Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 223 Move to Hopsang

Chapter 223 Move to Hopsang

Feng Zimo explained to Wang Qi what he meant by calling in a few words.

"Okay, I happen to be quite free right now, so I'll go with you."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Qi thought about what Feng Zimo said.

It turned out that after everyone separated in Shanghai, Feng Zimo and Yang Liuqing also ran around and wandered around in many places.

However, they are different from Wang Qi. They are all operating abroad, looking for information from local legends everywhere, and looking for wild spirit cards that have been buried in history.

This time, they got together with a few people from the Squirrel Club and found the ruins of an ancient country.

In the ruins, according to their deduction, it is very likely that there are many spirit cards left by this ancient country at that time, and there may even be mythical spirit cards.

However, the ruins have gone through thousands of years of wind and frost, and the organs left inside have not disappeared, and are still in effect, protecting the ruins from being destroyed by people.I don't know what technology was developed by this lost civilization at that time, so that the organs that rely on spiritual power have been operating for an unknown number of years, and they can still operate normally.

Feng Zimo's team consisted of four people. It took them nearly 20 days from discovering the relic to trying to decipher it, before they deciphered the solution to the first line of protection.

The solution is, according to the clues and information collected outside the ruins, six spirit card masters need to stand together at different positions to input spiritual power to open the real gate of the ruins.

Originally, Feng Zimo and the others would definitely think of Xuanxuan and Xiaobai immediately when encountering such a situation, the number is just right, and Xiaobai's ability is also suitable.But who made the two of them run away with the master, so everyone had to find someone else.

For some reason, Feng Zimo and Yang Liuqing thought of Wang Qi together, so they called to ask if Wang Qi had any interest and time.

After agreeing to this matter, Wang Qi didn't delay, and directly booked a flight ticket to the country Feng Zimo said, which is located in the southwest of Huabang, across a very long distance, the jungle country named Hopsang.

After checking out of the hotel room, Wang Qi went to replenish a large amount of food, drinking water and other consumables. Wang Qi drove his own car to the airport, and then quietly put away all the things with the Qiankun gourd, ready to leave for this country.

There were no twists and turns along the way. It was very easy to go abroad with the identity of the Spirit Card Association. You only need to spend points on the internal platform. It is easier than the method Wang Qi used to accept tasks before, and you just need to invest some points.But what Wang Qi lacks most now is points, so of course he chose the most convenient method.

Finally, after more than ten hours of flying, Wang Qi arrived at Hopsang, a tropical jungle country located in the southwest of Huabang in the world of ordinary people.

After getting off the plane, a heat wave hit our face, and the air was very humid, which made Wang Qi feel a little uncomfortable.

However, he who has already entered the physical state, with a slight twist of spiritual power on his body, this unsuitable feeling disappeared without a trace, which immediately made Wang Qi feel much refreshed.

Hopsang is a small country, and there is only one city with an international airport. Feng Zimo and others are waiting in a very remote town, and Wang Qi has to use other means of transportation to get there.

But this time he didn't plan to make planes or cars any more. He found a place where no one was around, and Wang Qi directly summoned the shadow snake-tailed wolf, which hadn't been seen much recently, and got into the jungle.

Not too far into the jungle, far away from the populated places, Wang Qi directly replaced the diamond flying dragon and soared into the sky.

While heading to the meeting place with Feng Zimo and the others, he was paying attention to the situation of the auction on the platform.

When the time limit for the auction was getting closer and closer, those who most wanted to exchange for this spirit card finally made their moves.They showed Wang Qi the spirit cards they were willing to take out one after another, and they were much more sincere than those who bid two days ago.

Wang Qi analyzed the information of these spirit cards while browsing them.

In the end, among those who sent the message, some of them finally took out the same mythical spirit card.However, the attributes of the only three Mythical Spirit Cards left Wang Qidu unsatisfied, so he had to hesitate a bit.

As for the spirit cards below the mythical level, there is nothing particularly eye-catching. Although they meet the conditions I said, but... not enough.

In the end, when Wang Qi was riding a flying dragon and looking at the scenery, when the time was approaching the end of the auction, someone sent a mythical spirit card attribute, which aroused Wang Qi's interest.

After comparing the attributes of other people's spirit cards again, Wang Qi sent a message to the other party, "add another 50 points and the deal will be completed."

The other party only hesitated for less than a minute, and then sent a word, "OK".

As a result, the two sides happily reached a deal.

The Spirit Card Association also has a method for auctions on the condition of exchange. As long as both parties store their Spirit Cards in the weird machine of the Spirit Card Association, and after confirming the transaction information, they can go to the machine at any time and use a special QR code to get the thing that belongs to you.

Wang Qi's spirit card had already been quietly deposited by the avatar. As long as the other party kept the spirit card well, Wang Qi could let the avatar quietly take it.

As for the avatar without a mobile phone, what about the QR code?
Just draw one.

With the help of the master of data, his hands are comparable to a printer, and it is not a matter of minutes to draw a QR code.

The avatar stays in the country just for this matter. After getting the spirit card, it will be enough to rush to the main body in eight hundred miles.

