Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 240 The Second Spirit World Travel

Chapter 240 The Second Spirit World Travel

"Someone is spying on us, the top of the tall building at the right rear, take two people to clean it up."

While continuously inflicting damage to several opponents in front of him with strange attacks, the master suddenly said to his subordinates who were fighting with other people.


The subordinate got the order, quickly slashed away the attack of the enemy in front of him, then pulled away and flew directly to Wang Qi's direction.

"What? I was discovered?"

Wang Qi was a little shocked. This was the first time that someone else had discovered his tracks in advance by unknown means. In the past, he had always relied on the Void Butterfly to get the first chance.

Although there is no reason to switch to the avatar, it can only be said that this person is indeed a bit capable.

Sure enough, you still can't underestimate anyone.

The guy who is tentatively called the black-clothed master has a very strange way of attacking. She doesn't move at all, and transparent cubes constantly appear around her body, from which various weapons and attacks protrude.The places where the cubes appeared had no pattern, they appeared completely randomly, and each attack was so powerful that her opponents were exhausted.

Wang Qi didn't dare to observe any more. After thinking for a while, he changed to a clone just to be on the safe side, and then set up his spear and aimed at the forehead of the flying man.

A huge bullet hit the forehead of the comer, arousing countless sparks.

It seems that this guy's defense ability is to make the body not afraid of physical attacks, and the bullets hit it.It's just that the special effect attached to the spear itself is still triggered, this time it's the earth attribute, and the trigger is slow.Immediately, Wang Qi could see that this guy's movements became very slow, as if in slow motion.

The guy on the other side was wondering, he had already seen the target the boss said just now, why the other party suddenly disappeared, and he was shot out of thin air.It seems to be a stealth ability, so be careful.

He didn't even land, just suspended in the air, waved his hand at the roof where Wang Qi was, countless raindrops appeared out of thin air, and hit them with a crackling sound.

This person thinks very well, isn't he invisible, he can be seen by forcing it out with rain, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

However, the avatar had already stepped on the flying sword and flew up, and he didn't concentrate on two uses at the same time, but held the Pofeng sword and directly greeted him with the 24 solar terms swordsmanship.

After all, this is the most practiced, or this handy.

With the ability to maneuver in the air, Wang Qi is truly free from the restriction of killing people on the ground at this moment. The flying sword under his feet drags him with the help of the master of data, and moves with super flexibility. The slightest chance to meet him, he can only passively bear the output of Wang Qi's swordsmanship.

In just a few seconds, this person finished a full set of sword skills, a huge burst of sword energy, Wang Qi summoned the Book of Spirit Cards at the right time, and used other summoned beasts to supplement a lot of damage in an instant, and immediately he Those who are dead can't die anymore, and they don't even deserve to have the name of a dragon set.


The woman in the black robe below frowned suddenly, and with a wave of her hand, countless cubes appeared out of thin air at the place where Wang Qi killed her men just now. After the space was distorted, countless weapons shot out from the cubes, blasting the The space is made transparent.

At this time, Wang Qi's avatar had already left.

Not to mention that the avatar did not attack this woman, and was still in an untouchable state, and the avatar did not intend to fight hard with her.

From the ability she showed, it is already very difficult to deal with, who knows what kind of weird ability she has.

Since she has been standing there without moving, it is not known whether it is overconfidence or the condition of using the spirit card, but this is a good opportunity.Wang Qi decided to draw a range next to her and exchange her to the spirit world for fun.

"Hey, when you go to the spirit world, find a way to keep you there, isn't it the same as exile from the spirit world?"

While Wang Qi was thinking this way, he quickly drew a closed area, bypassing all the members of the Spirit Card Association and her subordinates, leaving her alone and her avatar inside.

"Domain exchange... launch!"

A familiar feeling of space transformation suddenly appeared in the hearts of Wang Qi and the woman.

The woman was shocked. Although she didn't know who activated the ability, at the moment of teleportation, those illusory cubes that were attacking the members of the Spirit Card Association all appeared around her body, firmly protecting her. Inside, and constantly distorting the space, trying to resist the power of this space transmission.

Helpless, Wang Qi's "Domain Exchange" card is mythical.

Apparently, the suppression of authority brought about by the level did not allow this woman to successfully resist and escape the fate of being teleported, but she was still brought to the spirit world by Wang Qi.

