Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 245 I'm Not the Savior

Chapter 245 I'm Not the Savior

The interrogation process went very smoothly.Before Wang Qi came in, the five had already tried various means to get out.

But if the Qiankun gourd is broken so easily and let them go out, it will not be worthy of their own mythical level.

So when Wang Qi showed his complete control over this space, the few of them really knew everything, and explained all the information about themselves in the Salvation Society, as well as the reason for this mission. .

"So, it really is Lin Zhongchen. Oh, it's the No. [-] lord you mentioned."

Wang Qi rubbed his chin, thinking about how to deal with Lin Zhongchen.

Since you want to touch me, then naturally I can't be polite.

Wang Qi suddenly looked at the five men in black robes who had just explained everything.

"Hand over all the spirit cards on you. I can get them myself, but it's too troublesome. If you take the initiative to hand them over and cooperate, I won't do anything extra."

The five people looked at each other and found that there was no good solution, so they had to reluctantly open their book of spirit cards, and then began to take out their own spirit cards from inside.

They wanted to keep a hand, but who knows if what Wang Qi said is true, if he really has a way to know what else is hidden in the book of his spirit card, then the loss outweighs the gain.

Wang Qi manipulated the space and formed a table in front of them, and they put their spirit cards on it one after another.

After all five people put down their faces, the table disappeared and appeared in front of Wang Qi.Wang Qi picked up all the five thick stacks of spirit cards and began to look through them.

After a rough look, the quality of the spirit cards on these five people is really good. After all, Lin Zhongchen can arrange tasks alone, and they are naturally at the elite level. Although they have just confessed, the level is still above level 100. .It was just because Wang Qi was so insidious and cunning that they fell for it without knowing it.

Putting away the other spirit cards for the time being, Wang Qi focused on the spirit card of No. [-] black-robed man, "Your name" that attracted him.

"Your baa name: ability card, legendary level. Consume 10000 spiritual power, summon a talisman and a writing brush, write the real name of the target on the talisman with the brush, and silently recite the mantra "Your baa name" ten times, and learn After three sheep bleats, the talisman will automatically burn, and then the target will have the idea of ​​going to your location regardless of the distance, until the effect is released after arriving at your location. This effect is not a curse, and cannot be removed by purification, curse removal and other abilities. Immune to some abilities."

Although the name of this card is funny, and the activation conditions are quite interesting, but the effect is really good in Wang Qi's opinion.

After getting this spirit card, Wang Qi had a bold idea.

Since this is the Imperial Capital, the head office of the Spirit Card Association Huabang is also here, and the Taixu Wonderland is also here, then, would it be fun to let Lin Zhongchen deliver it to the door?
Do whatever comes to mind.After throwing a bunch of water and food to these five people, Wang Qi left Qiankun Gourd directly.

He stepped on the flying sword, flew straight into the imperial capital, and then came to the entrance of the Taixu Wonderland at the headquarters of the Spirit Card Association.

Switching to avatar, Wang Qi quietly entered inside, and quickly flew to the mountain of Taixu Wonderland.

Switch to the main body, select "Your name", and then summon the talisman and brush.Grabbing the brush with one hand, he wrote the three characters Lin Zhongchen on it, and silently recited the mantra ten times in his heart, after which he yelled out "baa baa baa" three times.Fortunately, there was no one around. Wang Qi blushed and looked at the talisman quickly. Sure enough, the talisman ignited without wind and turned into ashes out of thin air.

"Has it taken effect?" Wang Qi began to guess.But there is no way to predict this result, so I have to wait here.

Anyway, I've come here, so let's meet in Taixu Wonderland to see if there are any new opportunities.

Here Wang Qicai finished burning the talisman, while Lin Zhongchen over there suddenly felt a twitch in his heart.

"Strange, why would you want to go to Taixu Wonderland on a whim?"

Lin Zhongchen was secretly surprised, he was also very puzzled by this sudden thought.

But it’s okay if you don’t want to, the more you think about it, the more you want to go.Apparently, he just doesn't have any spirit card that can be immune to this ability.

"I always feel that I have to go to the Taixu Wonderland, what is waiting for me there."

As a master, Lin Zhongchen is also one of the few remaining high-level members of the Salvation Society, so he possesses both strength and character.Although he didn't have a spirit card that was immune to the ability of this spirit card, he still judged that he seemed to have been hit just like Wang Qi.

"No, this ability... is somewhat similar to the ability of a subordinate sent out before!"

After a little thought, he found the crux of the problem.

Although the black-robed man No. [-] had never reported the specific effects of his spirit card, he was valued and promoted by Lin Zhongchen because of his frequent use. Lin Zhongchen was no stranger to this ability.

"No, I must not go to Taixu Wonderland, there must be an ambush prepared for me... But, I really want to go!"

