Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 236 A Strong Enemy Attacks Emei

Chapter 236 A Strong Enemy Attacks Emei

Although the owner of the voice didn't even see it, everyone became quieter when the voice came out.

Even though there are still a few people who are still muttering and dissatisfied, but there is no better way now, everyone disperses, and is going to leave here first.

"Hahaha, is this how Emei treats guests?"

The first rumbling sound sounded again, it seemed to be mocking the person named Chen Ji.

Wang Qi had already reacted quickly at this moment. He immediately spilled a large number of Void Butterflies from the clone he carried with him, and then switched to the clone, and quickly found two people who only heard their voices but could not see them. location of the guy.

The Mount Emei sect said it was big or small. On the square in front of their mountain gate, there were quite a few people dressed in Taoist attire, and some young people in ordinary casual clothes.Shen Yaozi was standing in it, but he didn't seem to have a high status, shrinking behind others.

And in the sky directly in front of them, there are seven or eight battle group spirit card masters fighting each other two by two, and the rest are some guys in black suits flying with swords flying in the air, fighting with the people below. Same, looking at those people who catch each other and fight each other.

Among them, the two sides took the lead. On the other side of the black suit was a man who looked like a typical middle-aged successful person. He looked very delicate. He was the guy who spoke like a rumbling thunder.On Emei's side, there is a Taoist priest wearing a Taoist robe but without a crown, with silver-white hair hanging behind his back. He looks very young and has his eyes closed.

"Lie Cangsheng, I haven't seen you for many years, but you still speak so loudly."

Chen Ji, who closed his eyes, seemed to be able to accurately capture the position of the leader in the sky without opening his eyes.

"Hahaha, I've always been serious, otherwise I wouldn't dare to come to Emei for advice today."

The guy named Lie Cangsheng had a very unruly expression on his face, staring at Chen Ji below with a sneer.

"Oh, it's just a rat who dared to come to Emei to make trouble while my senior brothers were away. When did you, Lie Cangsheng, think that you have become a character?"

Chen Ji smiled slightly, as if mocking.

He didn't see any movement, and two cyan sword lights appeared out of thin air, turning into afterimages and attacking Lie Cangsheng.

In Wang Qi's opinion, the guy who dares to call such an arrogant name is definitely not a simple person.

Sure enough, Lie Cangsheng seemed to disdain the two sword lights of Chen Ji very much, and two black phantoms also appeared out of thin air, and they greeted them head-on.

All of a sudden, in the space between the two, blue and black colors intersected continuously, bursting out bursts of light, and then disappeared.

Even the battle groups in the air near Lie Cangsheng couldn't help moving away, as if they were afraid of being affected by the attack of the two.

"I didn't expect that I haven't seen you for many years, and your swordsmanship, Chen Ji, has also improved. I guess, you have also mastered the Emei Taiqing Sword Art?"

Lie Cangsheng directed the sword light to collide with the opponent's sword light relaxedly and freely, while inquiring for information.

"You don't have to worry about that, anyway, I'm not as good as my senior brothers. But your Moyu Sword Art is still so bad, even a low hand like me can easily deal with it."

Although Chen Ji looks like a standard boss in anime, his mouth does not match his appearance, he is not cold at all, and he even knows how to taunt his opponents from time to time.

"What's going on here, I don't understand." Wang Qi's avatar was riding a flying dragon beside him, looking a little bewildered.

Although the two sides were fighting, it didn't feel like they were fighting desperately. The seven or eight regiments were dazzled by the fight, but they couldn't do anything to each other all the time, and they seemed half-hearted.

The two protagonists taunted each other one sentence at a time, but they just flew out two flying swords, the fight was not fierce, and they didn't know what they were waiting for.

"If you are still waiting for your senior brothers, I advise you not to wait."

Suddenly, Lie Cangsheng changed his mocking tone and shouted down.

"Do you think that you are delaying time waiting for your brothers to come back, and why am I not delaying time? Maybe, those guys have already lost their heads!"

Wang Qi looked at Chen Ji carefully, and sure enough, he saw a slight frown on his brow.

"Little ones! Go all out! It's almost time!"

Suddenly, Lie Cangsheng raised his hand to look at the famous watch on his wrist, and shouted out directly.

"Today, I will wipe out Emei's entire family!"

Immediately, the rest of the cool black suits beside him who hadn't moved, also stepped on the flying sword and swooped down.

Without waiting for Chen Ji's order, the Taoist priests and young people standing beside him also summoned their own flying swords and rushed forward.

The two sides fought hand-to-hand, and immediately fought fiercely in one place.And the few battle groups that were still fighting suddenly became more intense.

The little brothers from both sides shot out and occupied the surrounding sky, forcing Wang Qi to fly to a farther place to observe the situation.And these battle groups seem to have intentionally or unintentionally left a certain space for Chen Ji and Lie Cangsheng, so that there is no direct barrier between the two, and the few green ink sword lights are still intertwined.

