Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 226 Going to the Ruins

Chapter 226 Going to the Ruins
Relying on the shadow snake-tailed wolf as a mount, and its wind blade to open the way, in less than an hour, Wang Qi and the six had already advanced to the end of the first section, a river.

The people who followed were indeed ordinary people. Although they could follow the footsteps of the people in front, they couldn't walk very fast, and they were soon left behind.

After reaching the river, without anyone asking, Gary summoned a wooden boat, which looked similar to the Solomon Treasure Boat that Wang Qi had used.

The six people jumped onto the boat lightly, the hull of the boat didn't shake, it looked extremely unusual.

Greeting everyone to sit down, Gary waved lightly, and the wooden boat broke through the water and left the shore without a sound

Naturally, the boat of the Spirit Card props is not comparable to ordinary boats. The speed is fast and stable. The six of them chatted leisurely, watching the beautiful scenery of the jungle on both sides of the river continuously receding. It was as refreshing as going out for an outing.

"Everyone has nothing to do right now, why don't we hold an exchange meeting and exchange all the idle spirit cards in our hands to see if anyone else needs them."

Fatty Fatty suddenly proposed.

"Okay, I agree." Jesse raised his hand in agreement.

The rest of the people also agreed, so a special small trade fair started on this wooden boat.

Fatty first took out more than ten spirit cards and began to introduce them.Immediately afterwards, Wang Qi also took the initiative to take over the topic, took out twenty spiritual cards himself, and introduced them roughly.

In this way, after the six people took turns introducing the cards they took out, everyone began to ask each other about the spirit cards they were interested in, and then discussed the exchange price with each other. The atmosphere was very friendly and harmonious.

"In this way, Jesse, you and I will use these two cards for you, your card for Zimo, and Zimo's two cards for me. We just happen to have a tie between the three of us, how about it?"

The fat man discussed with Jesse and Feng Zimo with two cards.

"I think it's okay, so let's do it this way." The two looked at each other and approved the plan, so the three happily exchanged.

Same as here, the remaining few people are also exchanging with each other.After an entire hour, no one had any more needs, and everyone was satisfied with harvesting some new cards that they felt were useful.

At this time, those ordinary people's pursuers had just arrived at the bank where they entered the water, watching the empty river rage there.

If it wasn't for Wang Qi's Snaketail Wolf Wind Blade, they wouldn't have come so fast.

"Damn it! They're going down the river!" One of the leaders spat hard and yelled there.

"Boss, let's go back and fly the plane there, they must be going to the ruins."

"No need! I was thinking about what they know. After capturing these people, their purpose can be interrogated. Since they are running so fast now, we will go back and wait for work. When they come back, no matter what good things they have , are all ours!"

The leader waved his hand, "Go, go back!"

So the younger brothers all turned and walked back with tired faces, but they didn't dare to complain.

Only two of them looked at each other and nodded.When the others walked ahead, the two of them quietly trailed behind, and then disappeared without a trace.

"Those six people must be foreign spirit card masters, they must have found something in the Prada ruins!"

One of them spoke to the other. "We never thought of the ruins of the past before."

"That's right, this is our chance, brother, we must follow up and see." Another person nodded.

The two returned to the river, they summoned a raft, jumped on it, and chased in the direction of the ruins.

A Void Butterfly fluttered its wings in the air and followed them gently.

After walking for six or seven hours on the water, eating and drinking on the boat, Gary finally told everyone that the place to disembark had arrived.

At this time, Wang Qi felt more at ease, because when they were floating on the river, the clone finally arrived.

As long as the avatar is there, Wang Qi feels that he is very confident, and he is not afraid of doing anything.

The Void Butterflies accumulated for nothing have already broken through the double digits, and hundreds of them flew over with the clones. At this moment, they are scattered in a radius of tens of miles with Wang Qi as the center, and feedback all the movements to him in detail. .

After landing on the shore, it was time for Wang Qi's shadow snaketail wolf to play its role again.This summoned beast, not to mention Feng Zimo, was envied by everyone. Gary and Bie Li offered to exchange good cards with him several times, but Wang Qi politely refused.

"Wang Qi, think about it again, I'll trade you a good legendary card, no, two, what do you think?"

Bie Li kept calling behind Wang Qi.

"I've said it and don't think about it. This card has become stronger with me all the way. I want to keep it as a souvenir."

Wang Qi rolled his eyes and refused directly.

"Then you should consider me. As long as you switch with me, I'll ask Jesse to introduce you to a beautiful woman!"

