Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 220 The Inexplicable Robot

Chapter 220 The Inexplicable Robot
Manipulating the Void Butterfly, Wang Qi tried to find a map.As long as there is a map, you can know where the city is.

However, I don't know if it's the rules here, or someone is deliberately hiding the existence here. Void Butterfly went around the whole city without anyone noticing, but couldn't find any big map marking the location of the city, only some A map of the city itself.

However, during the investigation, he learned the name of this city, Uta.

Tried searching the name Uta on the Internet with a computer, but got no results.Even in the Spirit Card Master forum and the internal app of the Spirit Card Association, they couldn't find any information.

"It's a bit strange, a city that doesn't exist? Or is someone deliberately hiding it?"

Forget it, I still don't want to.The two Void Butterflies stayed there first, slowly collecting clues, and waited for new clues before thinking about finding the city.

That night, the avatar took Xiao Ding and rode the sun chariot, and spent half the night arriving in the desert Gobi desert marked by Huabang.

After searching carefully, it was determined that the place was deserted, and the avatar saw the time, and directly took out the small tripod.He is going to turn Xiao Ding into a real natural spirit card here, and not to fight the monsters inside, and get the strongest strengthening effect after completely absorbing the domain.

The time came to 4 o'clock in the morning, which was the time for the second wave of field refresh every day.

The silent field immediately covered the body of Wang Qi's avatar, wrapping him inside.

Looking at the little tripod in front of him that didn't change, Wang Qi knew that it was done.

Put away the small tripod, the clone was about to fly out of this field, suddenly, on a whim, he flew to a high place to observe.

"It really is a large domain! Even this scale is close to a super-large domain!"

After a visual inspection, the data lord gave the observed data. The radius of the domain is a full 49875 meters, which is about to reach the upper limit of the classification of large-scale domains and enter the level of super-large domains.

A radius of [-] kilometers and a diameter of [-] kilometers. What kind of concept is this?The smallest province in Huabang does not have such a large scope.

Fortunately, Wang Qi was cautious. The avatar chose the largest Gobi desert in Huabang territory. The scope of this Gobi desert is more than 300 kilometers in length and width, and it is desolate and uninhabited. No one lives here.

This undoubtedly drastically reduced the chances of this field being discovered.

What's more, he chose four o'clock in the morning, the time with the fewest people in the field. Even Spirit Card Masters, except for the special night owls, only the cleaning companies that clean up at night will still be fighting in the field at this moment.

The Void Butterflies quickly spread out, flying to every place on the edge of this field, trying their best to cover the entire boundary and ensure that no one would come in.

"If someone really comes in... then it depends on the situation, just knock him out and let him stop making trouble."

After making a decision, Wang Qi was about to fly out on the flying dragon, when suddenly, a scene from a Void Butterfly surprised him.

"Hey, here is another monster that is different from other monsters. Could it be... another spirit world merchant?"

The previous two encounters with spirit world merchants gave Wang Qi great benefits. If he is still a spirit world merchant this time, then this benefit should not be missed.

After a little hesitation, the avatar rode the diamond flying dragon and turned around and flew towards that special monster without hesitation.

In this large-scale domain, the monster's information has just been obtained, and it is not too unexpected for Wang Qi.

[Terracotta Warriors: Level 93]
The appearance of these monsters looks like the clay figurines unearthed in the museum. They are all made of clay, with armor patterns carved on their bodies, facial features are also fabricated, and they hold various weapons in their hands.

However, Wang Qi is not going to fight monsters. In order for Xiao Ding to absorb all the domains to the maximum extent, Wang Qi is not going to touch anything in the domain.Of course, if there are businessmen, it will be different.

Not long after, Wang Qi landed in front of that special monster and began to observe carefully without making a sound.

This monster is completely different from the terracotta figurines all over the Gobi Desert, and its style is quite different. No matter how you look at it, it is a robot.

It's just that this robot has four legs, two hands, and many protruding mechanical arms. The front end is full of various thermal weapons, and it looks very powerful.

The two cameras on the head of the robot instead of eyes emit some light from time to time, as if scanning the surrounding situation.But he lived in peace with these terracotta figurines, and he didn't know what he was looking for.

After thinking about it for a while, Wang Qi stepped forward and patted one of its legs lightly, just like the previous few times.It's not that he doesn't want to pat his arms, but this robot is much taller than Wang Qi, so he can only pat his legs.

This shot triggered the attribute setting of the avatar, and the robot immediately felt the existence of the avatar, his head and body turned beep beep, and looked at the place where he was photographed, but found nothing.Those two camera-like eyes kept expanding and contracting, but they didn't see anything.

