Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 241 Being Targeted

Chapter 241 Being Targeted
The Cyclops army flew over quickly, Wang Qi didn't intend to disturb them at all, he watched them pass by him quietly, flew farther and farther, and then gradually disappeared.

Finally, 5 minutes later, the avatar that stayed where it was and returned to the real world.

Five minutes was enough to reverse the battle situation of the Spirit Card Association.

Having lost the leading core master, the Spirit Card Association's several Spirit Card Masters who were struggling against that woman all freed up their hands and joined the battle group against those subordinates.

Don't look at how hard it is for these people to beat that woman, and they still get crushed if they hit one more, it's because that woman is too strong, and we are not on the same level.But to deal with these subordinates... that's half a catty or even a slight victory.

So when Wang Qi came back, the battle was basically over. Those underlings who escaped died, and the Spirit Card Association was already finishing the endgame and preparing to clean up the battlefield.

Not intending to show up, Wang Qi quietly left here, found another place where no one was around, switched his body back, then released his car, and drove to leave.

Before starting the car, Wang Qi took out his mobile phone and refreshed the forum, wanting to see the latest news from other places.

As a result, I saw a post with a huge number of replies that was artificially pinned to the top.

"Loss Statistics of Local Spirit Card Associations"

After clicking on the post, I found that this post was updated in real time, and it was edited just one minute ago.

It lists in detail the Spirit Card Association and personnel losses attacked in all cities in Huabang, as well as the number of invading enemies killed by the Spirit Card Association.The combined numbers are a bit scary.

The total death of the Spirit Card Association: 1847 (including spirit beasts, etc.).Kill enemies: 2922 (including spirit beasts, etc.).

Although this number is the sum of all the cities in Huabang, it is scary enough.You must know that in some smaller cities, such as Wang Qi's hometown, Shui'an City, the number of Spirit Card Masters is only more than 100 in total.This still includes the non-combat spirit card masters of the Protection Academy who have been protected all the time.

Although there are hundreds of cities in Huabang, large and small, on average, the number of deaths in each city is not a small number.

This is a real person!That's it!
Of course, there is another reason for such a large number, that is, many urban protection institutes were attacked again, and many spirit card masters who were not fighting factions were brutally slaughtered.

This time, the people from the Salvation Society did not choose the time period when the spirit card domain came, but simply killed everyone directly, without even thinking about getting the dropped spirit card key.

And the strangest thing is that the Salvation Society has found such a huge number of spirit card masters who are willing to die for them, each of them is not weak in strength, as if they appeared out of thin air.

However, there are also Spirit Card Associations who will kill their enemies in the future and take the opportunity to expose the true colors of some enemies.

These invading enemies are not just the spirit card masters in Huabang territory, there are many faces, all of them are foreigners.Even, some of them are spirit beasts.

It seems that the Salvation Society has cooperated with the spirit beast again.

It's just that what all spirit card masters can't imagine is that similar things are happening in several distant spirit beast kingdoms at this moment.

"Hu Lie! Why are you doing this!"

A tiger covered in golden light, with a huge and clear king character on its head, looked at the tiger in front of it, which was not inferior to itself in size and also covered in golden light, and roared angrily.

Outside of them, there are all kinds of spirit beasts fighting each other, and all kinds of roars resound through the sky, setting off the largest building in the Tiger Kingdom with murderous aura.

"Of course, because you Hupo have been sitting in this position for too long!"

The giant golden tiger named Hu Lie also responded with a roar.

And in the sky not far from the two, there were three people covered in black robes, watching the two tigers growling coldly, without saying a word.

"These two beasts are good at talking, why don't they do it?"

One of the men in black suddenly couldn't help but said.

"Just watch the show, and I didn't let you do anything." The other black-robed man scolded him indifferently.

"Heh, I want to make a move. There is nothing to do with these two beasts."

"Don't make noise, don't forget our fundamental goal." The third man in black suddenly said.

"Understood, isn't it just to cooperate with those traitors and these beasts, make a scene, take the opportunity to observe everyone, and find a way to go to the spirit world?"

The first black-robed man said angrily, then simply closed his mouth.

Seeing that he was not making a sound, the other two also stopped making a sound.Their eyes seemed to cover the entire battlefield, taking in everything.

After Wang Qi finished reading this post, he also posted a candle lighting emoji in the reply, and then turned off his phone.

What he didn't expect was that there was also a person in the sky above the city, who was using an unparalleled pupil technique to observe the previous battle in the entire city, and had already locked onto him.