As soon as he entered the spirit world, Wang Qi quickly observed the surrounding situation.This is the second time he has come to the spirit world. Last time, the monster as huge as a mountain brought him unimaginable psychological pressure. The aura of being born at the top of the food chain is naturally possessed by every weak creature. A strong heart attack.

If you encounter that kind of monster again this time, the avatar will naturally close your eyes like an ostrich, shrinking in place and pretending that I don't see and I don't listen.

But this time, the woman was lucky. The two of them appeared in the spirit world, and there was no monster beside them. It looked like a barren wilderness, with no boundaries as far as the eye could see.

It can't be said that it is completely bare, at least looking around, you can still see a few huge bones left by unknown monsters, half buried in various postures on the wilderness.

"This is where?"

The woman felt as if she was facing a formidable enemy, and she was a little flustered when she was suddenly teleported to such a place with no one around.

However, there are always some people who have the ability to teleport people to a special world. For example, the guy who kidnapped the old man of the Liu family before the Salvation Society has a similar ability, so she is still calm and ready to respond to all changes without change.

Wang Qi squatted there, thinking about how to get her out of this circle.If she doesn't go out, the two of them will be teleported back together after 5 minutes.

Suddenly, a change came.

A strong wind blew from nowhere, and there was nothing to stop the bare wilderness. It was a feeling of coldness from the feet to the head. Suddenly, the woman felt goosebumps all over her body, and couldn't help but tremble.

It wasn't because of the cold, it was purely because this strange wind came from nowhere, awakening a memory in her DNA that seemed to exist in her DNA since ancient times, it was a kind of instinctive fear of food when it saw a predator.

"Stay here and die! Run!"

Without even thinking about it, she made this decision in an instant.

Although she didn't know where this place was, but the trembling feeling that she hadn't seen her before, she didn't dare to gamble at all, what is the chance of survival if she stays here.

While thinking this way, he secretly hated the unknown enemy who sent him here.

I saw a twist around her body, and the countless illusory cubes appeared out of thin air again, and she didn't see any movement. After her body twisted, she suddenly appeared hundreds of meters away.Wang Qi blinked again, and she teleported hundreds of meters away.After a few breaths, the person has completely disappeared.

"Huh? I was still thinking about what to do, why did she run away by herself?"

The untouchable avatar can't feel the evil wind and the oppression of pure aura. If it doesn't look directly at anything, the avatar is not afraid of anything at all.

So he didn't feel the thrill of this woman at all.

However, soon he knew why the woman ran away.

A group of weird-looking bugs flew over slowly.

They have typical insect characteristics.There are a pair of tentacles on the head, a pair of gem-like compound eyes, three pairs of transparent wings on the back, and a smooth carapace on the body.

But the only difference is that these bugs are not small, and each Wang Qi is about the size of a palm, which looks very scary.

The most unusual thing, and what distinguishes them from ordinary insects, is that these insects have a huge eye in their abdomen, which is constantly turning, as if they are constantly scanning in all directions, looking for their prey.

A faint grass-green flame shot out from those eyes, making the bug's body look green.Coupled with the fact that they acted together in groups, the weird combination of bugs and eyes made people think of some marked evil gods, causing goosebumps all over their bodies.

This group of weird bugs, let’s call them Cyclops for now, seems to be quite a number. They are densely green and form a green cloud not high above the ground. People are very uncomfortable.

"No wonder she wants to run away. These insects seem to be very strong. She also has a strong detection ability. She must have just discovered it before leaving quickly."

Wang Qi felt relieved when he came to the conclusion.

However, during the two trips to the spirit world, he saw strange and powerful creatures, which made him worry about the situation of his good buddy Zhang Yuxiang.

I don't know where Zhang Yuxiang is in the spirit world now, and how much perseverance he needs to survive, and tell himself not to worry...


Zhang Yuxiang, who was somewhere far away in the spirit world, suddenly sneezed.

"Hey, brother-in-law, what's wrong with you? Did you catch a cold?"

A very handsome young man sitting across from him asked with concern.

The two were drinking and chatting in a restaurant in the city, and they were blowing their mouths off, when they were interrupted by Zhang Yuxiang's sneeze.

"It's okay, I guess someone is thinking about me."

Zhang Yuxiang waved his hand, indicating that he was fine.

He took a sip of the side dish, then raised his wine glass to touch this handsome uncle, looking at the seven or eight dancers who were dancing in cool clothes, he took a sip happily, but he couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

"I don't know if there is any chance to go back. Although I am really happy, I don't know when this day will be the end..."

(End of this chapter)

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