Lin Zhongchen was extremely entangled in his heart.

On the one hand, his rationality told him that he had been recruited and must not step into the trap;

Thinking of this, Lin Zhongchen decided to seek help.

This time it wasn't a phone call, he just transformed himself into the image of the mountain party with his whole body covered in black robes.Then he made a random move, and a teleportation gate appeared out of thin air, which was his best space teleportation ability.Taking steps, he directly entered the portal.

Come out again, this place turned out to be a cave.There were some torches nailed to both sides of the cave, and in front of him, there was an old man sitting cross-legged on a flat stone platform, holding his hands together, unmoved by his arrival at all.

"Cave Immortal, here I come."

Lin Zhongchen's deep voice echoed in the cave, it sounded very unreal.

"What's the matter with you?"

The old man called the Immortal in the Cave didn't open his eyes or move his mouth, his voice seemed to come out of nowhere, and he couldn't tell where the sound came from.

Lin Zhongchen didn't seem to be here for the first time, and he was already used to this way of communication.

"I got an inexplicable spirit card ability, and now I can't help but want to go to a place, which is very dangerous. You help me get rid of this ability, so that I won't be harassed by this ability again."

He probably knew very well the abilities of the Immortal in the Cave, so he directly put forward his request.

"Yes, offset a favor."

"no problem."

The two didn't talk much nonsense, and reached an agreement directly.Lin Zhongchen stood quietly in front of him, waiting for him to make a move.

The eyes of the fairy in the cave were still closed, but his hands moved.I can't see him summoning any special things, and his hands are gesticulating in the air, as if he is drawing some graphics.After a while, it seemed that the drawing was finished, he pushed Lin Zhongchen with both hands, then withdrew his gesture, and continued to meditate.

"Okay, your request has been fulfilled."

His voice echoed faintly.

Lin Zhongchen's heart moved, and he thought again about going to Taixu Fairyland, the imperial capital. Sure enough, he no longer had the strong idea of ​​going desperately, and he knew that the trick of the fairy in the cave had taken effect.

"Very good. Remember, you still owe me two favors, and I will come to you anytime."

"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about it." The Immortal in the Cave replied calmly without opening his eyes.

With a wave of Lin Zhongchen's hand, the portal appeared, and he walked in with ease, but his figure disappeared.

At this moment, Wang Qi didn't know that Lin Zhongchen had canceled the effect of this spirit card.He spent the whole night looking for new opportunities in the fairy mountains of Taixu Wonderland.But probably he had exhausted his luck in finding opportunities the previous two times. No matter how hard he searched this time, he didn't see any new gains.

After searching for a whole day, Lin Zhongchen could not be seen entering the Spirit Card Association. From the angle of view returned by Void Butterfly, there was no sign of him at all.Wang Qi thought in his heart, probably failed.

"Forget it, it's just a legendary spirit card anyway, and it's normal to fail."

If this spirit card can be upgraded to the mythical level, there might not be many people who can stop it.But Wang Qi felt that this card was only used occasionally, and there was no need to invest resources in it.

Since it has failed, this method is not easy to use.Wang Qi simply left Taixu Wonderland, and had no intention of staying here to waste time.

I came to the imperial capital again quietly, and I didn't plan to stay longer, so I didn't notify anyone.However, you still need to rest. After a busy night, Wang Qi, who was already used to sleeping every day, came to the hotel and registered for a room, and then moved in.

Picking up the mobile phone and swiping the forum again as usual, it turned out that this time the situation was almost over again.

Wang Qi never thinks that he is the protagonist in the novel. Although he often has troubles wherever he goes, the world does not need Wang Qi to save.

Some people have made statistics and summaries in the posts on the forum. In addition to the "Loss Statistics of Spirit Card Associations in Various Regions" that I have read before, the number of deaths and enemies has been refreshed. There are also posts that specifically count the cities where the attacks occurred. The record and analysis of the event, as well as the highlights of this kill.

The water friends in the forum, that is, the spirit card masters from all over the world, have fully recorded the deeds of the masters who have emerged in many places and are not usually paid much attention to, and there are even good people Made a leaderboard for them, and ranked the masters from all over the place as one, two, and three according to how powerful they thought they were.

However, there is no official certification for this post, and many supporters of masters are also arguing with each other, just for fun, no one will really believe the above content.

Wang Qi opened it and took a look. As expected, apart from Yue Jingxian, Ice Queen, Big Stomach King, and Gunslinger who he had seen before, Xu Wen and Jiang Yong from the Xu family had met before. The city's Bai Yunxian and Sea Dragon King are also on the list.

Even his acquaintances, Gongxi Heyu and Li Chuan, were also on the list.

(End of this chapter)

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