Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 216 Let You Kill Each Other

Chapter 216 Let You Kill Each Other
What the hell is this doing?It seems that spiritual power is being poured into this small tripod, so what are the four items on the fourteenth floor above used for?

Listening to the first person just now, it seems that the above four items are just materials for preparation?
The dissipated spiritual power collected from the formation on the ground poured into the small cauldron one after another, but the small cauldron remained unchanged, and the spiritual power was like a stone sinking into the sea, without causing any waves.

"Okay, you can stop." Seeing that all the spiritual power had been injected, a person next to him gave instructions.

The twelve people stopped the input of spiritual power together, and the light of the magic circle under their feet gradually weakened until it disappeared completely.

"Go to check the No.15 group of materials. There are four more groups of materials, everyone speed up!" The person in charge quickly arranged.

Two of the twelve people in the middle nodded, left their spots, and walked towards the elevator.

Wang Qi was a little curious, and sent a Void Butterfly to follow them in, and then went up to the No.15 floor.

Sure enough, there are also four altars here, with four different old items on them.

After the two people checked it and confirmed that it was correct, they turned back and went down to the twentieth floor, and everyone performed the operation just now.

This time, Wang Qiyou left a void butterfly on the No.15th floor. He clearly saw that the four objects on the altar also emitted light when the magic circle was activated underneath.It's just that as spiritual power poured into the small cauldron, these four things gradually lost their brilliance, and then returned to ordinary.

Even in Wang Qi's eyes, it can be clearly felt that they seem to be a little different.But if you look closely, you can't see anything.

Next, the people below repeated the operation three more times, and finally finished the material conversion work they were talking about.

"Okay, the preparations have been done. The 12 of you rest in place, recover your spiritual power quickly, and wait for Director Aoki's instructions to launch the 'God Worship Plan' at any time."

The person in charge said, while arranging people to go up to pack things.The altars and items that have been used on the upper floors have been recycled by other people just now after use.

No wonder Wang Qi didn't see those above the 14th floor, because they had already been used and recycled.

Wang Qi was curious about what the "sacrifice plan" they were talking about, and followed the recyclers to the warehouse where the altar and the recycled items were stored.

Hey, as soon as he came in, Wang Qi couldn't help admiring, there were two shelves full of various antiques, all of which seemed to be of great origin.Although Wang Qi has no experience and knowledge in antique appreciation, he can see that these things should be worth a lot of money.

I found the four pieces I saw on the fourteenth floor before, and took a closer look at one of them, and found that it was no different from what I saw before.Wang Qi was a little puzzled, but when he saw that the recycling personnel were about to go out, he quickly followed them back into the hall.

The twelve people in the middle meditated around the small tripod to recover their spiritual power. It seemed that they had consumed a lot just now, and they all sat quietly with their eyes closed, silent.

Wang Qi didn't know what the plan they were talking about, and he couldn't find any information in this room, and it was useless to worry, so he had to focus on the building above his head, and then observed the Spirit Card Master he encountered through the Void Butterfly .

Although I don't know that this building card has as many parallel spaces as 12345, Wang Qi also obtained a very large number of results through the non-stop shuttle of the Void Butterfly inside the building, so whenever the Void Butterfly finds a spirit card After mastering him, let Void Butterfly hold the man tightly and stop moving around.

Under such circumstances, more than 100 people were locked by Wang Qi, and the remaining Void Butterflies were also constantly shuttling back and forth, looking for new targets.

The more than 100 spirit card masters locked by Wang Qi made Wang Qi see all kinds of strange abilities.

The building is not tall, and it only takes about half an hour for ordinary people to walk from top to bottom.Therefore, most people have very clear goals, and they first target the roof of the building, and then sweep it from top to bottom.

Some people discovered the essence of the labyrinth of the building during the sweeping process, and began to use all kinds of strange props and abilities to explore. There are really all kinds of things, only you can't think of them, and there is nothing they can't use.After all, they come from all over the world, so it's normal to have various abilities.

Some of them, after quickly sweeping to the ground floor, also found the hidden underground entrance, and then entered the underground space.

However, there are still some people who are not closely tied with their companions like the three robbers, so they separated separately, and then panicked.

These spirit card masters who started to panic are probably the kind of guys who are not confident and don't trust their own spirit cards.

Of course, this is also indispensable for Aoki to give them a spiritual hint with the help of the building.

The time agreed by Aoki to Gunshen is when the spirit card domain disappears.In other words, excluding the time wasted earlier, it was only a little over an hour.

