Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 249 Give it away if you can't beat it?

Chapter 249 Give it away if you can't beat it?
The two existences reached a consensus, and instantly attacked Wang Qi from behind.

They didn't show their figures, but launched a thunderous blow directly in this special invisible state that neither Wang Qi nor his Void Butterfly could detect.

Whether it was to get Wang Qi's treasure, or to prevent Wang Qi from continuing to do something to the Moon Spring in front of them, they all tried their best at this moment, just to subdue Wang Qi in an instant.

Fortunately, Wang Qi's caution saved him.

Xiaoyue Shadow Wolf lurks in his shadow, and when he senses the murderous aura from behind, he jumps out spontaneously to protect his master, blocking the fiercest first blow.

But even if it was a Mythical Shadow Wolf, its various values ​​had already reached extremely high levels. Under the blow of the two, it was still blown into fireworks.

It's just that this resistance gave Wang Qi an instant reaction time.

Regardless of the shock, Wang Qi had a thought, and the [Anduin's Protection] tetrahedron flew out directly, covering himself firmly in it, and then he turned around to look, but there was nothing in his sight, nothing to see .

"Trouble! It's an invisible enemy!"

Although he couldn't figure out who attacked him, it didn't prevent Wang Qi from fighting back.

Talking about invisibility, Wang Qi thinks that he is the one who has always been relying on invisibility to touch porcelain everywhere. He did not expect that an invisible enemy would come to his door this time, and he almost succeeded in a sneak attack. How could he not be surprised and angry? .

Instantly switched to avatar, disappeared from the field of vision of the two sneak attackers, leaving only [Anduin's Protection] a solitary regular tetrahedron outline there, making the two sneak attackers stunned.

"He's also invisible! Be careful!"

"Don't worry, we are experts in invisibility!"

The two simply communicated without revealing their figures, but continued to lurk cautiously.

From their experience, the fight between invisibility and invisibility is the difference in patience and ability. Their invisibility ability is very advanced. After disappearing, it is silent, colorless and tasteless, and has a very high level of suppression. They have never met before. What was found out was that they molested each other more by virtue of invisibility.

But Wang Qi, who has switched to avatar, is naturally fundamentally different from what they thought.

The avatar does not care about the regular tetrahedron fixed there, this thing will not hinder its own actions, but it cannot move itself.He came out of it directly, thought for a while, and directly selected a spirit card that he hadn't used for a long time, and summoned the Snow God Moth.

Five Snow God Moths quietly appeared in midair. Under Wang Qi's command, they used their abilities together, "Summon Blizzard".

Suddenly, a blizzard that appeared out of thin air swept all the surrounding space by surprise.

The level of the Snow God Moth is not high, only a mere rare level, so the blizzard does not have any substantial lethality, it just has a larger radius of 500 meters, which happens to be able to cover all the space around the Moon Spring. Inside.

However, when the blizzards of the five snow god moths were superimposed together, the wind that appeared out of nowhere blew more violently, and the snowflakes became denser.In an instant, the sky and the earth turned into a vast expanse of whiteness, and nothing could be seen clearly in the field of vision.

Then, Wang Qi switched the equipped spirit card and used the ability of "Lord of the Wind Xun" which had just been fused and upgraded.

The wind of a blizzard is the wind of nature. Ordinary people may feel the bone-chilling cold of this wind, but it may not be a big deal to a Spirit Card Master.

But what Wang Qi wanted was the windy environment created by the snowstorm.

Covering the entire range of Moon Spring, the ubiquitous wind and snow immediately turned into plasticine in Wang Qi's hands under the control of the Wind Lord.He kneaded the invisible wind as he wished, carrying tangible snowflakes, combing all the surrounding space carefully like passing through a sieve over and over again.

What he wants is this kind of ability that fills the entire space and can directly exclude invisible enemies.

Sure enough, those two existences who had been invisible for a long time were finally unable to lie in ambush. They were directly forced out by the blizzard and the ubiquitous cold wind created by Wang Qi in just a few seconds. own body shape.

Those were two huge white lizards.

They are nearly two meters long from head to tail, but that eye-catching tail accounts for half of that.Four small claws are distributed on both sides of the body, covered with fine milky white scales, the flat head is dotted with two ruby-like eyes, and there are two small bumps on the top of the head, just like the legendary dragon horns , it just didn't grow out.

Generally speaking, their appearance is quite good-looking, and they belong to the category of cuteness.

"Hey, it turned out to be a spirit beast, and it's a type I've never seen before!"

Wang Qi was slightly startled, but his subordinates were not slow, manipulating the blizzard, and suddenly Wanjun's pressure directly pressed against them from top to bottom.

No matter how good-looking he is, he will be the enemy if he sneaks up on him. Wang Qi will not be soft-hearted.

"You really underestimated us, even if you broke our invisibility, it doesn't mean we will be caught without a fight!"

One of the white lizards showed a slight disdain in its eyes, and the two of them directly turned into two pools of clear water with the help of the wind pressure suppressed by Wang Qi.

