Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 215 Huge Underground Space

Chapter 215 Huge Underground Space

As Pirates said just now, the building card arranged in the Aoki Research Institute is called "Building 12345".

Its main ability is to take a building as a prototype, first create a body that is exactly the same as the building, and then create a maze composed of 12345 parallel spaces. When a confined space enters another space that can be sealed, including but not limited to walking through doors, turning over windows, breaking walls, breaking ceilings, etc., as long as you move between two rooms, you will randomly enter these 12345 parallel rooms. Any one projected the same position in space.

That is to say, plus the original building body, after everyone came in at this moment, they were faced with a total of 12346 building spaces, and the things inside were exactly the same except for those materials.

There seemed to be many spirit card masters from different factions and organizations from all over the world who were present just now. When Gunslinger arrived, he looked around and there were probably a few of them. In fact, there were no more than 300 people.

These 300 people entered the building after Aoki activated the building card, just like a few drops of water entering the ocean, not even a wave could fill it.

This also includes those spirit card masters who have been probing and entering the building since a few days ago.

The old woman in front of Aoki was able to tear apart the space and directly find the main body space of the building from the more than 1 parallel spaces after the building card was activated at that time, which actually surprised Aoki very much.

However, when he used the tactic of delaying the attack and transferred all the people in the main body of the building, he took advantage of the situation to lure everyone in so that they could launch the plan he had prepared long ago.

That's why Aoki is so calm, because he believes that unless luck is extreme, or has absolute strength to overwhelm, otherwise no one will be able to get out of this building.

What he didn't expect was that just before he disrupted and reshuffled the main body of the building and the parallel space, there were three people, Wang Qi and Thief Saint, who had already sneaked in first.This also gave a few people an opportunity to stay in the main body of the building.

However, apart from the information, the three Thief Saints also want to get some benefits from other spirit card masters.Wang Qi was different. Wang Qi's avatar came to the underground space connected to the building directly after he reshuffled the layout, but left the range of the building and the building card.

At this moment, Wang Qi has gently pushed open the door he just saw.

He stood in front of the door and hesitated for a while, but at this moment, there was really no good way to open the door quietly, so he could only take the risk and open it directly.

Void Butterfly immediately reported the situation above her head, she was only a step too slow to walk next to them, and the three of Yan Zhiyun disappeared directly at the door.After the Void Butterfly chased them out, the three of them were nowhere to be seen, and they could no longer complete Wang Qi's mission.

In fact, it is not completely missing.As long as you do a repeated horizontal jump at the door of this room, and jump tens of thousands of times, you might be lucky enough to jump into the space where Yan Zhiyun and the three are.It's just that Wang Qi is not prepared to be so stupid, they are willing to take risks, so let them ask for their own blessings.

After the avatar gently opened the door, it was discovered that there was a huge underground space behind the door.

Based on the three-dimensional model built in Wang Qi's mind, combined with the nearby terrain seen before entering, this space is located in the belly of the mountain behind the Aoki Research Institute.

In the huge space, there are countless fluorescent lamps arranged on the top, and all of them are on at the moment, illuminating the room transparently and brightly, just like the ground.

But the room was empty, there was nothing there, only four huge figures could be seen on the ground.

Through Void Butterfly's eyes, Wang Qi could easily see that these four evenly distributed figures were basically four huge magic circles.

The patterns of the magic circle are marked differently, and the patterns represented in the center are also different.Wang Qi squatted down and touched it lightly with his hands, and found that the lines of these magic circles were all made of metal embedded in the ground, which was very firm.

The Void Butterfly flew back and forth several times, and Wang Qi firmly memorized these patterns in his mind, and then he also found another door on the opposite wall.

Now is not the time to think about whether there is anyone monitoring here, Wang Qi walked over, came to the door, opened the door again, and found a new stairwell.

"Why can't there be an elevator here?"

Wang Qi, who couldn't help but want to complain, had no choice but to start going downstairs again.

The Master of Data faithfully recorded everything Wang Qi had experienced, so when a new door appeared in front of Wang Qi's eyes, the data in Wang Qi's mind cleared and told him that the depth he had just descended was different from the one he had walked through before. As deep as that.

Regardless of 21, Wang Qi continued to open the door, and Wang Qi found another huge room that was the same as the one above.The same spacious and bright, the same four magic circles, and the same door opposite.

