Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 229 Anduin's Defense Suit

Chapter 229 Anduin's Defense Suit
Fortunately, Anduin's magical civilization did not coincide with the modern invention of QR codes.

After the four patterns floating in the air are combined, they become four wholes and four patterns floating in the air.

These four square patterns floated upward together, then gradually shrank, and finally combined to form a regular hexahedron with blank upper and lower sides.

After spinning and rolling in the air for a while, the shrunken cube floated towards Wang Qi and landed in front of him.

Wang Qi looked at this thing curiously, and waited for a long time to see that it hadn't moved, so he stepped forward to support it with his hands.

Immediately, after the regular hexahedron was rotated again in his hands, Wang Qi saw his Spirit Card Book reappear automatically, and then this thing flew straight into the Spirit Card Book and fixed it on the back cover of the book.

Wang Qi took the Book of Spirit Cards, and his Book of Spirit Cards has more and more tricks now. The cover is a Tai Chi Yang fish, and he is swimming there; the back cover has now become this regular hexahedron, only However, only four sides have QR codes, and the other two sides are empty.It is also slowly rotating, and whenever one of the sides with the pattern appears on the back cover, it will light up slightly, which looks quite cool.

After opening the attribute page, as expected, there was an additional attribute, or a skill.

[Anduin's immunity: It can be used once a day to summon Anduin's immunity mark. After absorbing an attack with the side with the magic pattern, you can summon a rune shield that is immune to all the same attacks. The duration is 1 Hour.A runic shield can have 4 sides at the same time. 】

In other words, this ability to be directly added to the property page is really easy to use, it does not occupy the card slot at all, and it can also exert a huge effect.

This Anduin's immunity, before looking at the attributes, really can't guess that it is a defensive ability.But this is quite good. You can have four chances a day to summon a shield that is completely immune to four types of attacks. Although it is not very useful at ordinary times, it can also be used as a life-saving trick at critical moments.

Although he has never been in danger, he is always ready to swap with the clone and run away.

After Wang Qi checked this attribute, a portal appeared in front of him, and he could go out if he wanted to.

Wang Qi felt that the deciphering trial had not been long, and it was over like this, which was really a bit unsatisfying.It's a pity that a person can only enter one at a time, and it will take 240 days to enter next time.

When one foot was about to step into the portal, a strange thought suddenly appeared in Wang Qi's mind, which made him stop his body involuntarily.

"If one person can try it once... I still have two people in my gourd! And the guy who doesn't know Sha Wudao doesn't count?"

That's right, there are still two guys in the gourd who were caught and locked up by Wang Qi last night.

Originally, I planned to go back and find a place to throw them away, but now... I can try.

Thinking of this, Wang Qi turned around and returned to the original place, ignoring the portal, and moved directly into the gourd.

Inside the gourd, the two bitter brothers were sleeping soundly.

They didn't know when the master who caught them would kindly let them go, and the two of them didn't bring anything to eat or drink, so they had to sleep to pass the time and reduce consumption by the way.

Seeing that the two were sleeping, Wang Qi muttered to himself just right, directly manipulated the space in the gourd, spit out the two, and gently placed them on the grass.

It was also because the vigilance of these two people was too low, they suddenly changed the environment, neither of them woke up, the breeze on the grassland blew, they both scratched their heads comfortably, and then continued to sleep.

And the moment the two of them appeared in this grassland, the portal flickered twice, as if it wanted to disappear, but it probably felt wrong, as if it had fallen into a logical deadlock.

I probably don't know the Anduin civilization that built this trial temple many years ago, and I didn't expect that someone would secretly bring others in.Because at that time, those who could enter here were selected people, and no one would engage in such cheating.The intelligence of judgment left by the ruins doesn't know how to face this situation at the moment, so the performance is that the portal disappears and appears in a while.

Finally, when Wang Qi wondered if he had destroyed the Trial Temple, the portal completely disappeared.

From the perspective of the Void Butterfly looking down from the sky, two new stone forests suddenly appeared in two other places of the grassland.

"Huh? Is this a success?"

Wang Qi pondered for a while, and then simply released Sha Wudao from the Zhentian Sacrifice Cauldron.

Sure enough, the grassland was silent again, and a new stone forest rose up, standing there quietly.

"Can this Shark have no way to count? The Suppressing Heaven Sacrificial Cauldron is really strong... It seems that we have to carefully consider refining what enemies to enter in the future."

Waved to put Sha Wudao and the sleeping brothers back together, Kong Kongdie stared at Shi Lin himself, and found that they hadn't disappeared.

"Haha, it's really done!"

