Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 219 Becoming the Winner Behind the Scenes Again

Chapter 219 Becoming the Winner Behind the Scenes Again

Zao Gunshen stepped forward, and his avatar went straight to the spirit cards and keys in the building.

They didn't take too much, nearly 200 spirit card masters died in this building, and after excluding those who were not alive, and those who had already run away, there were still more than [-] left on the ground.

Here, the Void Butterfly has already counted clearly, there are probably more than 70 spirit card keys dropped, and the rest are all dropped by these people's equipment cards.

Some of the ones that were closer to those who survived had already been picked up by them desperately, and the rest were still lying there, waiting for someone to pick them up.

Wang Qi was not greedy either. He just took away [-] spirit card keys from a perspective invisible to the people in front of him, and then picked up all the dropped spirit cards at a very fast speed to check their attributes. He found them useless. Just put it down, and put away the ones that feel more useful.

With the positioning of the Void Butterfly, it was useless to go upstairs and downstairs for 3 minutes. Wang Qi picked up more than 40 rare to legendary spirit cards of various levels, then turned and left.

It would be too embarrassing to pick them all up, so just accept them as soon as they are good.

With a full crop of avatars, he stood a little further away.He still wanted to see what Gun God would do next.

After a while, the spearman who had fought the fox flew out of the hole on a horse with a long string of human meat skewers, and landed on the ground.

"Master Gun God!"

The local person in charge of the Spirit Card Association brought his secretary and quickly approached.

"These guys are all put in prison and sent to the imperial capital with a special plane. As for the leader, I will personally escort him away. You send a few more people down to clean up all the things inside, and the speed must be fast." Gunslinger looked up. The sky domain counts down, "Time is running out, let's get it done before the domain disappears."

The old lady standing still in the air with her hands behind her back looked at the human meat skewers on the ground with complicated eyes, but she didn't dare to say anything, and cupped her hands at the gun god.

"Since Lord Gunslinger has suppressed the audience, let me leave now."

"Hahaha, the old lady is not going to see you off. If you have time, you can come to the Spirit Card Association. You can chat."

Gunslinger laughed and sent out an invitation.

The old woman didn't say much, she turned around and flew away.The subordinates she brought had just confirmed that they were all dead inside, and now they went back alone, which seemed a bit lonely.

The local person in charge turned around and arranged for his men to go down to clean up the equipment below and what was left in the building.

Gunslinger left the others behind, and only put Aoki bundled into rice dumplings on the horse's buttocks, and then clamped his legs again, and the steed soared into the sky. He obviously wanted to fly back directly with Aoki himself.

Wang Qi felt that there was nothing to see, so he simply ran to kill the boss in this field, and then flew back to the hotel.

This time, he was once again a bastard who watched and fished for mistakes, and he got the final result. He was so happy that there was no end to it.

But it is a pity that there is still no specific method for how the natural spirit card is generated. It is just a clue, which is probably a very complicated ritual to make something spiritual, and then through more complicated rituals, offering sacrifices After that, the natural spirit card can be formed.

By the way, how to use this small tripod?Will the field be automatically generated when it is taken out for the next refresh?
Then you have to find a place where no one is around, wait for the domain to disappear automatically, and then give him a boost, I believe it will be even more powerful.

In short, this time, Wang Qi is simply the biggest behind-the-scenes winner. No one has discovered it yet, and he has made a lot of money.

Not to mention the avatar returned to the hotel to meet the main body, the gunslinger horse carried the moaning Aoki on its buttocks, the horse ran faster and faster in the air, and finally drew a streamer.

When he was out of the city and was advancing at a very high speed, suddenly, a mighty saber aura struck head-on.


Countless sword auras turned into continuous raindrops, but they were different from the fineness of spring rain. They lacked the soft and silent touch of moistening things, but instead became very rapid and murderous, just like the sky was clear one second in summer, and the next second It came in an instant, and everything under pressure fell silently, like a torrential rain.

This saber is majestic and majestic, and it has obviously been prepared for a long time. It was specially waiting for the gun god to leave.

But Gunslinger, as a famous master of the Spirit Card Association, obviously won't be so easy to deal with.

He seemed to have already anticipated the appearance of the rain knife, holding the rein with his left hand, and at some point, that ordinary revolver was also ready to go in his right hand.

At this moment, facing the overwhelming saber energy, Gunslinger flicked his right hand and only fired one bullet.

However, this bullet was like an eraser. Wherever it passed, the sacrificial aura that was raining all over the sky disappeared without a trace.

In the blink of an eye, the bullet passed through everything and came to Yudao.


Yudao held the knife in both hands, and the tip of the knife firmly held against the bullet, and the scene suddenly became stalemate.

It's just that this stalemate is only a momentary thing.The bullet was split into two by Yu Dao, but his saber gesture was completely dispelled.