It was the first time Wang Qi made a secret attack on Emei, exiled Lie Cangsheng and his younger brothers from the spirit world, and was honored by Chen Ji as the honored guest.

At that time, these eyes had already focused on Wang Qi's existence. Although they were still investigating, they also listed him as the focus.

The second time Wang Qi shot, he disappeared from the top of the tall building near the Spirit Card Association, and then the female master who led the attack disappeared, causing the entire attack here to collapse.

Among the gazes of these eyes, Wang Qi, who had disappeared for a while, was the most suspicious.Only his shot can explain it.

"Master No. 7, I think I have found a candidate who has the teleportation ability similar to what you said."

The man in black, who was floating in the sky beyond the reach of ordinary people, stared coldly at the world below, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Oh? Very good, I will send someone to assist you and bring him back."

The voice that came out of the phone was Lin Zhongchen, the former vice president of the Spirit Card Association that Wang Qi had met before.

Obviously, what happened this time was simply their arrangement.

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on him."

After hanging up the phone, his eyes continued to be blank. In fact, he had firmly locked onto Wang Qi's car and was watching his figure through the car.

Wang Qi never considered that there would be someone who would have this ability to fly to a height higher than his Void Butterfly, watch everything from a more God-like perspective, and had already stared at him.

After staying in the secret realm of Emei Sword Mountain for a few days, and two more battles after coming out, Wang Qi just wanted to find a hotel to rest.He clicked on the navigation, and then drove to the best hotel in the city.

After putting away the car, Wang Qi checked in, and soon returned to his room, took a shower and rested, while doing homework that he hadn't done for a few days, collecting Ling card information, and paying attention to the real-time developments on the forum.

The man in black in the sky floated there quietly, motionless, like a still life, people who didn't know it would even think it was a dead person.

Just after Wang Qi returned to his room to rest, a few hours later, a portal suddenly appeared beside the man in black.

A figure stepped out of the portal, wrapped in the same black robe, making it impossible to see his true face.

"Where is the target?"

As soon as he came out of the portal, this person didn't talk nonsense and asked directly.

"In the hotel directly below, room 18 on the 22th floor."

The person who answered was also straightforward.


It was another portal, he walked in directly, and the man in black who was floating in the sky also walked in together.

Appearing again, the two of them had arrived at the outer room of Wang Qi's suite.

At this time, Wang Qi was lying on the bed in casual clothes and looking at the computer.

The moment the two of them appeared in the room, the Void Butterflies summoned by the avatars who followed Wang Qi and waited for instructions all the time found the two uninvited guests.

"So tired Shet!"

Although I don't know why someone broke into my room, I also know that nothing good will happen.What's more, the clothes of these two people look like the guys from the Salvation Society. Wang Qi came to these conclusions in an instant. With a thought, he grabbed his notebook and completed the switch with the clone, and disappeared on the bed.

After the avatar appeared, he didn't do anything else, he quickly put all his things into the gourd, and then watched the two of them walk in.

"Huh, what about people?"

The two of them were obviously taken aback when they saw the empty room.

"The light was on, but the person disappeared. It seems that he has noticed the two of us. I have been monitoring him before. This guy has the ability to hide, which is a bit tricky."

The man in black who had been watching from the sky was also a little helpless at the moment.Wang Qi's invisibility ability made him admire, even Lie Cangsheng and the female master couldn't detect it at all, it's hard to say whether he could find it.

Thinking of this, he suddenly opened his eyes, and a few strange runes flashed in his pupils, obviously using some ability to see through invisibility.

But... the ability of a mythical clone is not so easy to discover.As long as Wang Qi doesn't take the initiative to attack, there is no one in this world who can see through the existence of clones.

Therefore, the man in black returned without success and could only look at his partner helplessly.

"Your ability doesn't work?" Another man in black who came across the sky frowned, realizing that things were not easy to handle.

However, he also had the same thinking as ordinary people when dealing with invisible people. With just a momentary wave of his hand, countless liquid-like illusory lights and shadows filled the entire room in an instant, locking the interior space firmly.

"Come out, you can't escape anymore." He confidently shouted into the air, as if he wanted Wang Qi to come out by himself.

Rolling his eyes, the avatar stepped up and quickly finished drawing a "domain exchange" spiritual power line that envelops both of them.


After waving his hand, he activated his ability, and then the three of them came to Ling Wang Qi's special trash can world together again.

(End of this chapter)

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