Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 224 Four Sea Secrets

Chapter 224
Wang Qi went back and huddled in the room, and continued to browse the trading platform and forums with his mobile phone.

Gaining another 50 points, the total point stock of his Spirit Card Association has reached more than 200 million, which is more than enough to buy a mythical spirit card directly.

It's just that there are no mythical-level spirit cards on the internal trading platform, and the few cards on the ordinary platform are too weak to be bought, and Wang Qi is not interested.

Seeing that there was nothing there, Wang Qi simply plunged into his gourd, ready to interrogate Sha Wudao who had been refined.

"Suppress all spirits and sacrifice to the heavens!"

With a loud shout, Wang Qi blushed. Fortunately, there was no one around, and the Zhenling Sacrifice to Heaven Cauldron appeared in his hand.

Holding the small cauldron and shaking it slightly, Sha Wudao was released directly, and appeared in the seawater that Wang Qi hadn't thrown away.

After refining, Sha Wudao is actually in a very strange state. It has not died. It is still a spirit beast. It can summon the Book of Spirit Cards and use Spirit Cards, but it has become Wang Qi's summoned creature. It is said that the effect of the spirit card is really strange.

As soon as Sha Wudao came out and fell into the sea, he saw Wang Qi and quickly crawled there quietly.

"Meet the lord!"

Wang Qi nodded, it seems that this brainwashing ability is really strong.

"Okay, get up."

Sha Wudao swam up, then looked at Wang Qi, waiting for him to ask for arrangements.

At this moment, in Sha Wudao's mind, Wang Qi is the god who controls his life and death. Everything he said is his supreme imperial decree, which needs to be fulfilled at all costs.

"Don't be nervous. If you do things for me in the future, I won't treat you badly. But I'm in a place far away from the sea, so I can't let you go back for now. After returning to the East China Sea, I will let you reenter the sea."

"Thank you my lord!"

"Now, tell me about the ten spirits of the East China Sea, and why you know this title."

Wang Qi casually summoned the Eastern Sea Ten Spirit Sword and placed it in front of him with a questioning look on his face.


Sha Wudao no longer concealed it this time, and said slowly to Wang Qi.

As I said before, the land at the foot of this world, together with the surrounding ocean, is called the 'infinite land' in the concept of the card master.Any spirit card master who chooses a direction and keeps moving outward will not be able to find the boundary of the world.

Infinite Earth, as a general term, actually includes the two concepts of land and ocean.Among them, the ocean, which is much larger than the land area, is connected into one piece through various straits and rivers, interspersed between infinite continents.

According to the different directions, the entire ocean is divided into four parts, namely the East China Sea, West China Sea, South China Sea and North China Sea.

In the depths of every sea, there are mysterious buildings handed down from ancient times and built by unknown civilizations.Through these buildings, the spirit beasts in the four seas have always maintained contact and exchanges with the corresponding sea areas of the spirit world, and are under the control of the masters of the four seas.

The masters of the four oceans are in charge of the four oceans, and there is both cooperation and competition between them, but that is all between them.Under the Lord of the Ocean, he has set up numerous subordinate positions, which are assigned by the powerful creatures in the spirit world and the real ocean, and jointly control their domains for the Lord of the Ocean.

There are four levels of official positions set up by the Lord of the Ocean. Under each Lord of the Ocean, there are four kings. Under the four kings, there are two generals who patrol the sea. Under each general, there are three to five pioneers.These are three of the classes with official positions and power.

The last special class is the ten spirits.

The ten spirits are the masters of every sea, a special class set up for the creatures in the sea that are deeply loved by them.Although it is called the Ten Spirits, there may not necessarily be ten of them, but only ten at most.

As long as you are recognized by the Lord of the Ocean, you will receive a special certificate from the Lord of the Ocean, and then you will be awarded the title of Ten Spirits.

Although the Ten Spirits are not subordinate to the Four Kings, the Sea Patrol Admiral, and the Pioneer, they also have a lot of power because they are directly loved by the Lord of the Ocean.And because it can be obtained as long as it is favored and recognized by the Lord of the Ocean, it is a title that all creatures in the sea really yearn for the most.

After all, the three classes of Four Kings, Generals, and Pioneers have been relatively fixed since a long time ago, and it is basically impossible to replace them.

After becoming the ten spirits, the special certificate rewarded by the Lord of the Ocean represents its special identity. For example, the "Eastern Sea Ten Spirits Sword-Xingbo" in Wang Qi's hand represents the ten spirits of the previous golden carp. identity.

"Since you said that the ten spirits are not necessarily very powerful, wouldn't they be easily snatched away?"

Wang Qi pondered for a while, and asked Sha Wudao.

"No, no one in the sea dares to snatch this, because it represents the majesty of the Lord of the Ocean. Whoever dares to snatch it will only let him be hunted down by all the sea creatures."

Sha Wudao explained to Wang Qi with a thick voice.

"Then why did you want to take it away when you saw my sword?"

