Chapter 237
The avatar was drawing a lottery to touch people's heads on the battlefield of Mount Emei here, while the main body switched over and flew above the dense jungle, dotted with traces of ghosts at a super long distance.

The ghost was not moving fast, and he didn't know where he was going. Wang Qi came over at this moment, and naturally he would not approach to send him off. information.

He was very concerned about what Lie Cangsheng said just now.

According to what Lie Cangsheng said just now, it was obviously an organized and premeditated action, and it just happened to make him unlucky to meet him.

Moreover, this operation should not only be carried out in one place in Mount Emei, and it may not even be aimed at Mount Emei.

Sure enough, the Spirit Card Master forum was in chaos.

"Beifang City Spirit Card Association Attacked!A group of men in black are causing chaos! "

"Our Spirit Card Association was also attacked just now!"The enemy is very strong, I am hiding now, please help! "

"urgent!Fu'an asks all experts to come to support!Someone attacked the Spirit Card Association! "


Wang Qi was taken aback, and quickly searched his hometown in Shui'an City, and sure enough, he saw that there was a similar post.

"Shui'an City was attacked by an unknown enemy, and the Spirit Card Association was attacked. The nearby Spirit Card Masters are invited to help! "

This is a bit bad!
Wang Qi suddenly felt an urge to hurry back to Shui'an City with all his strength.

At this moment, the forum automatically refreshed, and a new top post appeared in his eyes.

"Please keep calm, the Spirit Card Association is dealing with it"

He quickly clicked in to see that it was indeed an official post from the Spirit Card Association to appease the emotions of all parties.

"...It has been found out that the unidentified terrorists who attacked various places this time are the remnants of the Salvation Society who were wiped out by the Spirit Card Association before, and they carried out another act of retaliation. The Spirit Card Association has sent experts to various places to provide support. Spirit card masters from all over the world who see this post should not panic, those who have already hid should continue to hide and wait for the news, and those who are confident in their combat capabilities should find partners to fight against the enemy, we will definitely wipe out all the enemies in the future."

Scanning through one of the passages, Wang Qi was surprised that he was from the Salvation Society again.

These guys are really haunted.

After leaving Shui'an City, although Wang Qi didn't face the Salvation Society people face-to-face, there were various news along the way.

The auction that I went to the imperial capital to participate in before was also a loot after the Association attacked the Salvation Society.Later, Lin Zhongchen, the vice president of the association, revealed his identity only after being exposed by himself, and was finally repelled by the president and Yue Jingxian successfully.

But I didn't expect these guys from the Salvation Society to be so crazy. It didn't take long before they rushed up like this again, and they were still blooming everywhere.

The Void Butterfly who stayed in the imperial capital quickly flew to the headquarters of the Spirit Card Association. Sure enough, they encountered several war groups on the way, but they were all quickly suppressed, and did not cause chaos in the world of ordinary people.It should be said that the emperor deserves to be the capital of the emperor.

Judging from the posts on the forum, this time basically all the cities in the country where the Spirit Card Association was stationed were attacked by the Salvation Society.Not to mention how many spirit card masters who acted alone were killed by them.

Wang Qi remembered that the mission of the Salvation Society was to eliminate as many Spirit Card Masters as possible.

In other words, why didn't they destroy themselves first?
But now knowing who the enemy is, it's not of much use.

The avatar was on the top of Mount Emei, and after killing three black suits again with a sneak attack, his spiritual power was not enough, so he could only use long spears to harass them constantly to help the Taoists expand their advantages.

With the help of this invisible friend, the morale of the Emei Mountain side has been greatly boosted. Although they know that the helper may not be too strong, they are very happy with the current results.Several battle groups have already turned into a two-on-one state. I believe that it will be a matter of time before the enemy is killed.

Lie Cangsheng saw that he couldn't break through the invisible man's defense, and couldn't get rid of Chen Ji's entanglement, he was immediately annoyed, and suddenly used his new ability.

He suddenly accelerated, got rid of the harassment of the green light again, and got into the center of the battle group in the sky.

"Black Flame!"

Another fire ability.

In other words, the fire element is indeed the most common and best-used ability, and most people like to use similar abilities to fight.

A monstrous flame exploded from the position where Lie Cangsheng was in, in a state of bursting in all directions.

These countless black fireballs seemed to be alive, flying towards all the battle groups at an extremely fast speed, so that the Taoist priests on the Emei side had to stop them.And the black suits didn't dodge or dodge at all, and I don't know if they had great confidence in their boss, so they made the gesture of attacking together with Hei Yan.


Chen Ji's voice sounded at the same time.

Suddenly, a special meteor shower appeared in everyone's eyes, the sky seemed to turn black instantly, and countless stars fell from top to bottom like drizzle, densely covering the entire battlefield.

The starlight fell on the Emei Taoist priests, and immediately aroused dots of mist like water splashes, covering them with a faint gleam.But when they landed on the black suit and black flame, it was like pouring water into concentrated sulfuric acid. When the two met, they would die and die, annihilating each other and disappearing, and even screamed at the black suits.

