Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 214 The Labyrinth Inside the Building

Chapter 214 The Labyrinth Inside the Building

Just when these people rushed into the building, Wang Qi's avatar had been in for a long time, so that he only saw the scene outside with the help of the Void Butterfly, but didn't hear what happened.

However, relying on lip-reading skills, Wang Qi also restored the scene that happened just now to a close.

He shook his head, not thinking about the level and strength of this Spearman, and how strong or weak he was compared to the Gluttonous King, Ice Queen, and Yue Jingxian that he had seen before.All he knew was that this person was strong enough.

At this moment, it is better to focus on this weird building space.

Just after taking advantage of the rain knife to cut open the building, the avatar mingled in directly, mingling with those who were standing by the window before.

However, when that Aoki appeared outside, the people by the window disappeared out of thin air one by one, and in the blink of an eye, only himself was left.

"Does this building also have the ability to transfer space?" Wang Qi thought for a moment and came to a conclusion.

The building and Aoki didn't discover the existence of the avatar, and naturally they wouldn't send the avatar away together, so the avatar couldn't follow these people and leave directly, it could only be regarded as entering the building in advance.

But this amount of advance was fully utilized by Wang Qi.

Dozens of Void Butterflies flew quickly in all directions and upstairs and downstairs, looking for clues in the seemingly unreal building in front of them again.

The building this time is different from the building that the Void Butterfly entered before. At least, many things inside are real.

For example, data on the ground.

I picked up a document casually and looked it over, the content was clearly reflected on it, and some things that I didn't quite understand were recorded in it.Although it seems that it has nothing to do with Lingka's research, it is undoubtedly a real document, not the blank pages like before.

Seeing that the confrontation was still going on outside, and the Yu Dao was still suppressing the audience, Wang Qi didn't care, and started to move quickly, collecting all the information he could see into the Qiankun Gourd, regardless of whether he was useful or not, Put it away first.

When entering, it is the top floor, which makes the movement a lot more convenient, and there is no need to go back.Wang Qi swept all the way to the bottom, and wiped out all the things that seemed to be able to record data.

When we came to the bottom floor, the gun god arrived outside and confronted Yudao.At this moment, he suddenly saw a familiar figure in the field of vision of a butterfly in the void, sneaking into the building with the two people around him.

"Hey, why is it this chick again?" Wang Qi felt that it was really destined.

That's right, it was Yan Zhiyun, and next to her were Lu Jingye and her master.

These three people did not know how to avoid everyone's sight, and at this moment, while everyone was still watching the battle of Spear God Yudao outside, they slipped into the building first.

"Forget it, it's not convenient for the avatar to greet her, so let's send a few Void Butterflies to take care of her."

Wang Qi shook his head, and continued to search for a new path.

After he first came to the first floor, he walked on this floor several times, and always felt that something was wrong, so he opened the vision of the data master with all his strength, covering everything in it.Soon, from the floor of a room, Wang Qi found that the joints of several floor tiles were slightly different from those of the other ones.

When the eyes focused on this point, the data of the floor tiles kept refreshing and became more detailed, and the gaps became more and more obvious. Finally, the gaps were connected to form a closed rectangular range.

"This should be a door." Wang Qi secretly admired himself, and then began to look for the switch to open the secret door.

After groping around for a long time, he finally found the switch on the back of the table in the drawer of the next table. A downward staircase.

As a clone, naturally there is nothing to be afraid of.This room was invisible from the outside, so Wang Qi simply walked in, thought for a while before entering, cleaned up all the traces of his movements, and then walked in Shi Shiran.

After the avatar walked in, the secret door was opened for 30 seconds, and the closing mechanism was triggered, and it automatically closed again.

The downward stairs are like the stairwells on the upper floors. After a few steps, there will be a bend. Two folds represent the height of the first floor.With the ability of the master of data, Wang Qi, who has been building a three-dimensional model of the building in his mind, estimated that he went down to a depth of nearly twenty floors before he saw a door again.

At this time outside the building, Yudao had been chased away by the gun god, and the three gun gods were about to sit down and watch the show.

"Master, do you believe what this Aoki said?" Yan Zhiyun and her younger brother Lu Jingye rummaged through the empty bookshelves and cabinets in the room, and asked the one behind her who she called "Master", but looked younger than her A boy who is several years old and looks just like his brother.

"So what if you don't believe me? Don't you have to come and look for it? Stop talking nonsense and keep searching." The boy responded impatiently.

"But look, it's obvious that all the information has been searched, and there is nothing left at all?"

