Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 234 Emei Sword Mountain

Chapter 234 Emei Sword Mountain
Wang Qi left the avatar here, followed the ghost slowly and didn't know where to go, while refining the new Cauldron Spirit, and prepared to snatch him after the refining was completed.

And he himself boarded the plane back to Winbond with a few people except Gary and Jesse.

After another long journey, we changed planes at the airport, and everyone bid farewell at the airport.

"Don't forget my oil paintings and illustrations!" Fatty gestured for a phone call respectively, reminding Wang Qi not to forget the agreement.

"No problem, just send the request when the time comes."

Wang Qi nodded and bid farewell to several people.Then he was left alone again.

The journey is like this, we keep getting together, we stay together for a few days when we have a common goal, and when we each have a new goal, we will go our separate ways again.

The target chosen by Wang Qi this time is another special secret place recorded in the information obtained from Lin Zhongchen, Emei Sword Mountain.

Since ancient times, there are many swordsmen in Emei. This is a well-known folk saying, and it is also the most famous local myth and legend.

In fact, I didn't know it before, but now that I became a Spirit Card Master, I realized that those sword fairies are some Spirit Card Masters.

Their spirit cards are special, mostly based on the abilities of sword immortals and other spirit cards. They come and go high and low, and they are unusually chic, so it is no problem to be called sword immortals.

This is also a very famous school among Huabang's spirit card masters.

For example, in the General Assembly of the Imperial Capital Card Association, the master named Yue Jingxian is a typical sword fairy.He is also famous among all the sword immortals, shocking all directions.

And Wang Qi's purpose this time, Emei Sword Mountain, is to pass word of mouth among sword immortals, a most famous secret place.

This secret realm has been controlled by the Emei Sword Sect for thousands of years, and its inheritance is very long.

Originally, the Emei Sword Sect was also self-cherishing in ancient times, and would not open this secret realm to the outside world.But I don’t know how many years ago, there was an unknown immortal who saved all the spirit card masters of the Emei faction, and he didn’t ask for anything in return. Emei Sword Mountain Secret Realm helps everyone become stronger.

The Emei Sword Sect was grateful for the kindness of the Immortal, obeyed his instructions, and since then opened the secret realm of Emei Sword Mountain to the outside world, just like the Qinshan Sect that Wang Qi had visited before, only charged a certain amount of entrance fees to maintain the internal expenses of the sect.

In fact, this secret realm is not very useful for most spirit card masters, and many people may not choose to enter it once in their lifetime.

It's just because there is only one special ability in the Emei Sword Mountain Secret Realm, which is raising swords.

All kinds of famous swords in the world of ordinary people can be raised in this sword mountain secret realm, and after a special process, they can become spirit cards.If the sword itself is a spirit card, if you put it in and raise it, there will be a certain chance of strengthening it.

Note, here is to become a spirit card, not to become a natural spirit card, which is different from the previous set made by the Aoki Research Institute, this is to become an ordinary spirit card, without the hidden evolution attribute of the natural spirit card.

Therefore, although Emei Jianshan has the ability to turn ordinary items into spirit cards, but because the conditions are too harsh and there are still great limitations, it is not coveted by everyone.

Only those who really use swords will choose to turn a long sword that accompanies them into a spirit card, which is more convenient to use.

Wang Qi thought of coming here because he happens to have these two long swords in his hands, which are the prizes he got in the cave of gods and demons before, Jinghong and Zhishui.

Anyway, I don't have a special goal now, basically I just go wherever I want.Didn't Teacher Mu Ying say it all, I only need to keep walking according to my own thinking, and then I will get what I want.

And this time there is a clue. Doesn't that ghost have a spirit card that can teleport the reality and the spirit world at will? Maybe I got it from him because I sacrificed to the sky many times.This can be regarded as the closest clue to my goal.

Zhang Yuxiang didn't look like he was in a hurry to come back, so Wang Qi was completely relaxed and stress-free.

When the plane landed, Wang Qi found a place where no one was around, and released his car.

Driving, Wang Qi was not in a hurry to go to Mount Emei. Instead, he found a courier point first, made a bunch of the foreign specialties he bought, and sent them back to his parents and second uncle's house. By the way, he called A call was made.

"Well, I got it, Mom. Don't be too frugal when you receive something. Eat what you need, and I'll buy it after I finish. I'm on a business trip recently, and I won't be back for a short time. Well, I will pay attention, Mom, don't worry. "

After talking with his parents on the phone, Wang Qicai officially embarked on a journey to Mount Emei.

Who knew, before leaving the urban area, he entered a field after a long absence.

"Hey, it suddenly feels like I haven't brushed the field for a long time."

Putting the car away casually, Wang Qi got out of the car and walked, holding his long sword upside down, and summoned the shadow snaketail wolf and dragonfly death squad to clean up the mobs as usual.By the way, he and the avatar each used Zhenling Sacrifice to Heaven Cauldron to collect a mob, and prepared to use it for refining at that time.

