Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 227 The Ancient Anduin

Chapter 227 The Ancient Anduin

The six of Wang Qi came to the ruins early, which doesn't mean the distance on the road was short.

The two locals chased after them with a raft, but they couldn't get up to speed. Until it was dark, the jungle turned into the darkest world under the moonlight, and a small lamp was lit on the raft. They were still paddling hard on the river.

"Brother, there is still half way to the ruins, they will definitely rest at night, let's work harder, we should be able to arrive tonight."

"That's right, brother, let's go!"

The two kept encouraging each other, without thinking at all, even if the two of them rushed to the place, how would they deal with six people.

At this time, Wang Qi was riding on the invisible flying dragon summoned by the avatar, quietly watching the tiny figures of the two on the river from the air.

After thinking about it, he let the flying dragon fly down, and landed lightly on the tail end of the raft.

"Cough cough."

With a slight cough, Wang Qi reminded the two of them to pay attention to their own existence.


The two brothers were taken aback, and suddenly turned their heads to look behind. The elder brother reacted faster than the younger brother, and immediately turned into the river with a sudden plunge, transforming into a swimming fish.The younger brother's reaction was also a little slower, and he also had to turn over the raft.

Wang Qi hurried forward and firmly held him down with one hand to prevent this guy from running away like this.

He couldn't help but sighed in his heart, did he look so scary?Only then did he say hello, and he ran away directly.

The physical quality that has reached the physical state is not comparable to the ordinary spirit card master who is not very high in practice level, so in his eyes, Wang Qi's two hands are like two iron pincers that cannot be broken free, firmly Locked his body firmly, unable to move.

"Calm down! Or I'll kill you!"

Wang Qi had no choice but to threaten. The guy's eyes showed panic, but he really didn't dare to struggle anymore.

"Call your friend back, or I'll kill you!"

Wang Qi spoke again.

"Let go of my brother!"

Before Wang Qi opened his mouth, suddenly, a black figure jumped out of the water next to the raft, it was the elder brother who had turned into a big fish.

This big fish deserves to be transformed by a human being, even on that fish's face, Wang Qi could clearly see the angry expression.

It opened its mouth wide, and in the end it was a light blue ball of light that was brewing, probably the attack ability that this fish body could use after the change.


A shield wall directly blocked Wang Qi and it. When the huge shield wall fell, the raft also shook twice, and the big fish slammed into it directly, and stared at it.

These two guys are really weak.

Wang Qi dared to come here in person because he was sure that these two guys were really weak, otherwise how could they get mixed up in the team of ordinary mercenaries? After all, they were also spirit card masters.

The Lord of Wind's ability was used, two whirlwinds restrained the big fish that hit the shield wall and the guy he caught, Wang Qi removed the shield wall, and two hand knives directly hit one person's head.

The two brothers immediately lay on the ground, unconscious.

He casually used the Qiankun gourd to put the two guys who couldn't resist directly away, and didn't care about the raft under his feet. Wang Qi jumped up and jumped back on the back of the flying dragon.

Instantly switched with the avatar and returned to the tent. Sure enough, no one else noticed that Wang Qi had just disappeared.

Putting the gourd on the ground, Wang Qi got into it with a thought.

There are a lot of things in this gourd now, but Wang Qi divides them into their own spaces, so they don't interfere with each other, and they can't see each other except for him, the owner.So Wang Qi came to the small room he had opened for the two captives with peace of mind, and then made two balls of sea water that he hadn't had time to throw away, and poured them thoroughly.

"Pfft..." The two woke up together immediately.

The big fish had already turned back into a human form when it lost consciousness, so at this moment, the two of them looked at each other, then jumped up from the ground in an instant, retreated quickly, and distanced themselves from Wang Qi.

"Ah, that's all right, all right, both of you are my captives now, you can't leave here without my permission, don't waste your efforts."

Wang Qi waved his hand and changed the space under his feet slightly, and the two of them were directly pulled in front of him.

This is a little skill for manipulating the space inside the Qiankun gourd. It is very convenient to use, and it can be used as a force in this situation.

"What do you want to do to us?" The two were pulled back to Wang Qi again. After a moment of silence, the older brother spoke up.

"I want to ask you this. What are your intentions in following us?"

"We just want to see what you guys are going to do, and we want to find a chance to see if we can get some benefits." Brother replied.He has also become honest now, knowing that there is a big gap in strength between the two, so he simply confessed honestly, just don't anger the person in front of him.

