Chapter 244
Black-robed man No. [-]'s frontal combat ability is not strong, but he has a very interesting effect of a spirit card, which also makes him stand out among many subordinates, becoming a... high-level subordinate.

The name of this spirit card is "Your name is Baa".

The effect is very simple, as long as you know the name of the target, you can involuntarily attract the target to you.Before that, you just need to set up the trap quietly and wait for the other party to arrive.

Although this is just a legendary spirit card.But the effect is really easy to use, and without any sound, it can make people fall in love, and they can't even notice what's going on.

Usually, he uses this ability to fight monsters to attract monsters. If he shoots a monster eight hundred miles away, any monster will be slowly attracted by him.And beating people is even more useful, and shady people can do no harm in burying holes.

Now that he knew Wang Qi's name, it was naturally time to use this spirit card.

Then the effect of the spirit card was activated, and a piece of yellow paper and a brush appeared, with inexplicable ghost symbols drawn on it.He grabbed the writing brush casually, wrote down the word Wang Qi, then said a few words silently in his mind, and then bleated three times, the yellow paper spontaneously ignited without wind, and burned to ashes out of thin air.

While casting spells over there, Wang Qi hadn't left the city yet. Suddenly, an inexplicable idea popped up in his heart, wanting to go to the imperial capital again.

"Strange, why do you have such a whim?" Wang Qi pondered for a while, but found that he had no idea, and finally couldn't control his hand, and booked a ticket to the imperial capital.

The man in black over there was very confident in his spirit card ability, and he didn't stay in the imperial capital city. He came to an abandoned factory building not far from the airport and began to set his own trap.

Because he is already used to playing this set of procedures, he has arranged traps in various ways.After finishing the work, they proudly waited for Wang Qi to take the bait.

In his opinion, the goal of an adult is not necessarily strong, as long as he makes arrangements in advance, it is not easy to catch.When the time comes, he will be the only one among the five to complete the task, and the Myth Spirit Card will naturally be his.

Although he didn't know why he wanted to come to the imperial capital, Wang Qi didn't have any particular place he wanted to go. After thinking about it, he still felt a little strange.

"Hey, could this be a trick?"

Wang Qi was startled suddenly, but the lingering thought of going to the imperial capital couldn't be suppressed no matter what, a voice kept chanting in his mind, "Go to the imperial capital, go to the imperial capital..."

Realizing this, Wang Qi instantly activated the full power of the data master.

Wang Qi seldom activates Data Master's full power state except when fighting.In this state, it is close to the state of mechanized mind. He will become emotionless, absolutely rational, and think about all problems from the most objective data point of view.

Wang Qi immediately noticed something was wrong with this switching state.

"I don't want to go to the imperial capital. If I want to, turn on the master of data."

After typing out the notebook and pen, Wang Qi quickly wrote this sentence on it, then drew a few circles heavily, and made a few exclamation points.

The moment I turned off the state of the data master and returned to the normal state, that feeling came again.Looking at the written words, but I want to go no matter what, and I don’t reject it.

"Hey, it's strange, why do I want to go to the imperial capital so much, obviously I...wrote that I don't want to go to the imperial capital."

Wang Qi felt strange about his state, turned on the data master again, and then returned to normal.

"Sure enough, I got the trick." This time I can be sure.

After thinking about it calmly, Wang Qi became curious about this spirit card that can work out of thin air and the user behind it.In the end, he decided to follow suit.

In this state of thinking, Wang Qi wrote a plan of action for himself, and then canceled the data master status.After all, this also consumes mental power and is very tiring.

Holding the memo written by himself, this time he no longer resisted the desire to act, and Wang Qi started to act directly according to this plan.

When he arrived at the imperial capital, it was already several hours later.

As soon as he got off the plane, a stronger desire appeared out of nowhere, making him eager to go in a certain direction.

Wang Qi smiled slightly, and without wasting time, he followed the guidance of the mysterious voice in his heart and headed towards the direction he wanted.

Naturally, Heipaoren No. [-] will not really deal with Wang Qi's arrival alone, he knows his own strength.So in order to complete the task assigned by the adults, he still found four other people.

Of course, the negotiated condition is that as the leader in finding Wang Qi, as long as the mission is successful, he will be rewarded with a Mythical Spirit Card by the adults, and he will give corresponding compensation to the others.

Although the other few people were unwilling, they had already lost a bit in action after all, and something was better than nothing, so they acquiesced to this statement.

At this moment, the five people worked together to set up an ambush in the abandoned factory building, and waited for Wang Qi's arrival.