Yan Zhiyun looked at these empty frames boredly, with a very impatient tone.

"Master, I always feel that this place is not safe. Let's leave. What do you think, Senior Sister?" Lu Jingye always felt furious in his heart. Before the old woman tore open the crack, they watched countless people come into this building. Now one No, there is clearly a problem.

"What are you afraid of! I'm here with the master, just follow along obediently." The boy looked young, but his tone was old-fashioned, and he patted his chest while flipping through a few drawers.

Finally, when the scene outside reached the end of the previous chapter, everyone rushed in together.

Although Aoki sat in the air with the gun god and the old lady of unknown origin, he was as stable as Mount Tai, but quietly, he had actually activated the real ability of the building card in the building.

So, the three masters and apprentices in the building, as well as Wang Qi's Void Butterflies scattered all over the top and bottom, watched those people outside the window, and prepared to break the window and rush in from different places.But the moment they touched the window, the figure disappeared.

"What's the matter? What's going on?" Yan Zhiyun and Lu Jingye ran to the window, touched the window, and found that there was no sign of damage to the window.

"Master, this is a bit weird!" Lu Jingye's tone trembled immediately.

"Ding!" The young man walked to the window and looked at the window. The scenery outside was still the same as he came in just now, and he could even see the three people drinking in the air, but the other people who rushed in were gone.

"It's rare and strange, but it's just a means of space transfer. I estimate that these people have probably entered the parallel space of the building. We are staying in the real building now, and that Aoki just activated his ability." The boy clicked his tongue. With a sound, he turned and looked at the two of them.

"Have you finished searching? After searching, let's go to the next room."

As he said that, he opened the door, and then stepped forward to go out.

Just when his legs were halfway, he suddenly retracted, causing the two apprentices behind him to bump into their arms.

"Master, what are you doing?" Yan Zhiyun pushed Lu Jingye away and complained.

"Don't worry, don't go out yet, it's not right outside this door."

The boy made a gesture with one hand to make them calm down, and stretched out with the other hand.

If you look carefully, you can find that in the palm of the hand he stretched out, there is an extra eye that looks like a child's stick figure.

After the three of them watched the hand stretch out, there was nothing unusual, but the boy's face changed.Because, from the perspective of the eye painted on the palm of the hand, it is reasonable to be able to see the three people inside the door, but at this moment, what the eye sees is nothing but emptiness.

"Trouble, it's still a labyrinth-type construction card." After looking left and right with the eyes of the palm of his hand, he simply took it back without any results.

After thinking for a while, he looked back at the two of them, and then simply grabbed the hands of the two apprentices.

"From now on, every time you leave the room, you must hold each other tightly, otherwise any of you will really get lost, and I can't promise to find you out."

"Hey, can't we leave now?" Yan Zhiyun pointed out the window with the other hand.

"I've been here, haven't you heard the phrase 'thieves don't go empty'? I have taught you for so long. I have gained nothing, and it doesn't fit my name as a thief. Besides, this kind of maze, just be careful , it’s not too dangerous, when I want to go out, I have my own way.”

The young man shook his head, and with a force in his hand, he dragged the two of them straight out the door.

Sure enough, the three of them held hands and came to the corridor together without separating.

However, when they looked back at the room they just came out of, they found that the room was no longer the one they had turned over just now, but the one that hadn't been touched at all.On the table, on the bookshelf, in the cabinet, there are all kinds of materials.

Look through the window of this room and look at the scenery outside the window.The three big bosses who were drinking also disappeared as expected, and a void with nothing appeared there, revealing infinite weirdness.

"Presumably even if you go back now, it's not the room just now. Do you two understand? If you don't drag and walk together, you will get lost if you take two casual steps."

Thief Saint looked at the two apprentices and explained briefly.

"Master is wise!" The two quickly flattered.

Waving his hands triumphantly, the Saint Thief boy let go of the two of them, and then summoned a little bug that glowed with fluorescence.

"Treasure hunter, get up!"

As soon as the little bug came out, it flew around in front of the three of them, looking very lively.

Thief Saint bowed three times to the little bug, and then spoke.

"Treasure hunter, help me find the treasure! I want to find the most precious thing in this building, take me there!"

Xiao Chong shook up and down twice, as if nodding, and then slowly began to float forward.


Grabbing the hands of the two of them again, the Thief Saints chased Xiao Chong and walked forward.

 I forgot to thank Mr. Jun Xiaosheng for the reward, thank you Ri Yueqing for the reward, thank you all!mwah!
(End of this chapter)

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