Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 225 The Origin of the Ruins

Chapter 225 The Origin of the Ruins

After having a pleasant dinner, Wang Qi chatted happily with the two new friends and became familiar with them.

But like Feng Zimo's couple, Gary and Rui are also a couple, only Wang Qi is alone, which seems a bit pitiful, which makes him miss Xiaobai even more.

As a result, I sent a message to Xiaobai, wanting to talk about my situation, but found that Xiaobai didn't reply to the letter again, and there is a high probability that he entered another secret realm.

The time came to noon the next day, and the No.6 team member finally arrived.

"Sorry, sorry! I kept you guys waiting for so long!"

A few people were sitting in the lobby of the hotel eating, only to see a fat man wearing jungle adventure gear, carrying a backpack, wiping his sweat with a towel in one hand, and apologizing to everyone with a smile on his face.

"It's okay, we're not in a hurry." Feng Zimo said while getting up to welcome.

"Farewell, long time no see!" Gary also reached out his hand and shook hands with the fat man.

Putting the backpack aside, the fat man was not polite, and sat directly on the empty seat next to Wang Qi, fanning himself with his hands, while beckoning the boss to bring him something to eat and drink.

"Wang Qi, let me introduce you. This fat man is called Shang Bieli, a businessman's Shang. Although he doesn't quite match his name, he is still an interesting guy." Feng Zimo introduced Wang Qi.

"Hello!" Wang Qi stretched out his hand and shook hands with him.

"Hey, hello, don't listen to him, I'm so handsome, Yushu Linfeng is handsome and suave, why doesn't my name match! I have many fans on the Internet!" The fat man winked at Wang Qi.

"Haha, if you dare to publish your photos, I guarantee that all your fangirls will turn against you and swear to kill you."

Feng Zimo laughed out loud.

"This guy is a well-known online writer who specializes in writing romantic novels in the style of sad spring and autumn. He is nicknamed the son of parting and has a large group of fans."

Yang Liuqing added with a smile.

"No way! You are actually the son of farewell! My mother loves to watch the TV series based on your novel!"

Wang Qi's eyes widened immediately.

"No, just now I wanted you to help me sign it for my mother, but I'm afraid that if I can't help but tell her the truth, my mother will have to kill her relatives. No, let's forget it."

Shaking his head pretendingly, Wang Qi sighed.


Everyone laughed together, and the atmosphere suddenly became much more cheerful.

After dinner, several people gathered in the room and began to discuss the next step.

"Let me introduce the situation to you two first." Gary took the initiative to take over the conversation.

He is the initiator of this treasure hunting activity, and the rest of the people are basically invited by him, so it is very appropriate for him to introduce the situation.

"Our target this time, the place called the Prada ruins, was actually discovered many years ago by the famous explorer John Sembia among ordinary people, and it was published in newspapers and other media at that time, causing a wave of excitement. The tide of adventure."

"However, because this relic is actually a special relic with the attribute of spiritual power, ordinary people have not found any valuable discoveries for many years. Gradually, this place has become deserted, until now it is rare."

"Because of the lack of funds, and the fact that it is located in the deepest part of the jungle, it is very difficult for the local government to go there, so they also gave up the development and care of the relic, leaving it abandoned in nature."

"This is the background. Next, I will tell you how I discovered this ruin."

"I have an ability card, and it was a coincidence that I got this ability card. Its ability is not unique, but it is very useless in normal times. It is the language card."

As he spoke, Gary took out a spirit card and waved it for everyone to see.

"As long as I equip this spirit card, I can master 26 lost ancient languages. None of the names of these languages ​​have been passed down in any records in the modern world."

"It was also a coincidence. When I was looking through some old magazines that day, I saw a report about this Prada ruins in the past, and there were many photos of the ruins on it. On a whim, I equipped this language ability card. , I was pleasantly surprised to find that one of the languages ​​just corresponds to some inscriptions of unknown meaning on the ruins."

"So I started to collect information on this ruin, and after looking for a lot of photos, I found that the inscription on the ruins is exactly one of the 26 lost languages, the Anduin magic language."

As he spoke, he picked up another stack of materials that seemed to have been prepared long ago, turned to a page with a photo, and handed it to Wang Qi and Fatty.There are a lot of things circled and drawn on it, probably all his notes.

"After analyzing this matter, Jesse and I boldly concluded that this ruin hides something that only spirit card masters can see, so the two of us found it directly."

"When we came to observe the ruins up close, we finally saw something different from what the local guide saw and recorded in the photos. It is a magnificent building, which only exists in the eyes of the spirit card master."

