Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 247 The Mysterious Moon Spring

Chapter 247 The Mysterious Moon Spring
Looking at this brand new spirit card, Wang Qi couldn't put it down.

On its map, it was originally completely black, but some joints were covered with pieces of steel armor, and a trace of gray mist appeared from time to time, and there was a ferocious snake head on the tail, which looked majestic and majestic. mystery.

At this moment, the newly-appeared Katu only kept its wolf shape, and the rest of its appearance was no longer what it was before. It was completely transformed into a handsome silver giant wolf, with mysterious black lines dotted on its body. The faint mist turned silver-gray, and its four legs and tail became more and more transparent towards the top, and finally turned into a faint phantom and disappeared.And beside this wolf, you can also see a very small, cute-looking little person floating. The two eyes are two big circles, and inside are pure black eyes. The body head takes up half of it, and the remaining half is the small body and limbs, which look like some kind of cute animal expression pack drawn by stick figures.

"Moon-screaming shadow wolf: Mythical level, ability card. The first activation requires 3000000 points of spiritual power. Effect: Consume 300000 points of spiritual power to summon a moon-screaming shadow wolf. Each attack comes with moon attribute damage. Under the moonlight During battle, all attributes are doubled. Dancing Pazinite incarnation attributes: [Physical Strength: 1329888] [Strength: 34021] [Speed: 43829] [Spiritual Power: 0]. Skill 1: Spirit Devouring, every time from the time of summoning Absorb 50 points of spiritual power from creatures marked by the summoner within a radius of 100 meters in seconds. Skill 2: Consume 100000 points of spiritual power, proliferate and split into two clones, each clone has 100% of its own ability, and the clone does not have this skill , only two clones can exist at the same time. Skill 3: Consume 10000 points of spiritual power to summon 7 ghost clones. The ghost clone attribute is 20% of the main body, does not have skills 2 and 3, cooldown time: 3 minutes .Only 7 shadow clones can be summoned at the same time.Skill 4: Hidden image, can hide in any shadow.Skill 5: Howling Moon, can only be activated when there is a moon. Cooldown time is 10 hour. Skill 1: Stepping into the air, you can walk through the air in the moonlight. Skill 6: Paduoduo's care, when the Howling Moon Shadow Wolf is injured, Paduoduo can heal it, recovering 7 % HP. Skill 1: Paduoduo's contempt, when summoned, Padodo randomly despises any creature other than the summoner, reducing its spiritual power by 8%. Only one shadow snaketail wolf can exist at a time."

That's right, in the fusion route of this card, a mythical-level spirit card that summons an avatar in the style of a mud handkerchief in Wang Qi's hand is added, so there is the attached emoji-style villain with its own name "Pa A lot".This also allowed the level of this card to completely reach the mythical level.

In fact, in terms of effect, it not only perfectly inherits the characteristics of the avatar army, but also has a few more skills, such as latent image, stepping into the air, a nurse who can nurse itself, and a group spirit-absorbing aura. It can reduce the spiritual power of an enemy, which is very versatile.

The fly in the ointment is that the attack skills are completely gone, only flat A attacks.Fortunately, all Ping A have moon attribute damage, and they can also be added by the effect of [Moon Halo Gourd] in the attribute column of Wang Qiling Card Book, which can be regarded as making up for the shortcomings.What's more, if there are no enemies around, this guy will have no spiritual power to absorb when summoned, and there is no way to activate the skill to summon the clone, which is a bit embarrassing.

Anyway, if this spirit card is now put up for auction on the trading platform, Wang Qi probably can sell it for a high price just based on the card picture of this card, not to mention that it is completely in line with the attributes of the handsome wolf. It couldn't be more perfect.

Satisfied with collecting the three new spirit cards, Wang Qi fell asleep beautifully.

It was already the next day when he was woken up by the alarm clock.

The plane ticket has already been booked, and Wang Qi plans to go to the desert this time.

Although I have always indulged in mountains and rivers, the desert also has a unique style.And Wang Qi himself is not afraid of things like getting lost and lack of supplies, so he can naturally go to the desert freely.

The time when Zhen Ling Ji Tian Ding turned into a natural spirit card, it was a hasty trip and there was no stopover at all.This time, I have a specific destination, and I must take a tour to be satisfied.

Moreover, there may be hidden natural spirit cards waiting for these destinations, just in case they are lucky enough to get another treasure.

Needless to say, the journey all the way.

When Wang Qi got off the plane, he had already arrived at Hanlan City, a city on the west side of Huabang, which is close to the second largest desert in the world.

Although the city looks gray due to its backing to the desert, the environment here is very good, and the spirit of the people is full of enthusiasm, full of the rough and heroic humanistic atmosphere unique to the Northwest region.