"I see." Wang Qi nodded, "Then, do you think I've caught you, should I silence you, or silence you?"

The two brothers had probably never heard of this kind of joking question from Huabang people, so they panicked when they heard that the two choices Wang Qi gave were to silence their mouths.

The two of them fell to their knees directly on the ground, laying their heads on the ground.

"Please spare us!"

Wang Qi rubbed his chin, he didn't understand the joke, he felt a bit boring, so forget it.

"Okay, just kidding, I didn't intend to kill you, you just stay here honestly, I will release you when I go back."

Originally, he wanted to silence the stalker directly, but he felt that these two people looked weak and stupid, there was no need for this, so let it go.Lock it in the gourd first, and then release it when you go back.

After finishing speaking, Wang Qi ignored them, went out of the gourd, and returned to the tent.

Nothing happened that night, and the next morning soon came.

None of the people had the habit of sleeping in. As soon as the sky dawned, they all got up to clean up.

After a simple breakfast, several people finally stood on the front of this huge ruin, under a tall stone arch.

"Look, this is what we discovered last time. If it wasn't for a coincidence, we really wouldn't have discovered the difference between these stones."

Gary pointed to six stones with strange patterns under the stone arch.

The patterns of these stones are all carved on them, and they are not as shining as the magnificent building in everyone's eyes. If you don't look specifically for it, you really won't notice it.

Because around here, there are stones carved with patterns everywhere on the ground, and the patterns are not regular, and most people really don't pay attention to them.

According to Gary's instructions, the six people each chose a stone and stood on it.

"Now everyone listen to my command. After I finish the countdown, everyone input spiritual power to the stone under your feet."

Seeing everyone standing still, Gary clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention.

"Everyone remember to summon all the equipment and be prepared for contingencies."

Feng Zimo reminded from the side.

Several people nodded together, and each summoned their own equipment. Wang Qi did the same, and also summoned the long sword, which was held upside down by his waist.

"3, 2, 1, start!"

Gary gave an order, and everyone began to input spiritual power to their feet.

Wang Qi stood on the stone, and the spiritual power in his body flowed with his thoughts, rushing towards his feet.Immediately, he noticed that the stones under his feet were slightly different. Although he didn't know the specific meaning of those patterns, but after the spiritual power surged up at this moment, he immediately reacted and began to absorb the spiritual power.

This absorption speed was neither fast nor slow. After a while, Wang Qi clearly noticed that his spiritual power had disappeared by a full 50 points before the stones under his feet stopped absorbing.

He looked around, and sure enough, everyone had stopped, and a glowing rune appeared on the six stones that were standing on their own.

After the rune emerged, before anyone could observe it carefully, it shot straight at the smooth wall in front of the magnificent building in the direction the six people were facing.

After the six runes were imprinted on the smooth wall in a hexagram arrangement, a complex hexagram magic pattern began to gradually emerge on the wall.This magic array became clearer and clearer, until it was like a relief, with sharp edges and corners.

Everyone watched the scene together, and no one spoke.At this moment, the magic circle as a whole began to glow.

In the center of the hexagram, a spiral-shaped cluster of light appeared out of thin air. As it continued to rotate, it became bigger and bigger, gradually engulfing the entire magic circle and the six runes, and then covering the entire wall. changed.

"This is the entrance!" Gary shouted excitedly. "Successful!"

Everyone looked at each other, and then Wang Qi asked key questions.

"Then shall we all go in now? There is no need to continue stepping on these six stones?"

"It shouldn't be necessary. There are descriptions of opening and closing the gate written on the stone arch. We can go in and explore together. After we come out, we can close the gate in the same way." Gary pointed to the words on the stone arch above his head. Notch, that's what he said in Anduin's magic language.

After speaking, he left the stone under his feet directly, and nothing changed.

"That's good, then let's go in." Feng Zimo and Yang Liuqing looked at each other and walked forward together.

Naturally, the remaining three people had nothing to wait for. They stepped forward together, and everyone stood in front of the portal.

"This kind of unknown portal, according to my experience, when we go in, it's best to hold hands. If we encounter one that will teleport randomly, it's not good to separate everyone."

The fat man took the initiative to speak and offered his own experience.

"It makes sense!" Gary and Feng Zimo agreed together, and then each took their girlfriend's hand.

Wang Qi and Fatty glanced at each other, and then at the others.

"Wang Qi, don't be shy, come, hold me."

The fat man smiled and held out his fat claws.


(End of this chapter)

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