Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 218 The "People" Behind

Chapter 218 The "People" Behind

Where is my tripod?What about the big tripod?How do you say it's gone?

Aoki and the twelve people turned pale with fright and searched everywhere, but they didn't find any traces.

Naturally, Wang Qi had just made a move. He saw the timing and used the Qiankun gourd to put away the small cauldron.

"Seeing that you have been busy all day, this tripod should be good, so I will accept it with a smile."

The avatar happily hummed a little tune, and hid aside to watch them anxious.

Anyway, he didn't attack anyone, so he wouldn't be found by any of them.

At this moment, Aoki and the people around suddenly felt a shaking of the top of their heads, and were thinking about what was going on, when they heard a buzzing sound.

Looking up, there was a big hole with a diameter of two meters, leading directly from the ground to here, and under the feet of the few of them, there was another big hole with a bottomless depth.

Aoki looked into the cave, and found that Gunslinger was putting away a huge laser cannon, and the horse under his crotch was galloping down the rock wall.

Seeing his furious expression, it was obvious that the scene where Aoki sacrificed those people on the ground just now had completely angered the master of the Spirit Card Association.

In fact, Gunslinger didn't really care about the lives of these people.Before coming, the president told him that there is no need to worry about the lives of those who wade into the muddy water by themselves.

However, Gunslinger felt slapped in the face!Obviously, they were so handsome and let out the words to protect the safety of the participants, but all of them died in the end. Is this possible?
At that moment, I even fired most of them, but in the end, I didn't save the rest of the people. Didn't you say it was a slap in the face?
So Gunslinger didn't pretend to be aggressive anymore, and directly replaced it with a large laser cannon, which is the best way to make holes. No, he opened a hole more than one kilometer deep in the ground in minutes.

Seeing the gun god who was about to come down on the horse, Aoki was horrified, the building card was still cooling down, that gun god couldn't stop it even if he wanted to, and no one else could fight except himself, so he couldn't stand it !
"Retreat! All retreat!"

Aoki shouted.

Now that such a plan has been made, the retreat must be planned.

Seeing the director shouting, the twelve people didn't think about the ground and the big hole above their heads, and immediately ran towards the wall on one side. One of them tapped on the wall, and a circular magic circle began to rotate.

The gun god came down very fast, and the ring turned faster and faster, and finally he lit up, and the person who was in front of him went straight in.Immediately afterwards, those guys who were manipulating all kinds of unknown equipment around them also hurriedly got in one by one.

When the gun god fell, half of the people had already got in and ran, and the remaining half also gathered around the wall and squeezed inside.

The gun god shouted, and suddenly there was an extra assault rifle in his hand, and the bullets swept past.

Gunslinger is not called for nothing. In addition to the pretentious revolvers in front of him, he also has a variety of standing firearm prop cards for various occasions, all of which are not small.

And besides Aoki, Gunslinger didn't intend to kill these guys who looked like scumbags. Naturally, the manufacturing materials of the spirit cards were still in their minds. As long as they caught someone alive, there was a way to force them out.

Aoki also wanted to get in quickly, but he was the farthest away from the ring, so he fell behind.

Facing the shooting of the gun god, some people were shot and screamed, and some avoided it, still rushing to get through the ring.

Suddenly, a person in front shouted.

"Why can't I go in!"

The few people who squeezed in the front realized that the ring was clearly in front of them, but at some point, a transparent wall appeared, blocking it tightly, so they couldn't touch it, and couldn't get through it.

That's right, it's Wang Qi again.

After sending a few Void Butterflies to follow them and let some people go, Wang Qi decided to keep the rest.

After all, I am also a member of the Spirit Card Association, so I can't let the experts of the association make a trip in vain.For the rest of these people, the gifts should be enough.

As for those who escaped, didn't they have Void Butterfly following them, and when I report it later, I can count them as a credit for killing them all in their lair, how great.

So Wang Qi directly summoned the shield wall to block the front of the ring tightly, so naturally these people couldn't get through.

There was an obstacle in front of them, and there were pursuers behind them. These people immediately became anxious, and a few of them were more clever, and immediately ran to other passages around them, preparing to escape by other means.

"Oh, yes, they still have warehouses."

Wang Qi suddenly slapped his head, remembering this.

Taking advantage of the mess and no one paying attention, the avatar ran directly to the warehouse he had been to just now, and opened the door.

The shelves of antiques and a large pile of used altars were all thrown into the Qiankun gourd.

Although I don't know if these are useful, but anyway, put them away first, and throw them away if they are useless.

And at this moment, Gunslinger finally arrived at this underground space.

Aoki Revenant is a big risk, he is really hard steel in the front, he is not the opponent of the gun god at all, don't look so pretentious in front of him, it is all done by using the special ability of the construction card and cooperating with his own ability.At this moment, the building card is cooling down and cannot be used, and most of my strength has been lost, so I can't play at all!

