Chapter 239
In the end, Wang Qi got his wish and got an external skill card for flying with a sword.

Of course, Chen Ji will not give him too good, because this kind of spirit card is actually quite precious, and Chen Ji is also a sword formula passed down from their sect, which is not easy to give away. Wang Qi got a top-notch transcendence card.

"Xuanyin Guishui Sword Jue: External Skill Card, Transcendence level. The first activation requires 5000 points of spiritual power. You need to equip sword props. After equipped, you will automatically learn Xuanyin Guishui Sword Jue. You can fly with the sword. The maximum flying speed in the air is 240 kilometers / hour, the speed in water is doubled. When equipped with two or more swords, you can fly and attack with the sword at the same time. Agility +50, strength +50, spiritual power recovery speed +50%, spiritual power limit +5%, water attribute Damage +100%."

Wang Qi was very satisfied with this spirit card.As long as he has a seed, he can slowly swipe the field to obtain similar cards, and with fusion, he will be able to raise the level of this card to a very high level sooner or later.

After Chen Ji compensated Wang Qilingka, he talked with him about this incident for a while.Wang Qi hurriedly took out his mobile phone and refreshed the news on the forum. Sure enough, many things had not been resolved.

After the Void Butterfly from the imperial capital flew to the headquarters of the Spirit Card Association, he found that the president was sitting in the Taixu Wonderland in person, so it seemed that nothing happened.None of the other masters were missing, and they were probably dispatched urgently to all parts of the country.

Seeing that the situation was still not resolved, Wang Qi took the initiative to leave, and even Shen Yaozi, who had just come in to say hello to Wang Qi after finishing his work, did not keep him, so he had to send him out of the mountain gate with Chen Ji.

"Next time you have a chance, you must remember to come and play, I will take you around properly!"

Shen Yaozi waved at Wang Qi.

"No problem, I'll bring my girlfriend with me next time!"

Wang Qi also bid farewell to the two, then equipped the newly obtained sword formula, summoned the Pofeng Sword, jumped on it and flew away with the sword.

Yujian's flying speed is much faster than that of the Diamond Flying Dragon. Although it is not as fast as the Sun Chariot, it is already very fast.

This kind of Yujian flying is also very interesting. After stepping on the flying sword, the body will automatically form a shield to reduce the resistance of the air, and at the same time, the person who is Yujian will not feel the wind pressure, which is very considerate.

The speed of 240 kilometers per hour is equivalent to a speed of 66 meters per second. This speed is beyond the control of ordinary people. Only sword fairy spirit card masters who have practiced for a long time can gradually get used to this speed, and then in this state Fly down and kill enemies.

However, Wang Qi had the Master of Data hacking.

The high-speed processing ability of the data master allows Wang Qi to make any reaction clearly after entering the state. This kind of speed is nothing to him. Even if he fully uses the data master's ability, he will still feel very slow .

Wang Qi estimated that even if it reached the speed of sound, he should be able to control it easily with his data master's ability.

When he came to the place where ordinary people began to appear at the bottom of the mountain, Wang Qi found his car, jumped into the car, and quickly headed back to the city.

While going back, he tried to call the company.

He Yuge, as a master, might be fighting.Ye Tianbing and Qiu Mingshan should be similar, so it's best to call Ling Yi.

Soon, Suzuki's phone was connected.

"Hello? Wang Qi, are you okay?"

As soon as Suzuki got connected, she asked directly with concern.

"I'm fine, I killed a lot of enemies here, how are you doing?"

"There's nothing going on here. Brother Heyu and my dad have gone to the association to support us. Basically, the situation has been brought under control. I'm with Sister Manman now, and Aqiu is protecting us."

Suzuki briefly explained the situation, but luckily nothing happened.

"That's good. Take care to protect yourselves. I was going to rush back, but it seems that I don't need it."

Wang Qi nodded. Sure enough, there is a boss in Shui'an City and Brother Heyu, so there is nothing to worry about.

"However, there are also strange things here. I told Brother Yu that I met an enemy who should have died before, named Ruoqing. You may have an impression."

Su Lingyi suddenly said a piece of information that surprised Wang Qi.

"Huh? I saw this person die with my own eyes." Wang Qi was startled, and remembered the scene when Ruoqing was crushed to pieces by the Snow Queen.

Could it be that this person is actually just feigning death?

"I don't know, anyway, tell Brother Yu and the others to kill him again. Just listen to him, this person doesn't look very powerful."

The two chatted for a few more words, and then changed to Qiu Mingshan to talk to Wang Qi. Qiu Mingshan probably asked about Wang Qi's situation, told him to pay attention to safety, and then hung up.

Liu Manman didn't ask about Zhang Yuxiang either, and Wang Qi didn't take the initiative to say anything after thinking about it.

Since nothing happened at home and ordinary people were basically not affected, Wang Qi decided to go to the local Spirit Card Association to see if there was anything he could help.

Fortunately, this moment happened to be the time period between the two domain refreshes. The domain had already passed the time period, and even if no one cleaned it, it would have disappeared by itself.

