Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 238 The Exile from the Spiritual Realm Has Done Again

Chapter 238 The Exile from the Spiritual Realm Has Done Again

Lie Cangsheng dared to take over the job of attacking Emei, which showed that he was still a little confident.

Although he came here taking advantage of the absence of several masters in Emei, he only dared to deal with Chen Ji who was at the same level, but at least it showed that he was not afraid of Chen Ji.

The reason for being able to say the name of Chen Ji's sword art in one breath before is because the two have known each other many years ago, and they were even friends.

It's just that as time goes by, the two sides have different ideas, the roads are gradually drifting apart, and they finally parted ways, and even turned against each other, which is quite embarrassing.

He is aware of the linkage effect of "Taiqing Xuanmen has invisible sword art" and "Taiqing Zhengfa".

At this moment, seeing Chen Ji flickering slightly, and the green glow disappearing, Lie Cangsheng did not panic, and shouted again, and the overwhelming black flame turned into barrage again, covering the entire screen.

"I'm going to see your Chen machine today, can you still perform the operation of wiping bullets!"

Hearing this roar, Wang Qi had a strange expression on his face. You two are playing this as a certain car game?
After Chen Ji disappeared, he didn't answer, and he was indifferent to the black flames that filled the sky.It's just that everyone suddenly discovered that the head of a certain black suit suddenly fell off like that.

When Emei's people had just gained the advantage, they had been continuously merging into one place. Coupled with Wang Qi's constant sniping help outside the court, they formed a two-on-one situation.

At this time, seeing Lie Cangsheng's another move of black flames all over the sky, he immediately scattered to avoid it, not wanting to let Chen Ji who used the invisible sword come to the rescue.

There was a thump, thump, and everyone was stunned for a short time + scattered, and several black suits' heads fell again, and the dead couldn't die anymore.Apparently, Chen Ji didn't play any games with Lie Cangsheng at all, his goal was very clear, that is to kill the younger brother on the opposite side first.

Seeing this situation, Lie Cangsheng knew that the barrage game would be impossible to play, so he simply played another black flame big explosion to spread the black flame.

The black flame after spreading... Even Wang Qi can easily dodge it, let alone the disappearing Chen Ji.

After these black flames spread, except for some Taoist priests chasing Emei, the other part directly merged into the outside of the bodies of the black suits, giving them a layer of raging black flame glare skin effects, and by the way protected them from machine assassination.

For a while, the scene froze again.

Wang Qi finally understood that the way Lie Cangsheng used to deal with Chen Ji's invisibility was to attack in a large area, forcing him to show his body.But Chenji didn't want to play with him, so he could only protect his younger brother first.

If you co-author, you have no good ideas!
But this suddenly revealed a gap.

Lie Cangsheng's ink-colored sword glow was fixed in the center, manipulating the black flames to protect the black suits, while the Taoist priests had already spread out to avoid, Chen Ji's invisible sword kept wandering around the necks of those black suits, a strange balance That's it.

"Exile from the spirit world!"

The avatar immediately seized the opportunity and started rubbing the balls.

This trick needs to be charged, and six glowing balls can be stored at a time.

Since the opportunity is so good now, it is not a bad idea to send him to the spirit world.Everyone can't be like that ghost, and they can come back by themselves.

The men in black suits were frightened by their necks being cut, and they just circled back to back in the air, while the Taoist priests flew far away, looking here from a distance, while avoiding the black flames chasing them.Lie Cangsheng manipulated Hei Yan to chase and kill the Taoist priests, while protecting the black suit, while quietly looking for clues of Chen Ji.

Finally, Wang Qi's meatballs are ready.

With a soft sound, the black sword light incarnated by Lie Cangsheng suddenly uttered such a sound, and it trembled in the air after being hit, obviously it was Chen Ji who slashed up with his sword quietly.

"Caught you!"

Black flames were also entwined on the black sword light, and the moment the invisible sword crossed the black flames, the trajectory was very obvious, which made Lie Cangsheng feel it clearly.

He seized this momentary attack, and suddenly a group of dense black flames that he did not know when he had prepared, turned into a narrow ball at a strange speed, enveloping its surroundings completely.

"Hey, although you are all swordsmen now, but in such a narrow space...two big there something..."

Wang Qi rolled his eyes, squeezed the balls to lure him, and kept complaining in his heart.

The black flame came quickly, and Chen Ji obviously didn't escape, and there were a lot of sounds of two people colliding with each other in the black ball.

Ding ding ding, ding ding ding.

Wang Qi's other hand, which was fine, couldn't help beating the beat. He also thought that if the coward was here, maybe he could have a rap.

Suddenly, a violent sword light erupted from the fireball wrapped in black flame, cutting a hole in it.Although the opening was closed quickly, everyone could guess that Chen Ji took the opportunity to run away again.

Sure enough, the black flame fireball disappeared quickly, and Lie Cangsheng's black sword glow reappeared.

"Co-authoring you is just waiting for the rabbit. If the big brother Chenji can't come, I will come."

Wang Qi greeted, and then directly found a very good angle, facing the straight line of Lie Cangsheng's sword light and the black suits, and threw him out of the spiritual world.

