Chapter 232

Wang Qi's avatar frowned, analyzing what to do about this matter.

Of the six people who went in for the trial now, only three came out in total, and Feng Zimo and Gary were left inside. I don't know when they will be able to come out.

Therefore, Wang Qi must not be too far away from the stone arch of the ruins, lest the three people come out and get confused about the situation, and then be controlled by the ghost attack.

I must send each of them into the gourd before the ghosts when they come out, so as to ensure everyone's safety.

But for now, let's discuss it with the two of you first.

The avatar stared here, and never attacked the ghost again, since he couldn't find himself anyway.But the main body is far away, directly entering the gourd.

"Wang Qi, you are here, how are you doing?"

As soon as he came in, he was surrounded by Separation and Jesse.

"Hey, my strongest attack didn't kill him at all. He could even teleport to the spirit world to hide and then come back."

Wang Qi sighed helplessly.

"Then what should we do? Fatty, do you have any useful abilities?"

Jesse was a little anxious. Gary and the others hadn't come out yet, so she was very worried.

"I'm not good at fighting... My strongest group control ability has been resisted by him. There is really no good way."

Fatty spread his hands apart, expressing helplessly that he had nothing to do.

"You two wait here first, I'm safe here. I'll go out and stare at him, in case Zimo and the others come out now, it will be bad."

Wang Qi said to the two of them.

He opened up a normal-sized room for the two of them, and he wasn't very aggrieved.

"That's all right, be careful yourself, be invisible if you can." The fat man patted him on the shoulder separately.

"Wang Qi, it's up to you, you must be careful." Jesse also said worriedly.

Wang Qi nodded, turned around and left the gourd.

The main body rode a flying dragon, trying to go back as far as possible, as far as possible from the ruins, while the avatar stared closely at the ghost.

It seemed that Wang Qi hadn't been seen for a long time. The ghost thought that Wang Qi had escaped. He stood there for a while, and then walked towards the stone arch of the ruins.

Stopping under the stone arch, he just stood still and waited silently, as if he knew there were three people inside, so he was ready to concentrate on waiting for these three people to come out.

"It's troublesome." Wang Qi was a little helpless.

Originally, he wanted to use his ultimate trick "Spirit World Exile" to deal with this guy.

He never thought that he would be able to freely travel to and from the spirit world, and he was not afraid of teleportation to the spirit world at all.

It seems that if someone comes out, they can only use the spirit exile to temporarily delay the time.Ah, that's not right, "Spirit World Exile" needs preparation time, and it can't be done smoothly, so it's better to replace it with "Realm Exchange".

Thinking of this, the avatar was quietly on the ground next to the ghost, using spiritual power to outline the transmission range, and was always ready.

Next, it is a competition of patience.

About seven or eight hours later, Wang Qi's main body had already returned to the vicinity of the town, and he added some food and water to Jesse and Bie Li, so that they could stay calm, and the ghost just stood there quietly. with.

Even in the middle, Wang Qi had a whim, and quietly inserted the "broken plug" of the natural spirit card he got before into this ghost.

Anyway, he can't see the clone's ability, so it's not considered an attack.From now on, as long as the avatar does not disappear, 10% of the consumption of spiritual power will be borne by this ghost, which is quite good.

Finally, Wang Qi's avatar kept staring at the stone arch and saw a flash of light.

Without even thinking about it, the "domain exchange" was activated instantly, and before the ghost even had time to raise its hand, it found itself suddenly appearing in the spirit world.

ghost:? ? ?
Regardless of the ignorant ghost, Wang Qi quickly switched back to the main body. The domain exchange is supposed to take 3 minutes, but it's hard to say how long it will take for the ghost to come back by itself.

Hurrying to the stone arch, Wang Qi saw Yang Liuqing who had just appeared.

"Xiaoqing, it's too late to explain, trust me, don't resist!"

Wang Qi said quickly.

Yang Liuqing froze for a moment, then nodded instantly, Wang Qi took her into the gourd, and kept her company with the other two.

Sure enough, within ten seconds, the crack appeared out of thin air again, and the ghost returned.

"Hey, I'm stupid."

It took 30 seconds for Wang Qi to see the ghost emerge from the crack and come out.

So, as long as I keep attacking him with exile from the spirit world, he has to keep teleporting back like this?In this case, wouldn't it keep him in the teleportation state?
Maybe he will lose patience after coming to this dozens of times.

By the way, I haven't used the function of my Zhenling Worshiping Heaven, the function of offering sacrifices to heaven!

Since this ghost is also a spirit card master, or the God's Chosen one he said, then the ability to sacrifice to the sky should be activated!

Just before the avatar, I also refined a monster, why not use it on him here, and see if I can get any good cards from him.

What if he is lucky and can get the spirit card that teleports him to the spirit world?

Hmm... It's a pity that I can only add one Cauldron Spirit in ten days, otherwise I can get more and use the clones secretly on him. Sooner or later, I will get all the spirit cards in his body, and see if he is still so arrogant.

