Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 235 Raising Sword Attacked

Chapter 235 Raising Sword Attacked
The appearance of the Steam Breaking Wind Sword is actually different from the long swords that appear in this Jianshan Secret Realm. It is closer to a cyberpunk sci-fi feeling. The style of the sword he wears is out of place.

But it doesn't matter, as long as it is a sword, it can be "raised" in Jianshan.

According to the method introduced by Shen Yaozi, after Wang Qi summoned the Broken Wind Sword, he threw it high and flew into the air.

Immediately, there was an explosion of thunder, and the purple thunder streaked across the sky, striking heavily on the Pofeng Sword.

With a whoosh, the Pofeng Sword was struck by the lightning and circled a few times, flying in one direction.

Wang Qi stared at it on the ground, saw that the sword had already flew out, and summoned the diamond flying dragon to quickly follow.

The Wind-Breaking Sword flew quite a distance, and finally spun around, stably inserted into a certain sword mountain.

"Well, the second step is to pour the essence and blood."

Wang Qi summoned the Traveling Wave Sword while facing it, swiped it on the palm of his hand, and after "hissing" to express the pain, he allowed the blood from his palm to drip on the Pofeng Sword, and gradually flowed all over the sword.

"It's a bit of a disadvantage. You have to eat two elbows to make up for it when you go out."

Wang Qi's hands were both heartbroken and painful, and seeing that the blood was almost gone, he hurriedly swallowed the shark beads mixed with water, and healed the wound on his hand.

The thought of having to do both sides of this kind of thing made him feel dizzy.

The blood slowly flowed down the sword god of the Pofeng Sword, and finally all flowed into the sword mountain along the part inserted into the ground.

"Very well, it's time for the third step."

This third step is actually not difficult to say, as long as the sword is inserted here for 36 hours, and then the owner of the sword defeats all the monsters that want to interfere with the sword.

That's right, in front of Wang Qi's eyes, there was another lightning strike. A crackling Thunder Beast was born out of thin air, and charged straight at the Pofeng Sword stuck on the ground.

"Hey, is this the beginning?"

In order to be lazy, Wang Qi summoned his book of spirit cards, and directly activated the remaining mythical level spirit cards that had not been sold.Although the appearance of these spirit cards does not conform to Wang Qi's aesthetics at all, he is alone in this secret realm and no one has seen it. These mythical-level summoning spirit cards are really powerful, and they are just right for laziness.

So in the next time, Wang Qi himself was lazy, smashed some long swords stuck in the ground to clear an open space, and made some food and drink by himself to lie down and enjoy here, surrounded by strange gods Incarnate, wipe out all kinds of thunder beasts that are continuously generated.

For others, it takes 36 hours of non-stop fighting without sleep, but for Wang Qi it was so simple and easy, even he even fell asleep.

Finally, 36 hours passed, and it took a full day and a half to enter, and the kung fu of raising the sword came to the last link.

With the precise reminder from the Lord of Data, Wang Qi grasped the time accurately. After the last group of overwhelming thunder beasts were wiped out, he directly put away all the things he summoned, and quickly left the front of the Pofeng Sword. beside.

"Step [-], Heavenly Thunder Baptism!"

Wang Qi stepped aside a little, and looked at the Steam Breaking Wind Sword stuck on the ground with expectant eyes.

I saw that in the rolling thunder cloud above the head, it began to tumbling and brewing, and finally a purple thunder that was as thick as a water tank fell directly on the head, and landed heavily on the hilt of the Pofeng Sword.

Zi la la!
Huge electric sparks jumped everywhere, so Wang Qi himself had to retreat a lot to avoid being affected by the thunder.

"Shen Yaozi said that some people speculate that the more thunder beasts killed in the third step, the stronger the tempered thunder that appeared in the fourth step, and the more benefits the sword raised. There are many summoned beasts in my group. Killing these thunder beasts, this bucket-thick thunder should be the best proof."

Wang Qi pondered in his heart, and couldn't help secretly looking forward to it.

There were bursts of thunder in the sky, and one after another thunderbolts fell continuously, accurately chopping on the Pofeng Sword. Although there was no intuitive change, one could find that the Pofeng Sword gradually showed an unpredictable momentum. .

"This is... Sword Intent?"

Although Wang Qi is not a professional swordsman, he is a master of swordsmanship anyway. Regarding sword intent, people often see people mention it in the Shuiling Card Master Forum, so he has some guesses at this moment.

It took more than an hour for 360 lightning strikes, and finally all of them were blasted.

The last thunderbolt had been accumulating for the longest time, but it also had the most momentum. Wang Qi, who was concentrating on it, even felt that when the thunderbolt fell, he seemed to see a sharp sword shining with purple thunderbolts. He slashed at a high speed and crashed into the blade of the Pofeng Sword.

Seeing that all the thunderbolts had finally been struck, and the thunderclouds in the sky stopped rolling and returned to the same calm state as before, Wang Qi stepped forward and pulled out the Pofeng Sword on the ground.