The invisible six meatballs were first delivered to Lie Cangsheng's Jianmang lightly.Probably he didn't expect this kind of attack, whether there is something solid outside his body to resist, black inflammation is counted as part of him, so a ball hit it, and Lie Cangsheng disappeared.


Wang Qi snapped his fingers excitedly, but unfortunately no one heard him.

Ever since the spirit world exiled this card, it feels like the spirit world has become Wang Qi's trash can, and any enemies that can't be killed can be sent into it, which is safe, environmentally friendly, and pollution-free.

The other five balls hit five of them again when the suspicious black suits didn't notice Lie Cangsheng's disappearance, and then these five also disappeared together.

The scene was very quiet for a while.

"When did Lie Cangsheng also learn the invisible sword?" Chen Ji was very surprised, he didn't dare to neglect, he walked more cautiously in the air, and kept looking for traces of Lie Cangsheng's possible existence.

And those in black suits were so frightened that they were about to pee out. The boss disappeared suddenly without knowing what happened, so maybe the boss was invisible like Chen Ji.But the companions around him disappeared neatly, and everyone didn't know who, it must not be their own ability, it must have been lost by others.

This invisible enemy is so scary!

At this time, Lie Cangsheng with a confused face was looking at the huge head like a mountain in front of him, and a slight breath could bring out a strong air current, and he was amazed + puzzled.

"Where did I go all of a sudden!"

Then, the huge head suddenly shrugged its nose, as if smelling something, and suddenly opened its eyes.

Immediately, Lie Cangsheng felt that his eyes were about to go blind, and those two pupils with strange colors immediately occupied his whole mind, which made him terrified.


This is Lie Cangsheng's only remaining thought.

As for the other little brothers, some were teleported to a desolate place in the spirit world, some were teleported to the sea of ​​monsters, and some were teleported to unknown places.I won't talk about them one by one here.

Wang Qi continued to use the elemental tyranny to nod to the remaining black suits one by one, beating them suspiciously and using all kinds of defenses.

And Chen Ji walked around cautiously for a long time, but he did not see Lie Cangsheng's aura, so he also tentatively attacked the black suit together.

All of a sudden, these black suits were also accounted for.

"I don't know which friend secretly helped, please come out and tell me!"

Chen Ji released the state of the fusion of human and sword, floated in the air, and used the trick of sound transmission for thousands of miles towards the surroundings.

"It's easy to say, if you don't look for me, I have to look for you."

Wang Qi's main body and avatar switched instantly and appeared in front of him.

"I have a proof of payment here. If you don't compensate me for the sword, I will complain to the Consumer Association."

He checked the payment record on the mobile phone in his hand, and Chen Ji couldn't laugh or cry. Although his eyes were still closed, his face couldn't hold back.

"My friend, you can be regarded as Emei's benefactor by helping our Emei faction retreat today. Let's go down first, sit down and have a cup of tea."

Chen Ji made a slight gesture of invitation, Wang Qi followed suit and let the flying dragon land.

After waving his hand to ask the Taoist priests to clean up the corpses left on the ground, Shen Yaozi watched in surprise as Wang Qi followed Chen Ji into a waiting room next to him.

Although the Emei Sect is a cultivation sect, it is also in line with the outside world. Otherwise, there would not be many disciples wearing casual clothes and living in the city below the mountain.Therefore, the decoration of this reception room is quite elegant. The modern decoration style does not match the antique buildings outside, which makes Wang Qi very fresh.

"This friend, what's your name?" Chen Ji asked curiously.

"Oh, my name is Wang Qi. I came up with Shen Yaozi a few days ago. I was raising swords in Jianshan. As a result, I almost raised the sword today, and you took over the secret realm."

"I'm really sorry." Chen Ji silently admitted.

Anyway, Wang Qi helped him a lot just now, and even Lie Cangsheng didn't know how he lost sight of him, so now Chen Ji suspected that Wang Qi was a big boss, so he didn't dare to speak too aggressively.

"I'll talk about the compensation later. I want to ask, who is Lie Cangsheng?"

Chen Ji asked the question he was most concerned about.

"Actually, I don't know if he's dead or not. I just sent him away with some tricks." Wang Qi confessed that he didn't kill Lie Cangsheng.

" seems that we have to be careful." Chen Ji shook his head, it was a pity that he didn't die.

"You don't have to worry too much about this, unless that Lie Cangsheng has a way to come back from below, otherwise you may never see him in your life."

Wang Qi pointed to his feet.

"So that's it, you are really good at sending people down!"

Chen Ji understood Wang Qi's gesture, and immediately felt relieved.

So the topic returned to Wang Qi's concern about compensation.

"Look at this, why don't I compensate you with a sword spirit card, how about it? It has already been raised, so you don't need to raise it anymore."

Chen Ji asked Wang Qi.

"Well, I don't think it is very necessary. I have an unfeeling request. I see that both of you have the ability to fly around with swords just now. Can you give me a card for this ability? Just want this."

After thinking about it, Wang Qi made his own request.

(End of this chapter)

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