Chapter 242
This time, they were not so lucky. As soon as they arrived, the three of them immediately saw a purgatory-like scene around them.

This is a huge karst cave space, surrounded by countless lava rivers and lakes, and pillars of fire are constantly ejected from it, bringing up a large amount of magma and splashing everywhere.

And in this lava, large creatures like hippos, let's call them lava hippos, are swimming comfortably in it, as if these are just ordinary hot water, allowing them to take a bath comfortably play.

The moment the floor where the three people were standing appeared in the lava, all the lava hippos turned their heads in this direction in unison.

The avatar had no duck pears, so it stood still, and even used a gourd to collect some lava in by the way, saving it for later use.But these two guys were not so determined, they flew straight into the air in a panic.

This flight can be regarded as causing a real commotion.

All the lava hippos were furious that these two little bugs dared to fly around their heads.This is their territory, even other powerful creatures dare not break in here and challenge their authority!

Countless lava hippos roared in unison, and the lava around them turned into sharp arrows, flying towards the two of them in unison.

The man in black robe who used the pupil technique stared wide-eyed, and all the lava arrows flying towards him were distorted out of thin air, and then exploded by themselves.The other man in the black robe waved his hands while flying, laying out countless transfer spaces around his body, and the sharp arrows shot at him entered them one after another, and then rushed out in the opposite direction, facing the subsequent sharp arrows.

Both of them used their own means to deal with the attack, which seemed relatively easy.

Wang Qi squatted there watching the show bored, while using a shield wall to protect the hotel floor under his feet, in case some magma was splashed, it would be difficult to explain when he went back, and he would lose money or something trouble.

These two people don't know what method they used to fly, but they moved very fast, and they flew a long way in the blink of an eye. Like their predecessors, they got deeper and deeper in the spirit world, and they didn't know I have lost the chance to return.

Wang Qi watched the two gradually disappear, and was still pondering how he was discovered.

Why did the Salvation Society target themselves?

I can't think of this reason, so I don't want to sleep well in the future.

After much deliberation, it can only be the two battles today, which exposed too much of my ability.

Wang Qi suddenly had an exclamation mark above his head, thinking of the black-robed man he met when he returned to the real world when he tried the spirit world summoning in the imperial capital, that is, Lin Zhongchen, the former vice president of the Spirit Card Association.

Could it be...they have a way to sense my ability to try out the spirit exile and domain exchange, and can find me because of it?
They... are also looking for a way to go to the spirit world?
After thinking for a while, after 5 minutes, the floor automatically took Wang Qi back to the hotel. Everything was fine, as if nothing had happened.

But Wang Qi didn't dare to continue sleeping here.Regardless of whether the analysis just now was correct or not, he should have been targeted by Lin Zhongchen.

Put the things that were put away before in place, switch the main body back, and then put them back together, Wang Qi also got into the gourd, and asked Void Butterfly to put the gourd on the cabinet and make it into a handicraft.

In this way, even if someone came again, they would not easily find Wang Qi.

But at this moment, Lin Zhongchen, who was far away, frowned.

He had just sensed that he had sent to join the Sky Eye to capture a jumper who was a Spirit Card Master, and the auras of the two disappeared together.

In his hand, there is a thin, ordinary-looking notebook, with a table drawn by hand.There are many names written on it, followed by simple information about the person each name represents.

The last item after these names is called "Status".At this time, behind the names of the two people representing "Sky Eye" and "Jumper", the status has changed to "Not in the service area".

This notebook is one of his most commonly used props, a natural spirit card named "Employee Handbook".

As long as everyone's information is entered in it and confirmed by their own signature, their information and status will start to be displayed in real time in this "employee handbook".

As long as you signed and approved the information written on it at the time, even if you change your name, change clothes, or change your appearance, this will still show your latest news without any omissions.

The status displayed in real time will also show what you are doing now, just like the commonly used chat software prompting you to be online, stealth or leave. There are four types in total, namely "battle", "moving", "Unconscious", "Dead".Anyway, Lin Zhongchen had only seen these four status prompts.

If the two are dead, the book will be automatically updated as "dead".But now a "not in the service area" popped up that had never appeared before, which surprised Lin Zhongchen.

"Could it be...they were also attacked by that guy and were sent to the spirit world?"

Thinking of the task he had arranged, Lin Zhongchen came to this conclusion after a little thought, and obviously he guessed right.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that only this answer could explain it. Lin Zhongchen closed the "Employee Handbook", then picked up his mobile phone, and checked the message that Tianyan had sent him before.

