Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 248 The Empty Inn

Chapter 248 The Empty Inn
Sensing that something was wrong, Wang Qi put the car away, thought for a while, took out a black robe, and wrapped himself from head to toe.

I have seen people from the Salvation Society dress up so much that I couldn't help but buy a few outfits when I was shopping.

After wrapping it tightly, Wang Qi walked towards the Moon Spring below in the increasingly dark sky.

While walking, he summoned his new summoned beast, Xiaoyue Shadow Wolf.

As soon as the shadow wolf appears, because there is no marked target, it has no spiritual power and cannot activate its clone.But other skills can still be used. Under Wang Qi's order, he directly activated the latent image ability and sneaked into Wang Qi's shadow.

It's just an extra layer of hidden insurance.Wang Qi also summoned the Breaking Wind Sword and the Shocking Hong Sword, which were suspended on both sides of his body with sword tactics, ready to choose someone to devour at any time.

Yes, the further down the road, the more Wang Qi felt something was wrong.

This inn is now taken over by the local area, and it is specially used to entertain tourists. It is said to be an inn, but it has already been renovated according to modern standards, and there is no problem in changing its name to a hotel.

Therefore, there should be a lot of resident ordinary people living in it. They are all the management personnel of this hotel, and they will only leave here when the scenic spot is closed.

Before Wang Qi came, he checked specifically, and now the scenic spot is still open and receives some tourists every day.

If this is the case, the scene in front of me is so dark and there is no light at all, it seems particularly abnormal.

The way down was not long. It took less than 5 minutes, and Wang Qi was already standing by the Moon Spring, the main entrance of this inn.

Sure enough, the door was closed and it was pitch black.

Following Wang Qi's thoughts, Void Butterfly had thoroughly investigated the situation inside before he stood here.Not a single person.

Everything looked normal, as if the place was officially closed for business. Everyone packed up their things, closed the doors and windows, closed the water and electricity gates, and then locked the doors and left.

"But why, what I found out is that this place is still open? I even asked when I set off that this place received some tourists yesterday."

Wang Qi was very puzzled, after much deliberation, he decided that he would not go in.

This is not a horror novel, it seems that there are obvious problems, the protagonist and his party have to go in and explore very thoughtlessly, and finally scare themselves half to death, and then play GG in laughter.

Wang Qi only stood there for a moment, then turned and left the main entrance without hesitation, and walked towards the top of the sand dunes.

The moon has risen, so even if you want to spend the night in this deserted desert, you have to go to the desert under the moonlight, not the Moon Spring, which looks very eerie and the moonlight can't shine too much.

As I said before, the terrain of Moon Spring is very peculiar, it is a completely depressed area, but it will not be buried by the desert, but when no one exists, it is quiet and a bit scary here, it is better to go to the desert above Go, at least you can hear the wind in the night.

It took less than 10 minutes again, Wang Qi climbed to the desert, thought for a while, and simply summoned his car again, then got into the car, put down the backrest, and lay down leisurely.

"Is that person gone?"

"No, he's up there, in the car."

In the pitch-black inn, in the invisible darkness, there are two existences who don't know what they are, communicating in a special way silently.

"Trouble, why does an inexplicable spirit card master suddenly appear at this time."

"Don't be impatient, let's wait and see what happens. It's best for him to check again tomorrow, and leave after finding nothing. Don't act rashly and make him suspicious."

"He doesn't look strong, not as good as us..."

"Don't cause trouble, it's easy to cause variables. Our task is to ensure that the young master's transformation is safe. If something happens that delays the young master's important event, you and I will die."

"Well, this guy is cheap."

After another silent exchange, the two existences completely fell silent.

Because they didn't show any abnormalities, the Void Butterflies all over the inn didn't notice their communication at all.

Wang Qi was lying on the car, looking at his phone boredly.Fortunately, it is also a tourist attraction, and there are signal towers, so there is no need to worry about the mobile phone network.

After talking on the phone for a while, he had nothing else to do, so he ate some more and looked at the starry sky outside the car window while eating.

While eating, Wang Qi suddenly had a whim and summoned the Miracle Compass.

He felt that since this place is so special, maybe there will be a natural spirit card?

"Miracle compass, find me the nearest natural spirit card."

The miracle compass turned for a while, and then pointed in one direction.

Sure enough, it was right next to the Moon Spring below, inside the inn.

"Haha, I really guessed right."

But now it was a bit scary at night, and Wang Qi didn't want to go in, so he put away the Miracle Compass, and simply got into the Qiankun Gourd and went to sleep.

