Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 231 The Powerful Ghost

Chapter 231 The Powerful Ghost

"What kind of moves are you doing? Why does it take so long to prepare?"

Wang Qi couldn't help but asked.

"Don't worry, it will be ready soon!" Seeing that it was Wang Qi, the fat man didn't care, and continued to touch the water basin with the brush in his hand.

The ghost cooperated very well, standing far away from the battle group, looking at the screen that blocked his sight, wondering what he was thinking.

Finally, the fat man paused with the brush in his hand, tapped the last heavy stroke, and then shouted loudly, the screen suddenly stepped aside.

"Ink Marked World!"

The screen got out of the way, and the ghost naturally saw the two people who appeared in the field of vision, and the huge water basin in front of them.

As the fat man parted and drank, the ink marks in the water basin disappeared. Wang Qi found that, except for him and the fat man, everything around him, trees, land, rocks, tents, including the monsters and skeletons in the battle, A trace of ink began to slowly appear on his body.

Even the ghost standing not far away, the gray hooded cloak on his body, began to show traces of black.

When there were more and more ink stains on everything, Wang Qi gradually saw that the fighting monsters gradually became slower and slower, and finally stopped slowly.

With a wave of the writing brush in the fat man's hand, these monsters and the skeletons controlled by the ink marks turned around together, and rushed towards the skeletons.

And the cloak on the skeleton was also covered with ink marks at this moment, motionless, as if it had been frightened stupid.

"How about it! Labor and capital's strongest group control skill! As long as you use it, there is no opponent you can't control! Brother, it's your turn!"

Fatty yelled out triumphantly, and then yelled at Wang Qi.


Wang Qi switched to the clone again in an instant. Since the opponent was arrested, he had to try whether he could be arrested with the Qiankun Gourd.

However, when Wang Qi's avatar held the gourd and rushed to the phantom in an instant.


A voice with a smile echoed faintly around.

Suddenly, countless black lights burst out from under the robe on Ghost's body, just like the ones that shot at the two at first.

But the difference was that there were so many black lights this time, completely covering all the monsters and the skeleton warriors he summoned.

There was no sound, and wherever the black awn passed, whether it was a monster or a skeleton warrior, it was like an eraser was erasing the image, and everything that touched the black awn disappeared.

These black lights no longer smashed the monsters into a sieve like the first time. After shooting out, they turned around and flew back, aiming at the monsters again.

In just a few breaths, Heimang wiped out the monsters and skeleton warriors in front of him without leaving any traces.

Wang Qi was horrified, Qiankun Gourd didn't respond, as expected, this ghost was not restrained by Fatty's ability at all.

Before he had time to think about it, he turned around and rushed in front of the fat man, switched his body instantly, shouted "Don't resist!", and put the stunned fat man into the gourd.

After putting away the fat man, no matter what happened to the ghost behind him, Wang Qi switched to his avatar again, then waved his hand to summon his own army of summoned beasts, and started to attack him silently.


Seeing that Wang Qi took away the fat man after only appearing for a moment, and then disappeared, and began to receive some attacks that were not powerful but could not be perceived or predicted, this ghost actually started to be dazed.

"Sure enough, this body has more potential than the one just now, and his ability is very good."

The ghost seemed to be invincible, ignored the attacks of Wang Qi's summoned beasts, and began to move slowly.His goal was the stone arch in the ruins.

What Wang Qi was most worried about came to the fore. He was going to leave the place and was going to block the gate.Inside the gate, in the temple, there are four companions who are undergoing trials, who may come out at any time.

"No, he must be attracted to stay in place! Annihilation bomb... There are still 3 minutes!"

The process just now dragged on for more than six minutes. At this moment, the annihilation bomb exploded in less than three minutes, and the ghost walked out of the annihilation bomb's explosion range, with less than ten meters left.

"Where are you looking!"

Wang Qi suddenly appeared behind the ghost. With a flick of the long sword in his hand, dozens of sword qi roared and shot towards him.

Sure enough, the ghost turned around and saw Wang Qi appearing, without thinking about it, it floated back with a flicker, and then several black lights flashed past, attacking Wang Qi.

"It's up to you, Anduin's immunity!"

With a loud shout, Wang Qi directly used the first ability he got from the trial.

A huge two-dimensional code hexahedron appeared out of thin air, one side of which faced the attacking black lights, and directly detached from the cube, completely blocking the black lights without a sound, and none of them hurt Wang Qi behind him.

"Oh? What you got is this. It's a very good ability. This is an ability that ordinary God's Chosen people like to use most. Most God's Chosen people will try to see if they can get this ability when they enter the trial for the first time. .”