Because the sky eye is always in the sky, it can only see everything below clearly, but it has the same disadvantage as Wang Qi's Void Butterfly, it can't hear the sound.Therefore, he didn't know Wang Qi's name, and he couldn't take pictures of Wang Qi from high altitude, only a descriptive text.

"Young male, over 20 years old, with medium appearance, short hair, likes to wear casual clothes, and hangs a gourd around his waist. Combat capabilities have been observed so far: send the target to the spirit world, stealth (both cadres failed to see through) ), firearms weapons, sword weapons, flying ability of Yujian. I drive an off-road vehicle with the license plate number XXXX, the vehicle can be put away at any time, and it is suspected that there are storage-type spirit card props.”

Among them, the most clearly written is the ability of Wang Qi observed by Tianyan, and the license plate number of Wang Qi's off-road vehicle.

"With these clues, it shouldn't be difficult to find this person. But since he was able to send the two generals away without a sound, it shows that he has some skills. After I find him, I must meet him in person."

Lin Zhongchen looked at the information on the phone, his eyes flashed.

"The ability to teleport to the spiritual world, we are bound to obtain it!"

And Wang Qi, who was hiding in his gourd, was racking his brains at this moment to think about what clues he might have been exposed.

"If that person has been watching me just now, it can be known that he must have seen a lot of my abilities."

While Wang Qi was thinking, he wrote down his ideas on paper, which made it easier to organize his thoughts and thoughts.

"When I left Emei, the main body first flew Yujian, and then released the car from the gourd to drive. In this way, he will see my Yujian flying and my car."

I drew an off-road vehicle with a few strokes on the paper, and drew a circle on it with a pen.

"There is nothing wrong with Yujian flying, but there are many problems with off-road vehicles. For example, the most important thing is the license plate number."

He drew a frame on the paper and wrote his license plate number inside.

"I handled this information with my real identity at the time. If the other party can check it, no, the other party will definitely check it, and my real identity will be exposed immediately."

Wang Qi circled the license plate number several times with a pen, and then tapped the pen on the table.

"No, I have to find a way to change my registration information immediately!"

After getting out of the gourd, Wang Qi took out his mobile phone and logged into the app on the internal platform of the Spirit Card Association without caring about other things.

He gained a large amount of points from auctioning the Mythical Spirit Card before, and added another 50 points from the second auction, and now there are more than 200 million points available.

In addition to Wang Qi's favorite forum and trading system, the internal platform also has many functions.Many of these functions require points to be realized.Wang Qi didn't think about it when he didn't have many points before, and he forgot when he got more points, so he didn't pay much attention to this place.

But at this moment, he remembered that there is an item in the points business, which is very suitable for the current situation.

Information hiding.

As long as you spend the appropriate points, the Spirit Card Association will block and hide all the content related to the keywords you requested in the information you specify.This was done by using the spirit card abilities of some spirit card masters, very reliable.

There are several levels of this kind of business, and the most expensive level is only [-] points.With a wave of his hand, Wang Qi directly paid the points and purchased the most expensive service.

Soon, the internal app alerted him that someone had contacted him.Click on the chat interface, and sure enough, a guy whose profile picture is a question mark, and whose name is customer service + serial number is sending a message to him.

"Hello, thank you for purchasing the platform information hiding business. Please send the information and requirements you need to hide, and we will handle it for you within 3 minutes. This chat record will be automatically destroyed after closing and will not be retained. any trace."

"Hehe, the efficiency is really high."

Wang Qi sighed in admiration, and then sent his request.

All the registration information and contact information related to your name on the Internet, including the license plate number, all information about yourself, relatives and friends that can be found, are all hidden, and no one can view them.

The other party said they received it, and then asked Wang Qi to wait.

Soon, a notification message was sent.

"The business you have handled has taken effect. If you need verification, please log in to the corresponding information query system to check. Because you have purchased the highest level of information hiding services, all your personal information will become queryable on any platform that requires the highest authority. state."

Seeing this news, Wang Qi thought for a while and asked again.

"Who has the highest authority?"

The other party paused for a moment, and soon sent a reply.

"Within Huabang: there are 12 people above the vice-chairman level of the Lingka Association. Anyone outside of Huabang needs to apply to the vice-chairman or above of the Huabang Lingka Association. Among ordinary people, all the information viewed is false information."

"It's really reliable."

Wang Qi nodded in satisfaction.

Lin Zhongchen must have lost his authority. Naturally, it would not be so convenient for him to find himself.

The only worry is that among the 11 people in Winbond other than the president, there are people from the Salvation Society.

"Oh yes, buy another one and track down the business of everyone who investigates my information."

"No problem, you only need to pay another five thousand points to purchase this business."

(End of this chapter)

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