Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 230 The Awakened Ghost

Chapter 230 The Awakened Ghost

Wang Qi and Fatty felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, they jumped up from their chairs in an instant, retreated to the two sides together, and looked at the position behind them just now.

A man wearing a huge gray hooded cloak, with half of his face buried under the hood, was quietly standing behind the two people where they were sitting just now, and did not jump away because they were like monkeys what to do.

"Don't be nervous, if I want to do something, you're dead just now."

Another thought came into their minds, and the two of them didn't hear any sound at all. Obviously, this person's ability allowed him to convey information to others without speaking.

"who are you?"

The fat man asked directly.

At this moment, he and Wang Qi have already set up a posture, but they will not believe how powerful this man is just because of a word.

"Me? Probably a ghost lost in time."

The man took two steps forward slowly, or in other words, he floated, because Wang Qi didn't see his body moving at all.

"Your Excellency hides his head and shrinks his tail and dare not show his true colors. Do you have any plans for us?"

Wang Qi also followed the words and asked.

He is already prepared, if the situation is not right, he will replace it with the clone at any time, and let the clone meet this mysterious guy.

"Can't you guess it? Actually, I have to thank you, you opened the door of the Temple of Trials and rescued me from it."

Another idea passed into the minds of the two of them.


Wang Qi and Fatty looked at each other, unable to hide the shock in their eyes.

Could it be that this guy is someone from the ancient Anduin civilization who has been living in the Temple of Trials until now?

This is also possible, this Prada relic is not eye-catching, and the probability of no Spirit Card Master coming is very high.Even if a spirit card master really came, without Gary's spirit card ability, which happened to be able to understand Anduin's magic script, then it would be impossible to open the gate of the temple and enter it.

It's just that the Anduin civilization doesn't even have any records in the historical materials. No one knows how long this ancient civilization is from now. If it is conservatively estimated, it must have a history of at least several thousand years.

How on earth did this man survive until now and not die?

"Since your Excellency has regained his freedom, why don't you leave on your own, is there anything you can do with us?"

Fatty asked without opening his mouth.

"I've said it all, I'm a ghost lost in time. Since I can live like this again," he suddenly lifted his hood, "Of course I have to find a new body!"

Under the hood, there turned out to be a group of illusory silhouettes, only vaguely in the shape of a human being, and inside the position of the head, there was a small black cluster of stars, slowly rotating.

Just as he finished speaking, two strong black lights shot out from the position of his head from the hood he lifted, and they shot towards Fatty and Wang Qi respectively.

Wang Qi changed his mind in an instant, switched to the clone, and disappeared in the eyes of the two. Because of the intangible nature of the clone, the black glow directly penetrated through it without causing any harm to the clone.

As for the fat man, he let out a loud shout, and in an instant, a folding screen that was often seen in ancient costume TV dramas appeared in front of him. There were eight panels in total, with flowers, birds, fish, insects, sun, moon and stars drawn on them, which was very antique and elegant.

As soon as the screen appeared, the aura around Fatty's body suddenly became slightly blurred.The black glow that shot at him, when it approached the screen, became slower and smaller, and finally went around in a circle, directly drilled into the painting on the screen, and turned into a black spot.

"Oh? I didn't expect that both of you are not weak. Are the chosen ones of later generations so strong?"

The ghost failed to emit two black lights, and did not continue to attack, but spread his sighs all over the vicinity.

In his eyes, Wang Qi has become a recessive state at this moment, somehow dodging his own attack, while Fatty is hiding behind the screen, not knowing what he is preparing.

"Forget it, such a body can probably withstand my strength."

As he said that, the rotating black star cluster on the ghost's head shot out more than a dozen black lights again.

The difference is that this time, the black awn did not shoot at the position where the two were just now, but fell to the ground, and then turned into a dozen skeleton warriors holding swords and shields.

These skeleton warriors exude an ominous black aura, and a mass of burning black flames rises and falls in the eye sockets of their heads, as if to indicate their strong fighting spirit.

What is Wang Qi's avatar doing?

The instant he escaped from the black light, the avatar immediately summoned the Heaven-Suppressing Spirit Sacrificial Cauldron. He wanted to try whether he could directly collect this ghost into the cauldron to suppress the spirit.

But there is no doubt that he failed.

Even if the effect of the avatar using the spirit card is tripled, the condition when the town spirit is activated has changed from being no higher than your own level 110 to no higher than your own level 130 (explain here: the doubling of the avatar only adds the original effect, Zhen Ling Ji Tian Ding itself has no bonus of +10 attributes), enough to seal enemies below level 243, but when facing this ghost, it does not move at all.

Obviously, the level of this ghost definitely exceeds level 243.

