Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 222 Town Spirit Sacrifice Heaven Cauldron

Chapter 222 Town Spirit Sacrifice Heaven Cauldron

Fortunately, at this location and at this time, no one came.Until the end of the domain countdown, Wang Qi took back all the void butterflies, and did not see any traces of other spirit card masters.

When he took out the small cauldron and held it in his hand, the moment the domain countdown ended, everything seemed to be sucked in by an invisible black hole above the small cauldron, and everything was quickly integrated into the small cauldron.

"Is this what the natural spirit card collection field looks like?"

I have tried this kind of feasibility before, but it is the first time to operate it in my hand. Wang Qi really thinks this scene is very interesting.

"I don't know what strength I need to be able to solve the mystery behind the spirit world and the domain."

More and more information indicates that the existence of the realm is most directly related to the spirit world.But how exactly are fields generated?How did Lingka appear?People have been trying to find the reason for thousands of years, and Wang Qi is not the first, nor will he be the last.

Shaking his head and not thinking about it, Wang Qi picked up the natural spirit card that had been transformed in his hand and looked at it. Looking at the pattern, as expected, it was the pattern of a mythical spirit card.After it was placed in the Book of Spirit Cards, its attributes were clearly displayed.

"Suppressing Spirit Sacrifice Heaven Cauldron +10: item card, mythical level. The first activation requires 500000 points of spiritual power. After activation, there is no need to consume spiritual power. You can summon Zhenling Sacrifice Heaven Cauldron at any time. Every time you summon it, you must shout loudly" Suppress all spirits, sacrifice to the heavens". Suppressing spirits: You can collect a target within the field of vision that is not higher than the user's level 10+100 into the cauldron, and you can refine it after consuming the target's level * 100000 points of spiritual power. Unrefined You can no longer use the spirit-suppressing skills before. The timing will start after the refinement is completed, and you can use it again after cooling down for 10 days. The refined cauldron spirit can be summoned. It has the same intelligence as the original target, and can use all abilities, completely obeying the user's orders The Cauldron Spirit can have up to 3+5. The Cauldron Spirit disappears after death and cannot be revived. Sacrifice to Heaven: Sacrifice at least one Cauldron Spirit to start the ritual of offering sacrifices to the Heaven. After the ceremony starts, all creatures within a radius of 1+10 meters are in Silent and invincible state, unable to attack each other. Among the ritual effects, according to the difference in the highest attribute of the sacrifice, the following effects can be achieved: stamina, you can get three random enemies within the range of the ritual: "Life", "Spirit" and "Body" The highest level (the number of sacrificial offerings) spirit cards in the card slot. Strength, you can get the highest level (the number of sacrifices) spirit cards in the limbs of all enemies within the range of the ceremony. Speed, you can get a designated one The spirit card with the highest level (the number of sacrifices) among the enemy's ten equipment card slots. If the target does not have a spirit card, deprive one of its abilities and automatically generate an ability-type spirit card of the corresponding level. The ceremony ends when the selection is completed.' ——Suppress all spirits and sacrifice to the heavens.'”

Sure enough, not only is it mythical level, but it has also been strengthened to the top mythical level, absorbing all the power of an untouched, almost super-large domain, so that the level and enhancement of this card have reached the limit of mythical level spirit cards, It has become the highest level spirit card in Wang Qi's hands.

Among the attributes, the + after those numbers should be the increased attributes after strengthening to +10, which makes the already strong effect closer to the limit.

"As expected of a natural spirit card made by sacrificing [-] spirit card masters, it is indeed strong enough. It's just that it's a bit embarrassing to shout a slogan every time it is summoned."

Wang Qi was not in a hurry, and first activated the ability of the data master, and analyzed this natural spirit card with all his strength, to see if it still had the possibility of continuing to strengthen the normal natural spirit card after using it for a certain number of times.

When all the star points and runes that make up the spirit card are presented in front of Wang Qi, this spirit card will no longer have any secrets for Wang Qi.Unexpectedly, the Zhenling Jitian Cauldron, which has reached its limit, still retains the possibility of being further strengthened by using it enough times.

Could this spirit card still have the possibility of evolving into a chaos level spirit card?Wang Qi couldn't help being fascinated.

It's just that the number of times is a bit scary.Town spirit and sacrifice to heaven, each of the two effects is used once, and the sum of this spirit card is used once.As for the number of enhancements, it must be used 12 times to meet the conditions for evolution.

This amount means that Wang Qi must collect a full 12 Cauldron Spirits.

But it takes ten days to refine each cauldron spirit, which is equivalent to basically not having to think about it in this life.

Wang Qi suddenly felt a little dumbfounded, shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

But no matter what, if the ability of this spirit card is used well, you can accumulate enough 8 cauldron spirits, that is, 8 powerful summoned creatures, and then it can be a big killer in the battle against the spirit card master, "sacrifice to the sky" It can't be better to directly snatch the opponent's corresponding spirit card.

It's just that this short period of time is of no use to me for the time being, and it will only be useful when there are more cauldron spirit sacrifices.