Gary moved closer to Wang Qi and winked at him.

"Gary, I will tell Xiaobai the truth when you look like this." Xiaoqing covered her mouth and snickered.

The six people talked and laughed, and finally arrived at the site of the ruins just before it was getting dark.

"Phew, it's finally here, my butt is numb."

Bie Li hurriedly jumped off the wolf's back, rubbing his butt while curiously looking at the ruins in front of him.

However, the other few people ignored him, because everyone's eyes were attracted by the huge ancient buildings shrouded in the setting sun and covered in golden brilliance.

Wang Qi had read the materials prepared by Gary, and the ruins inside were completely different from what he saw at the moment.Because, the real part of this relic can only be seen by spirit card masters, it is a spectacular miracle left by the ancient lost civilization.

A group of palaces covering an area of ​​tens of square kilometers, which looks like a big ship from the air, with a height of hundreds of meters at the highest point, is standing in front of everyone.

These buildings do not show any traces of time. There are countless patterns carved on them, and there are also translucent light blue runes floating on the surface of the buildings, making a large part of this magnificent building slightly floating off the ground. And there is still a rhythmic vibration, as if the whole palace is breathing.

"Well, this trip is worth it!" Feng Zimo said to Wang Qi and Fatty with a smile.

"The view is worth it!" Wang Qi gave a thumbs up. "It's a pity that the spirit card that can take pictures of the world of spirit card masters has not been widely used, otherwise we would have to record this beautiful scene."

"If there are people among us who can paint, and we can paint this scene, that would be pretty good."

The fat man exercised the restraint respectively, and said from the side.

"Hey, great idea, why did I forget, I'll draw." Wang Qi patted his head.

I have practiced art before, and I have also practiced painting by the way. With the ability of the master of data, it may not be good to paint a stream of consciousness abstraction, but the realistic style Wang Qi dares to say that there are few people in the world who can paint better than him. better.

"That's right, let's camp here tonight, and start exploring when the sun rises tomorrow morning. It's still not convenient to move at night." Gary smiled and said his suggestion.

"Then Wang Qi, I've entrusted you with this arduous task. The rest of us are going to set up camp, and you will be responsible for recording this beautiful scenery."

Xiaoqing patted Wang Qi on the shoulder, showing that the organization trusts you very much.

Therefore, Wang Qi did not shy away from them, took out a complete set of painting tools from the gourd, took a perspective from a certain void butterfly in the sky, and started to sketch on the spot.

Relying on the precise control of the master of data and the subtle control ability of the body, Wang Qi does not need to think and modify at all when writing, so his painting speed is very fast, even the sun has just sunk into the distant horizon, and the camp is bright. With the headlights on, his painting is complete.

After signing his name in the lower right corner, Wang Qi clapped his hands in satisfaction, then stood up.

As a result, he found that several people were all gathered behind him, looking at him with very strange eyes.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect you to have such a skill." Feng Zimo patted him, "Stop talking, and draw another picture for me when I get back."

"It's not really a skill, I'll just help you draw when I get back." Wang Qi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"You are already a master at this level. What you draw is no different from the photos. What's the point of being modest? Tell me, how to sell this painting, I will pay for it." Gary moved closer to the painting, observing carefully , while asking.

"You'd better take a photo, I'm sure I'll keep this one for myself, and give it to my girlfriend when the time comes." Wang Qi spread his hands to express his helplessness.

So around this painting, several people started a conversation again, even the fat man Farewell got involved.

As the night gradually approached, the surrounding environment became darker and darker. After everyone had a bonfire barbecue, Wang Qi also put away his paintings, and then several of them started their own business.

In the end, he was no match for Gary and Fatty's repeated bombing, and promised to help them draw the same painting each when they went back.Moreover, Fatty also reached a long-term strategic cooperation agreement with Wang Qi, asking Wang Qi to agree to draw some illustrations for his books in the future, and Fatty will pay him a corresponding commission.

Wang Qi doesn't like commissions or anything now, but this fat man is quite interesting, so he considers it a favor for a friend, and he agrees to it.

The four tents are surrounded by a huge bonfire, surrounded by all kinds of summoned beasts, and they look very safe.

In the night, the countless runes on the wall from top to bottom of the Prada ruins emit a faint light, breathing slightly like a lurking giant beast in the night, full of mysterious atmosphere.

After Wang Qi returned to his tent, he exchanged positions with the avatar and came to the back of the flying dragon.

The two locals were about to reach the site of the ruins. Wang Qi was going to meet them and see what they had to say.

(End of this chapter)

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