As a result, I didn’t go far, and I saw people flying in the air above the tall buildings and attacking each other. Many ordinary people below saw them, shouting “Superhero!” while taking pictures and videos with their mobile phones.

Fortunately, there have been enough superhero movies in the past few years, and everyone's ability to accept them is very strong, but no one seems to be flustered.

But these guys in the air can't really act like in the movie. The guys chasing behind are obviously bad guys, all wearing the same black suits as before, and they are their own people if they run away so fast.

And the people in front tried to lead the people behind to the open space as they flew, obviously trying to keep them away from the building and the crowd as much as possible, so as not to hurt innocent people.

Needless to say, this imperial sword flying has really become a local characteristic, and it is something everyone can do, unlike other places where you can't see it at all.

"Oh, I really need help."

Needless to say, he cut his body and became invisible, and went out to set up a place where the elements were tyrannical. The data lord locked the trajectory of those people in the air and pulled the trigger.

After a set of rules and regulations, those pursuers were given their life-saving cards one after another, and they didn't dare to pursue them anymore. They looked down suspiciously, but found that they were just ordinary people.

At this time, the people in front stopped when they saw the people behind them, they all stopped not far away, seized the opportunity to manipulate the flying sword, and killed them again.

There was a sniper rifle for long-range harassment, and Wang Qi used the sword control method he had just obtained. The Pofeng Sword directly turned into an invisible shadow, and secretly attacked those people.

"Don't tell me, my sword is even more invisible than an invisible sword." While pulling the trigger, he didn't forget to complain to himself.

Yu Jian killed the enemy, but in fact, he manipulated the flying sword with an extra thought, crossing the sky from an extremely dizzying perspective, and wiped the opponent's neck by the way.

This kind of thing really requires talent. Although there are quite a lot of sword fairy spirit card masters, those who can really play this kind of trick well enough are all talented guys.

Wang Qi... There is a cheat, no discussion, no discussion.

The Xuanyin Guishui sword art is not an excellent sword art, and it is more suitable for manipulation in water in terms of additional attributes. Chen Ji gave this sword art to Wang Qi, which made him quite embarrassed.But... it doesn't really matter to Wang Qi, anyway, he just needs such external skills.

In the hands of his avatar, any sword formula can be used as an invisible sword escape, and that's enough.

These people were numb from inexplicable bullets in the air for a while (because the land of elemental tyranny this time has a random paralysis effect of the thunder attribute), and their clothes and pants were cut by invisible flying swords for a while. They struggled to hold on, but it was a mess, and the situation was immediately reversed, making them tired of coping.

"No, we withdraw!"

Waves appeared on the rhombus-shaped transparent shield outside the head of one of them from time to time, which blocked the traces of Wang Qi's bullets. He didn't dare to remove the shield, so he could only defend passively, and he was very aggrieved.At this time, he finally couldn't bear it anymore and issued an order to retreat.

The subordinates had been waiting for this sentence for a long time, and with a huff, they turned around and ran away while driving the flying sword, one by one slipped away very fast.Obviously, they were going to meet up with their masters.

The people who were being chased saw that the enemy had retreated, and instead of chasing them, they breathed a sigh of relief. They looked down, but they couldn't find any helpers. There were too many ordinary people, so they had no choice but to turn into swords. Light flew away.

"Yes, I really have deep merit and fame."

Wang Qi's avatar put away the weapons and equipment, got back into his car, then changed back to the main body, and continued to rush to the Spirit Card Association.

The Void Butterfly has just found the location of the local Spirit Card Association branch, and as expected, a big battle is going on there.Moreover, just like the Emei faction, the enemies here have masters, and if you challenge N, the people from the Spirit Card Association will not be able to find you.

"The Spirit Card Association here is so weak? Is it because the people from Emei used to control the place, and the people from Emei are not here, so there are no masters?"

Wang Qi didn't know that he had guessed the truth unintentionally. It really was like this. Emei now has only one Chen Ji sitting in the sect, and the people in charge of the field are not here for unknown reasons, and they don't know where they are entrusted and they can't come back. The remaining three or five small shrimps in the Spirit Card Association had no choice but to fight alone.

The road to the Spirit Card Association has been blocked, preventing ordinary people from passing.Finding a place to park the car and put it away, Wang Qi quietly flew up with his sword and rushed to the vicinity of the association.

"It's a little tricky."

The exile from the spirit world has already been used, and it will take more than ten hours to cool down. It is too obvious to use it on the main body, and it is easy to be avoided by others. It is better not to use it.The rest of the means... there's really nothing particularly helpful.

Field exchange?That's even worse, the area needs to be drawn in advance. In this scene, the avatar can do it, but people from both sides are mixed together, and it is not a particularly good way to rush to send everyone away together.

This time, the master of the enemy was covered in a black robe, which completely covered all appearances. It could only be seen from his figure that he was a woman.She looked silent, she looked very calm, and she was completely two extremes from the arrogant Lie Cangsheng before.His shots were also very vicious. If it wasn't for the desperate resistance of several members of the Spirit Card Association, he would have been killed long ago.But even so, one person was missing an arm, and another person had a big gash cut on his side. Almost everyone was injured and in a panic.

(End of this chapter)

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