Wang Qi snapped his fingers happily, and then directly summoned a flying dragon to take him to one of the stone forests.

Unknowingly, the time in the trial secret realm came to the moonlight, and the bright moonlight spread over the entire grassland.The slight night wind is blowing slowly, countless illusory fireflies are flying everywhere, and the scenery is too beautiful to behold.

I have to admit that this Anduin ancient civilization, the secret space in the Temple of Trials is really well done.With this beautiful scenery, Wang Qi wanted to give them a thumbs up.

The second stone forest is quite different from the first stone forest. The stone pillars here are all three-sided, and the symbol patterns on them are also unprecedented.Fortunately, the moonlight was bright enough. With the help of the moonlight, Wang Qi effortlessly analyzed the secret of the stone pillar.

Finally, after several hours passed, the data lord's ability completely analyzed the secrets of this stone forest. A new light and shadow appeared in front of Wang Qi. It was a colorful Mitsubishi cylinder with three sides of different colors. The same, the lines above emit a different light.

This triangular prism also automatically flew into the back cover of Wang Qi's Spirit Card Book.

There was a new resident on the back cover, and the previous cube was automatically pushed aside, and the two began to slowly rotate along a circular trajectory, which seemed to be quite strong.

And Wang Qi turned to the attribute column to check, and as expected, there was a new attribute.

[Anduin's Forgiveness: It can be used once a day to summon Anduin's Forgiveness Mark. The three different faces represent the three attributes of ice, thunder, and wind, and can completely resist attacks of the corresponding attributes ten times.Every time you resist, the corresponding attack power of the enemy will be reduced by 10%. After 10 times, the rune will disappear, and the power of the enemy's moves will become zero, and it will last for 24 hours. 】

"It's not bad, this time it's for a specific attribute, but as long as you get hit, you can seal the enemy's attack for a day. It's a super ability if you use it well."

The appearance of this attribute, rather the appearance of skills, made Wang Qi look forward to the remaining two stone forests even more.

"I really don't know how the Anduin civilization did such a thing. It can add such a powerful skill to the attribute bar of the spirit card master. Presumably the abilities obtained in the other five trial secret realms will also be very powerful. Bar."

Anyway, it doesn't matter if you don't sleep for a night occasionally, Wang Qi continued to rush to the two stone forests below.

When the moon sets and the sun rises, the morning sun shines on the earth, and the morning sun fills the grassland, Wang Qi finally completed the analysis of the fourth stone forest and obtained new skills.In terms of shape, it is a regular tetrahedron and an octahedron.

[Anduin's protection: It can be used once a day to summon an Anduin's protection mark to form a tetrahedral shield that envelops the user, and cannot be broken by any attack.Cannot move during the defense period, lasts for 1 hour. 】

[Anduin's Resistance: It can be used once a day to summon an Anduin's Resistance mark to form an octahedral shield, each face can withstand at most one arbitrary attack, and completely bounce it back to the person who made the attack. 】

An hour of absolute defense comes at the price of not being able to move.One is to absolutely rebound eight attacks without any side effects.

In short, when Wang Qi completely deciphered the three new stone forests and obtained a total of four Anduin's defense suits, the portal finally appeared again.

There's nothing to worry about this time, although Wang Qi regrets that he didn't bring more people in, but next time if he is prepared, he can do it in advance.

Stepping out of the portal, Wang Qi suddenly found himself directly in front of the stone arch that first entered the ruins, skipping even the space in the middle where he chose to test.

When he came out, he found that someone had already stepped out here, sitting bored on a recliner and playing a game console.

That's right, it was Fatty's Farewell.

"Yo, are you pretty fast?"

Wang Qi said hello.

"Tsk, how can a real man speak fast. Let's change the word, your speed is not slow."

Fatty looked up to see Wang Qi, waved his hands, and then continued to play with the handheld.

"How about it, is it difficult for you to decipher?"

Wang Qi asked curiously, he wanted to inquire about it so that he could prepare for the next time.

"Don't mention it, it's just a maze, and there are hints at the fork in the road, walk a few more times to find the pattern, and pass it easily."

The fat man didn't raise his head, as if he despised this so-called trial.

"Isn't it good to be relaxed? It would be nice to have one more attribute."

Wang Qi also took a chair from his tent and sat aside.Everyone didn't put away the tents before going in, after all, they still had to come out.

"It's good, it's just that there is no challenge and it feels a bit boring. I was expecting some excitement from this ruin."

Fatty pouted.

"I haven't had any inspiration for writing novels recently, and I just need some stimulation."

"Oh? Then I don't know if my stimulation is enough for you."

Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice came into the minds of the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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