Obviously, Chen Ji, who made the move later, had the upper hand.

Lie Cangsheng shouted loudly, and countless scattered black flames suddenly gathered towards the center at an extremely fast speed, and the black flames continued to merge with each other, making the already scattered starlight powerless, and could no longer melt the black flames. Instead, it disappeared by itself.

In the blink of an eye, a black fireball burned like a scorching sun in the center, which was very strange.


Lie Cangsheng drank again, and the black fireball disappeared immediately. When it reappeared, it shot out directly from the chest of a black suit, obviously using the bodies of the black suits as a springboard for space transfer.

The Taoist priest in the black suit saw the black fireball appearing suddenly, he was in a hurry and wanted to resist, but the gap between him and Lie Cangsheng was not 01:30, and he was directly hit by the fireball in the chest without even burning , the body turned into fly ash, only two legs fell to the ground, the scene was very tragic.

"Dog thief!"

Chen Ji suddenly made an angry sound, and made a new change without even thinking about it.

The rain of stars falling from the sky has not stopped, but it is too scattered. Only the first wave just now protected the Taoists from being hurt by ordinary black flames.At this moment, Black Flame is concentrated and not afraid of starlight, and also has the effect of suit escape, making this star rain very useless.

Seeing the black fireball jumping out from the chest of No.2's black suit, and about to hit the body of another Taoist priest, everyone could clearly see his panicked expression.

Suddenly, the starlight froze, and then accelerated towards the black fireball that had just jumped out.

In just one breath, countless rays of starlight gathered and condensed into the shape of a long sword in front of the Taoist priest, striking the black fireball just like that.


As I said before, the starlight and the black flame seem to be incompatible with each other like water and fire. When the sword stabs out, the black fireball is like a balloon that has been pricked by a needle. Before the body in the black suit can hide in time, it is caught by the sword. Even the black suit was pierced through.

In just a short moment, Lie Cangsheng and Chen Ji fought several times in the air, and each killed the opposite person, which made Wang Qi enjoy watching.

The long sword condensed by starlight seemed to want to continue to look for the black suit to stab it. The black sword glow transformed by Lie Cangsheng suddenly turned around, met the sword light, and smashed it into pieces.

Seeing the two entangled again, Wang Qi felt a little helpless.My own methods seem to have no effect on these two big guys, unless they can play the exile from the spirit world, but the speed of these two people's incarnations is too fast to catch them, let alone send them away with exile from the spirit world. gone.

At most, I can use the spirit exile to sneak attack the black suit, but I can't sneak attack a few people. The battlefield is so chaotic, and the six regiments dare not throw it around. It is not easy to send allies away.

If you use Zhenling to worship the heavenly tripod, everyone can enter a state of peace in an instant, but it's just for a while.The effect of the subsequent card drawing is regardless of the enemy and the enemy, and it will be bad if it harms the friendly army.

Therefore, I really have no good means to help them, so I can only fire some cold shots from a distance, so that the black suits are suspicious and dare not go all out.

After fighting for a long time, Chen Ji was also a little anxious.Although Lie Cangsheng didn't know the truth of what Lie Cangsheng said, but at least one of the brothers who received his message should come back.And they haven't appeared until now, which shows that they are indeed all caught up by enemies of the same level and cannot escape.

It's a pity that I am just a weak scum in the spiritual realm, not too different from this Lie Cangsheng.If one of his senior brothers came back casually, killing this Lie Cangsheng would be a matter of one sword.

No, we can't delay like this any longer.

Thinking of this, Chen Ji simply calmed down, and then activated the ability that he had been holding back for a long time.

For the Emei Sword Sect to become a sword sect, it is naturally a spirit card with its inheritance.Because this sword sect has been passed down for a very long time, and the spirit cards have been passed down from generation to generation, the same internal and external skill cards and ability cards have accumulated quite a lot.

The internal strength card and external strength card equipped on Chen's fuselage are exactly one of the very famous suits that have been circulated, "Taiqing Zhengfa" and "Taiqing Xuanmen has invisible sword formulas".

As a master of the spirit realm, Chen Ji's level has already reached more than 280 levels, and the two card slots of the "body" and "spirit" are lit up in the body, and the sets of internal and external skills equipped by each have obtained ten points. multiplier effect.

And this set of internal and external skill cards, since it can be called a set, the effects are naturally linked.

When the two spirit cards are equipped in the "body" slot and the "spirit" slot respectively, the effects of the two will be strengthened by 10 times. At the same time, "Taiqing Xuanmen has invisible sword art" has a special ability-" Invisible Sword".

Before that, Chen Ji had always been in the form of green light, which was the usual appearance of Jian Jue.At this moment, with a slight sway of his body, the cyan sword glow disappeared and disappeared in mid-air.

(End of this chapter)

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