"Are you going to continue?"

Reining in the horse and stopped mid-air, Gunslinger smiled slightly and looked at Yudao.

"This knife didn't cut you down, I'm not as good as you." Yu Dao shook his head, put the knife back into its sheath, turned and left.

This time will be the last time, and he feels helpless, if the two of them try their best to fight, he is still sure to cut down that rice dumpling Aoki.But in that case, he, who is slightly inferior to the spearhead, will definitely be seriously injured, which is not worthwhile.

Forget it, give up the task.

The rain knife came and went quickly, just like a rainstorm, it came and went in a hurry, which made the gun god a little bit embarrassed.

After a slight pause, he took two puffs of his cigar and flicked the ashes. The gunslinger reined in his horse and turned around, heading towards the imperial capital.

With the disappearance of the domain, the Spirit Card Association announced the whole process of the Aoki Research Institute, and stated that the main culprit, Aoki, had committed a heinous crime. He used a false news to trick everyone into fighting, and took the opportunity to sacrifice these Spirit Card Masters to the spirit beasts. Thanks to the timely appearance of Lord Gunshen, who suppressed the audience with his peerless demeanor, Aoki was eventually taken down by Lord Gunshen, repelling the masters of the spirit beast clan, exposing the deception of the Aoki Research Institute, and bringing the incident to a successful conclusion.

Originally, when the Spirit Card Association posted such a post, everyone would definitely not believe it.However, this time the Spirit Card Association took out its trump card. The guy who posted that the Aoki Research Institute could produce natural Spirit Cards had already been recruited. This time he also participated from a distance, and even recorded the whole process.

Although not all of the videos were put in the post, only a part of the clip was shown, but it was basically in line with what the Spirit Card Association said, and everyone could only acquiesce that what the Spirit Card Association said was the truth.

Those organizations from various countries that sent people over to wade through the muddy waters were originally small forces, but now there are no more people, and the reasoning has been held by the Spirit Card Association, so naturally they can't say anything more.

It's just that I don't know how many people are still behind it.Anyway, everyone now knows that Aoki has been captured by the gun god and sent to the imperial capital, and it will be fine to focus on the Spirit Card Association in the future.

There are also Spirit Card Association headquarters in other countries, who have called the president of Winbond's headquarters, asking to share the results of the Aoki Research Institute, but they were all blocked by him because it was a scam.

What will happen in the future, it is beyond Wang Qi's knowledge.He also has no right to know.

Anyway, he was quite satisfied with this post from the Spirit Card Association, and he was not mentioned in the full text, safe.

After looking at the small tripod for a while, Wang Qi thought for a while, this one should be placed in the avatar first.He only took over the recovered antiques.

Find a chance to go to an auction house to ask about these things, and just sell them all.At worst, donate it without selling it, and it’s useless to keep it for yourself anyway.

As for those altars that have already been used, Wang Qi thought it was useless to keep them, so he simply let the avatars quietly send them all to the Spirit Card Association that night, and let the person in charge look at a lot of altars that suddenly appeared, suspicious It's been a long time.


Stretching, Wang Qi stood by the window, staring at the night of Lechang City outside the window, and began to be dazed again.

"Next, where should we go?"

I was very happy after surfing several times in succession, and Wang Qi already liked the feeling of running around.

"Oh, by the way, the Void Butterfly is still following that group of people."

The avatar wanted to come back with something, so he didn't get into the ring and follow them, but the Void Butterfly was still sent.

When the video over there came, Wang Qi was shocked.

Those people left the room they teleported to, and when they came outside, the Void Butterfly also followed outside, seeing a different scene.

This turned out to be a city.There are high-rise buildings everywhere, and there are row upon row of shops on the street, in an orderly manner.

But what surprised Wang Qi was not these, but the streets full of people coming and going. In addition to countless pedestrians, there were also countless wild beasts of various colors.

Even some shops are run by wild beasts, no matter if they are humans or beasts, they can go and bargain with them, and it looks very harmonious.

Those who fly in the sky, those who run on the ground, those who swim in the water, and human beings live in harmony in this strange city without any barriers.

"Is this actually a city where people and spirit beasts coexist?"

Wang Qi was very surprised, he had never heard of the existence of such a city.

In his previous impression, spirit beasts and humans were enemies.

Whether it is the matter of the spirit beasts attacking Shui'an City before, or the matter of Wuhe City's spirit beasts colluding with mercenaries to kidnap the protection institute, or the matter of Nipa Kingdom's spirit card masters hunting and killing spirit beasts, it all proves the hostile relationship between the two sides, and Irreconcilable contradictions and hatred.

But the scene of this city has subverted the impression of these three events that Wang Qi personally experienced.

Where is this city and who built it?Wang Qi was very curious.

(End of this chapter)

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