Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 243 Looking for Wang Qi

Chapter 243 Looking for Wang Qi
After thanking the customer service, he solved his information hiding problem, and Wang Qi browsed other businesses on the internal platform by the way.

In addition to some of the most common points exchange business, points can also be used for things within the association, what Wang Qi is most interested in is point rewards.

As long as you pay a certain amount of points and put forward a condition, you can offer a reward.As long as someone meets your conditions and recognizes the points you paid, the reward will be automatically completed, which is very convenient.

The content of these rewards can be any thing or item.Even Wang Qi saw a few rather funny rewards. Someone offered a reward for his girlfriend on the internal platform of the Spirit Card Association. As long as he became his girlfriend, he could get [-] points.

Wang Qi would not be so boring. He searched the ranking list of rewards, and he clearly saw that the top three rewards are all equivalent to arrest warrants.

No.1: The president of the Salvation Society, 300 million points will be rewarded for catching alive, and 1000 million points for death after being confirmed by the association, providing clues to the president, and rewarding points according to the situation.Valid worldwide.

No.2: The king of Songta Kingdom, 900 million points will be rewarded if he is captured alive, and 400 million points will be awarded after the death is confirmed by the association.Valid worldwide.

No.3: "Devil King" Liu Hengyu, 850 million points are rewarded for catching alive, and 600 million points for death after being confirmed by the association.Valid worldwide.


No. 17: Lin Zhongchen, former vice president of the Huabang Association of the Spirit Card Association, a key figure in the Salvation Society, regardless of life or death, rewarded with 700 million points, and promised once by the Spirit Card Association.Valid worldwide.


Sure enough, the top three only knew one president of the Salvation Society. Considering that he condoned his subordinates to do so many bad things and promoted that set of salvation theories, it was not surprising that the reward was ranked first.

As for the second and third, Wang Qi didn't know any of them.It's just that the amount of rewards offered is quite high, and it seems that none of them are fuel-efficient lights, so we have to pay attention to them in the future.

And Lin Zhongchen, who I care about, was able to rank No. 17, and even marked life or death. It seems that Huabang's Spirit Card Association has also become cruel, and wants to find a chance to kill this traitor.

That is to say, if I really do my tricks and lure this Lin Zhongchen, maybe I still have a chance to get this bounty?
Hey, it seems that there is a little room for manipulation.

Wang Qi began to think carefully.

At this time, Lin Zhongchen had quietly returned to a certain city in Huabang territory.

In front of him, stood five men in black robes with the common skin of the Salvation Society.

"According to this message, find this person and bring him to me. Whoever finds it first, I will reward him with a mythical spirit card."

Lin Zhongchen said calmly, and sent the information to five people without any hassle.

"But you have to be careful. The target has the ability to send people to the spirit world without a sound. I just need this ability. Just don't lose yourself. I can't save you."

"Yes, my lord!"

It wasn't that Lin Zhongchen was so generous, but rather the suggestion that No. 12 gave him after he contacted No. 12.

A Mythical Spirit Card is nothing. It allows these subordinates to go all out and test the target well. It is not too late to make a move at a critical moment.

After all, I still have to continue to arrange other subordinates, and continue to stare around to find other spirit card masters who may have the ability to teleport in the spirit world.The whole battle is not over yet, so we shouldn't just focus on this one person.

The five men in black robes led out, looked at each other without saying hello, and disappeared in their own way.

There is only one mythical-level spirit card rewarded, and they don't think this task can be shared with others.So the next action depends on everyone's own ability.

After one of them left here, he changed suddenly, took off his black robe, and turned into an extremely ordinary woman.

She swaggered into the branch of the Spirit Card Association, greeted many of them, and finally walked to a workstation and sat down.

Obviously, her real identity is the staff of the Lingka Association here.

She turned on her computer and saw that no one was paying attention. She directly logged into the platform from the background, and applied for access to the background information of the transportation department of Winbond ordinary people with the authority of the branch administrator.

Every branch administrator of the Link Card Association has this kind of authority. It is not surprising that they often have to check something.

After entering Wang Qi's license plate number, the information page of the license plate number was quickly called up.

The woman took a closer look and was a little puzzled.

"License plate number: XXXXX"

"Owner's Name: Guess"

"Processing time: you guess again"

"Contact information of the car owner: You try hard to guess"

"Car owner's home address: you can't guess it"


(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

What the hell!What exactly is going on!