Although the wind pressure is heavy, if it presses on the water, it will only splash some water, and it will not cause any harm to the clear water itself.

These two white lizards may not have read such works as "Tao Te Ching", and they don't know the saying that goodness is like water, but they have learned this ability from heaven and earth, and they have learned the same truth without a teacher.

The two pools of clear water were splashed up by the wind, and some of them rushed directly towards the water surface of the Moon Spring by the wind.It was obvious that they wanted to enter the Moon Spring and take advantage of the favorable location of the Moon Spring to fight against Wang Qi's snowstorm.

"Shield Wall!"

A huge transparent shield wall descended from the sky, firmly sealing all the splashes in a closed space.Because it is all surrounded by the outer side, it does not inspire the effect of the city of liberty, but just seals the space firmly, so that all the water splashes are blocked within the wall.

The two white lizards were taken aback, and immediately gathered the water splashes formed from their bodies, each re-formed into white lizards, and then disappeared again.

Wang Qi repeated his old trick, again the huge wind pressure was aimed at the space surrounded by the shield wall and pressed down, forcing the two white lizards to come out.

But this time, they changed another ability.One of the white lizards suddenly opened its mouth wide and swallowed the other white lizard. Then its body suddenly became transparent and swelled at the same time. In a blink of an eye, it became a five or six meter tall A giant white lizard tens of meters long.Even the two bulges on its head turned into real double horns at this moment, and a pair of transparent bat-like wings appeared on its back.


The white lizard stood up against the strong wind pressure, opened its mouth wide, and spewed out a violent and strange dragon's breath, part of it was blue and purple, it looked like poisonous poison, and part of it was like clear water, I don't know what it is Effect.The two were entangled with each other, and immediately poured through the surrounding shield wall, revealing the entire outline.

After this weird dragon breath was sprayed on, the unbreakable barrier, which could have completely resisted the effect of three attacks, was broken in an instant. Wang Qi guessed that the purple part of this strange dragon breath was highly poisonous, and the transparent part was concentrated acid. , the mixture of acid and poison is highly corrosive, and the moment it attaches to it, there will be an unknown number of damage judgments. Naturally, the shield wall will be broken in an instant after three times of resistance.

After breaking through the surrounding shield walls, the white dragon still couldn't find Wang Qi's shadow, so it didn't bother. Instead, it flapped its wings and came straight to the surface of the Moon Spring again.It seems that it is determined to enter the water to fight.

But now that it has shown its body, Wang Qi can naturally use other methods.

The Diamond Flying Dragon, Howling Moon Shadow Wolf, and White Nightmare Reaper were summoned together, and the former two rushed to the white dragon together, biting it.The White Nightmare Reaper took the elemental tyranny thrown by Wang Qi, aimed directly at the white dragon's eyes and started shooting.

Wang Qi himself used his current favorite 24 solar term swordsmanship, directly pounced on him, and began to output tons of damage.

Bailong was also depressed, thinking that the wall blocking the road was gone, but in the end, many invisible enemies appeared and beat him with various strange attacks, making it hard for him to enter the lake.

But the white dragon formed by the fusion of two white lizards is not so easy to bully.The actual level of the two of them is much higher than what Wang Qi guessed. Both of them are already masters above level 150, and the combined level after the fusion is close to level 190. If it weren't for the strength of Wang Qi's avatar Three times, the ability of the spirit card used is also tripled, and it has the ability of invisibility, so it is really hard to say who is bullying whom.

In addition to spraying the sour and poisonous dragon's breath, the white dragon's attack method also used various water magic that appeared out of thin air, blocking the attacks of Wang Qi's summoned beast and himself from time to time.

And although its two front paws are short and small, with such a wave in the air, a huge paw print made of energy is formed, which is very convenient to point and strike.

On the surface of its body, several more layers of protective layers made of water appeared. No matter what attack hits it, it will be weakened layer by layer, and finally fall to the last layer, unable to break through at all.

Even though Wang Qi was able to summon the sword energy of the 24 solar term swordsmanship every once in a while, after breaking through several layers of defenses and causing damage to the white dragon, it waved its claws lightly, and a layer of clear water covered the wound. It will be back to normal.

This battle was fought back and forth, and the two sides resorted to frequent means, and it really became a state where no one could do anything to the other for the time being.

The second cauldron spirit in Zhenling Jitian Cauldron has not been generated yet, so it cannot be used here, so that one is also useless.

The black hole annihilation order needs to stay in place for 10 minutes, Wang Qi doesn't think he can play for that long.

The self-explosive madman who has long been put on the shelf, now Wang Qi is not willing to let the clone use it, and the main body is now swapped with the clone. I don’t know where it is abroad, and it is still wandering in the jungle. The clone really exploded. It is troublesome for the main body to come back thing.

After fighting for a long time, Wang Qi felt very depressed. Facing an enemy stronger than himself, he really had no good way to deal with it.

He couldn't help but come up with the idea of ​​sending the enemy away by exile from the spirit world or exchange domains.

Give it away if you can't beat it, this is Wang Qi's repertoire.

(End of this chapter)

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