Satisfied, he equipped this spirit card, and then directly threw a monster brought out of the God and Demon Grotto into the avatar.

At that time, the avatar collected a lot of high-level monsters, even one of the side generals, which was equivalent to a level 300 monster.But this one definitely can't be refined, and now it is used for experimentation, and the clone just threw a centurion into it.

Centurion levels are equivalent to level 150 monsters, up and down slightly.Wang Qi chose a monster that looked like a toad spirit this time. After manipulating the small cauldron to inhale him, a new panel suddenly appeared in front of Wang Qi, showing the specific level and level of the toad spirit. Attributes.

[Real name: Demon Warrior Centurion Form Toad Form]

[Race: Demon Race]

[Level: Level 147]

【Physical Strength: 926】

【Strength: 780】

【Speed: 713】

【Spirit: 10463】

【Spiritual Power: 1892643】

[Skills: Toad Eighteen Rolls, Demon Centurion Battle Technique · Spear Technique, Escape from the Ground, Live Toad, Unfinished Great Teleportation]

On this panel, all the attributes and skills of this toad spirit are clearly listed, and you can freely check which one you want to see, which is very convenient.

Centurion-level fighter Wang Qi has seen it on the battlefield before, and they all have some unique skills. This toad spirit looks inconspicuous and has a lot of skills. It looks very good.

According to its level, Wang Qi directly invested in spiritual power, and sure enough, a progress bar was displayed on it, indicating how much it had been refined.

1470 million spiritual power is not a small amount, so the avatar simply drove back all the way in the sun chariot, just practiced like this for a while and put in a little bit. When passing by a huge lake, the speed of spiritual power recovery was accelerated while sitting on the water, watching the sun rise to the top In the middle of the head, the progress bar was finally dragged to 100%.

Ding!Wang Qi made up a system prompt in his own brain, Xiao Ding showed that the toad essence had been sacrificed successfully and could be summoned.

It's a pity that it was only after the sacrifice was completed that it was discovered that the ones sacrificed on the side of the avatar were not on the spirit card of the main body, and the avatar and the main body were sacrificed separately.

After summoning the Toad Spirit, the avatar discovered that the Cauldron Spirit was just like manipulating summoned beasts, it could carry out subtle manipulations by itself, and it could also give them orders to let them move freely.

However, this toad spirit was originally a fighter created on the battlefield, and he has no intelligence other than fighting instinct. He looks stupid. If he is intelligent, maybe he can be pushed in front of the table and let him 24 How many readers will be excited to replace someone with hourly code words.

Hey, wait a minute, I have it!
Wang Qi slapped his head on the main body side, and immediately remembered the giant shark in the gourd on the main body side.

After stealing food in the God and Demon Grotto last time, Wang Qi forgot about it again. Now when he opened a card, the giant shark was starving and listless, soaking in the sea water with dull eyes.

Wang Qi directly sacrificed the Zhenling Sacrifice Heaven Cauldron. Fortunately, the main body and the avatar Cauldron Spirit do not share, nor do they share the cooldown time. The giant shark resisted one or two, and sucked it into the tripod.

【Real name: Sha Wudao】

[Race: Sea Race]

[Level: Level 176]

【Physical Strength: 2064】

【Strength: 1893】

【Speed: 3562】

【Spirit: 6813】

【Spiritual Power: 1342643】

[Equipment Spirit Card: Omit]

[Free collar card slot: omitted]

Damn it, it sure works!
After being included in the cauldron, the attributes of this giant shark spirit beast were clearly displayed in front of Wang Qi, even the spirit card it was equipped with and the spirit card in its free card slot could be seen clearly , there is no secret at all.

This Shark has no way to attribute to the book, should it be said that it is a family of spirit beasts, its physical fitness is much stronger than that of humans, and its level is as high as 176, only its spiritual power is relatively low, but this is probably because of different races and different talents Bar.

Level 176 requires a lot of refining spiritual power, Wang Qi's body can't do it, so he has to work hard on the avatar.

The avatar continued to stay in the huge lake to speed up the refining of the giant shark. Feeling satisfied with the harvest, it was ready to leave Lechang City.

Yan Zhiyun still didn't go to say hello. She was with someone she didn't know. Wang Qi thought it was troublesome, so he better not provoke her.

The mythical-level spirit card on the internal platform of the Spirit Card Association has only one more day to expire. Wang Qi has already sent a lot of card attributes anonymously from those who want to exchange them, and he hasn't had time to choose yet.

After spending two hours, Wang Qi sorted out the attributes of the sent spirit cards, and shook his head in disappointment.

Aside from the absence of mythical-level spirit cards, some people even sent ordinary-level and rare-level spirit cards, purely causing trouble.Wang Qi directly blocked the other party, and these guys would never want to see the information of the spirit card he sent.

Just as he was recalling the materials he had seized from Lin Zhongchen and was about to decide on his next destination, a phone call came in.

Wang Qi saw that the caller ID was Feng Zimo.

"Hello? Where are you, Wang Qi? Do you have time these two days?"

(End of this chapter)

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