Only the patterns in the middle of the magic circle are not repeated, and the patterns of the magic circle this time are all new.After Wang Qi memorized it, he continued down.

Along the way, Wang Qi counted in his mind that he had passed through thirteen equally huge rooms, each of which was exactly the same except for the magic circle.And through the accurate counting of the master of data, Wang Qi is already at a depth of one kilometer underground at this moment.

"I'm not surprised that a spirit card master has this kind of ability to dig out this kind of underground space, but it's so deep, and they haven't repaired an elevator, what are they trying to do?"

Finally, Wang Qi came to the No.14 huge space.

Finally, something different appeared this time.

NO.14 In the center of the four magic circles in the huge space, there are four more altar-shaped stands. On each stand is a thing that looks like an antique or an old object. At this moment, it is reflected by the shimmering altar. shining brightly.

Boldly went up to touch them separately, and stared at one of them carefully for a minute with the ability of the master of data, until he saw the microscopic composition level, Wang Qi confirmed that these four things are real objects, not spirits. The item summoned by the card, or something special.

"Could this be the Nature Spirit Card item being manufactured?"

Thinking of the reason why the Qingmu Research Institute attracted the whole world this time, Wang Qi couldn't help thinking about it.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from the side.Wang Qi looked quickly, and found that it was on a wall, separated from the middle to the left and right, and an automatic door opened.

The door opened, and two people in uniform walked out of it, walking towards the four altars.

"Confirm again, the NO.14 conversion array is ready." Both of them were wearing wireless earphones, and after checking the two altars and the items on them, they reported into the earphones together.

"Received! You two come back and prepare to start the conversion ceremony!"

The voice in the earphones could not be concealed from Wang Qi, who was in front of him, so that he could hear it clearly.

"Yes!" The two responded, then turned and walked back to the wall, and the door closed automatically.

After entering, Wang Qi couldn't help complaining again, so the elevator is here, no wonder he couldn't find it after searching for a long time.Fortunately, there are still stairs connecting here, otherwise it would be really hard to come down and find this place.

The two of them stood quietly without speaking after entering the spacious elevator.Wang Qi took a closer look and found that there were 21 buttons on the elevator panel. When they just entered, it showed -14, but now the two pressed -20.

"It's really hidden deep enough!"

As the elevator descended silently, finally, after more than ten seconds, the elevator stopped, the door opened again, and the clone followed the two of them to the -20th floor.

At this moment, Wang Qi knew that the people in this research institute were all here.

It is also a huge and incomparable space, the difference is that the layout here is different from the one above. It is like a satellite command center with a sense of technology, surrounded by a circle of equipment, and there are uniformed personnel sitting in front of the equipment. Know what you're manipulating.These people include Winbonds and foreigners, and they look like they can be found anywhere in the world, which shows that this is still a multinational organization.

The two people followed by Wang Qi walked towards the center of the circular equipment. On the ground there was a huge magic circle, which was different from all the ones I had just seen above. At this moment, the twelve dots drawn on the magic circle had stood for ten A man, also in uniform, was waiting for the two to join him.In the middle surrounded by them, there is another altar like No. 14 above, but this time in the middle of the altar, there is a small tripod that looks very simple.

"It's really weird. It's science fiction and fantasy. It's an interesting arrangement."

The avatar stood beside the 12 people.I don't know what they are going to do now, it is better to wait and see.

"Confirm, the collection of dissipated spirituality is complete, and the transformation of the No.14 group of materials begins."

A person sitting behind the circular platform next to him suddenly started talking.

"Confirm, prepare to input the guiding spiritual power, the countdown to transformation starts, 3, 2, 1!"

The other person went on to say that he didn't know what he pressed, the light of the magic circle on the ground became brighter, and Wang Qi could clearly see that there was more spiritual power flowing.

After the countdown ended, the twelve people standing in the middle all closed their eyes.Every point of the magic circle under their feet also began to light up, and it continued to spread towards the center, and finally all gathered under the altar in the middle.

And in the magic circle on the ground just now, the scattered spiritual power that was collected was also guided into the altar together.But Wang Qi was able to clearly discover that the spiritual power flowing out of the bodies of the twelve people did not blend with these guided spiritual powers, the flowing spiritual power only entered the altar, while the other It was transformed by the altar, and then continuously integrated into the small tripod above.

(End of this chapter)

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