Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 213 The Arrival of the Gun God

Chapter 213 The Arrival of the Gun God
"who are you?"

The master named Yu Dao stood still in the air and asked him in a calm tone.

And that old woman.He had already flown not far from him, and he also looked at the figure emerging from the building in front of him.

As for the others, they all entered the crack, and those who could fly occupied every angle of view of the sky in all directions.

Wang Qi's avatar... took the opportunity to enter the building, scattered the Void Butterflies, and looked for possible secret rooms and the like.

It is good to leave the life and death to others, why bother to participate.

"Although it's a bit late, I still have to say, everyone is welcome. It really makes our research institute flourish. I, Aoki, welcome everyone here."

The figure still had the pattern on the surface of the building, and only a human figure could be seen, but this did not prevent him from bowing directly in the air.

"Your Aoki, I welcome everyone again. However, I would like to advise you to rest for the time being, our institute, you can't destroy it."

"Oh? There is nothing in this world that cannot be destroyed. I want to try."

Yudao's tone was calm, as if he was about to draw his sword.

"Wait a minute, wait a moment. In this way, since there are so many people here, it's not good for everyone to make a waste of time. I simply invite everyone to play a game together."

The figure who called himself Aoki said, and moved aside.

Everyone suddenly discovered that at some point, all the people in the building had disappeared.

"As for my building, everyone has already seen that it is a building card. As for its ability, it is a little bit special."

As he spoke, Aoki stroked with exaggerated strokes with both hands.

"However, I won't tell you about any ability. And the game I want to invite everyone to play now is to enter this building and find our information before this field disappears. Of course, I dare to face Everyone swears, this information is definitely inside, and it is absolutely true. As long as you can find it, you can take it away casually, and I will never stop it."

After he finished speaking, he looked at everyone and smiled slightly.

"Of course, if no one finds the domain when it disappears, then the game will automatically end. Everyone, I will send you out safely, but our research institute will beep and disappear."

"How about it, do you want to play?"

"Troubleshooting." Yudao spit out two words, and then drew the knife directly, not wanting to talk nonsense at all.

No one saw Yudao's move, and his knife returned to its sheath.Then, the figure who claimed to be Aoki still had a smile on his face, but together with the building beside him, he was gradually divided into several pieces.

But then, the fragments were reassembled again.

"Oh, Your Excellency Yudao is really powerful." Even the face was cut into several pieces, and while floating in the air to reassemble, the part with his mouth, once again confided words of admiration .

"However, in my current state, I can't be killed at all. The ability of that old woman must not last for too long, right? If you don't make a decision to enter the building now, wait until the space crack closes, I won't guarantee what will happen to everyone here."

"He's right. The eyes I sent in before saw that there is a void outside the space where this building is located. If we return to that state, we will be in trouble."

A person not far away suddenly interrupted.

"Yes, my ability has also detected it."

Yudao frowned, ready to move the knife again.

But a hand stopped him suddenly.He looked up and saw that it was the old lady who tore apart the space and brought everyone here.

"Your Excellency Yu Dao, I don't know why you want to kill him so hard, but, can you show off your face and let everyone go in and try." The old woman looked at him with a smile.

"Oh? Are you threatening me?"

"I dare not, but I believe that if I leave alone now and close the crack, Your Excellency Yudao will not be able to leave here."

"Then you can try." Yudao held his own knife with a calm expression on his face.

"It's better for me to be a peacemaker."

Suddenly, a strange voice came in again.

Everyone turned around and saw a middle-aged man wearing a cowboy hat, a cowboy outfit, and a cigar in his mouth, riding a horse and coming through the air.

"Spearman?" Yudao frowned again.

"That's right, everyone should know the name of my Gunslinger." The Gunslinger laughed, reined in his horse and stood up in the air, then cupped his hands at everyone.

"Fortunately, Lord Gunslinger arrived in time." In the distance, the person in charge of the Spirit Card Association breathed a sigh of relief, and said to the secretary beside him.

"The well-known Spear God of the Spirit Card Association, that's really impressive. I dare not say that I haven't heard of it." The old woman also bowed slightly, obviously recognizing the reputation of the Spear God.

"As a representative of our Spirit Card Association, I actually don't want everyone to fight. At least, don't fight in our territory. Everyone understands this, right?" Gunslinger took off the cigar with his hand, flicked it, and put it back on mouth.