Seemingly disturbed by Lie Cangsheng's words, Chen Ji thought for a while and decided not to hold back.

He suddenly turned into a green light with his body, and used an ability that is not very common in the sword fairy - the combination of human and sword, and rushed straight to Lie Cangsheng, ready to fight quickly.

But Haikou, where Lie Cangsheng dared to boast and wiped out Emei's entire family, naturally had several brushes.Facing Chen Ji's human-sword fusion, he shook slightly, and also turned into a black sword light, and bumped head-on.

As soon as the boss of the two sides made a move, the scene became a lot more intense.

The sword glow of the two swords of the two Taoists wandered around, and the other battle groups had to avoid it one after another.Sometimes it was too late to dodge, Qingmang twisted and wanted to twist the black suit into two pieces, but was directly stopped by Momang; Momang pretended to be casual, and launched a surprise attack when passing by the Taoist priests, Qingmang was tightly entangled again Come up and protect the safety of your disciples.

All of a sudden, the green and black sword lights of the two sides complement each other, wandering around in the sky on the entire mountain top, looking extremely cool.

"Is this the battle of the sword fairy? It's really handsome!"

Naturally, Wang Qi enjoyed watching it very much. It was much better than the sword fairy battles in the movie. Not to mention that those were all synthesized by computer special effects, the acting skills were still very exaggerated, and the imagination was not rich enough.It's not like what you see before, real swords and guns are fighting here, it's very fierce.

After thinking about it for a while, my position should be regarded as a person from Emei's side, and the person in the black suit is not a good person at first glance. Emei and the Spirit Card Association are also cooperative units, so naturally they have to help Emei.

So Wang Qi didn't hesitate any longer, his swordsmanship was incomparable with these flying guys, so it was better to play a long-range sneak attack.

Directly summon the land of tyranny of elements, and then switch the long-range attack-type foreign skill card called "Profound Truth One Shot" to the "body" card slot to enjoy a ten-fold bonus.

It's not that I don't want to equip the "Shot of Death", it's just that it's too pretentious and consumes more spiritual power, so it's better to use this "Shot of Profound Truth" more securely.

An invisible bullet aimed at the head of a black suit without hesitation, caught the moment when he was fighting with the opponent Taoist priest, and slammed it heavily.

"Profound Truth One Shot" has no other advantages, but the 20 times damage is very stable.There is also a [-]-fold increase of the card position, a full [-] times the damage, so that the explosion of this gun directly made Wang Qi feel a little bit overwhelmed.

The man in the black suit probably didn't expect that he would be attacked by someone. Although the sword fairy has similar defensive methods, a flying sword that appeared out of thin air could not block the bullet that hit his head. At the same time, other defenses on his body They were all in an activated state, but the bullets were powerful enough. Even if they hit the flying sword, they would directly shatter the flying sword, and then continue to hit the defensive shield with the remaining kinetic energy.

And Wang Qi's second shot followed without hesitation.

A new bullet was fired first, and it hit the butt of the previous bullet directly.The powerful thrust helped the bullet in front pass through a thin layer of protective shield, and finally touched the head of the black suit.

So the black suit was a disaster, and he was headshot on the spot. The scene of blood hula wiped him off for a moment at the standing Taoist priest, and then he made up his sword without hesitation, knowing his life.

Wang Qi's two shots only took less than a second, but they successfully helped Emei kill the No.1 enemy, breaking the balance in the arena.

And the fastest responder was Lie Cangsheng, their boss.

The ink-colored sword light that was originally entangled with Chen Ji's green light in the air judged the source of the bullet the moment the gunshot rang out, and shot towards Wang Qi's clone, ignoring the chasing behind. Then the green awn.

"Anduin's immunity!"

The avatar didn't panic at all, and replaced it with a new ability that hadn't been opened yet.

Anduin's immunity summoned a cube phantom, and the four-sided QR code barriers only slowly rotated in Wang Qi's eyes, one of which happened to meet the black light.

There should be a voiceover here.Wang Qi made up his mind and complained to himself.

Although the two-dimensional code looks unreliable, it is a powerful ability that can completely avoid attacks.The QR code that met the ink-colored sword light immediately separated from the cube in Wang Qi's eyes, and turned into a shield floating in front of him, moving up and down with his mind, completely resisting the black-colored sword light. attack.

"It's really easy to use." Wang Qi nodded gratifiedly, and it was indeed an ability he had worked so hard to acquire.

The black sword light struck out dozens of swords in an instant, but helplessly, the QR code can be automatically tracked, and Lie Cangsheng can't see the QR code at all, only feeling that there is a wall firmly blocking the front, Keep yourself from getting an inch.

And the cyan sword light that was entangled behind caught up with just one breath, so the black sword light had to turn back to meet the enemy, and gave up Wang Qi's place.

(End of this chapter)

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