"This is the only exception. If the certificate representing the identity of the ten spirits is obtained by creatures other than the ocean, before he meets the Lord of the Ocean in person and obtains the approval of the Lord of the Ocean, all creatures in the sea, whether they are Whoever snatches this certificate back will be the new Ten Spirits, and the Lord of the Ocean will directly approve it."

"I see."

Wang Qi nodded, this statement is reasonable.

"So, if I tell you this sword now, you will directly become the Ten Spirits of the Eastern Sea? You don't need to meet the Lord of the Ocean?"

"Yes, I will immediately receive the blessing from the Lord of the Sea. His voice will spread throughout the East Sea, and I will become the official ten spirits of the East Sea." Sha Wudao was a little excited when he heard this, and nodded quickly.

"Understood. Let's talk about it later. I'll think about it when I get to the beach." Wang Qi flipped his hand and put the sword away.A trace of disappointment flashed across Sha Wudao's eyes, but he didn't say anything.

"Tell me about the mysterious building that connects the four seas with the spirit world."

Sha Wudao nodded and continued talking.

This is a mysterious building that has been passed down from ancient times to every sea in the four seas. As long as you pass through this building, you can easily travel between the real world and the spiritual world.

However, apart from the creatures allowed by the Lord of the Ocean, any other creatures who want to pass through these buildings are a dead word.Because, these four buildings are all guarded by the four kings.None of the powerful four kings dared to challenge them. They were the best guardians of the four oceans.

"Understood, if I want to go to and from the spirit world from these four buildings, it's impossible, because the four kings will stop me, and I can't beat them. Of course you can't, because you don't have permission."

Wang Qi summarized what Sha Wudao said.

"It seems that it is still a bit difficult to take this road to bring Zhang Yuxiang back..."

Zhang Yuxiang, you have no choice but to wait until I find another way.

After listening to Sha Wudao for a long time, Wang Qi finally understood the things in the sea, which also made him have some interest in the sea.

But the infinite land has not been to a few places yet, don't worry, take your time.

Waving Sha Wudao back into the cauldron, Wang Qi stopped thinking about it.He turned around and took out the Qiankun Gourd, and returned to the hotel room.

It was still early for dinner, so Wang Qi didn't know what to do, so he chose another monster warrior and threw it into the cauldron to start the sacrifice.

In the evening, Feng Zimo came and knocked on Wang Qi's door. Wang Qi put away the small cauldron, let the clone continue, and went out by himself.

When they came to the lobby of the hotel, Feng Zimo and Yang Liuqing were already sitting there in cool attire, and they waved together when they saw Wang Qi.Beside the two of them was a man and a woman who looked like they were from the Western Federation, presumably they were the companions Feng Zimo had mentioned before.

"Wang Qi, let me introduce you. This handsome guy is called Gary, and this beautiful woman, Jessie, is our friend from the Western Federation."

Gary has blond hair, is very handsome, and looks young, with strong muscles and a typical Western Federation figure.On the other hand, Jesse has brown hair, blue eyes, and a curvy figure. She is a beauty on the same level as Yang Liuqing.These two are also dressed in cool clothes, which are very suitable for the climate here.

"Hey, you must be Tang's boyfriend. I've heard about you for a long time." Gary stretched out his hand and shook Wang Qi enthusiastically.

"Hi, I'm Wang Qi, nice to meet you!" Wang Qi also shook hands with the two of them.

"Hey, the other partner hasn't arrived yet? Didn't you say there are six people?"

Wang Qi looked around and asked curiously.

"Don't mention it, that guy's plane is late, and he hasn't landed yet. It's probably tomorrow, so we don't care about him." Gary said simply.

"Okay, everyone is ready, let's give Wang Qi a chance today, let's go, let's go eat delicious food."

Feng Zimo waved his hand, and everyone walked outside together.

This small town is not big, with only one main street, but there are still restaurants, which are also opened by a person from the Western Federation. They specialize in all kinds of game barbecues and also serve as bars. They are very popular among explorers and gold diggers. welcome.

After walking a few steps except for the hotel, five people came to the door of the restaurant. When they opened the door, they heard a burst of loud music and conversation from inside. It was obvious that there were quite a lot of guests at the moment.

The five found a table, and Gary took the initiative to order a bunch of food and came back with two beers.

Everyone started working together, and quickly poured a glass for everyone. Gary couldn't wait to touch the glass with everyone, and then drank it down.


It was also the first time for Wang Qi to drink foreign beer, and the taste was different from domestic beer. The taste was very mellow and rich, and it was delicious.

After drinking a few cups, the grilled bison steak that Gary ordered was also served, and everyone immediately started eating together.

As a jungle country, Hopsang is rich in plant species on the ground, and there are many unique local seasonings and spices. At the moment, it is sprinkled on the steak, which makes people unable to resist eating a few more pieces.

While eating, Wang Qi secretly thought that before he left, he must buy a lot of them and take them home, and give some to relatives and friends as souvenirs.

(End of this chapter)

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