao to be interested in our research."

Just when everyone was surprised, a person slowly pulled his body out from the surface of the building of the research institute, as if it was a pool of water.

(End of this chapter)

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