Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 233 Leave Safely

Chapter 233 Leave Safely
"Come out to me!"

The ghost was still roaring, but in Wang Qi's eyes, it was nothing more than impotent rage.

I can't beat you in the front, but if you have the ability, you can find my clone.

Joyfully playing with the newly acquired spirit card for a while, Wang Qi temporarily put it away.There is not enough spiritual power to activate now, so we can only use it later.

But this also proves from the side, the guy in front of him who only has a human form has at least 1000 million spiritual power, if converted into a level... 300+? ? ?

Without the following formula for upgrading spiritual power, Wang Qi couldn't figure it out, so he could only make a rough estimate.

At this moment, another flash appeared in front of the stone arch.

"Who will come out this time?"

Wang Qi and the ghost saw this together, and the ghost rushed over in an instant.However, Wang Qi has just arranged the spiritual power line needed for the new "field exchange".

So, piu.

The ghost disappeared again.

This time it was Gary who came out of the field, looking a bit embarrassed.Considering that he entered the field of combat trials, it must be a very difficult battle.

"Gary, explain later, there are enemies, don't resist!"

Familiar words, familiar recipes.

Gary saw Wang Qi rushing in alone, but he didn't see anyone else, but Wang Qi's words made him hesitate a little, and he nodded anyway.

And then he's off to join Jesse and the others, literally.

The ghost roared and tore through the space crack again and teleported back, but after returning, looking at the empty field, he had nowhere to use his strength.

After calming down for a while, Phantom finally realized the difficulty of Wang Qi's avatar.

"Very well, I already remember what you look like, you better pray that I don't find out where you are, your relatives, your friends, everything about you, I will destroy them all!"

His angry voice spread in all directions again, and then he turned and left without looking back.

"Heh, if you threaten me, if you still find me, I will chase you to the ends of the earth. If you don't squeeze out the spirit card on your body, I will write the word king upside down!"

Several Void Butterflies were assigned to follow him, and Wang Qi didn't care about him anymore, and continued to wait here with his clone.

What if this guy is fraudulent and turns back after a while?It's still the safest.

Finally, after more than an hour, Feng Zimo was the last one to come out.

"Oh, I made a mistake. I didn't expect it to be a math problem... I didn't bring a calculator, so I had to calculate it all day and night. It was uncomfortable."

Feng Zimo came out talking to himself, and saw that only Wang Qi was waiting for him, and greeted him.

"Hey, why are you alone? Didn't everyone else come out?"

He looked around curiously, but he saw no one else.

"Well, it's coming out now. Just wait a moment."

After speaking, Wang Qi released the other four people from the gourd.

"Hey, where's that scary guy? Wang Qi, did you kill him?" Fatty looked around wildly as soon as Bieli came out.

"No, I don't have that ability. It's just that I snatched us out every time, so he knew he couldn't snatch me, so he left on his own initiative."

Wang Qi shook his head, also explaining to others.

"Who? What's the situation?" Feng Zimo asked curiously.

So Wang Qi and Fatty explained it to everyone again.

"So, this ruin is really a seal, otherwise it really can't explain why he was locked inside for thousands of years." Gary said with a serious face.

"I think it's better for us to leave here quickly, what if that monster comes back again?" Jesse couldn't hide his worried face.

"Don't worry, I'm sure, this guy is indeed far away. Of course, if he can teleport back, I don't say anything. But I agree with the proposal to leave quickly."

After Wang Qi finished speaking, he pointed to the direction where the ghost left.

"Okay, let's pack our things first. Thanks to Wang Qi this time, otherwise it's hard to say how many of us will survive."

Fatty nodded with lingering fear, and walked towards his tent.

Although the ghost's incompetent rage just now destroyed a lot of everyone's tents, there are still things that can be used, and everyone has no intention of wasting them. After cleaning up briefly, Wang Qi summoned the mount Shadow Snaketail Wolf, carrying everyone started to return.

Along the way, several people were discussing about this ruin and that ghost while walking.

"By the way, Gary, can I discuss something with you."

After thinking about it, Wang Qi took the initiative to find Gary.

"What's the matter, tell me, thanks to you today, if you need help, just ask."

Gary patted his chest.

"I want to borrow your language card from you to learn those rare ancient languages, maybe I can use them in the future."

Wang Qi brought up something he had thought about before.

"It's nothing, just take it, and return it to me when it's used up. Anyway, this thing is not always on hand, so I'm not in a hurry to use it."