Zhenling's sacrifice to the heavenly cauldron failed, and Wang Qi quickly came up with a second plan, the "Diamond Imprisonment" of the Diamond Flying Dragon + Kang Bo of the Qiankun Gourd.

The moment the Diamond Flying Dragon's skills were used, the ghost noticed the existence of the clone Diamond Flying Dragon.But he just, like waving his hand to drive away flies, lightly waved the equally illusory arm protruding from under the robe, and the skills of the diamond dragon and itself disappeared without a trace. Mark of.

Wang Qi yelled in his heart, he was a little uncertain.

This kind of intensity of waving one's hand to wipe out one's own means, I believe that even if he went directly, it would probably end in an instant.Therefore, the 24 solar term swordsmanship cannot be developed at all.

At this time, the ghostly skeleton warrior had already appeared, and the fat man was hiding behind the screen, not knowing what he was doing there, obviously he believed in the screen's defense ability and was preparing a big move.

"In this case, let me buy time for you!"

Wang Qi made a decision in an instant, the avatar did not make a sound, and quietly released seven or eight of the huge monster warriors that had been stolen from the God and Demon Grotto before.

Wang Qi, who is equivalent to level 300, was reluctant to let it go, but Wang Qi made a lot of the 250-level commander and the 200-level commander. At this moment, he threw them out together, and suddenly their huge bodies Xing smashed the skeleton warrior to pieces, and even the ghost let out a light sigh.

"Interesting, it turned out to be a puppet warrior."

The ghost didn't seem to worry about these monster fighters at all, and didn't even move.

As for those skeleton warriors who were smashed apart, they fell everywhere, but in fact none of them were injured. At this moment, holding up the sword and shield in their hands, they rushed up to these monsters.

The fat man took a moment to peek at it from behind the screen, and he was immediately astonished.

"Brother, you are really strong! Continue to drag him!"

These monsters called puppet warriors by the ghosts, although Wang Qi was in the state of Mingjin withdrawing troops when he was first put into the gourd, none of them showed any intention of resisting.But after so many days passed, Wang Qi discovered that these monsters probably entered the fighting state automatically, and as soon as they were thrown out at this moment, they began to attack everything except them and each other for no reason.

These seven or eight spirited monsters of various animals immediately killed the ghostly skeletons, and the scene was very hot.

Over there, a pig spirit knocked down a skeleton warrior with a rake, but was slashed on the body by the skeleton next to it. It let out a pig cry, and a jet of water as thick as its body rushed the skeleton into the sky from bottom to top , and sent it to the flying eagle-headed monster.

And here a monkey spirit is holding a big shiny golden stick, just smashing it unreasonably, a monkey withstood three or four skeletons, with unparalleled momentum.

As for the other ones, what kind of chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, sycophant, none of them were weak players, each showed their magical powers and magic weapons, and they suddenly gained the upper hand.

At this time, a strange situation formed on the scene, the fat man shrank behind the screen, not knowing what he was preparing for.But the ghost retreated a long way, and the middle scene left the monsters and the skeletons fighting in chaos.Only Wang Qi disappeared, but obviously both of them thought that Wang Qi was invisibly directing the monsters to fight.

They couldn't guess that Wang Qi couldn't command these monsters now, and it was impossible to even take all these monsters back into the gourd at this moment.Because these monsters can already resist.

Still, since he's not commanding monsters, what is he doing?
Wang Qi's avatar took out the "Black Hole Annihilation Bomb 0.5" without hesitation, and set it behind the ghost.

Since other means of attack are useless, and the avatar itself does not dare to attack casually, then this new spirit card that has not yet been opened is the best time to come out.

It's just that this "black hole annihilation bomb 0.5" needs to be set for at least 10 minutes, and it will explode after 10 minutes, and it can't move yet.Wang Qi could only estimate a rough range, and placed him not far behind the ghost. As long as he doesn't run around, he can guarantee a successful explosion in one fell swoop.

In this way, the three fell into a strangely peaceful state, only the monsters in the center of the battlefield fought against the skeletons, and they were evenly matched for a while.

This is what Wang Qi wants to see. As long as the time delays to 10 minutes and the black hole annihilation bomb explodes, this ghost will be enough for him to drink a pot.

He quietly let the clone get behind the screen, and then switched out his real body next to the fat man.

At this time, he finally saw clearly what the fat man was doing.

In front of the fat man, he was facing a huge copper basin at this moment.

He held an inkstone in one hand, and a brush in the other. From time to time, the brush dipped on the inkstone twice, and then tapped into the water.

After the ink stains entered the water, they did not dissipate, and directly turned into matchstick-sized ones, or pavilions.Wang Qi looked at it for a long time. He clearly constructed a lifelike scene in the water basin, which is the epitome of several people in front of the ruins.

(End of this chapter)

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