She was so angry that she almost wanted to flip the table, why did such inexplicable things appear in this place where the real identity should be graded!
What "guess" and "guess again", amusing children!

After calming down for a while, she thought for a while, and then thought of the business of the internal platform of the Lingka Association, one of which was this information hiding.

It seems that this was done by professionals within the association.It's just that this professional is a bit skinny.

If so, then change your mind.

In today's world of ordinary people, the "Eye of the Sky" system has spread all over every location in the streets and alleys. Even if I can't find out when you registered, as long as you are driving on the road, I will slowly push back. Find out when the car was originally made.

Then according to the processing time, go to the relevant surveillance video, and finally you can definitely lock your appearance and appearance.

Heh heh heh, as long as your thinking is correct, you can't escape from my palm!

With a crackling tap, she found the backstage entrance of the local public surveillance system in the Imperial Capital according to Wang Qi's license plate number, and then clicked in to start using the big data investigation function to find the record information of the car that first appeared.

Soon, the relevant video recordings were retrieved.

The woman clicked on the video confidently, and found the scene of the car driving out of the 4S store, confirmed the time of purchase of the vehicle, and then began to screen the images of people entering and leaving the 4S store that day.


When she saw that an image of a character that appeared in it was completely replaced by the most commonly used dog head emoticon pack in chatting nowadays, she couldn't be sure at all.

Ni, this is a lot of fun!Even the surveillance video has been replaced with emoticons!
He knocked hard on the table, which attracted a concerned question from a colleague next to him.The woman forced a smile and turned her head to say it was okay, then stared at the screen bitterly.

Very well, this road has been completely blocked.

No. [-] man in black robe failed.

Heipaoren No. [-] chose a different way from her, and he directly got on the plane to the imperial capital.After a long time, he had already arrived at the imperial capital, and began to look for information on Wang Qi's license plate.

His choice was to go directly to the management department.

Because No. [-] has some special methods that can hypnotize the target.Although this ability is not powerful, it is enough to deal with ordinary people.

After sneaking into the management department, after a series of careful hypnosis, he finally sat in front of the computer and looked at the internal registration system on the screen.

"Heh, it's easy." Looking at the screen, he smiled slightly, and then entered Wang Qi's license plate number.

As a result, once the information page came out, there was no difference from what No. [-] saw.

So he did not give up and retrieved the surveillance video, and the ending was a matter of course.

Black-robed man No. [-] failed.

Black-robed men No. [-] and No. [-] acted together.

The two of them have neither the identity of the Spirit Card Association nor the ability to sneak into the management department, so they decided to trust metaphysics.

"Didn't you say that this friend of yours can help you contact a person who is an expert in finding people?"

Number four asks number three.

"Yeah, he's helping me get in touch. Don't be impatient."

At the same time, the friend of No. [-], after a series of ups and downs, finally agreed to contact this person-finder.

Then he dialed a phone number.

"The user you called is out of service area, please try again later."

Hearing the notification tone on the phone, he knew that this help was beyond his reach, so he went back directly.After a series of transmissions, the information reached No. [-]'s ears.

"It's troublesome, that person-finding expert can't get through on the phone... It seems that he is not in the country."

If Wang Qi saw the mobile phone of the person who made the call, he would definitely laugh out loud.

Isn't the number above Tang Yibai's phone number?

I co-authored with you and searched for a long time, but in the end I found the rightful owner's girlfriend.This relationship chain is also awesome.

All in all, No. [-] and No. [-], temporarily failed.

In the end, there was only one number five left.

No. [-] and No. [-] made the same choice, but he was more direct. The two actually got off the plane one after the other.On the [-]nd, he went to the management department to check the information, and he directly found a friend in the imperial capital.

This friend is a well-known intelligence leader in the underground world of the imperial capital.

After paying a certain information fee, the intelligence chief arranged for people to go to all 4S stores to check the car purchase records, and soon found the record of Wang Qi's car purchase that day.

These records have written information, not just entered on the Internet, so as long as you manually search, you can always find it.

Holding the copied documents, No. [-] smiled with satisfaction.

"Oh, so your name is Wang Qi."

At least now, he has got Wang Qi's name, which is a big step forward compared to others.

However, in this information, there is not much information about grades. Wang Qi bought the car at a high price and went through the fastest procedure. Apart from his name, there was only a driver's license number, not even an ID number.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I know the name, I can do it."

Black-robed man No. [-] smiled confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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