Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 246 Integration and Upgrade of Conventions

Chapter 246 Integration and Upgrade of Conventions

Except for these acquaintances, Wang Qi didn't see any names he knew in the list of 100 people.

However, Winbond is so big, and there are so many cities under attack, it is not bad to be able to know so many people among the 100 people selected by the whole network.

It’s just that as I said before, this list is not officially determined, it’s purely made by people with good intentions according to their own preferences. Numerous netizens left comments below to refute, which also kept the popularity of this post high.

People from many places in it also mentioned some names, which can be regarded as giving Wang Qi some insight.

But there is a very unusual thing, that is, no one has any doubts about No.1 on this list.

The name is Fifth Wangxian.

The surname is the fifth, a very rare surname.But no one thought that he would be fifth, everyone thought that he should be number one in the world.

As long as those hidden old monsters don’t come out, such as the rumored 320-level honorary president of the Spirit Card Association, such as the sweeping old men in certain Taoist temples, such as the old monsters on the reward list, as long as they don’t come out After going out with this Fifth Wangxian, all the spirit card masters in Huabang will think that he is the strongest.

Although the fifth Wangxian has never announced his level, but only relying on his record, and some of his friends, it can be deduced that this guy's level is definitely not lower than [-], and he has already reached the "fate". environment" master.

Moreover, he is free and easy by nature, and he likes to travel around at ordinary times. He has helped many people, and everyone admires his character and self-cultivation.

Even Yue Jingxian, Spearman, and Big Stomach King, who are at the top of the ranking list, will only be dissatisfied with other people's comparison with themselves when they see this ranking list. Guys occupy, that's convincing.

Strange to say, this was the first time Wang Qi heard this person's name, out of curiosity, he searched for his records.

Don't talk about the far ones, just talk about the near ones.

In the past two days, the Salvation Associations all over the territory of Huabang attacked the Spirit Card Association and some sects. Fifth Wangxian ran around, relying on his super mobility as a sword fairy, he calmed down the nineteen cities overnight. Invasion, beheading hundreds of enemies, the enemies killed were terrified, while the own people were excited.

According to the number of enemies killed in this incident statistics post, the total number has reached about [-], and his data alone accounted for one-tenth of them, which is really a reputation for killing.

After talking about the near ones, let’s talk about the far ones. In the battles with spirit beasts in the early years, he also relied on a fairy sword to kill those flying in the sky, running on the ground, and swimming in the water one by one. At least one-fifth of the border between the state and the kingdom of spirit beasts was made by him.

Such a master with a strong record and admired by everyone is well-deserved to be No.1 on the ranking list, and no one refute it.

After reading these posts, Wang Qi flipped through a lot of gossip posts, and suddenly felt that the pajamas were a little less.Thinking about how far behind my own strength is, I should continue to practice honestly.

Anyway, I am a born lazy character, and I am not suitable to be such a heroic existence.

Wang Qi didn't know that the number one in the world, the fifth Wangxian who was being talked about by him at the moment, was sneaking out of the gate of the Spirit Card Association with a little Taoist priest.

"Hey, the president probably didn't notice us slipping away, did he?"

The little Taoist walked on tiptoe silently, looked around, and asked the Fifth Wangxian in front of him.

"Shut up! Do you want people to find us?"

The fifth Wangxian said something in a bad mood, then continued to move forward sullenly.

"Hehe, where do you two want to go!"

A voice suddenly came from the front.

When the two looked up, their faces became as bitter as bitter melon, and they were speechless.

"President, it's all Wu Wu's fault! He insisted on saying that meetings are boring and let me slip away with him!"

When the little Taoist saw President Wu appearing, he immediately filed a complaint first.

"Okay, Shi Xiaozhu! You're a villain and you're the first to sue! You're the one who cried and begged me to let me take you around the imperial capital, so I reluctantly left the conference room to accompany you out. You don't appreciate it, you! "

The fifth Wangxian was furious, pointed at the little Taoist's nose and began to curse.

The two of them immediately chatted back and forth between each other, and the corners of Wu Xingyuan's eyes twitched when they heard it.

"All right, all right, stop pretending. Wangxian, you can take Xiaozhu out for a walk. This kid is coming to the imperial capital for the first time, so you should do a good job of being a landlord."

After listening for a long time, Wu Xingyuan finally waved his hands helplessly and said to the two of them.

Immediately, Fifth Wangxian and Shi Xiaozhu glanced at each other, then hurriedly bowed down and thanked Chairman Wu with lowered eyebrows, and then quickly slipped out.

"Wangxian, don't play disappear again this time! Remember to come back after shopping, I still have something to tell you!"

"Hey, President, don't worry!"

Fifth Wangxian, who had already run far away, only heard a voice, which made him shake his head uncontrollably, then turned around and approached the gate of the Spirit Card Association.

After taking a rest here, Wang Qi made a frame for the next place he was going to go, and then booked the ticket.