"However, since everyone has come from all over the world for this matter, as landlords, we can't say that we have spoiled everyone's happiness. Since Director Aoki has proposed a solution, why not, everyone can Follow his method first, play around and see. I promise with my reputation as a gun god, as long as I am here, whoever finally gets the information can take it away after handing it to our Spirit Card Association, no one Anyone can touch him. What do you guys think?"

The Gunslinger laughed and said his plan, but Director Aoki, who had already regained his human form, just stood aside, looked at everyone with a smile, and didn't say anything.

"Are you sure, your Spirit Card Association wants to intervene?" Yudao asked.He tightened his grip on the knife in his hand, and his eyes became dangerous.

"It won't work if you don't intervene. We can't just let you have a big fight and then we'll clean up the mess, right?" Gunslinger smiled again, not caring about Yudao's dangerous eyes.

"Then I really want to experience the reputation of the gun god." After speaking, Yudao's tone changed.

Everyone saw that Yu Dao was so sloppy, so they had no choice but to step aside, and the old woman also flew to the side, far away from the two of them.

Gunslinger still had a cigar in his mouth, smiling, but he stretched out his hand, helped the brim of his hat, and then looked up at the top of his head.

"Too bad, this place is still within the domain, so we can't see the sun. However, at this point, it should be just after twelve o'clock, right?"

As he spoke, he looked at Yudao.

Yu Dao's eyes froze, and everyone noticed that his hand holding the knife suddenly let go.

In an instant, a knife light suddenly appeared in everyone's eyes.

The light of the knife was like a delicate drizzle, which looked very soft but continuous.Just like the drizzle in early spring, it will bring the most gentle recovery to the world, and make everything stained with the freshest greenery.

This piece of drizzle was drifting toward the gun god, and it seemed that the speed was extremely slow, but it was actually extremely fast.

"What a rain knife! This is the legendary drizzle!" The old woman's eyes reflected the light of the knife like spring rain, and her face was full of admiration.

"Hehe, no matter how heavy the rain is, there will always be a time when it will end. I don't know, the scorching sun at noon is the most eye-catching!"

The voice of Gun God suddenly entered everyone's heart.

Without seeing him move, a revolver with a repeating pistol suddenly appeared in his hand. Without looking at it, he held the hammer behind the gun with his left hand and quickly fired six shots.

Clap clap clap clap!

Six gunshots were fired, and the bullets were so fast that they could not be seen, abruptly interrupting the continuous light of the knife.

Everyone only saw that Yudao suddenly swung the knife quickly, blocking the six bullets that were shot at him.If you look more carefully, you can find that these six bullets happened to be his limbs, head, and heart.

After blocking six bullets, Yu Dao's knife also stopped, and the Gunslinger still smiled and did not speak.

"Okay, I'll show you some face." Yudao said, put away the knife directly, then turned around and left through the crack.

The gun god smiled, played a trick, and then put the gun in the holster on his waist.

"The rest, do you have any other opinions?" He asked with a smile.

No one said a word.

"That's fine, then I'll take it as everyone agrees." Saying that, Gunslinger looked at the figure of Aoki.

"Director Aoki, as for me, I think the game you mentioned is very good, but I hope you can stay here, with me and this old lady, and watch these people play your game. If you really want to play I don't mind if it's some tricks, I'll kill you."

As he said that, Gunslinger looked at the top of his head, as if he was looking at the beautiful sun in the real world through the unknown space above his head.

"Time, just enough."

"No problem, Your Excellency Gun God, I promise that what I said is true."

Aoki bowed slightly, then snapped and snapped his fingers, and another floor was split in the building, on which there was a table, three chairs, and a sun umbrella.

Looking at these things floating over, he made an inviting gesture.

Gunslinger laughed, jumped off his horse, and sat directly on it.And the old lady, who didn't report her name from beginning to end, also sat on it.

Aoki himself also sat on the chair, and clapped his hands again. From a window of the building, a tablet floated out, with a bottle of red wine and three wine glasses on it.

"Then, Lord Gunslinger, let's have a drink together?"

"I like this one. But your wine is not good, and the red one is boring. I'll drink the one I brought myself!"

As he spoke, Gunslinger directly took out a glass bottle from behind, which was full of liquor.

"Hey, what are you waiting for, go in and hunt for treasure?" Gunshen looked down strangely, and suddenly reminded him.

"Oh yes!"

Everyone froze for a moment, just looking at a few masters, and then remembered what Aoki said just now.

With the guarantee of Gunslinger, no matter who gets the information, they don't have to worry about being attacked by other people, so what are you waiting for now, hurry up!

(End of this chapter)

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