Wang Qi followed the guidance in his heart, and he would not rush forward just like that.He stepped on the flying sword, and it didn't take long to reach the destination of the voice in his heart, the interior of the factory building.

Now that the place has been found, it is naturally a standard procedure.According to the plan he wrote for himself, Wang Qi first activated the state of the data master, and then switched to the clone.The avatar will not be affected like the main body, so it can naturally be treated rationally.

The Void Butterfly Legion instantly enveloped the abandoned factory building.In order to prevent any fish from slipping through the net, Wang Qi cautiously expanded the scope, trying to eliminate all the enemies who ambush him at once.

In the factory building, five people are scattered in different positions, and they are all taking a rest.Because No. [-] said that he can't guarantee the arrival time of the target, everyone is still in a relaxed state of mind at the moment.No. [-] has already set up early warning props, as long as anyone comes, they will be able to remind everyone at the first time.

Stepping on the flying sword, Wang Qi was silently suspended in the air, and Wang Qi quietly looked at the abandoned factory area under his feet.

This place is located in the outskirts of the imperial capital, which is beyond the scope of the city circle. The arrival of night makes the place completely dark, only the villages not far away reveal a little light, and occasionally one or two dogs barking can be heard.

The Void Butterfly quietly infiltrated every corner of the factory building.Because of their untouchable status, they don't trigger any of the traps.Very easily, Wang Qi found the five people who were ambushing here.

It may be that their IQ is not enough, or they are overconfident. In his own opinion, No. [-]'s spirit card ability has never missed a record, so everyone would never think that the target Wang Qi has already arrived, and it is just above their heads. Butterfly watching them through the void.

After repeatedly confirming that there were no suspicious objects around, Wang Qi landed gently and walked towards one of the figures.

Among all the spirit cards equipped and spared by Wang Qi, the spirit cards with the strongest restrictive abilities are the three spirit cards of "Unbroken Barrier", "Xuanming True Water" and "Lord of Wind". Use the "Diamond Imprisonment" skill of the Diamond Wyvern.

Since the current goal is not to kill the opponent instantly, Wang Qi naturally used the safest method, opened the book of spirit cards, and used the abilities of several spirit cards together.

The target was swiping his phone boredly, just in a daze, he found that a thin layer of liquid suddenly appeared around his body, and the slight coolness clearly told him that this layer of water was tightly attached to his body. It's very strange to see my own body without getting my clothes wet.

"Oops! Someone plotted against me!"

He only had time to turn a thought in his head, and suddenly he felt that the liquid around his body was enveloping him, making him unable to move at all, and there was also a strong wind pressure covering him, and his body felt very heavy.

It's not over yet, the diamond flying dragon that he can't see is shining brightly beside Wang Qi, and with a roar, a diamond imprisonment is also used.And around him, the four shield walls are connected into one, sealing him firmly inside, ensuring that he has no room to turn around.

These were all formed at the same time in an instant. He wanted to yell, but he felt a huge impact on the back of the head "duang". Suddenly, no sound came out, no spirit card ability was used, and he fell into a coma .

Instantly switched the main body and used the gourd to put away the fainted guy who could no longer resist, and then switched back to the clone. The whole process was smooth and smooth, and the whole process took less than 3 seconds.

"Very well, let's do the same for the rest."

Wang Qi's avatar walking in the pitch-black factory building was like an invisible ghost, silently devouring the bodies of the five black-robed men.When they got together again, it was already a small room that was specially opened up in Wang Qi's body, Qiankun Gourd.

Of course, in order to prevent several people from suffocating due to the air problem, Wang Qi also kindly sucked a lot of fresh air into the gourd.

Having come to this deserted factory with no one there, Wang Qi can be considered to have completed the spirit card ability requirements of Heipaoren No. [-], and he will no longer have any inexplicable thoughts in his heart.

He also got into the gourd himself, looked at the five dejected people sitting there, smiled slightly, and then set aside a space for himself that they could see but couldn't touch.

"How are you guys!"

Wang Qi greeted with a smile. When the five people heard the voice, they looked up and saw that it was Wang Qi, and their faces became very ugly.

"You are Wang Qi, you are indeed the target of the adults. This ability to catch the five of us silently cannot be underestimated."

One of them was the first to speak, and it was the man in black No. [-].

"That's right, I'm Wang Qi. I have a few questions I want to ask you, and I hope you can answer them cooperatively. The answer is good, and it's not impossible to let you out in the future. Is the answer not good... just stay here honestly until death."

Wang Qi looked at the five people, and said these threatening words without any pressure.

At this moment, people are the fish and I am the knife, so I can cut it however I want.

(End of this chapter)

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