Seeing that it was such a trivial matter, Gary generously took out the spirit card from the book of spirit cards and handed it to Wang Qi.

After Wang Qi thanked him, he took the card, put the spirit card inside, and checked the attributes.

"Ancient Secret Words: Ability Card, Transcendence Level. The first activation requires 100000 points of spiritual power, and there is no need to consume any more spiritual power after activation. After being equipped, you can master 26 lost ancient languages, including..."

Sure enough, as soon as the equipment was activated, information in 26 languages ​​appeared in Wang Qi's head in an instant. Just like when he went to the Northern Federation before, he could use this spirit card to be proficient in listening, speaking, reading and writing in these languages, and knew about Everything in these languages.

Of course, because it is the language information brought by the ability card, when the equipment is removed, all the languages ​​will disappear from the mind, as if they never existed.

But because Wang Qi has the ability of data master, he can cheat.

The Master of Data quickly organized and analyzed the information in these 26 languages, and firmly stored it in his mind. When Wang Qi needed it, he could speak the language he needed as smoothly as he used his own language.

The time and mental energy required for this kind of information recording is nothing but an easy task for the data master.So, within ten minutes, Wang Qi handed the card back to Gary.

"Huh? Are you finished now?" Gary looked surprised.

"Well, I have another ability card, which can copy things that require memorization, so it can be used very quickly." Wang Qi explained briefly.

"I see." Gary shrugged. The reason was very convincing, so he stopped asking.Everyone has their own secrets.

A group of people returned along the same route, and Wang Qi was also thankful that the direction the ghost left was completely different from the direction of everyone's return journey, and he didn't know where his goal was going.Anyway, the Void Butterfly followed, and he couldn't run anywhere. When he got a new Cauldron Spirit, he went to find him to fight the autumn wind.

After another day, everyone finally returned to the familiar small town together, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

They didn't attract attention and entered the small town. Even if someone noticed, they had only left for two days in total, and they probably only thought that these people came back after not going far.In the dense jungle, you can't travel too far every day, which is common sense.

After returning to the familiar small hotel, Gary greeted the boss, and everyone settled into the guest rooms.

Gathered in the specialty barbecue restaurant, Gary raised his glass and motioned for everyone to clink glasses.

After touching the wine glasses, each of them drank a lot, put down the wine glasses, and Gary began to talk.

"Although this expedition was not quite as expected, it was considered a complete success. Moreover, although we encountered some dangers, thanks to Brother Wang Qi, we survived without any danger. Let us go back together again." A toast to Wang Qi!"

With that said, he raised his glass again.

After drinking, Feng Zimo took over the conversation.

"I said, everyone should have gained a lot in the Temple of Trials this time, right?"

He showed the book of spirit cards and pointed to the back cover.

However, only the person can see anything on everyone's spirit card book, and no one else can see anything. When everyone looks at his spirit card book, it is naturally the most ordinary.

It's just that everyone understands what he means.

They looked at each other, nodded, and everyone smiled knowingly.

"To be honest, this harvest is really good. I can't wait for the next time I think I have to wait until 240 days later." Fatty said while eating a large piece of barbecue.

"Well, my suggestion is, don't spread the matter of this trial domain, it's best not to let others know, just treat it as a common secret between us."

Feng Zimo also ate a piece of barbecue.

"Well, six of us, each of us can tell up to two more people about this, and make sure that those two people don't tell anyone else. How about this? After all, everyone has their best friends and relatives."

It was Jesse who thought about it and offered this suggestion.

"Okay, I have no objection." Gary was the first to express his opinion.

Everyone agreed, so the matter was settled.

Wang Qi also breathed a sigh of relief, but he still thought about bringing Xiaobai here in the future, and Xuanxuan would definitely come if Xiaobai came, the two places were just right.

And obviously Zimo and Xiaoqing also thought of it, looked at Wang Qi and smiled, and said nothing more.

Needless to say, everyone went back after eating the barbecue.

The next day, several people woke up refreshed and packed up, and left the small town together.Wang Qi also bought a lot of local specialties and received them in the gourd.

After some trekking, the six people finally returned to the airport, waiting for the plane to take off.

"Wang Qi, where are you going next?"

Feng Zimo stood by and asked Wang Qi.

"Mount Emei, I'm going there."

Wang Qi answered directly.

"Hey, are you going to that special secret realm?"

"That's right, that special secret place, Emei Sword Mountain."

(End of this chapter)

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