Finding a large supermarket, Wang Qi ordered all kinds of food, beverages, daily necessities and other supplies enough to fill a warehouse, and then sent them to a temporary short-term rental warehouse, and finally put them all into the gourd.

The five men in black robes, Wang Qi, did not forget to give them some food and drink.Their lives in the gourd might be a bit boring, Wang Qi was afraid that these people would go crazy, so he kindly threw some books in to relieve their boredom, but Wang Qi didn't care about what else they could do with men and women.

These people will not be released for a short time, and I can’t bear to kill them. After all, they have been exploited completely, but it’s not good to release them directly. It’s easy to expose their own information. Just keep them if you keep them. There is residual value.

After buying enough food and water for a year, Wang Qi drove his off-road vehicle into the vast desert.

Of course, driving is definitely not reckless, and there are still destinations.His first stop in the desert is the Moon Spring known as the Eye of the Desert.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Moon Spring is a magical spring.

It occupies a small area and is located in the center of the desert. The location is deeply sunken, surrounded by flowing sand mountains.When there is a strong wind, the dunes will move with the wind.

But this spring water seems to never be disturbed by wind and sand. The water quality is clear and transparent, and it tastes sweet and delicious, like a crescent moon dotted in the desert.

The most amazing thing is that the water here seems to be endless, and it will never dry up. No matter how much you take away, or how fast the sun evaporates, the water level will not change at all.

So relying on this Moon Spring, some people have built some buildings by the spring since ancient times.However, there is really no way to grow any crops around, and these buildings are mostly used as inns, and they cannot form a village or even a town.

In modern times, it has been developed by tourism companies and has become a famous scenic spot, which receives tourists from all over the world every year to appreciate the miracle in the desert.

Wang Qi came here not because he simply wanted to enjoy the scenery, but because this Moon Spring is also a famous place in the world of card masters.

For ordinary people, there is not much deep spring water, but for Lingka masters, after diving into the water, it is bottomless.

After hearing the news, many spirit card masters came to challenge one after another, but until now, no one has publicly claimed that they have seen the bottom of the Moon Spring, they can only say how deep they have dived before giving up.

After going deep into the spring water, it was pitch black, and I couldn't see anything. I could only rely on my own ability to resist the increasingly powerful water pressure and dive continuously.

Just like falling into the abyss, some people couldn't bear the mental pressure at all, and fled back to the surface in a hurry.

There are also people who want to use the deep-sea detection devices developed by ordinary scientists, but ordinary people's devices cannot enter this kind of world that only the spirit card masters themselves can perceive, so this idea can only die prematurely.

Currently, in the records of the Spirit Card Association, some Spirit Card masters claim that the deepest dive has reached more than 8000 meters, which is already close to the depth of the deepest trench in the world of ordinary people.

It's not that there aren't particularly powerful spirit card masters who come here to investigate, but after sneaking in, it's pure darkness, nothing, bottomless.This kind of purity can only bring psychological pressure and has no other benefits. Later, it was marked by the Spirit Card Association and gave up.

The reason why Wang Qi came here was because he was very curious about this spring.He didn't have the idea of ​​going into the water to try it himself, because apart from the ability of Xuanming True Water, he didn't have any other water-related spirit cards.Just because he can't do it himself doesn't mean that others can't.

In other words, other fish will not work.

That's right, Wang Qi wanted Sha Wudao to go inside and try it out.

Moon Spring has always been in the human kingdom, and it is also in the great desert. There are no aquatic spirit beasts here, and human spirit card masters have never thought of letting spirit beasts try it.

But Wang Qi happened to subdue Sha Wudao before using the Zhenling Sacrifice to Heaven Cauldron to transform him into a cauldron spirit. When he was planning his travel route, he saw Moon Spring and suddenly had such an idea.

As a creature that grows in the sea, although sharks originally lived in shallow seas, after becoming a spirit beast, Sha Wudao has brought a comprehensive increase in physical fitness, and has the ability to swim in the sea regardless of depth.

Wang Qi dared to say that there may be quite a few people who have summoned creatures in the water, but there are very few spirit card masters who have a spirit beast in the water.And he is probably the only one who can think of coming to Moon Spring for experiments.

After thinking so much, I didn't stop on the road.

After watching the endless yellow sand for a whole day, Wang Qi finally saw the true face of the pearl in the desert, Moon Spring in the evening with the setting sun.

Park the car next to the sand dunes above and watch the sunset reflect the golden light of the desert.The Moon Spring below gradually sinks into the shadows from the rippling water, bringing an extraordinary charm.

However, Wang Qi suddenly found something strange.Beside the Moon Spring, the only inn that was supposed to be brightly lit was quiet at the moment, without a single light or sound.

It was as if there was no one there at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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