As soon as he grasped the hilt of the Pofeng Sword, Wang Qi felt alert all over his body, and his hair stood up a little. It turned out that there was still a trace of lightning power remaining on it, which made Wang Qi feel numb.

After waving twice casually, he used the Pofeng Sword to hold a sword flower. Wang Qi felt that there was not much change, so he put him away directly, and then summoned the Book of Spirit Cards to check the attributes.

"Steam Breaking Wind Sword·Zhen: prop card, legendary level. The first activation requires 200000 points of spiritual power, and a steam long sword can be summoned by using 20000 points of spiritual power. It can be used to use swordsmanship. Strength +400, sharpness + 30%, Sword Art Damage +100%, Thunder Property Damage +100%. Self-contained skill: "Lightning Steam Acceleration". Make the sword release steam to triple the speed of moves; "Thunder steam burst", when using this sword to block, consume 100 points of spiritual power to make the sword god burst out a large amount of steam and thunder, and bounce off the blocked attack; " "Steam Illusion", which consumes 100 points of spiritual power, can cause the sword body to emit a large amount of steam, and create an illusion that is the same as the body's breath to confuse the enemy's sight. "Steam burn", creatures that have been in contact with the sword body for a long time will get Negative effect of "scalding". "Thunder surge": When the sword is released from the hand, it can transform into a purple thunder, and explode when it hits the target, causing 100% lightning attribute damage coverage within a radius of 10 meters of the target.'— —shock up and down, shake like thunder'”

Hmm... What should I do if I feel a little tasteless.

The name has changed and a suffix has been added.Then there is an extra thunder attribute damage in the attribute, and there is an extra move skill in the skill, which is still a range attack.

Basically these three changes.

However, who has nothing to do and throws his sword out to play as a flying prop... It's not a hidden weapon.Although there is nothing wrong with being a hidden weapon, but without the bonus of sword skills, the damage of the sword itself alone... can kill mobs.

Unless Wang Qi can get Shen Yaozi's external skills card to kill enemies with a sword.

But the external power card is not easy to get. The sword fairy type of external power card is still the most sought-after one in Winbond. There is no stock on the platform. After so long, Wang Qi has no luck to come across it, so this is basically rejected. .

Otherwise, I can only take out another mythical spirit card to offer a reward, which is also a way of thinking.

Thinking of this, Wang Qi shook his head, planning to inquire with Shen Yaozi first after going out.There are still two swords. It's a rare opportunity, so I have to get them together.

In the next three days, Wang Qi took the two trophy long swords, "Jinghong" and "Zhishui" from the Gods and Demons Grotto, one by one, and started raising the swords one by one according to the procedure.

These two swords can be used as the No. 1 rewards in the Gods and Demons Grotto. Wang Qi had guessed before that if they could be turned into spirit cards, they would at least be of the transcendent level.

Sure enough, the "Jinghong" raised first fell into his hands and turned into a transcendence level spirit card. Although it did not reach the legendary level, it also belonged to the grade with the best attributes in the transcendence level.

As for "stop water"... a little accident happened.

Just when it was the last hour of the third day, when Zhishui's sword raising process had reached the fourth step of Tianlei baptism, an accident happened.

It's not that there's something wrong with the sword itself, but... that there's something wrong with the secret realm of Emei Sword Mountain.

Wang Qi only felt that there was a sudden fluctuation in the space, and he had no time to react, and was directly thrown away by a strange force.Unable to think too much, Wang Qi had a thought, and the transparent octahedral protection of [Anduin's Resistance] appeared directly on the outside of his body, so as to prevent himself from any inexplicable attacks.

And the Zhishui sword, which had been half-baptized by Tianlei, disappeared with the collapse of the space. Wang Qi had no time to rescue it, so he had to watch it disappear.

"How is this going!"

Just when Wang Qi was full of doubts, he found that his eyes had brightened, and he had returned to the real world and left the secret space.

"Chenji! You finally can't sit still!"

A loud voice resounded through the heaven and earth, the voice was unusually heroic, no less than the rolling thunder that Wang Qi had heard every day in the past few days.

"Hey, since you forced me to accept the secret realm, don't leave."

The other voice is cold and soft. It doesn't feel loud, but it seems to be right next to your ear. Obviously, the skill is not inferior to the first voice.

"What the hell is this?" Wang Qi looked around depressedly. It was near the real mountain gate of the Emei School where he was when he entered the secret realm, and there were seven or eight people scattered around him who were also looking at each other. , obviously also the guy who was thrown out from the secret realm.

"What do you Emei want to do? Why did the one who paid me in suddenly send me out!"

"That's right, my sword was just one step away from raising it, and now it just disappeared, how are you going to be responsible!"

After several people looked at each other, some of them obviously couldn't bear their temper, and immediately started yelling, and they didn't know who to listen to.

"My friends, the Emei Sect's great enemy is coming, and the secret realm is temporarily closed. Please stay safe and avoid it by yourself. If there is any loss, the Emei Sect will definitely compensate you with the payment voucher for entering the secret realm, and will not let you No one suffers."

The soft voice named Chen Ji rang in the ears of several people immediately, allowing everyone to hear it clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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