Seeing the ghost appearing again, this time it no longer stood blankly in front of the stone arch, but wandered around, and countless black lights flew out of its body, attacking everywhere, presumably it was also angered by Wang Qi's avatar, I want to see if I can beat Wang Qi out.

Helplessly, he didn't know at all that the bug in the avatar could only be a useless effort.

The avatar was first near the stone arch, and circled a large area again to ensure that as long as the ghost entered it, he could activate the ability of domain exchange at any time to send this guy away.Then, after shouting a slogan in embarrassment, he took out the Zhenling Sacrifice to Heaven Cauldron.

"Sacrificing to Heaven!"

In the avatar of the cauldron, the cauldron spirit had an experimental toad spirit before, when the ability to sacrifice to the sky was used at this moment, the toad spirit disappeared with a piu sound, and Wang Qi seemed to see a beam of light descending from the sky in the illusion, and the toad spirit was in the beam of light Rising slowly, gradually disappearing.

According to the attributes after the activation of "Sacrificing Heaven", this toad spirit Wang Qi saw at the time had the highest physical strength.

"When the highest value is physical strength, you can get a spirit card with the highest level (the number of sacrifices) among the three card slots "Life", "Spirit" and "Body" of a random enemy within the ritual range."

Wang Qi confirmed the attributes, then looked at the ghost below and smiled.

"let's go!"

After the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the sky is started, all creatures within the range are silent and invincible, and cannot attack each other.As soon as the avatar used this ability and was attacking the useless ghosts everywhere, it felt tight all over and couldn't use it to attack.

His heart suddenly sank slightly, does this guy still have this ability?I underestimated him.

When he was thinking wildly, he didn't know that Wang Qi had already stared at his equipment bar.

Although he knew that a high-level spirit card master would have multiple natal card slots to prevent the precious spirit cards from being sealed or stolen by others.However, when the ordinary equipment card slots become empty, the spirit card master will definitely equip them with powerful spirit cards to ensure the ability of one more spirit card.

Once the Heaven Sacrifice was launched, Wang Qi could feel that after the tripod spirit toad spirit was sacrificed, an invisible force turned into a big hand, as if pulling out the ghost's equipment card slot, and then followed the ghost inside to buy vegetables. He also picked and picked, and finally took out a spirit card from his "fate" slot, and then threw it over.

"Haha! I really got it!"

Wang Qi's avatar laughed loudly, caught the spirit card that appeared in his hand, and put it directly into his book of spirit cards.

Over there, the ghost suddenly felt that something was wrong with him, and he was startled, and he also summoned his book of spirit cards.

If others could see the pattern on his Spirit Card Book, they would be surprised to find that on the cover of his Spirit Card Book was a black star cluster that kept rotating, just like the one in his head now.The back cover is a galaxy-like pattern, in which various geometric bodies, large and small, are running on different orbits without interfering with each other.

Specter hurriedly turned to his equipment card page, took a look at it, and immediately flew into a rage.

"You pissed me off!"

The sound formed by the spirit was like thunder, rolling and spreading nearby, blowing up countless birds and wild animals in the jungle.

"Tch, who are you fooling?"

Wang Qi's avatar impatiently picked out his ears, and then looked at the attribute of the spirit card in his hand.

The mythical spirit card has a unique dark blue crystal border, shining cluster-shaped decorative patterns, and the card map is a dazzling starry sky.What a beautiful spirit card.

"Mystery of the Starry Sky: Special card, mythical level. The first activation requires 10000000 points of spiritual power, and no need to use spiritual power after activation. Once a day, you can summon a projection of a random star from the starry sky, refine it into a star point and put it in yourself In your body, you can refine a total of 365 star points. After refining the star points, open the "star power" attribute bar, and each time you refine a star point, the star power will increase by (spiritual power*1%) points. Use The effects that star power can achieve are as follows: star power, consumes 1% star power each time, can add an additional 100% star attribute damage to the attack; star power: consumes 10% star power, can resist any attribute other than void attribute once Attack, this effect can be triggered passively; Stardust, consumes 10% star power, can manifest a real stardust, which can be used to assist in the production of any item, each stardust has different characteristics; starry sky, when entering the real starry sky, Consuming 1 point of star power per second can survive normally; star destruction, when all star power is consumed, it is passively triggered, the next attack must hit, and the target must suffer 10 times the attack damage.'——People have always believed that there is a star in the sky Mystical power.'"

I smiled smugly, I smiled smugly!
Another mythical spirit card in hand!

Although the first activation of this card requires 10000000 points of spiritual power, which is a thousand times higher than the original activation of the data master, but its effect is indeed very good.No wonder this ghost has become so irritable. It seems that this spirit card is also a very important spirit card for him.

——In other words, speaking of it this way, the Lord of Data is really too conscientious.

(End of this chapter)

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