The urgency of an hour, and what will happen when the time is up, undoubtedly exacerbated the tension of these people.

When they start thinking and imagining that if no one finds the materials after an hour, and they are still in this building, surrounded by a void and unable to get out, then they don’t know what to do, and they become more nervous.

Then, the more I want to settle down, the more I want to think about it, and the more nervous I get.

Walking alone in this quiet and eerie building, the surrounding environment reveals a very eerie atmosphere.As time passed, the spirits of these people also began to change from nervous to suspicious, then irritable, and finally some people showed madness in their eyes.

"Destroy it! Let's do it! What are you waiting for! As long as you destroy the building! You can go out! You can kill other people! You can get what you want!"

Finally, someone couldn't help but used the means of attack.

They shouted, their voices echoing in the empty building, and then they used their attack abilities, either bombs, or magic, or weird abilities, or powerful summoned creatures.

These used abilities began to wreak havoc around.

Then, another ability of Aoki's building card was activated.

When a Spirit Card Master is within the range of "Building 12345" for more than 11 minutes and 11 seconds, any attack from this Spirit Card Master will be equally distributed to all other Spirit Card Masters who are also within the range of "Building 12345".

All the spirit card masters immediately felt that they were being attacked.This attack power is not strong, it is as weak as a child's fist, but it is indeed an attack.

People who are still rational will not shoot at will, they will be more cautious.

But those who were already on the verge of making a shot were immediately ignited and exploded.These people also shot one after another, and then more attacks fell on all the others.

Once or twice, anyone can bear it.But if some people use too weird abilities, such as toxins, such difficult things as curses, even if they are shared by nearly three hundred people, it will be very troublesome.

Immediately, it was as if a spark had fallen into the gunpowder keg, and the burning area grew larger, and no one could be spared.

"Let's go! We can't stay any longer!" Thief Saint is very decisive, Xiao Chong is still leading them around up and down, although the walking is very irregular and the road is very tortuous, but if you let the situation in the building card be controlled From the perspective of Aoki, in fact, this treasure-hunting bug is indeed heading for the only underground space.

But now faced with such a situation where he was beaten and unable to fight back, Thief Saint's face suddenly changed, and he made a decision in an instant to exit the building.

Enduring the moderate attack on his body, Thief Saint quickly came to a wall, and then summoned an ordinary-looking chalk.

"There is a way to steal!"

He drew a door on the wall with chalk, and then read these four words. After a flash of light, the door turned out to be real.

Yan Zhiyun wanted to complain that the word "Dao" does not mean channel, but she thinks it's better to shut up at this time.And Lu Jingye was even more obedient and silent.


Thief Saint pushed open the door, and the three of them rushed in.

The door closed in a blink of an eye, and then changed back to a chalk drawing, and then like a gust of wind, the chalk dust fell down one after another, and finally the traces on the wall disappeared completely, without a trace.

After the three of them rushed out of the door and saw the door closed behind them, they felt that there were no more strange attacks coming from them.Taking a closer look, this is the hotel where they stayed, the room of Thief Saint.

Thief Saint breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the two apprentices, then shook his head.

"Yeah, I didn't expect this labyrinth to have such a weird ability. This time, I've given up and let the two of you follow me for nothing." The young Thief Saint sat down and sighed.

"Okay master, being wise and safe is the purpose of our Thieves Club. That kind of situation is not suitable for us to fish in troubled waters. It is right to come back early."

Yan Zhiyun unscrewed a bottle of water, took a sip, and then persuaded her.

"But this time something is going to happen. According to the situation just now, everyone in the maze can't help but fight. Even a rational person can't keep being beaten and not fight back when they are constantly being attacked, unless With my ability to escape, or not afraid of attack, otherwise it will only become more and more fierce."

Thief Saint also took a bottle of water and drank it.

"Master, what do you mean, the people who enter inside are all killing each other?" Lu Jingye asked.

"That's right. Now I hope that the gun god will find out quickly, and then kill that Aoki, it should be able to save these people."

The situation of each space in the building, just as the thief said, Wang Qi can see clearly through the void.

When he saw that everyone finally couldn't help but attack, the attack power he used became more and more powerful, but the damage he received also became stronger and stronger.

Everyone, is fighting everyone else.

Some people ran away early with their unique escape ability.But those who can't escape can only stay here and try their best.

Moreover, Wang Qi's avatar suddenly found that Aoki, who was supposed to be drinking and chatting with the gun god outside, appeared on the [-]th floor of the basement at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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