The other party seemed to really want to get the spirit card as soon as possible, so not long after the transaction was successful, Wang Qi received a QR code to claim the spirit card.

The avatar has already secured the supply of spiritual power for Shark Wudao, and is now rushing to the imperial capital. It won't be long before he can get that spirit card.

So, what is the spirit card that made Wang Qi interested and agreed to exchange it?

"Black Hole Annihilation Bomb 0.5: Prop card, mythical level. Consumes 80% spiritual power, can summon a black hole annihilation bomb version 0.5. You can set the explosion countdown time from 10 to 60 minutes, and the explosion radius from 1 meter to 10 meters. After setting, it cannot move, and the movement needs to be reset. When the setting is completed, the annihilation bomb cannot be destroyed, interrupted, or transferred. When the annihilation bomb explodes, everything within the radius will be annihilated. Cooling time, 10 hours. "

Whether this card is strong or not, it is definitely strong.At the mythical level, everything within a maximum radius of 10 meters will be annihilated. It is simply a super killer.If it is used to blow up a fixed target, I believe that no defense can block this attack.

However, the reason why this person exchanged this spirit card was because its limitations were too great.

The countdown time is at least 10 minutes. After setting, you cannot move, and the movement needs to be reset. Under this condition, the role of this card is basically limited to shooting fixed targets.

Moreover, the avatar directly tried to summon this black hole annihilation bomb, and when it came out, it was startled, oh, good guy, this thing is really big enough, with a waist that cannot be hugged by one person, half the height of a person, four Standing on the ground with its feet on the ground, it was completely black, with a big white skull painted on it.

No matter who really took this thing out and just put it there, ghosts would know that it should be kept far away, and no idiot would take a close look at it.

So this thing can really only be used to attack cities and villages, but it cannot be used in daily battles.

But when these conditions are placed on Wang Qi's avatar, the shortcomings can be avoided.

Immovable, looks scary, totally fine.I shot with a clone, and you can't see or touch this thing after it's set up. As long as I lock you within the range when it explodes, you're dead.It would be even better if it was used for a sneak attack. Then you won't even know how to die, and you will be wiped out in an instant, how clean and neat it is.

Let the avatar use it, wouldn't this thing become a very flexible killer.Anyway, Wang Qi is not going to let the main body use this spirit card.

Satisfied, he put away this spirit card, and let the avatar rush to the main body in a sun chariot eight hundred miles away. Wang Qi finally saw the target town.

After letting the diamond flying dragon land from afar, the shadow snake-tailed wolf brought him closer, and soon came to the edge of this small town.

This is an inconspicuous small city in the Hopsang Kingdom, because the local rivers can wash out gold sand, there are quite a lot of outsiders here, and a lot of houses and buildings have been built for people who come here to pan for gold.

In addition to the gold diggers, because it is deep in the hinterland of the jungle, and there are many relics of ancient civilizations nearby, there are also some explorers and photographers who often come and go, so that this small town is not too deserted. Quite lively.

After calling Feng Zimo and confirming the address, Wang Qi strolled along the streets of this small tropical town with local characteristics, and soon found the only hotel here.

"Hey, you arrived pretty fast!" Feng Zimo was wearing sunglasses and an adventure outfit, sitting on a recliner at the entrance of the hotel, drinking the juice made from tropical fruits, and seeing Wang Qi from afar, he got up Say hello.

"It's okay anyway, so I'll come over earlier." Wang Qi also greeted with a smile. "Why, I didn't see your wife."

"She thinks it's drying outside, so she's in her room." Feng Zimo led him into the hotel and checked him in.

The innkeeper is a citizen of another big country, the Western Federation. He speaks fluent Spanish, and there is no obstacle for them to communicate.

"Okay, let's see if you want to rest or go shopping first. Anyway, the last person they called has not arrived yet, so you can't do anything today. If you want to go shopping, there are some local handicrafts here that are very distinctive Yes, you can buy some to take back with you when the time comes."

Seeing that Wang Qi had checked in, Feng Zimo asked Wang Qi about today's arrangements.

"Then I'll rest first, it's too hot right now, I'm too lazy to go out for a stroll." Wang Qi flew all the way just now, the sun was enough, so he didn't want to go out at the moment.

"Okay then, see you at dinner."

 Thank you for the reward from Skoda Jingrui before, and thank you for the consecutive rewards from the boss who kicked the math paper yesterday. You are too strong, I am really sorry... I feel a little scared and ashamed to receive the reward for my poor writing.Recently, I saw that some readers in the book review area wrote very long book reviews very seriously. I was very moved and uncomfortable after reading it.There are really too many problems in what I wrote, and I gradually realized it, so when I saw that there were still people giving rewards, I felt even more unworthy.I hope that all book lovers, don’t give me a reward on the spur of the moment... I will continue to work hard to modify and improve the previous plot. If one day my book really makes everyone think it’s okay to read, then I may I have the face to accept your praise.In addition, because I personally have the habit of saving manuscripts, the recently released manuscripts are automatically updated, and I may not see too many changes in a short period of time. I hope you can forgive me...

(End of this chapter)

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