Early the next morning, Wang Qi, who was awakened by the alarm, tidied up in the gourd properly, and after eating breakfast, he came out of the gourd and reappeared in the car.

Pushing open the car door, seeing that the sun is already shining outside, it is much easier to feel the horror of silence accompanied only by the starry sky at night.

Sometimes light really is more relaxing than darkness.

After putting away the off-road vehicle, this time Wang Qi directly held the miracle compass and walked down with big strides, heading straight for the inn.

After changing direction several times, the pointer clearly pointed to this inn. He was very sure that the natural spirit card found by the compass was really in this inn.

Anyway, since there is no one inside, just go in and get it.

When you came to the door of the inn, you didn't even need to open the door. You jumped from the wall into the courtyard with a light jump.

Wang Qi's jump suddenly shocked the two hidden existences in the courtyard.

"What is he going to do?"

"I don't know, just wait and see."

Holding the compass in his hand, Wang Qi casually walked around and found one of the rooms.The two hidden existences did not know what method they used, so Wang Qi didn't notice it at all, and just stared behind him.

Looking at the locked door, Wang Qi hesitated for a moment, then summoned the Pofeng Sword without hesitation, and broke the door lock with one strike.Anyway, just leave some money when you leave, no one will care.

Push open the door and enter the house. There is a patio inside. There are many small rooms on the upper and lower floors around it. There are some tables in the center, which are just places for eating and chatting.

Although this inn has been renovated, it still retains the original features that have been handed down from ancient times to the present. Many places are decorated with the original wooden structure, which looks like the inn in the ancient costume film.

Following the guidance of the compass, Wang Qi and the two tails behind his buttocks came to the door of one of the guest rooms.He repeated the same trick, broke the door lock with his sword, and pushed the door open again.

This is a very ordinary room, just like many ordinary hotels, it is a standard room, a bathroom, two clean beds, a table, an LCD TV on it, and some decorations on the wall .

At this moment, Wang Qi shook the compass to determine his goal, which was an ornament hanging on the wall.

Those were two pieces of wood that were engraved with unknown characters or patterns, and they were fixed to the wall with nails so casually. It was hard to see its specific value, but it matched the style of this inn quite well.

Going forward, he stretched out his hand to touch the decoration, and immediately, just as Wang Qi thought, it shone brightly and transformed into a spirit card.


The two beings following Wang Qi were shocked.

"Why can I still find the Nature Spirit Card here? How did he find it? Is it the compass in his hand?"

One of the black shadows was a little agitated immediately, and asked questions to his companions one after another.

"It seems that the compass in his hand must be a treasure!" His companion was very sure, and directly locked the miracle compass in Wang Qi's hand.

"Do you want to knock him down and force him to hand over this treasure?"

"...No, I said you can't make extra troubles, have you forgotten!"

"Then are you willing to miss this baby?"

The two existences began to have a heated conversation, one wanted to attack Wang Qi immediately, but the other disagreed, and fell into a stalemate.

Wang Qi didn't know anything about this situation, and he accepted this unexpected joy with satisfaction.Although the effect of this natural spirit card is not particularly good, it is still a transcendent level spirit card, and it can still be sold at a high price.Even if he doesn't care about petty profits for a long time now, but... who would not want money that was picked up for nothing?

After Miracle Compass found the spirit card, Wang Qi asked again, but the compass pointer instantly pointed to a diagonal upward direction. Wang Qi guessed that it was somewhere other than the inn, so he turned and walked out of the room.

Even if the sun was shining in the empty inn, Wang Qi didn't want to stay longer. He turned around and closed the door, then jumped out of the inn and came to the edge of Moon Spring.

Moon Spring as a whole is a small crescent-shaped lake. It is not big, but it is not small. It can be called a lake after all, and it is much bigger than a pond.

Wang Qi tried to stick his head out, looking at the water.

Sure enough, the water in the lake was pitch black and bottomless, like an invincible abyss.

Staring at the pitch-black lake, Wang Qi felt as if his eyes were being sucked in. A strange feeling came over his heart, which made his skin crawl involuntarily.

Quickly shaking his head, Wang Qi withdrew his gaze, and then summoned the Zhenling Sacrificial Heaven Cauldron.

Those two existences have been following behind Wang Qi invisible, arguing fiercely.One wanted to make a move against Wang Qi, while the other said that there should be no extra problems, and a little intolerance would lead to chaos and big plans.

As a result, when Wang Qi stopped by the Moon Spring, he stared at the lake in a daze for a while, and then summoned a small cauldron.

The two of them couldn't decide for a moment, they looked at each other.

"Stop him!"

(End of this chapter)

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