But Gunslinger didn't care about this, and summoned his first revolver again.

Pia! Pia! Pia! Pia!
Four bullets directly crippled Aoki's limbs, turning him into a flesh worm that could only roll and howl on the ground.

The horse's hoof stomped on Aoki's chest, trampling him half to death, and the gun god yelled again.

"Everyone! Stand still and don't move! Try it if you want to die!"

Suddenly, the scene fell silent.

The big guy just watched the hard steel sacrifice ceremony. The people below have watched the live broadcast, so they naturally know how fierce this big guy is.

Seeing that everyone was honest, Gunslinger made a move with his left hand, and a lasso appeared in his hand.With a wave of left and right, everyone was entangled in the upper body by his lasso and connected into a string.

The final rope was wrapped around Aoki's body directly, tightly wrapping him into a rice dumpling, even his mouth was tightly blocked.

With a slight twitch of the rope, everyone automatically lined up in a long line, obediently waiting for him to deal with it.

At this moment, Gunslinger turned his head to look at the ring that still hadn't disappeared on the wall.

"Hehe, what a majesty."

A high-pitched voice came from the ring, and Wang Qi was startled, because he found that his shield wall was shattered in an instant, and there was no chance of triggering three absolute defenses.

A fox head with a pointed mouth and narrowed eyes was exposed from inside.But its body didn't come out. I don't know if the passage is a bit small, but its body is too big, so it can only come over.

"Who am I? It turns out it's you coquettish foxes." Gunslinger was startled at first, then settled down quite a bit, his left hand still didn't relax, but the gun in his right hand was gone. superior.

"Hehe, isn't this Lord Gunslinger? I didn't expect to see him here again. It's a great honor."

This fox speaks human words, and it is obviously also from the spirit beast family.Looking at it like this, he is not afraid of the gun god at all, and he is obviously a master.

Wang Qi's avatar just sent a few Void Butterflies to follow. There is also a human building over there. This fox just popped up out of nowhere, and he didn't understand what was going on.

"Why, it turns out that Aoki was manipulated by you behind the scenes? Then I'm going to talk about it. It seems that I can't let you go easily today."

Gunslinger didn't look down on this fox at all, and instead threatened him.

"Hehehe, it's not about manipulating behind the scenes, it's just a mutual benefit and a win-win situation. But since you are personally involved in the battle, Mr. Gunslinger, let me save face. As long as you let me take Aoki away, you can dispose of the rest as you like. How about it?" ?”

The fox has a big head and a big breath.

"Then stop talking nonsense."

As he said that, the ordinary and old revolver suddenly appeared in the gun master's hand. Obviously, he didn't care much about it, but in fact he still attached great importance to this fox.

This time, he didn't read the big move, but shot out a bullet without any nonsense, aiming at the position where the fox's head was in the middle of his eyebrows.

Faced with this seemingly ordinary bullet, the fox did not dare to be careless.It screamed, and suddenly a golden leaf appeared in front of its head.

"Fusang leaves!"

The bullet hit the leaf, and it was firmly blocked, unable to penetrate an inch.But apparently the leaves are not that easy either, because the bullets are still spinning at a very high speed, apparently as long as one relaxes, the bullets will keep going.

The fox screamed again, and the leaf suddenly became golden, and a dazzling golden flame ignited.This ball of flames stained the bullet and burned it continuously. Finally, after a few seconds of stalemate, the bullet finally slowed down, finally stopped, and was burned by the golden flame.

"Not bad. But you can catch one bullet, how many more will it work?"

"Stop!" The fox head yelled quickly, "I didn't come to fight you today!"

It can only come over one head. This situation is obviously at a disadvantage, so it is naturally unwilling to passively fight again.


This time it was another skilled sixth company, and six bullets flew directly at it.

The fox screamed strangely, then retracted his head suddenly, and disappeared from the ring, and then the ring disappeared directly, and finally the bullet hit the wall that had returned to normal within a short period of time.

"Hehe, it seems that the master behind you has escaped."

Gunslinger glanced at Aoki sarcastically, and then, regardless of what he was trying to express, he glanced around, crossed his legs, and the horse under his crotch flew upwards with the long string behind him.

Wang Qi's avatar just saw that there was no advantage to take advantage of here, so when the fox's head was exposed, it quietly went up the cave first.So at this time, he walked in front of the gun god and had already reached the ground.

He was still thinking about the spirit cards and keys dropped by those people in the ruins of the building.

A large group of people from the Spirit Card Association suddenly appeared and blocked the venue. The old woman sighed and remained in the air. Everyone was waiting for the gun god to come up, so no one had picked up the drops yet.

This is your chance to fish for yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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