The angle of view returned by the Void Butterfly in this field is not large, it is just an ordinary small field, so the level of monsters is also very low, the average level is only 12, which made Wang Qi suddenly lose interest in making a move.

If this field hadn't just happened to be on the way, Wang Qi wouldn't have come here specifically to do this.

Once upon a time, ah, probably more than 200 chapters ago, I had to be careful to single out newcomers in this field.

Another reason why he was too lazy to do so was that Void Butterfly saw a spirit card master, a real sword fairy.

Coming from Wang Qi's side, the Spirit Card Master stepped on a flying sword, held a very unique sword finger in his hand, and commanded another flying sword to kill the enemy with the sword.

If Wang Qi hadn't known that these mobs could kill even newcomers with a few shots, he would have been taken aback by his chic figure and would have been astonished as a heavenly being.

With the summoned beasts, they didn't back away, and the two met at the place where the boss happened to be.

"Huh, a stranger?" The man also showed surprise when he saw Wang Qi.But he didn't take it seriously, commanded the flying sword, and hacked the weak monster like scum to death with a few swipes.

Wang Qi didn't try to grab the monsters either, after seeing him kill all the bosses, he signaled him to go find the Natural Spirit Card.

This person was not hypocritical, took out the same type of detector that was issued by the Spirit Card Association, found the Natural Spirit Card easily, and then returned to Wang Qi.

Taking advantage of the disappearance of the domain, Wang Qi had already taken out the car. At this time, the domain disappeared, and it happened to be parked on the side of the road, which was very appropriate.

That person landed next to Wang Qi's car just as the domain disappeared.

"Hey, buddy, I haven't seen you, are you from out of town?"

He greeted Wang Qi friendly.

"Yes, I'm going to go to Jianshan for a stroll."

Wang Qi rolled down the car window to answer.

"Hey, are you planning to go to Jianshan? That's just right, do you mind giving me a ride?"

When the man heard this, he actually made a request.

Wang Qi thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let's get in the car."

"Get it!"

The man was not polite, he opened the passenger door and sat on it.

"Brother, what's your name? My name is Shen Yaozi. Since I'm your car, I'll tell you about our Emei Sword Mountain!"

This person got into the car and knew him very well. He first reported his family name, and then without waiting for Wang Qi to answer, he began to talk about the situation of Emei Jianshan.

With his eloquent introduction all the way, Wang Qi's driving was not very boring. When the two arrived at the foot of Emei Mountain, Wang Qi had already learned about the situation of Emei Jianshan from Shen Yaozi.

"Okay, let's go up the mountain now. I'll take you to the entrance of the secret realm. I won't waste your time. I'll go back to the sect first. After you come out, I'll invite you to sit at my place."

"Okay, then I'll trouble you."

Shen Yaozi was already very familiar with Wang Qi all the way, and arranged the process for him in a few clicks.

The two of them went up the mountain very fast. Mount Emei is a big mountain, and there are places for ordinary people to travel, so the car has already driven very close.

Within half an hour of walking, Wang Qi followed him to the real mountain gate of the Emei School, not the fake mountain gate open to ordinary tourists.

"Scan the QR code over there, and you can go in." After pointing out the direction to Wang Qi, Wang Qi thanked him again, and directly scanned the code to enter the secret realm.

This Emei Sword Mountain Secret Realm is somewhat similar to the Taohuawu Secret Realm of the Deng family. Everyone enters a separate world, and no two people can enter the same world, so what you do in it is completely free.

And Emei Sword Mountain has another biggest advantage, because you need to raise a sword, the time flow inside is different from the outside, and when you want to come out, you don't have to wait for a certain period of time like the cave of gods and demons, but There is a portal that can come out at any time.It's just that after you enter again, it's not the world you entered before, and it's different every time you enter.

Wang Qi scanned the QR code, paid the money, and went straight into an ordinary house.

The entrance of this secret realm is similar to that of Taixu Wonderland, connected to a house, which is naturally excessive and not too fancy.

Once inside, Wang Qi saw a gray world.

Above the head, there was a gloomy sky, dark clouds rolled over, and thunderbolts continued to fall, arousing a huge momentum.

On the ground, there are boundless mountains and mountains.Looking around, all the mountains are full of sharp swords, like a dense jungle, without a single gap.

"Sure enough, it is Sword Mountain, and its reputation is well-deserved."

After Wang Qi came in, the mountain he was on was neither high nor low. After taking a panoramic view of the scenery, he began to summon his own Steam Breaking Wind Sword according to the method Shen Yaozi taught him on the road.

 Thanks for listening to the wind and rain to go to Wushan, quiet and collapse!Thanks man!Thanks also to those who encouraged me in the book reviews!thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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