After seeing Anduin's immunity appear, the ghost actually stopped and began to comment instead.

"So, you can get a lot of abilities in the trial?"

Wang Qi kept his subordinates, throwing out the sword energy as if he didn't want money, and at the same time asked him, trying to distract him.

"It's like this. Each of the six trial secret realms has six abilities. And each God's Chosen One can only enter six times, and get six abilities from it by luck."

"Does your Anduin civilization like Liu so much? Should I call out old iron and brush up on 666!"

Wang Qi couldn't help complaining.

Let Wang Qi's sword energy continue to surge in front of him, and a layer of light protective shield protects the ghost. He didn't move, but nodded.

"That's right, we Anduin people believe that six is ​​the most perfect number, so everything that can be related to numbers will have the number six."

While talking to him, Wang Qi threw various sword qi, and slowly retreated to the annihilation bomb placed by the avatar.

The time passed by every minute and every second. Just now, he had such a conversation with the ghost, and it dragged on for another two minutes. The time has come to the last minute.

"Since you like Liu so much, you should find someone who has a relationship with Liu!"

While talking nonsense, Wang Qi continued to back away.

"Well, what you said makes sense. However, I'll get your body first, and it won't be too late to go out and look for it slowly. Anyway, I can have six bodies."

Incredibly, he uttered terrible information in one fell swoop.

Wang Qi watched him stay here without moving, still within the range of the explosion, with the last 40 seconds remaining.

He simply started to use the 24 solar term swordsmanship, and with the help of Anduin's immunity shield, he called out a set of combos.

It doesn't take many seconds for him to use his full set of sword skills now, and he can just delay for a while.

"Interesting ability, I feel more and more interesting to you God's Chosen ones now." Ghost didn't dodge, watching Wang Qi's sword move continuously attacking in front of the barrier outside his body, arousing countless light spots , even the huge sword energy that appeared after those eight moves couldn't break through even a single sliver. His tone was very flat, as if he just wanted to see what else Wang Qi could do.

But at this moment, time came to the countdown.

Wang Qi shouted suddenly, and then switched to his avatar, making the ghost think that he was about to use some special ability again.

The avatar once again summoned a large number of summoned beasts to kill the ghost, making him think that he was still attacking in place, while riding the flying dragon, he directly escaped from the explosion range of the black hole annihilation bomb.

... 3, 2, 1!

Suddenly, a huge black sphere appeared in Wang Qi's eyes out of thin air, it only existed for a moment, and disappeared in the next second.

What caught Wang Qi's eyes was a perfect hemisphere remaining on the ground. The edge of the hemisphere was smooth and unobstructed, and nothing still existed in this hemisphere.

He even felt a strong air current, because the black hole annihilation bomb and even the air within that range were completely annihilated, and no matter survived in it.

"Hey, why is there no one?"

Suddenly, Wang Qi heard a voice, and when he looked back, it turned out that Jesse had teleported out from the trial.

The ghost had completely disappeared, and Wang Qi breathed a sigh of relief. It must be that the black hole annihilation bomb is powerful enough, and he was completely annihilated without any precautions.

Coming in front of Jesse, Wang Qi returned to his original body and appeared in her eyes.

"I'm here. There was an accident just now, and an enemy appeared, but we have eliminated him." Wang Qi explained to Jesse.

"Hey, what's that?" Jesse pointed at Wang Qi's back before he could finish speaking.

Wang Qi was about to release the fat man, but when he heard this, he suddenly turned around.

I saw that within the spherical range where the black hole annihilation bomb exploded just now, the space suddenly seemed to be torn vertically, and a crack appeared out of thin air.

"Not bad ability, you can force me to use this trick, I have to go to the spirit world to hide for a while, you are very good."

The ghost's voice came out clearly from inside, and the crack gradually widened. Wang Qi even saw the outline of his head with only a black nebula through the crack.

"Don't resist!"

Wang Qi instantly pointed the Qiankun gourd in his hand at Jesse.Although Jessie didn't understand what it meant, she heard the word "enemy" that Wang Qi said just now, so she didn't resist, and was directly taken in by Wang Qi to be with the fat man.

Before the ghost came out of the crack, Wang Qi changed into the clone again and disappeared from his eyes.

"I feel more and more that your ability is very good. Even if I can't detect this kind of invisibility method. If this ability comes into my hands, it will be so wonderful."

As the voice spoke slowly, the crack gradually widened.Finally, the ghost's body completely passed through the crack and returned to this side.

(End of this chapter)

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