"What's more, it's a miracle that none of the spirit card masters or spirit beasts have discovered it for so many years. Of course, it may also have something to do with his specialness."

"When Jesse and I came here for the first time, we studied for a long time, but we couldn't find a way to enter the real ruins. The ruins are like a solid fortress, but also like a phantom that does not exist in the real world. There is no way to get in."

"It's just that I found clues from the text of Anduin's magic language on the outside of the ruins. It takes a certain number of people to have a chance to open the gate."

"Then I invited Zimo and the others, my good partners."

"The second time I went, it was also a coincidence. The four of us stood in different places and happened to trigger the real door lock. Judging from the information exposed in the ruins, a total of six positions are required for spiritual power input to truly Open the gate of the ruins and enter it."

"That's how we invited the two of you over. Do you have any questions?"

Everyone looked at Wang Qi and Fatty, they exchanged glances, and Fatty made an inviting gesture.

"I have a question. How did you conclude that it was a way to open the door, not a way to remove some seal? What if there is some kind of damn seal in this ruin? I believe this kind of plot has been played out in movies." Wang Qi thought for a while and expressed his worries.

"On the outside of the real ruins, there are a lot of Anduin magic words. Through the interpretation of these words, I can clearly get a message, which is the four words "open the gate". If it is something similar to a seal, the used should be different, it's two different separate words."

Gary explained patiently, and then smiled, "Believe me, most of those movies were made in our country, and I've seen more than you."

"Then let me ask a question. After opening the gate, shall we all go in? What if we can't get out after entering?"

The fat man wiped his sweat away, and asked the question he was concerned about.

"This is an expedition, and no one can guarantee that unknown things are absolutely safe. But since this ruin has already been involved with the Spirit Card Master, there is a high probability that we will gain something from it, so what's the point of taking a little risk? Rather, are we members of the Squirrel Club afraid of taking risks?"

This time it was Jessie, and what she said immediately excited the fat man.

"If I were afraid of taking risks, I wouldn't have traveled all the way here. Then I have no problem. When shall we go?"

They looked at each other, laughed together, and then Gary clapped his hands.

"Everyone pack up your things now, we'll leave here in 10 minutes."

Wang Qi's luggage was all in the Qiankun Gourd, he just pretended to carry a bag on his back as a cover, and he was not going to reveal the ability of the Gourd for the time being.Of course, if there is any special situation, it doesn't matter if it is exposed.

After the six people packed their things, they settled the bill with the boss and walked out of the hotel together.

"Are you going to explore again? I wish you good luck." The innkeeper shouted blessings at several people before they went out.

After waving goodbye to the boss, the few people left the city on foot without hiring any guides.

However, just after several people entered the jungle, some people stood up from the houses not far from them.

"They've already set off and are ready to follow."

After entering the jungle not far away, Wang Qi saw that there were no people around. Seeing that a few people wanted to keep their heads down, Wang Qi simply summoned the shadow snaketail wolf.

"Let's ride my summoned beast instead, it's too troublesome to walk like this."

"Oh, you saved me." The happiest thing was Fatty's parting. He sat on the shadow snake-tailed wolf allotted to him. The wolf trembled twice, and the corners of Wang Qi's eyes twitched. .

"Haha, that's why I recommend you to come." Feng Zimo and Yang Liuqing also easily got on one of them. They had ridden before when we all acted together, and they knew Wang Qi's ability.

After several people finished riding, the speed increased immediately.

"Oh, by the way, by the way, we are being followed."

Gary led the way, and several people maintained a long snake formation. Fatty took the initiative to come to the rear. Wang Qi thought for a while, and then told everyone.

"Well, it's okay, let those people follow. It's just some local ordinary people's forces, gold diggers, mercenaries, gangsters, don't pay too much attention to it."

Feng Zimo said indifferently.

"That's fine." Wang Qi nodded.The Void Butterfly left one staring at those people, and the rest of its energy was devoted to manipulating the shadow snaketail wolf.

If there is no road in the jungle, it is actually very difficult for ordinary people to walk, and the speed cannot be raised at all.Because you need to keep using the machete to open the way, and the machete has to be sharpened after a while to keep it sharp.Coupled with the hot and humid environment here, a lot of rest and hydration are needed. It is thankful to be able to walk a few kilometers a day, and sometimes it is impossible to walk even a kilometer a day.

But the six of them are not ordinary people. Don't look at the fat man wiping his sweat all the time. It's just a matter of habit. Spirit card masters will improve their bodies after leveling up, and they can also use spiritual power to strengthen them. They are stronger than ordinary people no matter what.

(End of this chapter)

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