"Don't look for it, I'm right in front of you, but you can't see me." Wang Qi took the initiative to say.

"!" The robot was startled, and turned its head and body to where Wang Qi was.

"Who, who is speaking?" An electronically synthesized voice emerged from its head.

"Are you a spirit world merchant? I am a spirit card master."

"Spirit World Merchant? What is that? What is a Spirit Card Master? Are they all enemies?" The robot's head creaked a few times and asked suspiciously.

"Uh, it seems that you don't know anything." Wang Qi was extremely disappointed, this time he won nothing.

After thinking about it for a while, and the experience of meeting Xiaoyu before, Wang Qi asked again without giving up.

"Then is there anything you can do for me?"

"Help? Aix 23 doesn't need help." The robot's head squeaked and turned twice before answering.

"Okay then. There will be no date later." Wang Qi shook his head regretfully, planning not to waste any more time.

Although this is indeed a special NPC, it seems that I can't trigger its mission.

"Ex 23 is preparing to go to the racial battlefield, why did it come to this strange place? Are these earth elemental warriors the soldiers you summoned?"

Just when Wang Qi was about to leave, the robot took the initiative to speak again, and he asked a question directly.

"Ethnic battlefield? What is that? This is a newly formed spirit card field, located in the real world."

Wang Qi was a little curious, so he simply stayed.Even if there is no benefit, it would be good to get more spiritual information.

But just as he finished speaking, the robot suddenly lit up all over, buzzing sounded from the body and head, and the eyes continued to expand and contract.

"Didi! Trigger the keyword "real world"! Open the first-level built-in task: capture a creature named Spirit Card Master in the real world, and bring it back to the base!"

"Didi! Confirming! Unidentified invisible unit claims to be a Spirit Card Master! Start the capture process!"

Two voices that were obviously different from the previous synthesized voice suddenly floated out from inside his body, but the content surprised Wang Qi.

After the robot received the new task, it suddenly became completely different from the peaceful appearance before, and some changes began to take place everywhere on its body, just like the transformation of the robot in the animation. In a blink of an eye, the robot became A mechanical monster that looks very powerful in combat.

"Didi! Invisible enemy countermeasure plan No. 1 has been implemented!"

The voice floated again, Wang Qi heard it, and without thinking about it, he rushed into the sky with the flying dragon.

However, having already been in contact with the robot, the avatar has lifted the untouchable and undetectable state for him, leaving only invisible.Accompanied by the electronic sound just now, the robot didn't know what function was turned on. His camera eyes completely captured the figure of Wang Qi's avatar, and followed him to look into the sky.

"Didi! The enemy has the ability to fly! Enter the flying combat form!"

There was another new notification sound, and before the voice finished, Wang Qi saw that the four legs of the robot's lower body began to change. After a burst of sci-fi disassembly and assembly, it turned into four jet devices, and then ignited and took off, heading towards Wang Qi chased after him.

"Fuck! He even caught up!"

With a split mind and body, the flying dragon flew directly out of the field.

Anyway, the monsters in the domain can't leave the domain at all, as long as they fly out by themselves, there will be no problem, and there is no need to fight this inexplicable battle.

The large domain with a radius of fifty kilometers has a hemispherical coverage on the ground, and the highest point is also fifty kilometers high.

It's just that Wang Qi naturally won't let the flying dragon fly towards the highest point, but fly outwards obliquely, as long as it reaches the boundary of the field, it will be easy to get out.

The robot chased after him wildly, and the flying dragon carried Wang Qi on its back and flew hard in front. Wang Qi gradually discovered that the robot was faster than the flying dragon, and as time passed, it was about to catch up.

"Didi! The target has been brought into range! Start the capture process!"

Suddenly, another notification sounded from the robot.

"How come this reminds the enemy's moves like playing a game, it's a bit embarrassing!"

While complaining, Wang Qi urged the flying dragon to speed up its flight.

But since the opponent is about to make a move, seeing that it is getting closer and closer to him, he can't just watch it like this, he has to fight back if he should fight back.

So Wang Qi directly summoned his customary long sword, and swung dozens of sword qi behind him with his backhand.

The robot has completely locked Wang Qi at this moment, and there is nothing hidden in its eyes. These sword qi can also be seen clearly. When it sees the attack, it instantly becomes like a dexterous fighter plane. Easily avoid all the sword energy.

Seeing that the sword energy was ineffective, Wang Qi canceled the long sword summoning, and summoned the "land of tyranny of elements".

Bang bang bang!
Without hesitation, he pulled the trigger directly, and several elemental bullets corresponding to the wind attribute of the gun body blasted to the robot's head in an instant at a speed far exceeding sword energy.

(End of this chapter)

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