Wang Qi has not sorted out the spirit cards confiscated from the five captives of the Salvation Society, so he just took this opportunity to sort them out to see if there is anything else that can be used besides the previous "Your name" good stuff.

This sorting, really sorting out, can be combined with some of my own spirit card materials.

Among the five men in black robes, two were fighting with guns, one was a magician, one was an assassin who was good at lurking, and the last number five was a miscellaneous faction who liked to set traps.

Not to mention, sweeping up all the wealth of these five people together, pieced together a lot of good things.

They are all quite poor, and the best spirit cards they have are only at the legendary level, and they don't have a single mythical level.But this is also in line with the situation of the public spirit card masters. After all, except for Wang Qi, who has merged himself or cheated, most people don't have so much luck to get such things as mythical level.

However, the legendary level spirit card is not bad. These people have already reached the legendary level of all equipment spirit cards, and most of the spare spirit cards are legendary level, which can be regarded as another bumper harvest for Wang Qi.

Among them, what surprised Wang Qi the most was that there were a few cards that could be integrated with some of the cards in his hand.

The master of data analyzed and deduced, and after confirming, Wang Qi did not hesitate, and directly started a new fusion.

Soon, several brand-new spirit cards were released, enriching Wang Qi's combat ability again.

"The Wrath of Senrog: External Skill Card, mythical level. The first activation requires 500000 points of spiritual power. After activation, you will get the Senrog Gun Fighting Skill. Gun Fighting Skill Attributes: Strength +100, Speed ​​+220. Special Effects: Proficient in all firearm usage , can shoot in any posture, with a hundred shots. For every 10000 points of spiritual power consumed, all firearms and props have damage +300%, attack speed +300%, and gain unlimited bullets for 15 seconds. Consuming 500 points of spiritual power, one can shoot a A non-attribute energy bullet (no need for a magazine card), causing a heavy hit effect on the target. For every 5 bullets fired, a bullet with 30 times the damage will be automatically fired. All firearms and bullet props have a chance to be triggered absolutely regardless of the conditions. Can penetrate two layers of any defense. Every time 10 bullets are fired, a bullet is automatically fired with a 50% chance of death. When the target has the effect of avoiding death or invincibility, a coin is automatically thrown when the bullet hits the trigger , the defensive effect of the frontal target is invalid, and the instant death from the back is invalid. When [-] shots are fired in this gun battle, the next shot will ignore any layers of defense of the target and cause [-] times the damage to its body."

This is the result of integrating several ability cards related to his firearms, external skills cards, and similar spirit cards from these cards he captured.In fact, this spirit card also lived up to Wang Qi's expectations. It accumulated the energy of many legendary cards and promoted it to a mythical level spirit card, becoming Wang Qi's ninth mythical level spirit card (not counting those preparations). Mythical Spirit Cards for sale and exchange).

In terms of its effect, it combines the effects of multiple spirit cards, so it can be said to be a very good spirit card. I don't know what level this card is compared to the spirit card equipped on Gunslinger.Anyway, with this spirit card, there is a new option for the "body" slot, which makes Wang Qi's long-range attack more aggressive and adds a tactical combination.

"Lord of the Wind Xun: Ability Card, Mythical Level. The first activation requires 1000000 points of spiritual power. After activation, there is no need to consume spiritual power, and the ability to manipulate the wind is automatically obtained, and corresponding skills can be developed by oneself. In an environment with natural wind, received The long-range damage of -100%, the effect of all abilities used +100%, and the movement speed +100%. Wind Aids Fire: When the fire attribute ability is used at the same time, the ability can be +100%. Wind and Thunder Surge: When the Thunder attribute is used at the same time When using the ability, movement speed +100%, reaction speed +100%.Fengshengshuiqi: When using the water attribute ability at the same time, all damage received -100%, restore life by 5%/s, and restore spiritual power by 5%/s Wind and Snow: When using ice attribute abilities at the same time, the enemy's movement speed -50%, enemy reaction speed -50%. Wind and Sun: When used in the sun, the power is doubled. Feng Qingyuelang: When in the sun When used under the moonlight, the agility is doubled.'—— Sunda up and Sunda down, Sunda is the wind.'”

The other is the spirit card obtained by fusing all the magic spirit cards accumulated by the Lord of the Wind and many Wang Qis, as well as some spells that were seized this time.Of course, the level of this card has also reached the myth level, becoming Wang Qi's tenth myth level spirit card.Moreover, in addition to the original effect of Lord of the Wind, there are several more linkage effects, which are very powerful.

Finally, there is today's highlight, which Wang Qi has always liked very much. From the beginning of accompanying him to the present, he has been reluctant to replace it-"Shadow Snaketail Wolf".

This spiritual card itself was also obtained through fusion, and after using it for so long, it has used up emotions. I haven't found a suitable fusion route before, so I put it on hold for now.Among the spirit cards seized from the five black-robed men today, there are just a few spirit cards that can be used as a bridge for the fusion route. In this way, the materials are all ready, and the shadow snake-tailed wolf can finally be upgraded.

(End of this chapter)

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